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14117788 No.14117788 [Reply] [Original]

Idealism vs Materialism vs Processism

Which one is right?

>> No.14117816

does idealism contradict process philosophy?

>> No.14117849

Isn't Processism basically New Materialism or is that something else?

>> No.14117961

>2 contradictory replies

>> No.14117976

Idealism is completely refuted by the binding problem. How can consciousness project onto the reality if there's no direct evidence of consciousness in the reality?

>> No.14117986

>How can consciousness project onto the reality
This isn't what idealism is

>> No.14118000

It is though. Read Berkley.

>> No.14118052


The fundamental substance of reality is actions. Additionally, identity can only be determined when there is another entity to determine it against (this is true, even in an idealistic sense). All meaning is relative and only capable of existing when measured against something else. Wholes are a tool of information entropy, no two entities of the same category are actually alike, and their differences are entirely down the the context of actions that produced the entity being regarded.

It's more like anti-essentialism.

The problem with materialism and physicalism is that they assert the fundamental substance to be this physical thing, matter. We know now that matter is illusory, and plays second fiddle to the real fundamental substance: interactions.

When matter isn't interacting with something, it doesn't exist. Not in a metaphorical sense, but in an actual physical sense. Isn't that cool? Reality is far stranger and more complex than the classical metaphysicists ever could have postulated.

>> No.14118100

>fundamental substance of reality is actions




>> No.14118104
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the philosophy with all three

>> No.14118121

Define this

>> No.14118137
File: 120 KB, 1024x583, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh captain my captain
that frog pic is cute, reminds me of dead poets society

>> No.14118271
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Objective idealism with a sign-mediated relational ontology. basically not one, but SOME of each of the above.
>The one intelligible theory of the universe is that of objective idealism, that matter is effete mind, inveterate habits becoming physical laws.

>> No.14118396

Idealism. Read Kastrup.

>> No.14118448

>We know now that matter is illusory
That's a weird way to say that a bunch of people think their new concept is correct.
>"Yep, it sure is solved now! That right, we solved reality! Once and for all this time."

>> No.14118462

Reality IS matter. It's materially not possible to imagine reality without matter.

>> No.14118512


They stand on their desks for a squire sucking up to his lord in verse.

>> No.14118760

other way around

>> No.14118762

Solve the binding problem then dumb idealist.

>> No.14118787

Materialism, I honestly have no clue how one would arrive anywhere else.

>> No.14118883

None of them because it's all speculation, materialism is the closest thing to "reality" we have understood so far.

>> No.14119204

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.14119305


>> No.14119484

>"consciousness project onto the reality"
What? You don't understand idealism.

>> No.14120002
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Conclusions derived from verified observational phenomena are not equitable to the musings of a singular man making vague propositions, all of which are based upon observations themselves. Rejection of that which further familiarizes us with things too granular for intuitive perception, when that familiarization is brought through further observation, is a complete non-starter.

>we sure figured reality out this time you guys.
Is the irony here intentional? This is an absolutely retarded and unfounded take. Extensions to our ontological grammar is the only way forward, and the phenomena recorded indicate that the naïve intuitions of classical metaphyics are faulty. But we didn't need to poke at the bare bones of reality to know that. Building eyes more sensitive than eyes only pointed us in the direction of why classical philosophers sucked at describing reality in any more immediacy than their insect-like bodies could perceive.

>> No.14120013

processism can't be it because whitehead was retroactively refuted

>> No.14120239

Seeing reality made up of events that all relate to one another and constituted by "experience" (experience as in a very general and technical sense ie. two atoms bumping into each other is an experience) is a far more consistent outlook. It really depends what you mean by materialism as well. Like what is deemed as "New Materialism" is pretty consistent with Whitehead's Processism.

>> No.14120280

>In contrast to materialism, idealism asserts the primacy of consciousness as the origin and prerequisite of material phenomena. According to this view, consciousness exists before and is the pre-condition of material existence. Consciousness creates and determines the material and not vice versa. Idealism believes consciousness and mind to be the origin of the material world and aims to explain the existing world according to these principles.[1]

Seems like you're the one who needs to do some reading on idealism.

>> No.14120291

Two atoms bumping into each other does not constitute an experience under any sensible definition of the term, an experience requires an experiencing subject. Or does Whitehead thinks that atoms are conscious and they can experience each other? That's Leibniz-tier Schizo.

