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File: 409 KB, 1050x700, otto_weininger_1050x700-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14110133 No.14110133 [Reply] [Original]

Did he overdose on redpills?

>> No.14110168
File: 729 KB, 931x1448, schoenstatt-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fell for the Protestant meme. He was so close.

>> No.14110193

fuck off, you literally worship the anti-christ, you suckle at the tit of the Babylonian whore, the swollen body that masquerades as the body of Christ.

>> No.14110230

>Resenting the mother of Christ this much
Yikes, so this is the power of the Devil.

>> No.14110233

wrong, retard.
The fact you don't even understand the symbolism, nor quite likely the reference, demonstrates the empty papist mind.

>> No.14110240

The reference is literally nothing.

>Hurrr, Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Bible, it must refer to the mother of Jesus venerated by these people I don't like

Low IQ take.

>> No.14110248
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1464475261918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it must refer to the mother of Jesus
guess again, imbecile

>> No.14110532
File: 103 KB, 500x522, 1562078530514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yikes, so this is the power of the Devil.

>> No.14110698


By the whore of Babylon he meant the Catholic Church, dill hole.

>> No.14110731

>n-no I meant the church itself
Nice backpedal there.

>> No.14110816

What’s his name?

>> No.14110834

Martin Heidegger

>> No.14110937
File: 35 KB, 420x420, 1561913104108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's his name?

>> No.14111617

albert einstein

>> No.14111757

what is redpilled on besides women?

>> No.14111777

Is this the power of protestants. Pretty weak disses, I'm sure Christ loves his mother being mistreated and slandered right.

>> No.14111791

Protestants are the biggest heretics.
I find it comforting to know that all americans will burn in hell.

>> No.14111799

>Derailing a thread because someone chose a different form of Jew larp club than you do
Why are 4chan Christians so cringe bros?

>> No.14111809

For the sake of divine justice, or out of primitive and sadistic glee? Only the former is acceptable, just remember to say you like the "dispensation of justice" or whatever, otherwise you're gonna down there with 'em

>> No.14111970

Oswald Schwarzenegger

>> No.14112001

Otto Whynigger

>> No.14112185
File: 163 KB, 818x503, 1561095097152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your religion. The hypocrisy to know the truth whilst you're walking right away from it. What a waste to live a life like you do.

>> No.14112201

Shhhhh! What if they call you a fedora, anon? What then? How will you ever recover? Is it worth destroying your life and reputation forever over such a comment?!

>> No.14112217

Incel McSuicide, known for the famous saying "I'll kill myself, that'll show those inferior women!"

>> No.14112224

found the fedora, oh well at least you aren’t a prot

>> No.14112262

>womyn bad
yea i'm thinking he's based alright........

>> No.14112265

Otto Weininger certainly wasn't fully enlightened (ie, a "Buddha"), and he probably wasn't even enlightened (ie, having a complete intellectual understanding of Reality, as well as the direct experience of it).

But, relative to ordinary people, he is practically enlightened, because he is so far above the station of the ordinary human mind, and so close to absolute Truth.

Being so close to it, his life reflects enlightenment, even if it did not reside fully inside him.

Kierkegaard says:

>God can involve himself with the human race on one of two conditions, either in such a way that individuals are found who are willing to venture out so far in hating themselves that God can use them as apostles, or in such a way that the true situation is honestly and unconditionally admitted. The latter is my primitivity.

>As far as the former is concerned, this is certainly the instruction of the New Testament. But with respect to venturing out so far, the following must be noted. This is something so dreadful for a human being that it is permissible to say: I dare not.

Kierkegaard is here saying that he has complete knowledge of the true situation (ie, God/Reality), but he hasn't the strength, or faith, or love of truth, to enter fully into it.

Now, Weininger's knowledge of the "true situation" (ie, God/Reality) was probably even less than that of Kierkegaard, yet it was enough to fill him with so much pain that he couldn't live with it.

