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/lit/ - Literature

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14116011 No.14116011 [Reply] [Original]

>how you’re holding up
>current read

>> No.14116054

>Mason & Dixon, Confederacy of Dunces, Necronomicon collection, Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.14116070

>the temple of the golden pavilion

>> No.14116072
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>can't complain
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.14116075

>Pilled up senpai
>Stoner, Notes from Underground, Nueromancer

>> No.14116100

>Classes are v hard and I'm having trouble upholding my expectations for myself. Don't have as much motivation to study/read and just feel slumped most of the time. Looking forward to a fresh start next semester.
>Les Particules Élémentaires

>> No.14116154

>pretty good, think i’m gonna be in a relationship by the end of the week and it feels like i’m floating

>> No.14116164

>don't want to move my lazy ass to class

>> No.14116177
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>Doin alright, getting my shit together. My skin is kind of fucked up right now from an allergic reaction I had but I'll be cute again soon.
>Reading Modern Love, The Chill, and rereading Cosmicomics

leaving for the train in 5 minutes, you can do it anon.

>> No.14116181

>Worst year in a while.
>Dao De Jing

>> No.14116192

>pretty fucking awesome. amazing girl that i don't know how i ended up with just said she loves me. i didn't say it back tho and idk what to do
>Moby Dick, You Shall Be as Gods by Erich Fromm, Essays and Aphorisms by Schopenhauer

>> No.14116266

>I have everything, but I'm losing it mentally.
>American Psycho

>> No.14116271

> Decently. Learning to draw and first time reading for fun in a while.
> Vanity Fair.

>> No.14116274

Wtf, you're literally me 2 years ago minus reading Essays and Aphorisms lol

>> No.14116280


>> No.14116281

> Exams soon, nervous as fuck but I think im prepared.
> Men Among the Ruins

>> No.14116283

>The Winter’s Tale

>> No.14116351

>The Technological Society

>> No.14116500

>Just trying to focus on literature at this point of my life. As I grow older so does my love for literature. After my current read (see below) I'm going to finish reading the Bible and then go on to the Divine Comedy. Incidentally, these threads reveal the average age of /lit/, and even though I'm not that old, I am older than most of the fags here. So without further ado, let me bestow some wisdom upon you all. For any anons intending to devote their lives to literature and become writers, they should spend their 20s reading as much canon as possible, in order to learn the various forms of the art so they can contribute to it when they are older. Often times dilettantes opine that young people have nothing worth writing, as they lack the life experiences to convey the human emotion, element, in their writing. And while there may be some truth in that, I think the main cause for their uncultivated writing is, in a word, due to their lack of reading. How can one aspire to be great when they do not know what constitutes greatness? In the words of Faulkner, “Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.” Though, it goes without saying that one should still write all the while reading the classics. Good luck, chums. We are all going to make it one day.
>Aesop's Fables

>> No.14116521

>i don't know

>> No.14116529

>Not good, but not bad
>Storia di Roma, Indro Montanelli

>> No.14116532

>i hate IT so fucking much

>> No.14116540

>went to my first NA meeting the other day. won't go again
>The Divided Self

too many people my age here

>> No.14116546

>Facing East

>> No.14116612

>I fucking hate winter and my savings keep stagnating because of unforeseen expenses but aside from that things are okay
>Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

>> No.14116633

>with each passing day, little by little i realise that i will actually never be happy
>lovecraft complete fiction

>> No.14116739

Good post

>> No.14116779

>don't have the motivation to do anything

>> No.14116816

>drawing shota keeps me sane
>the way of kings

>> No.14116843

>good thanks, how about you?
>la guerre des femmes

>> No.14116866

>the misbehavior of markets by mandelbrot
>ready to graduate so i can actually have free time again

>> No.14116911

>Fine, if a little aimless
>Discourses on Livy.

>> No.14116931
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>Fucked bigly. I'm trying to work on self improvement but I've been rejected so many times this semester even with the girls I've kissed.
>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.14116933

>Pretty good actually

>> No.14116960
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>nihilistic depression, contemplating things that can’t be spoken about
>Bow and the Club

>> No.14117027

>can't complain
>The Idiot
I just started reading again after a several year hiatus. I'm gonna read this and then Brothers Karamazov, it's ridiculous how low my attention span has gotten though. Just a few years ago i'd read like 50-100 pages in one sitting, now after a 3 year break from reading i'm like a child. I can only focus for like 15 pages then i get bored. Fucking internet

>> No.14117046

>I used to be like those 18yr old anons who was super about a girl but after a year and a half of relationship its all gone to shit, and its all fucked FUCK EVERYTHING IS FUCKED
> Lemmy - White line fever.

>> No.14117129

>no nut november is powering me through my exams
>plato's complete works but I'll probably take a break to read "Thinking, fast and slow" because my lecturer recommended it

>> No.14117149

>getting better inside myself externally speaking I'm still a pill head, living at my mothers (luckily or I'd be on the street) & struggling with money
>jung's red book and olaf stapledon's last and first men

>> No.14117159

>Sleep deprived, ocd, alcoholic, suicidal thoughts

>> No.14117233

battlecry of freedom by mcpherson.

>> No.14117258

>Reading this thread makes me feel elderly, also lmaoing at all the youngster wannabe breeders in this thread
>RF Circuit design and Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.14117263

I don’t want to be alive anymore
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14117274

why is everyone on this board reading Lolita?

>> No.14117276
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>Want to go full Acid/Shroomhead again, for a few months

>> No.14117283

>The knight of infinite resignation
>Papà Goriot

>> No.14117317

>just had a failed date, but that's ok, i banged my ex and am waiting on her to text me

>> No.14117327

Literally me the post.