>> No.14120309
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He's not a panpsychist.

>> No.14120475

If you claim that X is conscious, that can either mean that it is literally subject to conscious states of experience, or you are using metaphorical language, in which case you should be able to make your point with the use of literal terms as well. So when you say that one has to "negate those aspects of the activity signified which are peculiar to consciousness and to grasp those more general characteristics which are not properly conscious" you need to specify which exactly are the aspects of conscious activity that are also present in trees, atoms, or whatever, otherwise you are speaking gibberish.

>> No.14120489

shut up retard

>> No.14120512

It's not, read Kant.

>> No.14120551

Don't be a dickhead argument or btfo

>> No.14121864


>> No.14122348

That image is so cute

>> No.14122378

There is no reality separate from consciousness. Consciousness does not 'project onto reality', it is reality

>> No.14122574

Why can't we find consciousness when we cut the brain open then?

>> No.14122634

what exactly is the difference between events and substance? what is an event? what is a non-enduring thing?

>> No.14122636

There’s these things called “neurons”, dumbass.

>> No.14122653

there is no enduring substance/dead matter. no one in the scientific community even holds this brand of materialism, everything is a lot wonkier.

>> No.14122659

>identity can only be determined when there is another entity to determine it against
So a=a can be determined iff there is some b from which to distinguish a? It seems that a is identical with itself regardless of having any other thing to distinguish it.
Imagine there is a world with one infinite object which takes up the entirety of space. Would you say that that one infinite object is not identical with itself because there is no other object such to determine that a=a?

>> No.14122668

That wasnt what I asked

>> No.14122685

are you on reddit? just google substance ontology and process ontology.

>> No.14122723

I know the answers. The point of asking was to show that the people who are defending this position cannot explain clearly what it is they mean. It is good practice in any regard.

>> No.14122734

>What is an event
In process philosophy, everything is an event. The world is made of events, and nothing but events: happenings rather than things, verbs rather than nouns, processes rather than substances. Becoming is the deepest dimension of Being. Even a seemingly solid and permanent object is an event; or, better, a multiplicity and a series of events, i.e. the particles acting within it.

>> No.14122743

If there was a world where there was an infinite object, there wouldn’t be an I to define it as a=a, so yes, it wouldn’t be definable as identical to itself

>> No.14122886

Yes, you find neurons when you cut the brain open. Where's the consciousness dumbass.

>> No.14122889

There are single-cell animals without any neurons at all, and yet they're more complex than any computer simulation we can make.

>> No.14122909 [DELETED] 

Not him, in the synapsis occurring between them

>> No.14122926

Not him, in the synapses occurring between them

>> No.14123019

Still not consciousness. A person in deep sleep still have firing in the synapses, yet that person is not conscious.

>> No.14123075

Unconsciousness and consciousness are both concepts we give to the manifestation of neurological processes in the brain.

>> No.14123080


Because it is not in there?

>> No.14123087

Idealism and materialism are diametrical opposites, but how does either contradict processism?

>> No.14123097

>implying neurological processes in the brain can happen independently of external material for those processes to interpret
>implying consciousness is some solipsistic domain of a detached Mind instead of a series of dynamic and chaotic interactions down to the sub-atomic level

>> No.14123103

this isn’t a very cleverly concealed request for someone to explain what process philosophy is to you

>> No.14123112

What's the difference between unconsciousness and consciousness if neurons within the brain of a living human are always firing?

>> No.14123120

How is either incompatible with the premise that the only metaphysical permanence is that of becoming? It seems like both can serve as representations of it.

>> No.14123123

Idealism=ideas are the fundamental reality
Materialism=matter is the fundamental reality
Processism=events are the fundamental reality

>> No.14123131
File: 224 KB, 651x800, processandsubstance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Processism isn't vs. Processism is "yes, but..." or "yes, and..." the introduction of footnotes to modify a proposition.

Whitehead didn't unequivocally deny substance and permanence, but re-oriented its activities as part of a co-creative dynamic between self-similarity and self-divergence.

>> No.14123139

What does concrescence mean?

>> No.14123146

Also what is the source of the diagram on the bottom?

>> No.14123213

I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but are you asking me what consciousness and unconsciousness mean? Or somehow are you failing to understand what I just said?

