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File: 791 KB, 600x600, the_sons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14110288 No.14110288 [Reply] [Original]

these ledgends are the spiritual successors of nietzsche and have succeeded in spreading his philosophy into the whole world. this makes th*ists seethe

>> No.14110306

No no sure
No no nope
Ha ha ha

>> No.14110332

>I have no sense of atheism as a result, and even less as an event: for me it is an instinct. I have too much curiosity, too many doubts and high spirits to be happy with a ridiculously crude answer.

>> No.14110349

you know atheism was a thing before Nietzsche, right?

>> No.14110482

It's funny how little of an impact these men will have on human history. Barely a toe of a footnote. Scientific positivism like theirs had it's hayday from 2008 to maybe 2012. They treat a negative assertion (there is no God) as fact. The end result is an empty world view that exists only to allow these Pharisees of science to jack off to their own perceived intelligence. Material positivism is an empty world view espoused by vapid people. These people are content with the 'smarter than thou' feeling it gives them, and don't seek to build any significant meaning past the lack of God, a problem that was conceived and articulated over 200 years ago by Nietzsche. The end result of this groups ideas is to be sucked up into tepid humanism, the same hollow Neoliberal agenda that wants you to be a mindless consumer- don't think too hard don't feel too deeply- and this 'philosophy' is perfect for pushing that agenda.

>> No.14110503

Nietzsche would have no respect for secular humanists. It's such a lukewarm, invirile philosophy. It has the worst parts of Christianity (slave morality) and science (lack of real coherent meaning). The only reason it exists is because it is convenient for the Neoliberal agenda, and as the diminishing returns for the capitalist system continue, people will turn on such a cuck philosophy for something that actually gives their lives meaning, whether it be religion or nationalism or communism

>> No.14110511

I doubt these people have a real sense of anything, giving how they're satisfied with such a weak and unlife-affirming philisophy

>> No.14110518
File: 280 KB, 793x1200, taliban_3473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking nietzsche was unironically atheist

>> No.14110524

>it says right there that OP is a fag

>> No.14110528

I think he was secretly a theist, or at least believed in some higher order to the Universe. You don't become enraptured the way he did about the universe unless you believe in something.

>> No.14110530
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>Nietzsche was secretly a Christian his whole life and converted to Catholicism on his deathbed, guyz!!
Cope... Mega cringe...

>> No.14110537

Just because he wasn't atheist doesn't mean he was automatically Christian genius. Ever heard of Deism?

>> No.14110558

he was an atheist, but not in the be-all-end-all way these moral superiority plebs are. atheism as a unifying belief is nihilism

>> No.14110567
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>> No.14110601

>put nihilism spin on hard science because none of them are smart enough to do scientific research and have to stick to philosophy (minus Hawkings)

>> No.14110662

Based post

>> No.14110674

>all that plastic

>> No.14110694

>these ledgends are the spiritual successors of nietzsche
no they're not, and nor would they claim to be

>> No.14110717

>this makes th*ists seethe

I thought this was funny, because Dawkins used to literally seethe about William Lane Craig. Quite vocally.

>> No.14110732

Also, Sam Harris is an actual idiot, and everyone - theists AND atheists - knows it, aside from his weird little fanbase. He removed all doubt when he published "waking up"


>> No.14110744

begone reactionary

>> No.14110752

>these clowns are the spiritual successors of nietzsche and have succeeded in spreading his cringe into the whole world. this makes intelligent people sigh heavily before moving on to the next thread

>> No.14110758

I like that pic of Dennett with a wizard's staff.

>> No.14110791
File: 230 KB, 670x960, 69395561_108025983895259_2603871743365873664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok retard.

>> No.14110806

These people are essentially kicking a decaying corpse (Christianity) and acting like they've won some great intellectual victory.

>> No.14110812


>> No.14110817

I'd say they're more successors of Kant, himself a spiritual successor of Martin Luther
>I'm right and you're wrong. Look how smart I am and dumb you are

>> No.14110824
File: 37 KB, 311x480, EIiY5gfXYAATEb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14110837

If you mean that they're more widely known and popular than Kant then yes, I guess they really are. The only person on the list that really compares with Kant in terms of importance is Hawking (and that importance isn't in philosophy but rather science)

>> No.14110840

I like this image

>> No.14110841

Two of these men are based, but I won't say which two.

>> No.14110844


>> No.14110848

Pinker and Hawking are the only somewhat relevant people here. And Hawking has nothing to do with philosophy.

>> No.14110852

...first as tragedy, then as farce...

>> No.14110876

to be fair, hawking was a pretty good physicist. other than that, you're right

>> No.14110880

Hitchens and Harris because you hate Muslims?

>> No.14110892

holy... i want more...