>> No.14117352
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>Just got a gf which is great considering I thought I'd never have another gf again. Moved back to parents after 3 years of solitude so that sucks but I have to reset myself and my priorities which weren't being properly attended to since I was so busy working and stressing over finances. Hopefully, my goal is to regroup for no longer than 6 months.
>Plato's essential dialogues: finishing up Protagoras

>> No.14117354

>Trying to resist the temptation of moving to my friend's commune and selling drugs again even though i finally made a comfortable, stable life for myself
>Invisible Monsters

>> No.14117380

How do you like Cosmicomics? Haven't read any Calvino but I did pick that up a little while ago, thinking about reading it soon.

>> No.14117401

>The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.14117407

>pretty well, but realized that I should've majored in literature instead of philosophy. sucks because I only have one semester left of undergrad after this currently uninspiring one I'm in

>> No.14117504

>Poor and abusive family, but now living alone in a big city with a miserable job and studying on the best technical high school of my third world country
>A lot of Dostoevsky

>> No.14117522
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> 20
> life is great! currently at uni, lots of friends, loving girlfriend, supportive family. I've been reading the canon since age 17 and I plan on continuing that throughout my twenties and onward. next year I should finish the entirety of Shakespeare, the Bible, and Proust.
> Moby Dick, Fun Home, Julius Caesar

>> No.14117539
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>Finished master's degree this year, got a really great job, feel ok
>I, Claudius

>> No.14117585
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>kind of in a state between suicidal and slipping into the comfy winter mood. Not happy with the last album I recorded. Just decided to study sociology or anthropology instead of going to art school next year. Overall getting a bit numb, not necesseraly a bad thing
>started reading The Brothers Karamazov, pausing on Steppenwolf and Piketty. Also reading Kerouac haikus bring me genuine happiness.

>> No.14117593

>Had a strong feeling of ‘I’m ready for action’ for a month but drown it on literature
>Book of Disquiet

>> No.14117611
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Very well
Modern man in search of a soul

>> No.14117615


>> No.14117631

How's book of disquiet ? I don't speak portughese so would it be better if I got a French translation instead of English ?

>> No.14117664

>I'll feel passionately suicidal then passionate love and I'll feel tingling at the surface of my chest and new air being breathed into my lungs.
>Finished The Sorrows of Young Werther 2 days ago. Bought some Emerson and Nietzsche yesterday. I haven't started them yet, I'm just reading wiki articles on Romanticism.

>> No.14117671

read it as "The Sorrows of Young Werther 2"

>> No.14117678

That would be based. Why didnt Goethe do it?

>> No.14117686

I’m reading him in spanish but the first fragments I read of it were posted here in english and found them just as beautiful. I think Zenith’s version should be ok.

>> No.14117692

Not the same anon but I heard someone else say that the Castillian Spanish translation was better than the English. The same might be true for French.
If I were you I would just read a sample of both English and French translation and compare it side by side to see which one you like better. Find some pdfs or maybe some publicly hosted translations.

>> No.14117750
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t. pic related

>> No.14117761

>found out that my great grandmother was persian; now i'm scrambling books together to learn more about the region and zoroastrianism
>The Odyssey

>> No.14117770
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>not holding up very well. psychiatrist appointment in 30 minutes though, gonna get back on antipsychotics

>> No.14117840

>Sad af, no motivation to study, lots of cute girls in my class but I can't seem to make it work with any of them, I'm starting to think I'll never get laid
>Philebus, Memórias postumas de bras cubas

>> No.14117879

>I feel drained desu
>Our Posthuman Future by fukuyama

>> No.14117890

BRanon? where you studying at?

>> No.14117899

>i tore my goddamn meniscus in jiu jutsu. also I am impatiently stewing on an unrequited love, falling to pieces in a futile attempt to contain my writhing excitement at the prospect of asking her out. In other words, at this moment in my life I am living out my youthful nonsense to the fullest extent of its stupidity
>The Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musashi

>> No.14117907
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>A Dance with Dragons

>> No.14117920

Wish I was living in Brazil haha
I'm portuguese

>> No.14119128

I keep postponing my reading of Anatomy of Melancholy since it looks like it's really hard to read. What are your thoughts on it for now?
What are your thoughts on Mason & Dixon? I didn't find The Crying of Lot 49 anything special, it was mostly an alright book. How does Mason & Dixon compare? Also, is it a hard read?

>> No.14119158

>Is it ok to not know? it is all depending on the individual days lately.
>Modern Cuisine by Nathan Myhrvold

>> No.14119190

>depressed, not good breh
>a maze of death, meditations on the peaks

>> No.14119219

what did you think of werther

>> No.14119220
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>As well as I can be
>Primitive Technology: A Survivalist's Guide to Building Tool, Shelter, and More by John Plant

>> No.14119295

data mining thread

lie about or don't include your age, and post several dummy replies to throw off his data collection

>> No.14119306

also, use a VPN if you can. i try to make at least 10~ replies per data mining thread with distinct IPs + cookies.

>> No.14119325

Oh my god they know I like books!

>> No.14119620

>My kids medicine became illegal like last week or something, so ok
>Just finished Siddhartha, halfway through a western philosophy digest because I didn't want to read Spinoza myself.

>> No.14119731

>miserable, tired, new job as a teacher and it sucks, have a baby on the way, bad physical shape, fuck this shit!!
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14119753

>haven’t killed myself yet

>> No.14119787

too many zoomers in this thread. fuck i feel old. i remember when i was 18 and posting on /lit/ and reading stoner. i'll probably end up killing myself the way things are going

>> No.14119823

>I'm doing well, I made a fren at uni recently
>Cradle to Cradle

>> No.14119848
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>OK all things considered
>The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

>> No.14119894

What are you taking? I’ve been on clozapine for 4ish years and it’s been pretty effective.

>> No.14119913
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Mid-20s. Not doing well. My sex life is hampered by the lingering effects of something bad that happened when I was a young teen, and I worry that my fear and tendency to freeze up or panic is hurting my relationship. I think she deserves better than me. It makes me feel ashamed and inadequate. I'm reading The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas. I recommend it. It is well known in my country.

