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14107750 No.14107750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ religion?

>> No.14107754


>> No.14107755
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>> No.14107775


>> No.14107829


>> No.14107843

Not sihk or Baha'i, too new
Everything else is fine
Druze maybe

>> No.14107849

Christianity obviously.

>> No.14107852


>> No.14107887

Whatever gets you to write something.

>> No.14107937

Is taoism even a religion?

>> No.14107969

It’s pantheism or agnosticism
But of those you’ve listed it’s Christianity because European literature (and by extension almost all literature from the new world) was so influenced by it and European literature is the best literature

>> No.14107980

Yes. There's really two forms of "Taoism though, "pure" Taoism and "folk" Taoism, "pure" didn't really survive communism though.

>> No.14107989
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Considering the inaccessibility of everything on that list apart from Christianity or Islam, it really isn't a choice.

>> No.14107993

There's nothing less lit than being an atheist and talking about it without being asked

>> No.14108002

Hinduism is the most redpilled one

>> No.14108017
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The American religion.

>> No.14108019
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Christianity, in no small part due to this mad lad

>> No.14108033

If I were to rank them, Buddhism would be first, Hinduism along with Gnosticism and Zoroastrianism and Sufism second, third Christianity, and everything else below these.

>> No.14108037

cringe and aristotle-plagiarismpilled, Augustine was more important and more based

>> No.14108042
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>> No.14108073

>Purple prose and commentary on commentaries on commentaries first

>> No.14108083

LaVeyan Satanism

>> No.14108087


>> No.14108175

Whats the difference?

>> No.14108214

this, but put Judaism ahead of Christianity

>> No.14108236

Meditation, internal alchemy, immortalism, herbs, etc = "pure"

Hell money, cult worship, incense, ancestor worship, etc = "folk"

>> No.14108240

Buddhism has purple prose? the pali texts are as straightforward as religious texts get

>> No.14108327

honestly zoroastrianism.

fire temples.

>> No.14108337

Buddhism obviously, it has hundreds of thousands of sacred texts.

>> No.14108427

There are plenty of "pure" Taoist texts that have survived the Cultural Revolution. There must be some hermits or monks who still practice it.

>> No.14108507

I'm not even sure about this ranking but whatever:

>> No.14108540

The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14108641

theres non mystical tao
>see: taoism for heterosexuals

>> No.14108687

hinduism obviously

the priest class was economically reliant on the scholar class so it had no choice but to support it

>> No.14108694

1. Catholicism
2. Islam
3. The rest
-28935. Atheism

>> No.14108699

Whatever Baruch Spinoza believed in, Dualist Pantheism

>> No.14108704

Christianity because jewish shills keep spamming 4chan

>> No.14108705

Oriental Orthodoxy.

>> No.14108753

Wtf Aquinas looked like a fat gabagool eating goombah? I always imagined him as a GigaChad. Dropped.

>> No.14108779

Is it weird if I view Buddhism as less of a religion and more of a philosophy? I constantly find myself melding it's concepts with my actual faith

>> No.14108787

This. When you read the internal alchemy texts, you find that Taoism is explicitly Right Hand mysticism.

>> No.14108792

You don't find it weird because you are a Western modernist. Real Buddhists believe in spirits and ghosts, and they have their own concept of heaven and hell.

>> No.14108803

Not a religion

>> No.14108804


>> No.14108805

The GOAT religion. The focus on the continuously fallible nature of man and the exploration of human sin is unmatched by any other religion. It has made the greatest contribution to human art, philosophy, and science throughout history.10/10

The polemic, dogmatic nature stifles any real philosophical development. Despite claiming to be an Abrahamic religion, it is theologically, stylistically, and philosophically inconsistent with every other work from both Judaism and Christianity. The only redeeming feature is the prohibition on depictions of God and Mohammed and the beautiful geometric artwork it inspires. 1/10

Ultimately bronze age polytheism, transplanted to the modern day, despite the myriad influences that have transformed it since. The naturalistic, mystic feel and sense of the cosmos as something dictated to an animalistic man resonates in a way no other religion does. Of all modern religions it comes closest to approaching the state of man in his earliest days on the planet. 8/10

The focus body of work on the soul and the nature of man is unmatched. It has the greatest insight into emotion, pain and suffering, and the human condition of any religious tradition. The only detractor is the lack of any real insight into the nature of reality that extends beyond the experience of consciousness. 9/10

