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/lit/ - Literature

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14109153 No.14109153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14109160

How many cases has he defended where he needed to negotiate immunity for himself when he was supposedly only counsel for defense?

>> No.14109166
File: 29 KB, 333x499, israel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*takes control of your foreign policy*

>> No.14109178
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*makes your countries go to war*

>> No.14109572

islam was right about the jews

>> No.14109583

>there are people on /lit/ who haven't watched Norman "Crocodile Tears" Finkelstein humiliate Alan "Living Stereotype" Dershowitz on live broadcast


>> No.14109588

hitler was right about the jews

>> No.14109595
File: 214 KB, 890x817, 34432322-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Dershowitz

>> No.14109602

Alan Dershowitz is up there with George Soros and Henry Kissinger as being among the closest things there are to the anti-Christ.

>> No.14109612

He really is one of the most astonishingly ugly fucking people ever to have lived.

>> No.14109634

>Alan Dershowitz

>> No.14109652
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*controls hollywood*

>> No.14109668

Yes, they are but they are impotent tools. That is why Israel exports them.

>> No.14109675

On a tangent to this work, I also recommend "Fatal Subtraction" and "Theatrical Liberalism".

>> No.14109676
File: 31 KB, 333x499, reckless rites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*carries out violence against their enemies while pretending not to*

>> No.14109688
File: 77 KB, 288x394, Blood Passover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ritualistically murders children while saying it is a myth*

>> No.14109702

>this book is published by an israeli
very strange, are they trying to make people hate them?

>> No.14109707

They are boomers assuming the goyim won't know if it's published in the promised land.

>> No.14109713

Why in English instead of Hebrew?

>> No.14109740

W2C? I am not willing to fork the $60 for the leather bound version.

>> No.14109742

It's online. I found it extremely boring though, unless you're really into the jq I wouldnt bother

>> No.14109931

/lit/ is woke these days!

>> No.14109958

Heavily criticised by experts
Debunked. Outted as a fraud.
Blood libel is an anti semetic canard and thus not true

>> No.14109964

they dont care if the goy knows, its the same with all elite groups they enjoy faulting that shit in your face.
Or maybe someone decided to exposes the secrets finally.

>> No.14109974

>an anti semetic canard
this phrase always indicates that the thing in question is true

>> No.14109980

Pack it up boys! Pack it all up! This fine, trustworthy fellow here just closed all the cases. Thanks friend. Glad someone could show up and tell us what's what! Really saves us the trouble of looking into it ourselves. Say, what's your last name? Just so I know who to make the "thank you" card out to, haha.

>> No.14109985

Of course you shouldn't read those books. Who wants to waste their time reading discredited and debunked books?
>ay, what's your last name? Just so I know who to make the "thank you" card out to, haha.
Fuck off, loser.

>> No.14109996

how's the day going in the jidf office today?

>> No.14110012
File: 41 KB, 317x499, Assault on the Liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots up your ship*

>> No.14110014

You forgot the part where you tell me that the books are Officially Certified Discredit and Debunked™ by the Committee on Real and Fake Books® and then try to sell me sticker packs with stickers that I can put on my Officially Certified Real Books™ for only a $5.99/mo subscription per month.* Then it later turns out the people on the committee have the same last name as you, the guy who prints the stickers has the same last name as you, the man who runs the lobby that forced legislation through to establish the committee at taxpayer expense has the same last name as you, and all the experts you cite are second cousins of yours.

* First month only. Normal subscription fee of $64.99 applies after the first month and will be automatically charged to your credit card. Service fees apply. You may cancel your subscription by filing a subscription cancellation request during normal business hours (all cancellation requests must be submitted to our shabbos goy location on the sabbath).

>> No.14110031
File: 55 KB, 593x767, 1556292543335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post summary OP

The jews may well be building the white commie ethnostate where we can rule over the brown hordes and you fags are worried about what is necessary to get it done. Buy bitcoin.

>> No.14110036

Wew, thanks for the "fact check", now I can sleep soundly.

>> No.14110042
File: 678 KB, 2400x3216, hershlag is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why the USA supported Israel so strongly in the early days.

I mean why didn't the USA just make friends with Arab world?

>> No.14110044

Ever heard of neo-cons and the israeli lobby?

>> No.14110045

can't you fucknuts stick to your containment board

>> No.14110052

This is a literature thread, fuck off

>> No.14110053

america is friends with the "arab world"
>On May 20, 2017, U.S. President Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.
>The United States is the largest single supplier of military equipment to Israel. According to the U.S. Congressional Research Service, between 1998–2005 the U.S. accounted for the vast majority of Israel's arms transfer agreements, accounting for $9.1 billion out of $9.5 billion worth of agreements.
jews? pfft. nobody jews harder than american arms dealers.
*shoots up your innocent civilians*
*shoots up your friendly armies*
*and again*
*flies under your cable car, kills 20 people and gets away with it*

>> No.14110056



>> No.14110057

The jews retained the most esoteric information from the aryan expansion and synthesised it into a religion to free themselves from the tyranny of the last great turning in the cosmic cycle. The original aryan expansion was an effort of deconfliction from the father such that the son would not be forced to kill the father and thus resulted in the greatest creation of spiritual knowledge that has ever occured throughout the east. The equal and opposite retraction destroys like a wildfire except brown "people" and thus must leave only the seeds of the past in the untilled soil for the future. The jews sacrificed their phallus such that they would hold onto the most sacred of sacred and serve as a singular reminder for the sons of G*ds that they may one day walk this Earth free in a new Eden. It has been prophesied.

>> No.14110062
File: 34 KB, 336x500, The Ordeal of Civility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*changes your culture to make it good for the jews*

>> No.14110097

>Marx, not Hegel
>Freud, not Bastian
>Einstein, not Tesla

they're trying to build a prison

>> No.14110099

The USS Liberty "incident" was widely debunked and is only brought up my antisemitic conspiracy theorists.

Take your meds.

>> No.14110117

>I don't understand why the USA supported Israel so strongly in the early days.

Between WW1 and WW2, Jews left Europe for America in the millions.

The rest was inevitable.

>> No.14110118

tesla did some great work but he was wrong about a lot of things. he didn't believe in subatomic particles. time has proved einstein got more right

>> No.14110152
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>tfw you learned to stop worrying and love the state of Israel

>> No.14110161


oh goy