>> No.14119916

>I'm obese and I live with my mother. Living the dream.
>High Weirdness by Erik Davis

>> No.14119928


>> No.14119939

they prescribed me latuda
i stopped taking my seroquel because it made me into a drowsy zombie
hope this doesnt do the same

>> No.14119959

I started with a selection and then got an unabridged edition and reread my favorite selections and read the full preface and hopped around a bit with the index. Most reviewers pretty evidently only read the preface, but I intend to get back to it and read all three partitions fully linearly.

I like Mason & Dixon a lot since I've been interested in that era of writing for a while, so the style isn't challenging at all and I understand a lot of the allusions. It's probably the most standalone of all of Pynchon's work. Why didn't you like Lot 49?

>> No.14119962

-The only thing keeping me from tying up an old shirt and using it to hang myself from a door frame is my Fiance. I don't think I could ever bring myself to willingly subject her to that kind of pain.
-Pale Fire

>> No.14119967

I think they had me on latuda for a bit. Don't really remember. Those months when we were just beginning to figure things out are kind of a blur to me. I hope it works for you anon.

>> No.14119974

>losing my mind

>> No.14119975

I hope you enjoy it. The Upanishads are really good reading. I don't even agree with them, but they are good reading. My favorite is the Katha, because it's just such a great story.

>> No.14119983

>Trying to get over a breakup, stressing over a bunch of shit
>Starting Critique Of Pure Reason

>> No.14119989

>i'll probably end up killing myself the way things are going

/lit/ hasn't been good since, like, 2014

>> No.14120063

>Fine. Just having some "do I take masters or do I choose career at the moment? I am so lazy" moments from time to time
>Currently rereading LOTR trilogy along with the side stories, I also slip in some Robert Frost when I get tired of the prose

>> No.14120076

>getting better, living in a big city for first time in life and surprised with how much I enjoy it

>> No.14120126

>your glowing, cia
>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.14120148

>The World As Will & Representation Vol. II; The Marxist Sociology Reader; Tropic of Cancer
i am a dropout but am making pretty good money in spite of it (eng. technologist)

>> No.14120163 [DELETED] 
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better than you

>> No.14120180
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>University student. Mental health is in the shitter. Most days I isolate myself and interact with 2-3 people at most (professor's included). I've managed to create some hope in my life through exercise/meditation so it's not 100% awful.
>Crime and Punishment

>tfw I relate to Rasklonikov's urge to puke at the thought of human interaction

>> No.14120194

why is everyone on this board always reading crime and punishment?

>> No.14120195

Thank you

>> No.14120226

>really good
>C&P and The Golden Bough

>> No.14120241

No clue but from what I've read so far I think your average 4chan browser can relate to Raskolnikov (social isolation, lack of motivation to live a productive life, etc.)

>> No.14120245

>all these teenagers
jesus no wonder this board is shit now
I hope at least we've radicalized them so they can get swastika tattoos with their zoomer friends

>> No.14120251

> 23
> Pretty good
> Ulysses, On the Road, and Pale Fire.

>> No.14120294

>like shit

>> No.14120442

i hope you are doing good anon
if you've got something similar to me going on then you are a trooper
its not easy

>> No.14120462

>Depressed,also anxious because of all the project I need to start working on for uni
>Les Misérables

I'm enjoying Les Mis a lot, this and my niece have been the only bright spots these last few days.

>> No.14120498

>Hanging in there. Everything is going well in an objective sense but I can't shake a certain dissatisfaction with the path I've taken.
>Notes from Underground

Just finished the Stranger which I had somehow never been assigned in school - an absolutely brilliant work. Putting more of Camus' work on my list after that one.

>> No.14120688

>depressed NEET
>Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Only thing it helped me with was getting me back into reading

>> No.14120762

>Demons, Reimagining the sacred, andIntro to christianity by the pope

>> No.14120763

>20 or so
>no motivation, just want a hug, a good friend man.
>Sorrows of a Young Werther

>> No.14120775

same bruh just finished propaganda

>> No.14120791

>Wuthering Heights, The Essential Jung
> Could be better, I'm behind on several deadlines for classes and hoping I'll be more motivated to work.

>> No.14121198

>My never-great life has been on a steep downward trajectory for a solid year and there's no prospect of getting better for the foreseeable future. At least I don't feel like actually killing myself.

>> No.14121239

werther is fucking great man, each page is so rich with meaning and Goethe's wise little aphorisms. beautiful and sublime
>ok, /nightwalk/ pilled
>the sorrows of young werther, the narrative of arthur gordon pym

>> No.14121249

>not bad
>Vladimir Nabokov - Bend Sinister

>> No.14121263

>nothing ATM haven't read in the nine months I've been depressed.I seriously don't understand how depression in correlated with being smart because I've never felt dumber.I havjust no lucidity if thought and also forget words and zone out.Ive tried to read but I just can't.

>> No.14121404


>> No.14121470

> 19
> Psychiatry 'cause schizophrenic, feeling quite good today
> Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre

>> No.14121510

fuck u

>> No.14121519

Just tell her you love her anon what are you waiting for?

>> No.14121706

>uni (STEM) going to shit, constant anxiety over this, can't allocate my time at all, sometimes want to die, semi/fit/ and in the best shape of my life but that's not saying much, haven't had sex in 10 years, no money, haven't had a job in two years, afraid of people finding out I'm flunking uni, no friends at uni and only see my other friends maybe once a month, almost totally socially isolated, currently procrastinating
>The Name of the Rose

>> No.14121719
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>real good. last week of uni and just started a new relationship
>A Tale of Two Cities, about to start A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14121762

>wanna kill myself
>some book about Japan's prehistoric era

>> No.14121767

tell me the book or i'll fuck your hole

>> No.14121787

>BETTER ACTUALLY :) somewhat disheartened by how dumb most posters on here are and how many christains/religious folks there are
>moby dick

>> No.14121833

>friendless loser pretending discord is a substitute for real friends and losing motivation to study for uni
>Human,All too human 50 pages left

>> No.14121835

>Near graduating with a bachelor's degree, but I don't feel like I accomplished anything because it's a graphic design degree (which I like doing) with a minor in IT (which i'm sure is somewhat saturated)
>Milkbottle H by Gil Orlovitz

>> No.14121839

Shut up faggot

>> No.14122171

>sad, confused. Just broke up with s.o. because I lost my feeling of affection for them. Want to be alone now but don't want to be lonely. what the fuck
>The Crock of Gold

>> No.14122667

>Why didn't you like Lot 49
It's hard to describe, I guess it was just underwhelming to me. It had some great scenes, but that's about it. Maybe it's my fault for expecting some kind of a big plot.