More philosophy than religion. Wishy-washy theologic principles make it meaningless as anything but an ethical guide. 3/10

The religious equivalent of 'I listen to everything except country and rap'. 2/10

An interesting merger of middle eastern monotheism with the philosophical precepts of eastern religions. Unfortunately it hasn't been around long enough to develop a proper body of theologic works the way other religions have. 5/10

See Christianity above, with which it shares most of its philosophy and theology, but more mystic compared with Christianity's more scientific theology and apologia. Ultimately, the inward clan-based focus and inherent ritualism limit it. 8/10

Not really a religion, just Japanese folk traditions that survived into Buddhism the same way pagan traditions continued on through Christianity in Europe. Impressive as a cultural tradition, but serious belief in it is on par with people who believe in fairies or leprechauns. 6/10

>> No.14108809

it's both but it definitely has 'supernatural' elements, heavens and hells, ghosts, however you don't really have to interact with those things to practice it and become awakened.

>> No.14108845

Only will comment on what I'm familiar with.
>beautiful geometric artwork it inspires
Well, they actually got their architecture from Byzantium. Even their chants come from Christianity.
>but more mystic compared with Christianity's more scientific theology and apologia. Ultimately, the inward clan-based focus and inherent ritualism limit it. 8/10
Kabbalah is "mystic" but it's a totally bizarre cultish form of witchcraft. Not sure what you're saying applies here.

>> No.14108872

islam is very consitent with judaism, it only differs when it comes to jesus, islam says he was a man prophet and judaism says he was an imposter who is burning in boiling excrement .

>> No.14108877

>Polemic, dogmatic

The truth is One anon. There is no doubt about it. Why are you so afraid of surety? Are you afraid of it's purity and conviction? There is a reason why it's hard to accept. For every other piece of idealogy that we have grown to accept has holes in it. So we assume anything worth believing in to be similarly incomplete, believing ourselves to be good enough to fill those holes, owning something for ourselves, which makes it more 'genuine'.

But you cannot know all the answers. You aren't bigger than yourself and your shortcomings. There can be a constant and absolute Truth. There has to be one, for our views are fickle and easily bent, which is why we crave certainty, which is why religion has to sustain us. Why aren't you willing to accept your ignorance and accept the Divine Truth?

>> No.14108878

I meant consistent*

>> No.14108879

too broad. most of these categories are big enough to include several different ideologies that are at complete odds with each other, think of Protestantism and Catholicism, or Sufi and Sunni Islam

>> No.14108902


>> No.14108933

The nature of man in Judaism (and Christianity) is depicted as continuously sinful and doubting. Even people who God has revealed Himself to still struggle with faith. For instance, Moses striking the rock twice or Ezekiel in the cave. By contrast, Islam treats faith as a black and white divide. Once you have the truth of Islam revealed to you, you either accept it fully or reject it and are condemned. If, after accepting God, you express any doubt, then you are an apostate and likewise condemned.

Never mind the fact that the entirety of the Torah is concerned with either the Jewish people or the land of Israel. Arabs and an Arabian prophet are not mentioned a single time. You can credibly argue that certain passages of the Torah refer to Jesus, but it's impossible to find anything in it that could be talking about Mohammed.

>> No.14108937

>that chart
>no Klingon religion

>> No.14108941

Which religion did not burn books?

>> No.14108942



>> No.14108958

I meant the consistency when it comes to god being one and how no depictions of god should be made and other religious laws, like no pork etc etc.
> Arabs and an Arabian prophet are not mentioned a single time
mohammed is the most mentioned person in the quran, he isn't mentioned by name but rather when god commands him to tell the people, you would notice many verses start with "tell them" or "they ask you". when it comes to faith, yes islam is very strict, also its view of prophets is very strict.

