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/lit/ - Literature

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14121220 No.14121220 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for the monthly ausfag thread
Come talk about /aus/ books you've read or are planning to read, and lament our lack of culture and increasing irrelevance on every world stage but wine

>> No.14121261
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We certainly do have a high culture in this country, but it all revolves around the rather esoteric fact that our nation is fundamentally an awkward and unsuccessful attempt at transplanting European forms into a land that simply doesn't suit them and rejects them like a bad transplant. Currently I'm doing research into Hardy Wilson and his own attempts at grappling with this problem, which eventually led him to reject Europe entirely and embrace Chinese culture wholesale as the only thing that could provide the aesthetic production needed to structure consciousness in a workable way. By the end of his career, he was experimenting with the use of Chinese grammar rules, which came to fruition in his last work, 'Kurrajong Sit-Look-See', published in 1954:
>Centre of world now lies in Pacific.
>One side is China representing Asia; other is America representing Europe. Between lies Australia representing East and West.
>This meeting is joining of creative arts which are basis of civilization.
>Italian observation became photographic about 1500 A.D. Grecian observation ended 3rd century B.C. when their outlook became photographic.
>All Australian Artists are insular. Insularity cannot be overcome by desire to become creative-minded. Instinct requires generations to breed effective union. East and West cannot join in creative arts without overcoming barrier of Asian simplicity. Children born of East and West will be without esthetic barriers in succeeding generations.
This work is a very bizarre, basically incoherent analysis of contemporary (1950s) politics in terms of his highly idiosyncratic vitalism that sees history as a kind of aesthetic dialectic in which consciousness and historical events generate culture, which in turn facilitates further growth.

>> No.14121276

Two words for you wankers: Test cricket.

>> No.14121277

have sex

>> No.14121278

>it all revolves around the rather esoteric fact that our nation is fundamentally an awkward and unsuccessful attempt at transplanting European forms into a land that simply doesn't suit them and rejects them like a bad transplant
lmao what the fuck are you on about, this is just retarded

>> No.14121282

Thinking of reading the filthy Frank book. Ama

>> No.14121284

So fucking true. Aus is a true success story of federalist governance in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.14121285

>>Italian observation became photographic about 1500 A.D. Grecian observation ended 3rd century B.C. when their outlook became photographic.
What does it mean that they became "photographic", and how does that relate to the East/West conflict?

>East and West cannot join in creative arts without overcoming barrier of Asian simplicity
Does this mean in an artistic sense? Like the old comparison of classical asian art basically looking like a child's drawing next to western classical art?

>> No.14121288

fuck off S****

you're not australian
you will never be australian
no one likes you

>> No.14121298

This is completely true though, especially for people back then

>> No.14121299

Great fucking job getting /cric/ 404'd lads.

>> No.14121300

how is it true

>> No.14121303

more like it's completely false

>> No.14121304
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>> No.14121306
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>> No.14121309
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Looking to start this beauty soon lads.

>> No.14121312

The land is absolutely not suited to European ideals of land management and cultivated gardens
It pisses down for days here then doesn't rain for a month, the soil is shit, sand everywhere, bushfires for half the year, basically just trees everywhere except for what's been cleared
how are you this fucking dim, this is an essential part of Australian history

>> No.14121315
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>The land is absolutely not suited to European ideals of land management and cultivated gardens
>It pisses down for days here then doesn't rain for a month, the soil is shit, sand everywhere, bushfires for half the year, basically just trees everywhere except for what's been cleared
>how are you this fucking dim, this is an essential part of Australian history

>> No.14121321

bit rude
can't say that i know yet, I'm very early into my research, but i thought i'd share what i have so far since aussie litizens would probably understand

>> No.14121323


>> No.14121327

and then how do you explain how our culture is identical to New Zealand's, a country that is far more in line with European weather? seriously, you're just spouting absolute bullshit without putting any thought into things whatsoever. I'm pretty sure I've seen you develop this """theory""" on /lit/ for a year now and it's just as ridiculous now as it was then. there's absolutely no basis to it, you just want to feel special

>> No.14121329
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What aussie books have you read that you'd recommend? I'm tempted to put this on par with something like Stoner

>> No.14121351

>our culture is identical to New Zealand's
mate, I...

>> No.14121352

australia threads are so gay. cant talk normally like other nations. either farcical boganism or weird occult self-hatred. most neurotic couintry on earth. more neurotic than kikes but not able to own it like they do. there are many based australian books and many based australian posters but very few aus-centric threads that do not become sad and pathetic except the ones which are full of shy gay boys thristy to hook up with each other in melbourne.

>> No.14121353

I meant cultural and philosophical forms, not technical forms. Although the technical mismatch is important too

>> No.14121354

Test cricket is the best background noise for reading

Is that guy Australian?