>> No.14122682

Two of my close friends (a couple) are moving across the country and I feel quite sad about it. I can’t help but think if I was a better (less introverted/less autist) friend perhaps they wouldn’t be moving.
Soldier of the Mist

>> No.14122876
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>pretty cool, got a gf for 8 months, spend great time with her, uni is hard but i cope. nothing existing but i can't complain
>The sound and the Fury, the state in the third millenium

>> No.14122943
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thankee good comment

>> No.14122983

>Okay I guess, getting over a girl, but aware of how immature it is to let that get me down
>E. Hamilton's Mythology and Cory Doctorow's Makers (cool technological thought experiment, but shit tier literature)as an audiobook

>> No.14122989

>Very well, visiting my parents and just received the grade I hoped for in a hard exam
>Other Voices, Other Rooms

>> No.14122992

>Completing a Master's in philosophy with the intent of getting into a PhD program. Almost certainly too late since I fucked up my undergrad.
>The Theory of Moral Sentiments

>> No.14123030

>Cioran's Œuvres

>> No.14123056

>depressed but making progress
>The Complete Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino

>> No.14123081

>Maybe it's my fault for expecting some kind of a big plot.
That's precisely what the book is making fun of

>> No.14123161

Master in?

>> No.14123373

>100y of solitude

>> No.14123438

Master of Science - Supply Chain Management

>> No.14123548

> 26
> Financially in good shape. I'm fit and attractive. Internally was/still am a mess. Relentlessly self-critical, often berate myself for misplaying the good hand I've been dealt in life and accomplishing far less than what I should have by now. Nonetheless I've been seing a great therapist for six months now and I'm making progress. I originally went because I was an anxious mess from dating an unstable, emotionally manipulative girl but I've since cut her out of my life and things are looking up. Bad relationships, emotionally neglected childhood, indecision and anxiety about the future. I'm beginning to let it all go. I'll be ok. I hope everyone here finds peace.
> The Art of Dramatic Writing by Lajos Egri

>> No.14123581

manic depression, everything is beautiful but I don't want to take part in it. My book is coming along great, though.
Demons, A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich, Worm.

>> No.14123596

trip dubs of truth wtf
I didn't need this right now

>> No.14123612


>> No.14123625

>i am alive
>finished Notes From Underground today. Next up is Lolita of Anna Karenina. Which though?

>> No.14123643

Banana Karenina

>> No.14123646

>still browse 4chan
>A World I Never Made

>> No.14123652

>Pretty shit
>The Stranger/ no one belongs here more than you

>> No.14123681

>not good
>flowers for algernon

>> No.14123710

>praying for a nuclear holocaust
>Fire and Blood

>> No.14123724

>CIA browses this thread
>finds out everyone on this board is in their 20s, a depressed loaner, and reading 'great' works of literature
ohhhh noooo

>> No.14123728

>NEET for a year and acute psychosis so shit. Told my psychiatrist I don't feel depressed and Im now regretting it. Because I won't see him for 3-6 months
>How to read a book (I think I've been memed I'm not getting much from this)

>> No.14123739

getting the boulder up the hill
Think & Grow Rich, Letters from a Stoic, The Book of the Law

>> No.14123832

>Better than some, worse than others. Most of my significant relationships in my life are slowly dying off, I only have a couple of people I know anymore. Lack of purpose in life has me feeling depressed on a frequent basis.
>Working my way through a few things. The Black Company, Malazan: Book of the Fallen. Looking at Wheel of Time as well. Having trouble keeping interest in the first two, lack of meaningful characterization is killing my interest in them.

>> No.14123906

>very well actually
>Tokyo Ueno Station, it's alright - I fell out of reading for a bit after trying to read a very old book and not being able to push myself through it. What do the Greeks know anyway, hm?

>> No.14124445

>Not well, I am living a lie of sorts. Contemplating a big decision.
> Abelard - Dialogue between a Philosopher, Jew and Christian. Crime and Punishment

>> No.14124471

>On the Genealogy of Morality, The Fourth Political Theory
>Indifferent (tfw no gf)

>> No.14124501


>> No.14124524

How did you fuck up to your undergrad? I want to go to grad school, but my undergrad is total shit.

>> No.14124540

The Idiot is one of my favorite books, and a masterpiece. Absurdly underrated by pretty much everyone, including Dostoyevsky nuts. Enjoy my friend.

>> No.14124743

>democracy in america
>my job is making me miserable

>> No.14124757

about to start white fang

>> No.14124786

>Butcher's Crossing

>> No.14124810

>depressed and alone, haven't talked to anyone in weeks
>Van Gogh the Complete Paintings

>> No.14124848

One of my favorite books. Good choice.

>> No.14124852

leave :3

I just left my job

>> No.14124896

What will you do now?

>> No.14124921

>Depressed and aimless but okay
>Dune, Real-time relationships, Atom Land

>> No.14124965

>Nihilistic as fuck
>Man Search For Meaning, Beyond Good & Evil

>> No.14124970

>sad/lying about my age online

>> No.14124981

Well i'm rereading it, so that should tell ya somethin

>> No.14125017

Cute. I was in your position not too many years ago. Give it some thought, but not too much. You should know beforehand that most times those feelings fade. if you two enjoy eachother and you can accept that, if you tell her that you feel the same way, the relationship you had before the "sacred" bond is made will acquire much more responsibility, then give it a shot. You may not feel that the affection you have for this person is "love" at the moment, but don't feel guilty in expressing it back to her, as it will allow the relationship to grow and teach you what it takes to be a suitable partner.