>> No.14110923

"Eiser replied to this that there was, alas, a serious possibility that poor young Nietzsche was going blind.
At this point Wagner himself wrote to the doctor - and now it needs to be remembered that in the nineteenth century it was generally believed by otherwise serious and intelligent people that masturbation put young males in danger of going blind. Little boys were taught this in all sincerity by anxious parents, and it was widely accepted as a fact. Wagner wrote to the doctor: 'In assessing Nietzsche's condition I have long been reminded of identical or very similar experiences with young men of great intellectual ability. Seeing them laid low by similar symptoms, I discovered all too certainly that these were the effects of masturbation. Ever since I observed Nietzsche closely, guided by such experiences, all his traits of temperament and characteristic habits have transformed my fear into a conviction.'
He then urged the doctor to do all he could to get Nietzsche to stop the practice, with the characteristically Wagnerian observation: 'The friendly doctor undoubtedly possesses an authority denied to the doctoring friend.'
Both the existence and the contents of this correspondence were leaked soon after it occurred."

>> No.14110942

Freddy was so mad that Dick was telling everyone about how much he beat off that he never talked to him again
true story

>> No.14110950

Name me one philosophical contribution they've made (not scientific because like 2 or 3 of them have done that)

>> No.14110969

based midwit

>> No.14110987

Martin...easy on the pollen

>> No.14111116


>> No.14111146
File: 428 KB, 594x849, face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the HELL is ricky gervais included in this collage of faces

>> No.14111185

this actually hurts me, to think that there are people that un ironically compare this 21century mongoloids to gods actually hurts me

>> No.14111251

> can't spell 'legends'
> can't capitalize
> fancies himself an intellectual
Checks out.

>> No.14111330


>> No.14111551


>> No.14111567
File: 11 KB, 320x124, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was unironically nofap.

>> No.14111574

Some post Pinker's frothing rants against Nietzsche.

>> No.14111875

Why are people so averse to a culture like Buddhism, which concerns itself with the self-realization of the individual? One could easily hold Buddhist spiritual views that are still aligned with general scientific ones. That's my personal ideal, and I pursue it regardless of whatever cultural trends happen to exist in my society. Why don't you simply meditate and self-inquire, instead of relying on ancient scriptures of mythology and philosophy to provide you with the absolute truth? Are you not interested in understanding who you are?

Genuine questions, not being rude. I'm finding it difficult to understand why people find a lack of meaning in today's world (asides from our unfortunate economic system and glorification of superficial ideals), when you have even more room to now pursue Truth than ever before, and always had the means to sit down and ask the question of "who am I?", and to both reflect on it and meditate in silence, in hopes of finding the answer.

That's what spirituality has always meant for me, anyway. The pursuit of self-realization, which no external book nor institution can provide you with it. Even a culture assembled together by a self-realized person could only be a secondhand distillation of their experiential understandings (which are best approximated in Buddhism, in my view, the religion principally born out of meditative practice). Hence why I've never been affected by modern culture's trend away from religious ideals, since my own spirituality has always been individual and self-oriented in the first place. But I can't speak for others, and if they prefer a community system and one that pertains to ancient traditions, then I'm not complaining. Merely trying to understand where they are coming from.

>> No.14111888

No No Who
Who No No
NO(lol) who who

>> No.14111937

I'm not from America or Europe so I can't speak on Christianity's membership status there, but why does this board hate New Atheism if the religious culture they confronted was already on the decline regardless of their critiquing it? And why not simply reform the parts which have driven people away, rather than expect continued membership regardless of their disagreements?

>> No.14111945


Yea that was before Will to Power, before he began to masturbate furiously, so much that his friend Richard Wagner literally contacted doctors out of embarrassment

>> No.14111988


Yea that was before Will to Power, before he began to masturbate furiously, so much that his friend Richard Wagner literally contacted doctors out of embarrassment

>> No.14112011

How is humanism neo-liberalism

>> No.14112695

Most of them are essentially the prototypical Wise Men Nietzsche discussed in Zarathustra.

They follow their own institutional truths to a fault and are incapable of going beyond the ideological shells they've encased themselves in. Chrissakes, Hawking fucking promoted that philosophy was dead and that modern scientists--as pictured in the OP--were the only ones who could now carry the torch of truth in the world.

I'm sure each of them have done something notable in their own field, but the minute they try to step outside of their incredibly-specialized arenas, they're fucking midwits AT BEST.

>> No.14112828
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>> No.14113035

>well ACTUALLY, if you look at Christianity, Christ's teachings are closer to nihilism than Nietzsche's

>> No.14113093

Humanism is the religion of the Neoliberal class

>> No.14113197

Christopher Hitchens is pretty good when he's not writing/ talking about atheism. It's the least interesting and most obnoxious aspect of his body of work.

>> No.14113219
File: 9 KB, 297x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the issue is that despite being successors, none of them have provided more compelling alternatives to Nietzsche's ideas. Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins (despite liking Sam a great deal) don't take existential issues such as meaning and morality seriously enough. I do however, greatly respect Christopher Hitchens as someone who was skeptical but rarely fell into becoming what he hated most. Sorry if this seems obscure- these thought are barely formulated but nonetheless, have been weighing on my mind.

>> No.14113729

Why doesn't the West embrace a non-dual spirituality, based in self-realization? With meditation and reflection being the primary activities. Why must it solely be a revelation-based, Christ-worshipping, branch-off from Judaism? I just don't understand.

>> No.14114873

The only respectable person here is Sam Harris ( Hitchens was an obese neocon). Honestly kill yourself, OP.

>> No.14115646

Who is this? Literally admitting to atheism as a dogmatic null hypothesis based on feels.