>> No.14108959

>islam is very consitent with judaism
No, it isn't. It literally teaches that Adam (later, Abraham and Ishmael) built the pagan box they worship today. For some reason there isn't a Levitical priesthood anymore after Mohammad? It's retarded, and everything "impressive" comes from Byzantium, as pointed out before. St John of Damascus thoroughly exposed the Ishmaelites back when their cult was nascent.
>he was a man prophet
Yeah, except Muslims deny that He was the Son of God, and they deny His crucifixion, and that is absolutely central to Christianity. Judaism, in fact taught the Trinity--ancient (non-Talmudic) Jews believed in something approximating the Trinity, read some of the works of Philo/the Targums if you can. Why do Muslims have a "Oneness" view of God? Likely, it comes from Khadija, who was a Talmudic Jew. After the Jews rejected Jesus, they created their own religion, repudiating the multiplicity in YHWH that they had believed before.
A good website:
Your absolute divine simplicity doctrine leads to pantheism. Jay Dyer has completely exposed that teaching. I mean, your book literally teaches that Jews believe Ezra is the Son of God, that heaven will have "large-breasted" women (Surah 78:31-33), furthermore, Muslims are completely blind to typology (the best proof for the Bible being inspired) and blithely prattle about the "corruption" of the Bible without ever having looked into any textual criticism. The Bible is the most reliable text of the ancient world--that's a fact. The Sana'a manuscripts destroy your claims. Leave that cult, dude.

>> No.14108967

Fuck kikeanity

>> No.14108969

But Mohammed isn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah or the Bible. In Islamic theology, both Christianity and Judaism are broadly correct and part of God's plan, so therefore why is there absolutely nothing about God's final prophet in either book? You would expect at least one line about Arabs or Arabia, but instead the Torah is focused entirely on the Jewish people.

>> No.14108970

again, I meant the core belief of judaism and islam is identical, one god and no other, also the muslims and jews pray very similar with hand on their chest or stomach.
> Judaism, in fact taught the Trinity--ancient (non-Talmudic) Jews believed in something approximating the Trinity,
thats a complete lie, The description of the messiah in judaism is completely different to christianity, the messiah is a man, not son of god, everything that christianity claims when it comes to the messiah is the comeplete opposite of judaism

>> No.14108978

yeah I understand that, I didn't mean to claim that Mohammed was mention in the bible,I was just trying to say that in their core beliefs Judaism and Islam are almost identical, thats all

>> No.14108988

>again, I meant the core belief of judaism and islam is identical, one god and no other, also the muslims and jews pray very similar with hand on their chest or stomach.
Can you even read? Look into Philo and the Targums. Jews believed in a multiplicity within YHWH. And Orthodox Christians do pray using prostrations and bows, that's just another tradition Muslims ripped from Christianity.
>The description of the messiah in judaism is completely different to christianity
Really now? Malachi 3 described a man leading the way for the Messiah (John the Baptist) and says that the Messiah will be divine. I could go on and on. Saint Paul in particular and the Apostles knew Scripture incredibly well. That's how they converted so many Jews.

>> No.14108994

>cucks arguing which one of the Judaism spin-offs can LARP harder as a Israelite

>> No.14109000

Yeah, vitalism sure has worked well for everyone. Idiot.

>> No.14109001

"which is the most /lit/ religion" is actually a good question nerd

>> No.14109004

What are you even talking about cuck?

>> No.14109005

>Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one!
Philo and the Targums are interpretations of the Jewish bible in Aramaic, you think thats a credible source? Go and ask a rabbi if the jews believe in a multiplicity and the answer would be a big NO.
>says that the Messiah will be divine
Again you're lying, Read the jewish scriptures, The messiah isn't divine, he isn' the son of God, he isnt God. he is nothing but a man, the reason why jews till this day haven't accepted Jesus is because he claimed he is God

>> No.14109010

Eh, I wouldn't say that, there's shades of the Moses story in Islam too, and it would be silly to assume that none of the Prophets seeked to have a fuller, realised version of their religion beyond just accepting the Truth and preaching it. I tend to see it as wanting to expand on the truth rather than doubt it. The Moses story in the Qur'an is far from black and white, he would not rest till he had asked the Truth to be revealed to him in its fullest form, believing his faith to be incomplete until then. I think it plays well into your nature of man, Islam does accept that the believer needs to be strengthening his faith continually for he would be led astray otherwise. The Moses and Khidr encounter in the Qur'an is proof that how much can the limits of faith and belief be pushed till the Truth becomes almost impossible to accept, how it is in the nature of the believer to question.

Islam and it's Sufi connotations stresses how the believer doesn't know the first thing about the mysteries of their religion, the fact there are mysteries itself is a testament towards a depth to the religion that goes beyond the polemic and simple way you're projecting it to be. It just posits that there is always an answer to be had, whether you know it or not, and the challenge of the believer is to accept the impermutable Truth. The unsurety lies in the limits of human knowledge, not in the doubting that what is already known

>> No.14109018

I would gladly see the Islamization of Europe if it means that muh based cuhthedrals are profaned. Christianity destroyed European civilization. If the west is going to be Abrahamic anyway, at least I want to live to see Christianity, which started it all, destroyed.

