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14112015 No.14112015 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14112020

Wtf I thought we subconsciously had a death drive

>> No.14112092


I like the chapter where he talks about poop

>> No.14112834

So not everybody feels existential dread? Huh?

>> No.14112857

Men fear death only *slightly* more than life.

>> No.14112865

meaning you get (or used to get) anxious when considering the fact that you will die one day?

>> No.14112868

Bill Clinton has apparently read this book. He also reads Aurelius' Meditations once a year

>> No.14112874

nah, all neurosis can be explained because society domesticates and the part of freud that was discarded is the correct one while we kept the wrong ones, go figure

>> No.14112880

If I was a Canadian I would welcome death, tbf.

>> No.14112891

Yes. At least somewhat, especially if it's late at night, probably because my brain stops working very well and I get paranoid.
When I was a child I would get dread related to strange things when going to bed, like if Russia would nuke the US and I would die or if suddenly the universe would fall apart and I would die but it was never the concept of actually dying.
What is the book about? The concept of no longer existing, of actually dying (physical pain), or of the threat of dying?

>> No.14112904

Canadian here, I absolutely love my wonderful country.

>> No.14112910

And Bill clinton is a rapist

>> No.14112914

And Bill clinton is a rapist INFOWARS.COM

>> No.14113812

>suicide can be explained by a fear of death
>hurr durr let me pull an unfalsifiable supposition out of my ass and write a tome of empty rhetoric to support it
>hurr look me so smart hehe

>> No.14113839

suicide is like the ultimate "facing your fears". feeling intense discomfort momentarily, and then release, as the fear fades away. in the case of suicide you're destroying the source of all your anxiety, worry and suffering.

>> No.14113847

>suicide is like the ultimate "facing your fears"
Suicide is committed by those more scared of life than death

>> No.14113876

often times the source of mental suffering in people's lives is derived from the fear of death i think. the despair over the knowledge that everyone and everything must pass and dissolve into nothingness is what's essentially behind every depression. short term suffering might play a role too, but a suicidal depression can only arise in people who see absolutely no path forward, only suffering and meaninglessness.

>> No.14113889

i don't think many suicidal people really look at the big picture. they just notice their perceived hopeless situation in life, don't see a future for themselves in the world around them, and decide to just end it.

>> No.14113936

>the despair over the knowledge that everyone and everything must pass and dissolve into nothingness
Isn't it more like lack of knowledge

>> No.14114004

What makes the perceived lack of a future worth killing yourself over though? Is it not the suffering you experience because of a will to life/fear of death? Is it not because of the feeling of missing out on all the potential life carries within itself?