>> No.14121355

so true

>> No.14121359

I love my country and i am not a bogan

>> No.14121364

>based australian books
post them

>> No.14121369

Magic pudding

>> No.14121399
File: 66 KB, 300x455, just tricking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you make this thread? Apart from some stand-outs such as pic related, Australia is basically a literary and philosophical void.

>> No.14121402

trying to appeal to the tucson, arizona level of literary godliness in my honest opinion

>> No.14121403

Sometimes you get some good recs
Read Johnno you fags

>> No.14121443

>explain how our culture is identical to New Zealand's
are you for real
and mate I didn't come up with this theory, this is common idea and follows a lot of australian works and discourse. absolute state of you

>> No.14121447

take away the natives and there is no difference whatsoever

>> No.14121454

have you even met kiwis before? they're such a meek daggy people. ausGODs really know how to live life to the full

>> No.14121456

fuck up sebbo

>> No.14121491

>philosophical void
lmao this board is filled with the most ignorant and arrogant people on the internet

>> No.14121527

these books were kino

>> No.14122560

not in /lit/ m8

>> No.14123718

>can't even keep a thread going

>> No.14124440
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Couldn't even get a regular thread!

>> No.14125123
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I remember reading the Amazon previews for that a while ago, as I sometimes do whenever some halfwit youtuber puts out a book, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it's probably the worst writing I've ever read in my entire life. It's primary school level prose, what you'd expect from a kid in grade three or so. It's worse than all of Onision's books and Shane Dawson's too.
Nail on the head.

>> No.14125146

Also, does anyone else feel strongly urged to commit suicide because of the revolting weather here? I feel like we're in the last of the temperate days, and before long we will be plunged into the suffocating, unrelenting summer heat.

>> No.14125187

>cant talk normally like other nations. either farcical boganism or weird occult self-hatred.
[laughs in latin american]

>> No.14125606

Daily reminder that we produced one of the longest books ever written in English.

>> No.14125670
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>1,463 pages

>> No.14126675

The Arsonist was comfy, also The Art of Growing Up was an interesting(not epic) book.

>> No.14128049
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How does that book compare to the movie?
I saw it for the first time recently and really liked it.

>> No.14129014

Ive read thorn birds last week, it was probably the first book witten by a woman that ive finished, and mainly because it was about australia.
Some parts were ok, mainlt the ones about the country and how people survived back then, but others read like lonely woman fanfic

>> No.14129476

Just read the book. The first half has excellent prose but it gets sloppy in the last few chapters, which knocks it down from masterpiece tier
Haven't seen the movie, though
The removed final chapter sounds like it's straight from Nick Land's blog, too

>> No.14130424

any /lit/ book clubs in Sydney?
I went to a book club from meetup.com and was a little disappointed at the books they read :/

>> No.14130490

Walkcunt on pooicide watch

>> No.14131185

I wouldn't even trust /lit/ to hold a book club
Your best bet is to find a friend who reads and bully them into reading good shit instead of the YA and fantasy garbage they most likely do already

>> No.14131227
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>takes hiatus to play golf and watch horse racing
>TAB slowly eating away at the savings
>writes the same novel for the fifth time in a row to make some cash
>nominated for seven national awards and the nobel prize

Is Murnane the ultimate literary Chad?

>> No.14131671

Where to start with this guy? The Plains?

There are very few Australian books I’ve enjoyed. I thought Wake In Fright was brilliant. Just Relations was ambitious, for an Australian novel, and although held promise at times, I suppose it fell flat.

Having heard lots about Tim Winton, naturally, I read his latest, The Shepard’s Hut, which was trash. Seemed like a young adult “serious” type fiction that he left all the swear words and rude bits in to make sure it wasn’t classified as young adult. But, I’ve heard excessive praise about Cloud Street and it’s waiting on my shelf.

Here’s one that I doubt anyone has read: Snake by Kate Jennings. It’s a short little thing, you can read it in one sitting, and it’s very, very good. Snake and Wake In Fright are probably the only two Australian novels I’ve wholly enjoyed.

>> No.14131679

The Plains is a good place to start, then read Inland after (his best novel imo) and then Border Districts if you want more.

Wake In Fright is great too. You might like Randolph Stow if you like that outback gothic vibe. To the Islands and Tourmaline are your best bet in that regard

>> No.14131697

Thanks man, I’ll chuck them on the list.

It’s unfortunate how hard it is to find genuinely good Australian literature, as opposed to literature that is sort of half decent and just excessively praised because the author is Australian and we have no one better to look up to. Imagine if Australia had a McCarthy, or a Pynchon, or a Wallace? I know they’re memes, but the thought still stands. We have no icons, no staples.

>> No.14132283

I liked A Season on Earth, the longer version of his early book A Lifetime on Clouds. When it was first published the second half was cut, and the ending of the remaining part was changed.

>> No.14132289

I am tempted to read it just to brag on /lit/ but I wasn't really a fan of Capricornia

>> No.14132302

I work outside all summer and still don't mind the heat