>> No.14125022

>it's rough and people are dumb
>Atlas Shrugged, Silent Invasion (China in Aus), Bible current book Psalms

>> No.14125059

>"I feared these present years, the middle twenties..."
>The Regency Years: During Which Jane Austen Writes, Napoleon Fights, Byron Makes Love, and Britain Becomes Modern

>> No.14125076

> 26
> I’m pretty miserable in the context of the life path I’m on right now. I have a couple of alternatives I feel called to, but I feel restricted in pursuing them. I also grapple with existential nihilism, which is what brought me to my current read.
> Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.14125080

>hate myself more than ever. At a big state uni but completely isolated. I'm not even a loser/freak in most regards. Advice appreciated

>> No.14125115

>i wake up tired and gradually more depressed every day
>les chants de maldoror

>> No.14125121

underage b&

>> No.14125124

pretty poorly
nothing right now

>> No.14125155

>Drowning. Developing a drinking problem. Hate my job; public school teacher. No intimate relationships. Approaching 30 and looking back on a heap of nothing.
>Bros. Karamazov

>> No.14125166

suicidal every day
just some more history shit for school, different people struggling over different pieces of dirt

>> No.14125191

somehow i always trick myself into thinking that just because something happened a long time ago, it's instantly more interesting or valuable. then you get down to the actual details of the story, and it's as meaningless and mindnumbing as the present.

>> No.14125202

>Amazing. Never Sad
>Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
>Death and The Dervish by Selimovic

>> No.14125298

>i'm lonely, and have resolved to let the girl I like go
>The King in Yellow

>> No.14125335

>Real bizarre mix. Feel dismal today, had a very rough breakup 1 month ago. Been exercising regularly again, reading a bit more, not drinking, eating better generally, but detest my job, can't seem to get my shit together for grad school apps yet (all my professors apparently fell off the face of the fucking planet), and just get these bouts of dismal depression that can send me drinking. I find that when I don't drink I think and write better, that I can remember better and activities become engaging again, but I'm slowly losing my fucking mind in a much deeper way than the drug abuse put me through. That's a surface-level psychosis. This is induced by a long string of realizations. I can't even write anymore. I haven't completed anything in 4 months. Fucking hell.
> Baudrillard: A Critical Reader - Douglas M. Kellner (Editor)

>> No.14125343

Find another job :3

Most likely in sales again. Think of it this way: the more experience you have on your resume the easier it is to get a job again.

>> No.14125358

>all right
>Los Lanzallamas / Arlt

>> No.14125403

>how you’re holding up
I got really down today after a panhandler asked me for money and I ignored him only for my mother to give him a few dollars. I've seen that fucker around before and it makes me SEETHE
>current read
The Stand

>> No.14125485


>> No.14125530

>making 7 grand a month and being miserable
>Intervista con il potere - Oriana Fallaci

>> No.14125575
File: 23 KB, 480x360, GyFirAG1EN1Jivqg7GnNVEVniE2o1T-dwibHJuQzTDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>still browse 4chan

>> No.14125614

>Trying to get to the end of hs
>Art & Arcana: A Visual History

>> No.14125657

>actual retard here
>I wrote This Light Novel In Like A Day, It Sucks And I Hate It -Digibro (Conrad Collins)

>> No.14125692

>Friends I've had since high school are ghosting me, feel depressed constantly, but working towards getting better. I don't care as much about the events occurring around me and just try to live as honestly as I can. Showa Godzilla movies are also a big help.
>Queen of the Damned, Columbine, This Storm

>> No.14125722
File: 18 KB, 420x282, fedor-dostoievski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked up my whole life, Khv Virgin
> notes from underground (dostojewski)


>> No.14125734

>not well
>lenin - what is to be done (lih translation)

>> No.14125753

>Honestly pretty well
>rereading “The Master and Margarita”

>> No.14125763

>Dandy, working a comfy developer job, getting a lot better at it too
>Nichomachean Ethics

>> No.14125779

That was exactly me at 20, lol.

>> No.14125808

>Ok, I guess. Have been feeling pretty lonely lately though. No friends + tfw no gf
>Bridge of San Luis Rey

>> No.14125821

Thinking about doing the same, anon. I've fawned over her for some time now, and it just isn't ever going to happen. I'm bad at moving on from crushes though, and I'm wondering if I'll really be able to do it.

>> No.14125839

>Mental health is slipping. I'm so lonely.
>Andrew Jackson and the Search for Vindication by James C. Curtis, Satan and Salem by Benjamin Ray, and Technological Slavery by Ted Kaczynsky

>> No.14125843

You can do it. It's painful to realize that woman don't think about you the same way you do about them. I'm trying to start dating again after like 6 years of tfw no gf, and am running into this feeling. I keep having to remind myself that it's dumb to form any kind of attachment to a mere crush. TFW no arranged marriages

>> No.14125888

I'm trying to break from the chronic defeatist mindset I've had towards romance. I've never had a gf, but man do I crave companionship. No idea where to even start, but I've been feeling a little more hopeful lately that I'll find someone at some point.

>> No.14125889

You just have to impress her, anons. :3 Don't ever give up. I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.14125912

Thanks anon, but she's in a relationship with someone much more compatible with her, and they've been together for a while. I like the guy too, he's a good person and a good fit for her.

It's just disappointing.

>> No.14125961

Thanks big guy but I've pretty much resigned myself to a solitary life. I'm too autistic to ever find a gf (wife)

>> No.14126001

>Pretty swell
>The Rum Diary

>> No.14126054

>Doing shitty in my classes because I just can't find the motivation to study and get work done. Slowly going insane because of OCD and nobody around me knows what to do and society can't be fucked to come up with a damn cure already. (Probably sounds more depressing than it actually is.)
>Currently reading "The Fix" by David Baldacci and just started on "A Confederacy of Dunces."

