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/lit/ - Literature

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1411407 No.1411407 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I once bought Crime and Punishment used for 1 euro, unwary of the quality differences between translations. Now I notice I have Michael Scammel's translation. Is it any good? If not, what should I do with the book?

>> No.1411409

have you actually read the book, or are you just pussy footing around with translations

>> No.1411415

I haven't read it yet. I'm just wondering how this translation compares to other ones, and should I read this one or buy a better translation (P&V is the best, I hear) before reading the book.

>> No.1411418

Just read the goddamn book.

>> No.1411419

I know from other translations that it can make a huge difference which translation you read; I'd rather not ruin a good book by reading a bad translation of it, so I'd like to hear what others think of Michael Scammell's version. Is it that hard to understand?

I see /lit/ isn't on a helpful mood today.

>> No.1411424

I understand your concern. Allow me to elaborate on my point:
Yes, translations make a difference in textual details like mood and tone, however, themes and concepts within books will generally remain the same. People who are concerned with reading translations should then access multiple translations if they wish to gain something more from a mood or tone. As it stands now, in your particular situation, the best possible choice of action would be to peruse the available interpretation of Dostoevsky's form from Russian into Scammell's prose in English. If you find it unassailable, inaccessible, or otherwise daunting, you can then turn to another, more reputable form. If you find it pleasing, accessible, or artistically worth merit, then you have enjoyed a book and might even one day decide to try another translation to compare or possibly glean more from its depths. If it is simply mediocre and you expected it to be fantastic, you are at the same point as if it were terrible: you may try again at another time.
tl;dr: Just read the goddamn book.

>> No.1411458

I'm in the same position.

Still, I'm guessing you wouldn't recommend the Garnett translations?

Unanimous opinion is that they're crap.....?

>> No.1411465

I hear Garnett is seriously bad, but I can't find any opinions on Scammell.