>> No.14123230


>> No.14123235

I'm challenging your notion that unconsciousness and consciousness inexorably supervene on neurological processes.

>> No.14123254


>> No.14123268
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all of them, because each proves the other

brb going to fap to my own brilliance

>> No.14123272

Materialism and Processiam dont necessarily have to contradict each other. Processism is obviously critical of yhe whole "dude everything is dead matter" and "everything is just chemicals in your brain dude" brand of materialism but modern science has moved far away from that. Look into New Materialism.

>> No.14123295

Idealism will never be refuted as materialism is completely limited by human knowledge. Science is a continuously evolving subject.
We don't fully understand the 4th dimension and there are higher dimensions being studied right now. Consciousness can't be explained by materialism alone.

>> No.14123304

>Consciousness can't be explained by materialism alone.
But it can be... and has been. Modern neuroscience has done just that.

>> No.14123310

>Most people unironically believe this.
The species is fucking doomed.

>> No.14123317

Not an argument senpai desu

>> No.14123326

Where? When?

>> No.14123331
File: 56 KB, 707x556, killyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The experience of red is no different than the physical relation between photons and neurons.

>> No.14123358

We’ve established that all thinking happens through neurons - a long time ago too.
Define “red”.

>> No.14123362

>Also what is the source of the diagram on the bottom?

>> No.14123370

It's the color the numbers directly above this text are.

>> No.14123382

Do you genuinely believe the existence of neurons in the brain completely explains consciousness? Why are scientists still researching and debating this topic today? Supposedly it's already been settled.
I think you need to publish your findings.

>> No.14123406

>We’ve established that all thinking happens through neurons - a long time ago too.

This requires a "yes, and..." The "and" part is that of sensory experience of the world. Our cognition cannot be removed from its association from our bodies - not just our brains, not just our nervous systems, but the rest of our body which influences our nervous system. Our bodies in turn cannot be removed from being embodied in the world. As a result of this our cognitive activities aren't confined to the body, but are extended and in co-evolution with the environment.

Moreover, the world (Earth) cannot be removed from the web of mutual influences spanning the entire universe! To truly know a "thing in itself" requires knowing ALL of its relationships between it and everything else that has existed and exists, and also will exist AND will never exist, but can possibly exist (potentiality.) If one requires knowing a "thing in itself" to 100% certainty is required for knowledge at all, then one is stuck in an impossible situation: one must be omniscient to know anything at all. But if perfect knowledge of a "thing in itself" from all possible perspectives isn't required, then one merely needs to understand what they are doing (process) effectively enough to be slightly more effective than randomness, rather than to get the right answer. From this foundation of the slightest epistemological efficacy, additional efficacy in interacting with the world (for the purpose of surviving and thriving) can grow upon this.

>> No.14123429

Good point, so is that what processism is?

>> No.14123448

In a nutshell, basically. But the nut is the meat, and that takes a lot of attention and inspiration to engage in to fully understand and utilize. The "right answer" doesn't matter, it's understanding what is going on.

>> No.14123462

So are processism and idealism in conflict? It also seems like processism and new materialism wouldn't specifically be in conflict either based on what you've said.

>> No.14123471

Yes. Processism prioritizes concrete experience over abstraction.

>> No.14123478

I see. Is new materialism even a term worth using over processism? Are they distinct enough?

>> No.14123704

Isnt that circular reasoning

>> No.14123726


>> No.14124183

You're still treating it like it's a thing IN reality, and not the reality itself.

>> No.14124298


>> No.14124315


>> No.14124343

Based retard. Go google attention schema theory.

>> No.14125041


>> No.14125209

So the reality disappears when you go into deep sleep? Based retard.

>> No.14125340

cogito, ergo sum

>> No.14125360

Someones consciousness doesn't cease to exist during sleep, it's just inactive.

>> No.14125637

Consciousness in the sense of mind is not the same as consciousness in the sense of wakefulness. One word, multiple meanings that are closely related but not really the same.

Unconsciousness (sleeping) is a state of consciousness (mind).

>> No.14125723

This is like saying "computation doesn't cease to exist when I turn off my computer, it's just inactive."
Idealists literally confuse their own hot air for reality. Unfortunately they cannot even blow properly.