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14111235 No.14111235 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw working a minimum wage job at 20 with no degree
>tfw this isn't the world that i was promised as a child.

What happened to the intrinsic value of a human being? Why is his value subject to his behaviour, when society is the one who forms said behaviour?

>> No.14111244

>working minimum wage job at 20
>no degree
Who´s fault was that, retard?

>> No.14111245

Because people skipped Kant, thought they understood Hegel by skimming Marx’s pamphlet

>> No.14111246

>he didn’t study hard in school and get a scholarship to halfway decent school
Let me guess- smart but lazy?

>> No.14111248

Stop blaming others for your problems. Be a man.

>> No.14111255

>What happened to the intrinsic value of a human being?

Human beings have never had intrinsic value what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.14111259

Society is a creation of the human mind and needs are settle by nature/world, the latter is impossible to throw away regardless of anyone opposition.

>> No.14111266

no one promised you anything you dumb cumbrain minimum wagie

>> No.14111283

I’m a 20yo female

>> No.14111289

But that's the point. The idea of the intrinsic value that is universal to all human life implies that you are as valuable as everyone else, which is why you are in conflict with other "individuals" and have to compete with them for resources. From this perspective you are impersonal and interchangeable with everyone else. The counter-perspective is that of a localized, specific community in which your life has no intrinsic value but its value is determined by your sharing of the communal work.

>> No.14111314

Minimum wage could always be lower, it could even be nothing, or a debt. I think you should consider yourself lucky

>> No.14111325

Jesus Christ chill out. You're barely an adult. If I was you I'd save up money and travel. The US is huge if you live here, otherwise you can explore other countries which is super easy if you live in the UK/Europe.

Apply to a bunch of different jobs. Sure they're all gonna be entry level and you're going to have to eat shit for a few years, but at least you'll have a better idea of yourself and what career you're suited for.

Once you've done all this and saved up some cash, only then consider school if it's something in line with your goals. As humans we can't move unless we're motivated by something. It's just how we work. So you need to find that thing you're motivated by.

Good luck OP. I was in a similar position to you at 20, and I wish I had someone to tell me that it really isn't a big deal, you're still so young and you have so much time to explore and discover yourself.

Godspeed :)

>> No.14111336

Fuck off, minimum isn't shit in this day and age.
>Barely makes more than a serf, how lucky!
That is how you sound.

>> No.14111343


>> No.14111351

smart but lazy is legit though

>> No.14111355

What happened to the "intrinsic value" of a human being is the industrial revolution. Man lost his sense of the mystical and became a slave to science. No longer is our existence one with the night sky, instead we live a hollistic relationship with cold machinery that values us only as appendages.

>> No.14111363


>> No.14111366


>> No.14111373


where does this kinda girl hang out? or is she getting trashed thur/fri/sat too often to remember?

>> No.14111397
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>>What happened to the intrinsic value of a human being?
are some bourgeois claiming to be enlightened or just a woman?

also, if you want an easy life, become a woman and you will get plenty of orbiters craving to please you.

>> No.14111403

get better job
get a degree
get even better job
don't believe in promises

>> No.14111410

How long has there been a minimum wage in human history? You are just a depressed faggot who needs to realize how good he has it instead of being a narcissist who deserves so much more (why??). Do you provide anything critical for anyone? Or are you just extra biomass who was sold a dream by consuming too much media? Even your OP pic indicates what's wrong with your brain

>> No.14111414

Holy shit your life is over. It's not like you have another 70 years to live or anything

>> No.14111430

What do you do for work? If you work minimum wage and don't mind the increasing costs of living then you actually have weight to your argument. Otherwise you're just saying that because we're not literal peasants we should be grateful and not want anything more.

>> No.14111439

Nah that girl is normie tier. Girls that get trashed consistently are more degenerate and have legitimate issues. You can tell by their hairstyle, tattoos, etc.

>> No.14111453

Also I'm not OP moron

>> No.14111454

Show feet

>> No.14111507

>the intrinsic value of a human being
Only the most devout Catholics actually believe this.

>> No.14111544

>What happened to the intrinsic value of a human being?
Occlusion, and exploitation, via Zionist globalism, and worldcolonialism.

>> No.14111605

Same but I’m 23 and don’t even have a job.

My parents really pushed the “dont worry about going to school, just work and travel for a few years and get some (((life experience)))” meme. Now I’m in community college taking classes in mathematics and they keep trying to convince me to “don’t worry about graduating a specific program, just take whatever interests you and don’t worry about graduating or what youre going to do afterwards- most people take six years to finish university and youre still finding yourself”.

I love them but the advice they give is terrible. Just the other week they were trying to convince me to overload my courses and “don’t worry about grades or working or how youre going to transfer later on, the point of college is to try a lot of different things and learn time management”. I think they secretly want me to be dependent on them into my thirties.

>> No.14111611

>What happened to the intrinsic value of a human being?
There's far too many people on the planet. 1 billion is already pushing it, and look where we are now.

>> No.14111676

>Wahh i didnt aquire any worthwhile skill that people want me to employ in a decent job
>Wahhh why cant we go back to the 60s-80s where the economy of my country was booming and i could work in a factory and buy a house and a boat in 1 year.
>Muh intrinsic value of humanity!

You have to realise that the american economic boom that happened a few decades ago was due to the fact that many countries were trying to enter the market and develop themselves, either because they were behind in techonology, or because they had just came back from a war or dictartorship.
You have to realise that even in a utopic anarco or marxist regime the commune wouldnt treat lazy unproductive bastards that kindly aswell.

>> No.14111739

>Work as a waiter at a nice restaurant at 21
>30 hours a week
>Have my own apartment
>Spend all my time skating with my skate bros, gaming with my gamer bros, reading /lit/, and netflix and chilling with the girls from the nearby college, all while getting high and drunk
Feels amazing. You can get a job that pays >$20 an hour without a degree if you're smart and assertive. Most people are complacent idiots and you can step on them to get ahead.

>> No.14111754
File: 7 KB, 242x259, thinking of you hurting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.14111756
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>where does this kinda girl hang out?
Twitch, instagram, twitter, etc.
Remember, it's all just an act for the camera.

>> No.14111758
File: 336 KB, 497x499, SOCIETA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pull a Joker on society you wusses. You know you want to.

>> No.14111760

>Spend all my time skating and gaming
>Uses netflix and chill on /lit/
No wonder.

>> No.14111769

What do you want me to use to describe when a girl comes over and watches the Office on Netflix with you until you fuck her and get food afterwards
It's an integral part of youth culture

>> No.14111779

This, the people I know who are happiest in their early 20s are all doing labor, trades, or working as servers. Literally 2ez and if you can't even do that you're fucked.

>> No.14111781
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>expecting /lit/ to understand getting pussy

>> No.14111782

Bare feet NOW

>> No.14111815

Your parents are retarded. That doesn’t bode well for you.

>> No.14111820

Are they rich?

>> No.14111837

your parents want to raise you forever

>> No.14111848

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