>> No.14126159
File: 90 KB, 567x575, lapispic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like a moron because im struggling in uni but its only because i keep skipping class and missing the material
>moby dick

>> No.14126184

work is going good. but all i do is work and lift and game basically. pretty gay shit. I always had pretensions of getting into philosophy. I started reading plato, and it seemed so basic, I put it to the side. But I never did finish it, or continue with other philosophy books. Now im in my 30s and i feel like a total moron.
>growth of the soil

>> No.14127213

>sucking wind hard
>a life of one's own

>> No.14127218

Unemployment is drowning my mental health, seriously considering migrating away from my shithole
Black swan

>> No.14127233

Finally getting some peace of mind sometimes. It has been a couple of very rough years and the struggle with depression has been real and still is. But im doing a bit better

Reading: Max Weber : Protestant ethics

>> No.14127249
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>nearly everyone is struggling with life, depressed or suicidal

Is reading bad for your mental health?

>> No.14127255

Think I’m going to have a heart attack soon due to poor eating and anxiety
The Republic and Other Works

>> No.14127277

>ok but sometimes suicidal because 1)trying to make a living out of my art without compromising it too much 2)haven't been in a relationship in a long time
>divine comedy

>> No.14127281

>Work at a startup and have no life/hate our leadership
>History of Modern Vietnam

>> No.14127293

nah this website is imho

>> No.14127301

>Pretty good, I've managed to form some self-improvement habits

>> No.14127305

> Things could be better. I'm about to fail chemistry and im struggling in a few other classes (STEMfag). I have periods where ill read a bunch (four or so) of books in the span of a month and then ill go into a period where I dont read at all for a few months I'm in the latter currently but trying to pull myself out of it. /fit/ Friend has just started taking me to the gym and im starting nofap so we'll see how that goes. My part time job just said they couldnt manage my request of change of hours so I'll probably have to quit. And my complete and utter apathy towards everything which i developed as a coping mechanism isnt helping amything.
>The Setting Sun

>> No.14127307

Teetering between extremes; not good
The Lancelot-grail (Lancelot proper) vulgate cycle, translated by Norris lacy

>> No.14127308

you're not going to have a heart attack lol. That's a symptom of panic disorders btw, thinking that your heart is going to give out or you're dying or whatever.

>> No.14127316

>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.14127349

i will gladly take your pounding oni-sama

>> No.14127354
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>Terrible. I was swinging around one of my shirts like a fluid weapon while listening to throat singing music and the blind was open to my room. A bunch of schoolgirls were across the street looking straight at me giggling and when they noticed I noticed they broke in to uproarious laughter.
>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

>> No.14127358
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>My girlfriend was just hit by a fucking train dead at the scene
>Man and His Symbols

>> No.14127471

>once i get some weed things will be a little better i think
>Last Evenings on Earth

>> No.14127548

>Trying to figure out what to do withy life and if it's already too late to change things. 1) Suicide 2) Being a hedonistic and materialistic normalfag 3) faking a mental illness and living off benefits 4) Starting some fascist movement so atleast I don't feel like I'm playing into the system 5) biking from Austria to Thailand and letting the world decide whether I should live or get killed by terrorists while biking through their territory
>Meditations (it's meh)

>> No.14127574

Digibro is way older than that

>> No.14127586

that book is really something else. one of the most emotionally complex books i've ever read

>> No.14127594

tell all

>> No.14127604
File: 36 KB, 377x532, echopraxia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things are going really well. I'm very happy and excited for things in life right now. Everything feels like an adventure.
>Echopraxia by Peter Watts

>> No.14127632

>Alright, in a constant mindset of self improvement
>The Republic

>> No.14127656

>Fall of Hyperion

>> No.14127680

>I've been better, anti-psychotics help
>No favourites, but did read Sallambô recently.

>> No.14127681

>bell jar level bad
>the bell jar again

>> No.14127817

>poorly subsisting
>notes, mythology by e.hamilton, avsi-wittgenstein

>> No.14127822

fellow Notes reader :-)
sometimes it's kind of hard to understand but I think it is enlightening overall
I'm trying hard not to agree with the guy, but damn does he make some good fucking points.

>> No.14127832

>moved back home to rework my entire existence in a relatively safe space
>The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (I'm an MA student)

>> No.14127835

>E. Hamilton's Mythology
the prose is very nice but she lays the praise of greek culture on very thickly
i'm at chapter 3 about how the world and mankind were created

>> No.14127840

Siddhartha is good to read when young. When you grow older it loses it's punch.

>> No.14128001

Same I'm 25 and I feel like a Boomer everyone here is like 19

>> No.14128038

>Lonely and paranoid
>zhuangzi collection

>> No.14128122

it’s this era, everyone is like that

My normie friends and even the cute girls are depressed as fuck and self medicating with booze

>> No.14128243


>College sucks, I'm smashed Thursday-Saturday. I think some of my poetry I gonna get published though.
>Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Middlemarch, Malevich's The Non-Objective World

>> No.14128244
File: 476 KB, 1000x1253, BIGKIDSinterior_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking of going back to uni and finishing my BA next semester once and for all. I just want to get it out of the way. Other than that, I'm better than in the past.
>Book of Herman Melville short stories

>> No.14128382


Me too anon let’s meet up

>> No.14128961

Define impress.

>> No.14129072

>terrible. always on edge and anxious these days, but on the surface my life is great.
>The Trial

>> No.14129318

actively want a terminal disease
the scar - china mielville

>> No.14129479

>always on edge and anxious these days
Try reading more Kafka, that might help.

>> No.14129586

>not great not terrible
>Dervish and Death by Mesha Selimovich

>> No.14129789

What are you getting your BA in?

>> No.14129797

How’s the MA going? I’m 26 and considering doing basically the same thing.