It was the pain of having some comprehension of what is actually true, and then seeing just how incredibly remote the world, and even himself, was from that truth.

It was the pain of being a "criminal" (ie, non-enlightened, non-perfect) - and knowing you are a criminal. I believe it was that very pain that killed him.

I recommend a study of Kierkegaard to learn more about spiritual suffering. He writes at length about Jesus as the "suffering servant".

>> No.14112289

For me Diesm>Quaker oats>Catholisism>Most protestantis.

I feel the catholics usualy have a m ore nuanced and complete understanding of divinity and such, however, I do appreciate some of the decrease in pomp and circumstance of some Prot branches. I love May, but She is very much second to the greater God.

>> No.14112295

Amaro Ray.

>> No.14112515
File: 104 KB, 1000x667, Bernhardiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what redpill overdose looks like

>Förster led me into Nietzsche’s room before breakfast. He lay sleeping on a sofa. The mighty head rested, as if too heavy for his neck, sunk on his chest, hanging halfway to the right. The forehead is quite colossal, the mane of his hair still dark brown, and also the shaggy, swollen moustache. There are wide, black-brown shadows sunk deep under his eyes into his cheeks. In his flat, loose face deep furrows from thought and desire are engraved but gradually fading and becoming smooth again. The hands are like wax, with greenish-violet veins, and somewhat swollen, like those of a corpse. A table and a high stool had been shoved against the sofa so that the heavy body would not fall down in case of a sudden movement. He was exhausted by the muggy, thunderstorm atmosphere and would not awaken, despite his sister stroking him several times and calling to him, “Darling, darling” caressingly. Thus he resembles not someone sick or crazy but rather a dead man.

>About Nietzsche’s current situation she spoke with more hope since the move. The new house pleases him. When he arrived he looked very carefully at the decoration, wandered everywhere without having to be supported, saying always, “Palazzo, palazzo.” He constantly repeats that everyone is so good here, enjoys it when she reads poems to him, especially because of the rhythm, and even chimes in frequently with a verse when they are his own poems. When he has slept poorly he often has short spells of temper which then end when he closes his eyes and says, “My sister is very good.” When Förster relates all of this, it sounds as if she is talking of a child who is just learning how to speak. She seems to have become so accustomed to treating her brother as a stammering child that she no longer seems to feel the horrible tragedy of it all. She enjoys his childish smiles and stammers.

>After dinner a moment upstairs with Nietzsche. He lay on the sofa like the last time but awake and watching what was going on. He extended his hand to me when I stretched mine out to him. The fingers are strikingly long and finely built, only the color is corpse-like. He looks at one firmly and steadily. There is nothing mad about his look. I would prefer to describe the look as loyal and, at the same time, of not quite understanding, of a fruitless intellectual searching, such as you often see in a large, noble dog, a St. Bernard. The bushy eyebrows hanging over the eyelids, a little unkempt, heightens the resemblance. Once he clutched his head as one does with a headache or when remembering something. In general the impression is more painful than frightening or unpleasant in any way.

>> No.14112525

I think he overdosed on bullets lmao

>> No.14112930

I think Weininger's suicide, much like Kierkegaard's lapse into illness and, in part, Nietzsche's breakdown, could be seen as cautionary tales.

Weininger's suicide is indicative of an undeveloped mind. Great as it was, it hadn't transcended the moral realm.

Weininger was killed by his own morality. He believed, basically, that it was evil for him to continue to exist if he couldn't be perfect. Seems noble on the face of it, but it was actually pretty silly.

He has plenty of work yet to do on some of his concepts and he simply should have done that work.

>> No.14112993
File: 10 KB, 276x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would have been a two phase trap. The protestant meme exist because of the papiste meme.

>> No.14113253

unironically this
Ultimately, sold his soul instead of freely handing it over to God
However he did die in the house Beethoven died in, and that is unadulterated kino