>> No.14109036
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>Go and ask a rabbi if the jews believe in a multiplicity and the answer would be a big NO.
Go and ask a Talmudic Christ hating Rabbi... owned! Yeah, right. That means nothing. The Jewish religion after the destruction of the temple is completely different... the destruction of the Temple was the final action of God divorcing Israel due to their constant acts of apostasy and the ultimate fulfillment of that (killing God). Furthermore, Jews agree that the sign that the Messiah has come is that the Gentile nations worship the true God of Israel. The pic attached is the oldest synagogue in the world--note the distinct iconography, something that only Orthodox Christianity has maintained.
>the reason why jews till this day haven't accepted Jesus is because he claimed he is God
Most Jews were converted, lmao. Only the most rigid, pharisaical Jews stuck to their traditions of men. Watch that debate Jay Dyer had, and watch this video on the Trinity in the Old Testament. It's literally clear as day.

>> No.14109040

>Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one!
No, that's a deliberate, Talmudic mistranslation.

>> No.14109058

>Go and ask a Talmudic Christ hating Rabbi... owned!
so you leave everything I said and latch onto the argument that rabbis hate christ? The jewish texts are clear as the sun, Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one. you have to go lengths to twist such a simple concept.
> killing God
God can't be killed, you're insane if you think jews killed God. the Scriptures are simple, you like to twist words and go to extreme lengths just to justify Christianity's blasphemy, A picture in a synagogue means nothing, The words of tanakh means everything and what does tanakh say? The messiah is a man, not god, not son of god, not divine, HE IS A MAN, christians worship Jesus, thats absolute blasphemy in Judaism. The messiah isn't supposed to be worshiped

>> No.14109063

> that's a deliberate, Talmudic mistranslation
Learn hebrew and go read the Jewish bible, to see for yourself, The mental gymnastics that you're doing is amazing

>> No.14109071

Lol, this is just risible. Again, the Talmudic religion is not the religion of the OT Jews. Much of what you're saying is just casuistry. The reason Christ assumed universal human nature was to deify and heal us and bring us back to the way things were *before* the fall of Adam and Eve. Modern Judaism does not even believe in Satan--yet we know that the OT clearly teaches such a being. Give me a break dude. Twist the scriptures? The OT does not teach Islam, you only think that because you've never read the OT.

>> No.14109088

>The reason Christ assumed universal human nature was to deify and heal us and bring us back to the way things were *before* the fall of Adam and Eve.
Imagine actually believing that lol

>> No.14109107

Imagine being so ignorant of the true religion. Well, Saint Paul does speak of the veil over the eyes of the Jews.

>> No.14109109

> The OT does not teach Islam,
that wasn't my argument, you keep on spewing christian bullshit, The christians claim that Jesus is the messiah that is prophesied in the jewish bible, correct? well thats impossible, the messiah is never said to be the son of god, he is never said to be god and he is never said to be divine, refute that.

>> No.14109113

Nice straw man. Jews believe in almost the same retarded shit

>> No.14109117

>Of all modern religions it comes closest to approaching the state of man in his earliest days on the planet.

Interesting. Tell me more..

>> No.14109131

They are Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism.
Second tier is Islam and Buddhism.

>> No.14109143

Christianity is based, Paulianity on the other hand...

>> No.14109155


>> No.14109263

agnosticism = deism = pantheism = pandeism > atheism > Buddhism > universalist Christianity > Mainline Protestantism > Catholicism = Eastern Orthodoxy = Islam = Judaism > Jainism > Hinduism = Sikhism > Evangelicalism > Mormonism > larpers (pagans, Taoists, Bahá'í, Shinto, etc) > cults (Jehovah's Witness, theistic satanism, demonolatry, new age spirituality, etc)
>Islam is polemic and dogmatic
>Christianity isn't
you have no clue what you're talking about, even if your opinion of the Bahá'í faith is based

>> No.14109274

Living out your entire life without ever being taught or finding out what religion or irreligion is

>> No.14109294

Youre recommending me some asshole who carries round doll houses and holds his books like THAT?! Enough so that they had to immortalize it in art? Not to mention he looks like a goomba wearing a cloak for the cult of the fried egg yolk. what do you take me for? Some sorta fago?

>> No.14109549

have you seen india?

>> No.14109555

this, unironically

>> No.14109559

are you ranking based on child abuse?

