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14119548 No.14119548 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite maxims from Orgy of the WIll?


>> No.14120044

637. Let's try to view the purported "decline" from a slightly different perspective, so that maybe even some of you retards can finally understand that there's really obviously no such thing. Imagine you were living in the nineteenth century, and someone came along and asked you whether you wouldn't mind tolerating a few "fag pride" parades and some retards on TV screaming that nigger slaves from Africa are equal to you, in exchange for moon landings, relativity and quantum theory, nuclear fission and genome sequencing, as well as countless other mind-bogglingly incredible achievements in all fields of human endeavor including the birth and rise of the greatest and last philosopher himself. What would you respond? — QED, there's no decline, and, as I've already explained, the only ones who are declining here are those who insist there is.

>> No.14120055
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>Let's try to view the purported "decline" from a slightly different perspective, so that maybe even some of you retards can finally understand that there's really obviously no such thing. Imagine you were living in the nineteenth century, and someone came along and asked you whether you wouldn't mind tolerating a few "fag pride" parades and some retards on TV screaming that nigger slaves from Africa are equal to you, in exchange for moon landings, relativity and quantum theory, nuclear fission and genome sequencing, as well as countless other mind-bogglingly incredible achievements in all fields of human endeavor including the birth and rise of the greatest and last philosopher himself. What would you respond? — QED, there's no decline, and, as I've already explained, the only ones who are declining here are those who insist there is.

>> No.14120840
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>I wuz gon be a witty aphorist liek Neetschuh, lulz

>> No.14120866

just a bunch of /pol/ posts from 2013 - 2017 it looks like
nothing of actual value; could've just read /pol/ instead

>> No.14120893

My favorite excerpt by far-
>742. I can give you the easiest way to think of the zeitgeist of the time that will make all of my views clear from an upper level. Think of my soft, pink, puckered anus. It's virgin territory, not a single dick, tongue, or finger has ever penetrated her soft majestic folds. Imagine a little plop of turd slowly peaking out of my cute little butthole. It slides out very slowly like a turtle head peaking out of its shell at first dawn. Hello mister turtle. I strain a bit, the turtle's head trying to stick his neck out even farther but he just can't do it. But then he can! And out comes a torrent of the most vile green slop you've ever seen. The pressure that had built up from mister turtle blocking the way sprays the sludge across the inside of the toilet bowl, even penetrating through the pristine waters all the way down onto the bottom of the bowl coating the shiny porcelain. I get up an look at it and then look back at my mistress. "Good" she says as she gentle climbs her hand up the small of my back to the back of my head. "You've been such a good boy" and she forces my head into the toilet bowl, ass raised. "Your tight, pink little butthole is going to be flappy and red when I'm done with it" she says as she jams the head of her dragon dildo into my ass. She's forceful and merciless, only letting me come up for breathes from my sewage water on her own terms. Finally she forces the fake dragon cum into my ass. "Dinner is served" she announces as she leaves the room. This the zeitgeist of the time. This is my world.

>> No.14120907
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i dont remember this part anon

>> No.14120926

What a massive pseudointellectual. Good lord, theres almost a thousand of these diary blogposts? Imagine how insufferable it would be to be in the same room as the person who authors this website.

>> No.14120927

I actually like this guy. I mean he's an insane narcissist but he's much more similar to what Nietzsche said than the dozens of academics who try to castrate him

>> No.14120936

He enjoys his life immensely. You're a miserable loser on 4chan. Wonder who's judgment is worth considering more.

>> No.14121030

This is for children. I just read 957. I had the same thought as a 16 year old reading about soviet-US alliance in ww2. Yeah humans forget their differences to form alliances in the face of a greater enemy. Wow. So fucking smart.

>> No.14121036

He is quite literally the only intellectual on the planet that puts forward a position that we are not in decline and in fact thriving.
Name a single other life affirming post Nietzsche philopher.

>> No.14121047
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This is fedora science worship. This is just some dipshit with an immense false confidence. Im betting he has some echo chamber of 100 IQ 18 year old sycophants. A pathetic symbiotic mutual ego stroking relationship.

False confidence is not wisdom. If anyone actually thinks this guy is smart please, im begging you. Read some books.

>> No.14121052

My favourite is:
>69. Fuck off Icycalm

>> No.14121053

I'm not sure why hes obsessed with 4chan but never mentions reddit. Reddit is one of the most popular websites but I dont think he posts there. He can make subreddits for each of his websites.

>> No.14121065

Please god read Nietzsche before you invoke him. He was not a man who just blindly fucking praised everything around him. The yea sayer is not someone who thinks humanity as a whole is always ascending, no matter what, and there is no value in criticism. Life affirmation is to love fate, not to declare everything great.

>> No.14121067

I dont think reddit would allow all the 'nigger' and 'faggot' and literal calls for genocide

>> No.14121071

>816. Ultimate insight into and meaning of the Eternal Recurrence: The rest of the universe is merely a device that I use to recreate myself -- and all the rest is silence.

