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File: 54 KB, 600x649, Feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14119890 No.14119890 [Reply] [Original]

>kid and co get attacked by indians
That's it. This semen slurping book is not for me. Shame too because I love the other McCarthy shit

>> No.14120301

Violence exists

>> No.14120333

>Citizens of both sexes withdrew along the walls and watched the water turn into a thin gruel of blood and filth and none could take their eyes from the judge who had disrobed last of all and now walked the perimeter of the baths with a cigar in his mouth and a regal air, testing the waters with one toe, surprisingly petite. He shone like the moon so pale he was and not a hair to be seen anywhere upon that vast corpus, not in any crevice nor in the great bores of his nose and not upon his chest nor in his ears nor any tuft at all above his eyes nor to the lids thereof. The immense and gleaming dome of his naked skull looked like a cap for bathing pulled down to the otherwise darkened skin of his face and neck. As that great bulk lowered itself into the bath the waters rose perceptibly and when he had submerged himself to the eyes he looked about with considerable pleasure, the eyes slightly crinkled, as if he were smiling under the water like some pale and bloated manatee surfaced in a bog while behind his small and close-set ear the wedged cigar smoked gently just above the waterline.

>> No.14120450
File: 47 KB, 616x575, stavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat bald guy takes bath

>> No.14120802

I read enough to understand
>Muh violence
>Muh Western expansion

>> No.14120811
File: 28 KB, 640x480, disdainful homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14120828

sorry OP, the world isn't all gumdrops and Funko pops

>> No.14120847

I think you might be gay.

>> No.14120856

Yeah, Blood Meridian managed to make ultra-violence boring.

>> No.14120867
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Since OP is gay, I'll pose you fellas a question. I read the Road a few years ago. Thought it was okay. I liked the bleakness. I read Blood Meridian last month and loved it. Is McCarthy worth reading through? What are the best ones? Where do I go from here?

I've got a few books to read before I can get back to him (Death on Credit and Serotonin) but I might read some more of him if it seems worth it.

>> No.14120894
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What a handsome young greek

>> No.14122193

Did Stav finish blood meridian? I remember him and Nick reading it a couple of years back.