>> No.14109584
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Besides being the ultimate /lit/ book of all time and the supreme religious /lit/ book,

Urantia embraces all the best and greatest of these great /lit/ religions and encourages you to learn from all these traditions

>> No.14109728

My Jewdar is going berserk.

>> No.14109777

This reads like a very narrow Christian view.
>Islam is dogmatic but Judaism isnt
Holy fuck is this bait?

>> No.14109801

>non Talmudic Jews believed in the Trinity
This is a gigantic lie and the only evidence is the supposed plurality of Elohim (even Allah calls himself we) and post hoc apologia
>Jews called Erza sons of God
Jews did call their respected folk sons of God. This is in itself is considered blasphemy in Islam as God's relationshkp to humanity cannot be analogous to father and Son.
>virgins in heaven
Physical pleasures aren't inherently evil unless you're a gnostic

>> No.14109827

Mashallah brother

>> No.14109865
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folk taoism is still very big in places like taiwan, southern china, SEA
its very pagan, polytheistic and shamanistic. There are hundreds of "official" deities and thousands more "unofficial" ones (ghosts, spirits etc)

>> No.14110365

Jews are literally the most well read, most high iq demographic. Stay jelly.

>> No.14110402
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He got refuted before he even began.

>> No.14110420

RIP Bloom-y

Probably Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity,

>> No.14110515

fair and balanced

>> No.14110800

> christianity
> a religion with only one holy book
> /lit/
Come back when you've got 30+ holy books.

>> No.14110845

isn't the so called "philosophical taoism" pretty similar to buddha's teachings?

>> No.14111440
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Islam ofcourse. Remember the first word angel gabriel told to the prophet:


>> No.14111463

>Natural law

>> No.14111721

Esoteric germanic polytheism

>> No.14111759

I would go with Hinduism. I think it's pretty based but mostly because there's such much different lit. Kashmir shavism, upanishads, prunas, all the yoga stuff.. A good mix of ancient stories, philosophy and self growth

>> No.14111802

Of all those religions only one involves memorizing a book of poetry that comes directly from G-d, and regularly getting together with your bros to recite that poetry together.

>> No.14111821

How can buddhism ever be before hinduism rofl

>> No.14111883

It is the way Aquinas used it. As an Aristotelian foundation. And it reduces
God to a monad.

>> No.14111906

The angel Gabriel supposedly visiting Mahomet is a blatant rip-off of the Annunciation. It's so obvious, you guys are blind.

>> No.14111911

Because it centers around the direct awakening of the individual? Do most people prefer to just memorize ancient mythology and philosophy, and then consider themselves enlightened for having done so? Sounds pretty comfy. Shakyamuni Buddha was the only person of known history who dedicated himself solely to the ideal of self-awakening, and subsequently left a culture around his experiences, and how he believed it could be done best. But I guess if people prefer the entertainment of colorful storytelling over the liberation from their own ignorance, then they should follow that in this lifetime. Maybe by a future birth they'll be more interested in the latter pursuit, and will follow it then.

>> No.14112016

>Because it centers around the direct awakening of the individual
so did the Upanishads dating from both before and after buddha
>Shakyamuni Buddha was the only person of known history who dedicated himself solely to the ideal of self-awakening
lol, you mean after loafing around living the life of a hedonist for 30 years in a palace? Your description would far more aptly apply to Hindus like Adi Shankara who become a monastic at age 8 and remained one until his death

>> No.14112139

The Upanishads did too, but Buddhism takes the best parts of them and strips away irrelevancies, like intercessory prayer to deities for the sake of personal liberation.

I personally was raised in a Hindu family, and I happen to love Advaita and Buddhism more than any other world philosophies. That said, I consider Buddhism a more streamlined manner of reaching transcendent consciousness than I do Hinduism, which is often bogged down in rituals, social constructs and mythological belief rather than the sheer practicum for spiritual progression that Buddhism offers. And the decadent circumstances Buddha was born into shouldn't be held against him, we are all inescapably creatures shaped by our environment to some degree. But he eventually abandoned it all, and led a drastically different lifestyle for the rest of his lifetime, and also made a culture around that model. For someone to do all of that of their own volition, deserves respect in my book.

The Upanishads are based, but I also feel that Buddha only improved on the quest they started.

>> No.14112164

Pretty neat. However, it seems to still have some idolatry to it. Is there any traditional religion outside of deism and pantheism that pretty much does away with all mystical and worldly matters? Emphasis on mystical exclusion.