>> No.14129812


fucking shit, i'm a friendless virgin with multiple mental disorders and autism. feel like a retard when i'm out, yet am somehow able to comprehend stuff that most people would deem very complex/abstract. my self-esteem/identity is all over the place.

idk just whatever, multiple things at the same time. some philosophy, some history, some archaeology, some art

>> No.14130314

gonna drink with my computer on saturday
finishing up monte cristo. i enjoyed it

new year soon hope it will be better

>> No.14130334

>fear and trembling
>fear and trembling

>> No.14130336

women can't feel sadness

>> No.14130365

>literal revolution right now in my country, so pretty good

>> No.14130378

>Great, just lost my virginity to 7/10 gf
> Infinite Jest

>> No.14130401

When I started uni I was told to just sit down anywhere in the library and study, apparently people make friends there
Never did try it
And if you want you can recognize
someone who's alone and go "hey don't we have [class] together haha"
I overheard two people talking about that having happened and appreciating it since that was how they met each other

>> No.14130421

>Want to die, obsessed with the fact that there is no guaranteed transcendent meaning in the world, everything is cope, I can't be content with cope.
>The Waste Books

>> No.14130437

Let me guess, also from Chile?

>Just finished highschool, ain't scared of what is to come
>Naked lunch

>> No.14130442
File: 28 KB, 220x342, Ch._Boirau,__The_Spleen__(_Melancholy_).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lonely, just wish i had a qt /lit/ gf to cuddle and critique my writing and write poetry about

>> No.14130443

it's honestly kinda overrated. i've talked to many different people on a surface level while i was at college, but in the end all i had was just some people to compare grades with and work on assignments and stuff. never made a single good friend, maybe i'm just a loser though. that's probably it, don't take my autistic advice

>> No.14130449

*Spring Snow

>> No.14130452

one time when we were driving my mom told me that uni is where you make friends for life
made me sad

>> No.14130471

>22, almost 23
>terribly, in love with my best friend, but she doesn't feel the same way
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.14130498

Senior at a big state university. Still haven't made a friend here.

You're looking at it like "holy shit I'm gonna be stuck a friendless loser for at least 2-3 more years", but stay strong it goes by faster then you realize. Dive into your studies and working out, those make it a lot easier. Don't get really depressed and stop going to class like me. I got really depressed my first year and a half and had shit grades as a result. Nearly failed out twice. I'm just barely gonna crawl my way to above a 3.0 after this semester.

The key is that you get out of college well position jobwise, physically, and mentally.

Look into fish oil pills and meditation, they had a dissacotive effect that helped me through college as well.

Stay away from drugs and alcohol, that'll really fuck you up in your current position.

>> No.14130587

Yes. My brother also just finished high school. Good luck at the PSU if you're taking it.

Asamblea constituyente o nada

>> No.14130603

Also wanted to tell you that you're at the perfect age for reading Los detectives salvajes, by Bolaño. And since it's a summer book, and since this summer isn't going to be your regular summer because of all that's been happening, I think you should read it, bud (if you haven't already)

>> No.14130648

Either you're an anti-semite or you spell like a faggot

>> No.14130655

Try a gf (husband)

>> No.14130683

Gayyyyy the moment ya let a bitch know you love her it’s over. Men and women aren’t equal, he needs to let her it’s his party and she’s just a guest.

>> No.14130703

Shut up kike I’m anti Semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, misogynistic, and a proud nationalist.

>> No.14130790

>better, pretty normal
>Ulysses, The Long Goodbye

>> No.14130841

What's NA

>> No.14130859

>I move every three months for work and inevitably hurting some poor girl as a result. I also have to make new friends 4 times a year but it's okay. I like my job and I live a good life
>Zuliehka, Works of Epictetus

>> No.14130920
File: 27 KB, 356x499, 73E65B35-23B9-49B7-A631-4FF2CA19B3D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not well
>just finished of time and the River by thomas Wolfe
I’m schizophrenic and had a change of medication recently, and I feel a lot more conscious, if that makes sense in this context. I don’t feel so anhedonic anymore, but I’m still miserable. I’ve been struggling recently with reality and forgetting that delusions I have aren’t real. Couple that with philosophy and it makes a pretty decent recipe for a breakdown. I guess the point of this rant is to ask for help. Can anyone recommend me something to read that would help me understand myself? Help me understand why I think and feel the way I do? Maybe even help me understand what happiness means? I guess that’s the biggest, happiness. I don’t know what that means, I don’t know what it feels like, and least of all I don’t know how to experience it. I always associated happiness with contentment (something I’ve also never experienced), but the older I’m getting, and the more medication I get put on, I’m beginning to realize I have little to none individual thoughts or feelings. Pills are fed to me by doctors to control my brain, my psychiatrist is there to control my feelings, and my parents are there to control my life. Do I even exist at this point other than as a nuisance to the people who created me? I don’t know I guess I just lost sight of what it means to be alive and exist. Obviously I’m alive and exist, but if I have no control of my self, how am I suppose to quantify myself? How am I suppose to know what I feel at any given moment is what is real and my idea of reality is wrong? How do I overcome the belief that the delusions I believe to be real are only imaginary and the result of a disease? If I accept that then wouldn’t I also have to accept that every single thought and feeling I have is also a result of that disease? What if life is the disease and I see things for what they truly are and nobody else does? I guess I’m just a little manic and overthinking everything, but I still can’t shake the thought of what happiness is. So to end my rant, I guess the question to be asked is: what is happiness?

>> No.14130943

Narcotics anonymous.
Try aa. Less kids, and more experienced people to learn from.

>> No.14131244

>Juggling college and games

>> No.14131292
File: 3.08 MB, 3024x4032, F53052B0-DCE1-4DC4-888B-78E7DE5BDDAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump. should I just make a thread on >>>/adv/?