One of the best aphorisms I've ever read.

>601. Why do declining individuals view problem-solving as a mechanism for happiness increase, instead of the happiness mechanism as a means for increased problem-solving? Precisely because they are declining, and therefore view everything assbackwards and upside-down. Remember: either you are expanding, or contracting. In the first case, your entire psychology will be geared towards shaping your environment, hence you will see the problems as the end, and your psychological state as the means; while in the second case it will be your environment that will be shaping you, thus making you view the problems as the means and your psychological state ("happiness") as the end. This entire process is so unambiguous and so blatantly transparent that medical professionals should no longer hesitate to diagnose whoever claims to strive for "happiness" as "sick".

>> No.14121073

If you read through the page you'll find the guy does actually understand that. he is genuinely less dumb than his style of writing would suggest

>> No.14121082

first, humanity doesn't exist, only a multiplicity of lifeforms. Secondly, he isn't saying that everything is ascending, since for every ascension there is a relative decline somewhere else. Third, he is referring to civilization when he talks of ascension.

>> No.14121096

>554. We all know what will happen if we give a little shake to a glass half-filled with water or some other liquid: a little "wave" will form on one side and travel to the other, and the disturbance will gradually die down as the kinetic energy from our shake is dissipated by means of this disturbance, and radiated to the walls of the glass and the surrounding air. The end result, after a sufficient length of time, will be a flat and still water surface, until we decide to give the glass another shake at some later time. Certainly none of us would expect that the wave and the resulting disturbance could "recur" on their own, without any external input, and would rightly regard such an event as "magic" (which is to say as impossible), and anyone who predicted and expected it as a "retard". But what seems like common sense on a local scale, becomes NONSENSE when we try to apply it at the scale of the universe, since at that scale there exists neither an "outside" from which energy can be initially transferred, nor to which it can be later dissipated. Any "disturbance" at that level then, will have to be, not only necessarily inherent in the system (ruling out any "external", "transcendental" influence), but also, and for the same reason, necessarily eternally recurring.
I have just proved both the existence of the eternal recurrence and the non-existence of "transcendental" beings and causes, and whoever denies my proof either doesn't understand elementary physics, or what the word "universe" means, or both. End of story.

>> No.14121109

Your speculation is right on the money. Not only is his forum behind a paywall, he will ban anyone who criticizes him.

>> No.14121114

>547. Baudrillard is my nihilistic counterpart (bemoaning reversibility as rendering all our efforts pointless, instead of glorifying it as an essential and ingenious mechanism of an astonishingly well-designed and world-encompassing game), as Schopenhauer was Nietzsche's (lambasting the will as something reprehensible that's worthy of being "negated", instead of celebrating it as the most spiritual manifestation and justification of existence). And in both cases the healthy philosophy follows closely on the heels of the nihilistic one (indeed, was inspired partly by it) within a margin of a mere couple of decades. I am convinced that this is no coincidence.
He doesn't explain why, but it seems clear to me: that's because, it was like their 2nd attempt at this game!

>> No.14121115

60. The three standpoints on fate: 1. My fate will happen regardless of what I do (the average man), 2. My fate will happenbecauseof what I do (the strong man), and 3. My fate will happendespiteof what I do (the weak, the desperate man). ó A final possibility is God's: "Iamfate". But this is merely a variation and upper limit on how the strong man feels.

>> No.14121118

Shill your lousy drivel elsewhere.

>> No.14121119

>951. Women are the original faggots. Compared to their level of faggotry, actual faggots may as well be straight.
Dear diary, today, OP may as well have been straight.

>> No.14121121

>fedora science worship
Technology worship. Science is just a means t that end.

>> No.14121126
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He's the son of Anthony Podesta

>> No.14121131

he looks like a homo

>> No.14121136


>> No.14121182

His narcissism knows no bounds. He is a psychotic breakdown waiting to happen.

>> No.14121330
File: 503 KB, 1080x1017, granma neechee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a lot that I liked, and a lot that was irrelevant to my interests. One of the few individuals I pay attention to. It's not really new and doesn't pretend to be, he acknowledges his influences. He's definitely one of mine. A real tour de force, often reaching beyond the sublime, which I didn't even know could exist. 12/10 found some grammar mistakes. I kno u lurk these threads, don't post this as an endorsement faggot
872. —And what's the point of this philosophy?
—But it sounds so painful!

47. Fate, the wayIuse the word, is a kind of boasting, while with others it's complaint. Same word, but antithetical concept, with the meaning depending, as always, on the degree of power of the speaker.
846. People ask "what has philosophy accomplished" as if their whole society isn't predicated on innoculating unwitting idiots with primitive philosophical axioms. We were feral before philosophy. All science is merely applied epistemology.

He rails against scientism throughout. Read it b4 projecting what you think he might have said elsewhere
IQ approx. 139 if you give value to such a number.