I guess kinda the greek moral schools, but they were more philosophy than religion.

>> No.14112175

You can say the same for most religions. Most westerners, even the nonreligious ones usualy fuse religion and philosophy to different levels of incompatibility.

>> No.14112202

The Zhuangzi and the Tao The Ching both don't really concern themselves with ritual etc. - could easily be argued they were anti-ritual, particularly with the historical context.
The Zhuangzi does reference TCM etc from time to time, but that's more a function of the background culture.

>> No.14112211

I dont disagree, however i would like to put a duel mention for atheism. Just slighly above evangelicalism, for reactionary athiesm. Something that purely comes from a disdain for religion and not even trying to follow its line of thought and development. Pure reactionism.

The secound atheism is fine where it is. One who started from the greeks to now and understands the historical development of thought, but rejects it not out of reaction, but out of good spirit and comprehensive understanding.

>> No.14112215

Catholicism and Hinduism should both be studied extensively. Everything else is mouthbreather tier.

>> No.14112254

Huh, neat. Ill check it out. Ive always kinda been blase for a lot of the mysticism in a lot of eastern branches of religion. Christianity, and further Protestantism and diesm, I kinda respected for doing away with a lot of the previous ritual that defined the pagan west and that cicero, Plato, and the platoettes kinda tried to veir away from.

I dont dislike ritual and I see the value in it (Love catholic churches), but if I want to get a more pure spirituality, removed from frivolity, I go to a austere no nonsense Quaker meeting house.

Thanks for the recomendation for the Zhuangzi.

>> No.14112310
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North Paganism
>Northern Heroic Age Poems
>Great Matters
All one lineage.
>Not going full Odinic Faustianism

>> No.14112328

Hinduism has the most (quantity) ancient literature

>> No.14112348

Most of that north shit just has either had greaco-roman or christian values placed on it to make them sound even remotely deep.

>> No.14112354
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Rastafarianism, obviously.

>> No.14112361
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It all makes sense by the end.

>> No.14112371
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>> No.14112407

*Sniff sniff* Something smells like wet camel.

>> No.14112413

By a germanophile that extrapolates those interpretations through his own intellectual accumine rather than by historical precedent. I could do the same with a random guys diary from 200 years ago and extrapolate the metaphysical nuances when he wrote "I slipped on my slippers today, and Hark!, I found a hole in the sole! But No matter, work cleanses all momentary inconveniences."

With the greco-romans or Catholic, or Hindus, I can actually read their particular interpretations of their narratives from first hand accounts like Ceaser, or Lau tsu. And I dont have to make a supposed mentality.

>> No.14112647
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Biased and bluepilled.

>> No.14112955
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>refute that

>> No.14113028
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The kek cult

>> No.14113134

>I could do the same with a random guys diary
You do know Spengler was the most important European philosopher between the two wars, right? Like, it made him so popular he got offered jobs to multiple colleges after he already failed his PHD thesis, they thought the work was that impressive.
Besides, Cleary goes into what the Germans thought himself, you can read it here

>> No.14113149

Redpill me on the complexity of God

>> No.14113234

So an argument of ethos, eh?

>> No.14113294

>theres non mystical tao


>> No.14113299

The blind watchmaker

>> No.14113302

Christianity by a mile. Almost the entire canon links into Christianity in some way. Juddhaism is close but it's just occult shit.

>> No.14113307

Judaism, Shinto, Daoism, Hinduism, etc. don't really take converts. They might be lit, but they're not for you. Bahai is a tiny cult and is not lit.

The answer has to be one of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

>> No.14113328

The Zhuangzi and the Laozi *the way Westerners read them* have literally nothing to do with Daoism as practiced now or as practiced for over a thousand years in China. It's all about semen retention to attain immortality, ritual, and that sort of thing. The Chinese read the Daodejing as a treatise on attaining bodily immortality. Consider that they may have a better reading of it than your white ass.

>> No.14113409

Well it is community. That which captivates the community at one point in time, and that which captivates it a couple hundred years of difference, must contain some similarities that are to be found underneath.

>> No.14113411

>Hinduism, etc
yes they do, the notion that they dont is misinformation which usually spread by proselytizing Buddhists and Abrahamists

>> No.14113430

religion is cringe if i am perfectly honest
dont reply btw

>> No.14113457


>> No.14113492


>> No.14113570

theism can be cringe, but not as much as blanket antitheism desu

>> No.14113722

A lot of its aspects are, yes.