>> No.14131310

>rest of the short stories in this edition of I Am Legend

>> No.14131327

anon, I'm glad you're feeling more conscious but you should probably think about what makes you happy in a constructive way. Books help, but finding things that don't lay it out for you and you enjoy helps the most in the long run in my opinion. Godspeed, pirate.

>> No.14131412

I have yet to get my hands on Bolaño's greatest works. I read Putas asesinas and was mostly bored, bit then heard it was a lowpoint from this chilean titan, I'll fetch a cheap edition from San Diego if I find myself with money on a day that the cops won't make me vanish and round up dead on a burnt supermarket.


>> No.14131447
File: 317 KB, 1102x1500, 737031DE-CF51-4B0F-B98D-75B772676A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry my thoughts get pretty disorganized, especially when writing. The point of that rant is I don’t know what happiness is. I don’t know what it means, I don’t know what it feels like, I don’t know how to obtain it. I know the generic answers, just find what you enjoy, go out and meet new peopl, go gain new experiences, etc etc etc. I’m not saying this to sound like an edgy teenager, but theres nothing I enjoy. My medicine pretty much removes all emotion. I have horrible tremors from it, I sleep 16+ hours at a time, I even fucking drool on myself from being so sedated. I don’t like blaming my illness for why I’m this way, but for a lot of my issues, it honestly is just the schizophrenia. I can’t do anything about, it’s not curable or ever leaving, I just want to know how I can learn what reality is and how I can achieve happiness. Without reading I have nothing to learn from. If it wasn’t for reading I wouldn’t even know how to express my thoughts. Doctors don’t listen because of the sz, same with parents. I have a long history of specific delusion involving a being made of electrical energy from another world which is where my brain gets its electrical energy from and by me living it is causing pain to the family of the being that I’m siphoning from. I know that’s not real obviously but I can’t make that distinction while in psychosis. Now all anyone thinks of when I talk about myself is that delusion and I don’t get taken seriously. I just want to know what happiness is

>> No.14131456

>depressed and angry
>Les Beaux Draps

>> No.14131481

>good. If anything bad happens, I just deconstruct my sense of oneness and imagine that the bad thing is happening to someone else
>the Iliad

>> No.14131583

>3.6 Roentgen
>The Souls of Yellow Folk

>> No.14131612
File: 4 KB, 239x250, mamimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging on by the skin of my teeth
>Borges' Ficciones

>> No.14131636

>I’m thinking I might join a monastery or something. Grad school might actually kill me.
>the master and Margarita

Might pick up Lolita after reading this thread tho.

>> No.14131707

Push through with uni mate, how many years have you got left? Getting a degree is your way out of this.

>> No.14131798

>life would be perfect if I had a gf but I don't go to uni and work for a well paying job my dad hooked me up with and I don't need a degree for it so no girls to meet at a unit or anything
>richest man in Babylon

>> No.14131799

Oh fuck I just retread what I wrote, don't judge me I'm on my phone. I'm trying to say I have no girls to meet where I work and I don't go to university

>> No.14131811

>Dad died 1 month and 2 days ago, not holding up well
>Father and Sons

>> No.14131814

Well I go to uni and I dont have a gf and I have constant anxiety about getting a job. Could you hook me up with a job?

>> No.14131816
File: 306 KB, 593x540, smug oreimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend reading The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.14131818

>lonely and sad, it frustrates me sometimes
>mason & dixon

>> No.14131825

Get off your female hormones and workout, make goals for yourself bitch.

>> No.14131831
File: 5 KB, 160x160, really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to become a priest
>also planning on reading Lolita

>> No.14131834

Teeth dont have skin retard

>> No.14131848

That works until you smoke too much weed and then deconstruct your whole existence and start viewing people as little more then bacteria and then the fact that we're all a bunch of moving cells like tiny machines starts to disturb you and then looking at faces starts to disturb you and then you force yourself into a soulless schedule where you work all day so you dont have to think about those things but something in you tells you you dont want to give up this knowledge but overtime you lose it from your grasp anyway but now you have no friends because you dont smoke or drink anymore but at least you're fit now.

>> No.14131850


>Not good. High school drop out, went to CC and then transferred to a pretty good university but regret studying what I chose. Major regrets, hoping to redeem myself by going to medical school to actually do something I feel good about.
Also depression and mental illness family problems.
>Mans Search for Meaning for the 20th time although I have the Hero With a Thousand Faces sitting on my bookshelf for the past year collecting dust and need to read it.

Thanks for being my diary /lit/

>> No.14131855

I went for it out of a need for personal fulfillment, and while I'm still terrified of the future, I know I'll at least have the letters to help me get a job. Go for it! What field?

>> No.14131864
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 540440babc82f795c98a482cf0c21078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringing at your life my dude

>> No.14131866


>> No.14131871

I do take care of my body and put effort into school. I just struggle socially and don't have any friends.

>> No.14131887

Only fags and women need friends.

>> No.14131896

Ok boomer

>> No.14131901

I'm 21

>> No.14131914

Even more embarassing

>> No.14131930

have sex

>> No.14131944

>smug anime post

>> No.14131950

I'm embarrassed by you.

>> No.14132465

>what is happiness?
Everyone is born with a certain happiness level. Some people have a high happiness level and others have a low one. For instance if you are not happy right now chances are you will never be happy. Even if you win in the lottery then you will be happy for a few months and then you will converge to your former happiness level.

However there are deviations from your happiness level. This deviations are always chemical ones. So you have 2 ways to "become happy". 1) You have to change your neurochemistry externally with drugs, pills, chocolate, etc. 2) Or you try to change your neurochemistry internally. That means your brain creates the drugs needed by itself. So you have to exercise, get praised, do something you like etc.

You will never be happy forever because you will converge to your average happiness level. So the moment you stop exercising for example you get sadder again. Or the moment you don't take the pills you will feel more miserable again.

>> No.14132665

>The Circle, Dave Eggers
>Having sex with multiple women

>> No.14132970

>sorrow beyond dream

>> No.14133140

>today fine
>Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention