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14107409 No.14107409 [Reply] [Original]

So Job is the most Doomer book of The Bible? What's the most Bloomer book of The Bible?

>> No.14107424

Song of Songs

>> No.14107447

Doomer? Cryptogram UMF cosmology. Bloomer!

O Lucifer the Scientist


Who first described magnetic reversals
and polar wanderings?

Job 1
And the LORD said unto Satan,
Whence comest thou?
Then Satan answered the LORD,
and said,
From going to and fro in the earth,
and from walking up and down in it.

Does anyone know?

O Lucifer


Who first described polarity reversals
and polar wanderings?

Job 2
And the LORD said unto Satan,
From whence comest thou?
And Satan answered the LORD,
and said,
From going to and fro in the earth,
and from walking up and down in it.

Does anyone know?

O Lucifer

>> No.14107467

Which song your favourite? ;-)
Job 'well done.' Smiles

>> No.14107507

What's wrong with Jesuits? I genuinely don't know much about them, but from what I've read they seem all right.

>> No.14107533

I’ve seen the Jesuits memed a lot and also mentioned in derogatory terms in literature (dosto especially badmouths them). What’s wrong with them? Why do they have such a bad reputation? How are they different from other religious orders?

>> No.14107544

Ruth for sure

>> No.14107565
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A lot of conspiracies target them as some sort of secret death cult worshiping Saturn in secret. They also say they killed Lincoln

>> No.14107580

They are very smart, politically active, and some would call them leftist or very far left. Especially on the topics of open borders and homosexuality.

my favorite song rn is


>> No.14107581

Job is most doomer and most bloomer, no coincidence shakespeare wrote its kjv translation

>> No.14107588

>They are very smart, politically active, and some would call them leftist or very far left

Sounds pretty based to me. I'm new to Christianity so I have to get used to the idea that homosexuality is a sin, but I don't see any problems with open borders and left wing economic policies.

>> No.14107607

>What's the most Bloomer book of The Bible?
Also Job

>> No.14107608

Really? I'm interested (gimme salsa pls?)

>> No.14107610

Revelation is simultaneously both the most doomer and bloomer. In fact the same could be said for pretty much all the prophetic writings. But revelation is the crown.

Jesuits started off based but are now cringe.

>> No.14107620

he put his name in it. there's a verse somewhere that says "shake a spear"

>> No.14107668

its a 'pepe' (italian) tune. smiles (peppy)

>> No.14107676

No where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is a sin; neither does the Bible give recommendations for immigration policies.

>> No.14107677

why ruth?

>> No.14107695
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>> No.14107701


>> No.14107717
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In regards to the Old Testament, Esther got everything she wanted.

>> No.14107720


It's the tying together of a redemption arc opened by the sin of Judah against Tamar. Everything comes together beautifully. All sown up and tied together in harmony.

>> No.14107854

Wowza got BANNED for advertising "Ruth".
Must be a Powerful Book mate! Thanks.

>> No.14107903
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Tbh senpai, Cain and Abel is so strong of an incentive to do right in life despite your neighbors and colleagues seemingly doing much better than you. Even Cain was granted the title of a righteous person years and years after he murdered his own brother because of his repentance and punishment

>> No.14107921

lo fucking l. No wonder we have so many people conforming to basic American Conservatism. "I guess now that I'm a christian all gays are bad"

>> No.14107923

>They are very smart, politically active, and some would call them leftist or very far left. Especially on the topics of open borders and homosexuality.
Absolutely based

>> No.14107931

>Jesuits started off based
Actually they were fucking assholes even in the earliest days, they regularly started fights with every other order for literally no reason.

>> No.14108183

They didn't use to be this way. I don't know what happened to them.

>> No.14108206
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Thankyou for all the good answers anons

>> No.14108217

god fucking stop. your attempts at making religion look punk by combining 4chan slang with religious terms are seriously cringe. it's like christian rock, it gives me the same vibes. you're trying to make something inherently lame cool

>> No.14108319

Revelation 21-22.

>> No.14108351
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Multiple places in the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin. It screams unto heaven for vengence as the most unnatural act

>> No.14108354

I'm going to say 1john

>> No.14108373

Homosexual sex (not the orientation) is definitely. But left wing economic policies are not necessarily anti-Christian. Think of the OT Jubilee. So if anyone tells you Christianity is against redistribution of wealth, they're not exsctly right. But open borders is a foolish anti-social policy because it diminishes the connection that people have with place

>> No.14108384

no retard it says having sex with men as a man is a sin

>> No.14108390

>homo - same
>sexual - sex
>ity - act
Burn, faggot

>> No.14108398

I guess by your logic that means that traps are ok because you are having sex with a man who pretends to not be a man. How is this not Talmudic levels of trying to cheat God?

>> No.14108419

How are they on economics? One of my gripes with Christianity as I understand it is that there is a real gap between Christian teachings, which to me seem quite radical and subversive, and Christians in real life, who bend over backwards to be good libs.

>> No.14109012

Honestly, there are voices in every direction. Check out https://www.americamagazine.org/

>> No.14109017
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The entirety of the NT.

>> No.14109046
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>implying Christian rock isn't based and mysticpilled

>> No.14109062

I've no clue. My understanding is the vow of poverty is uhhhhhhhhhhhh "subjective." The best at actually keeping it the way you would expect it to be kept, covenant-like, are actual individual mystics. Not necessarily ordained. Out of the minor orders in the United States, generally speaking, Franciscans. Then Dominicans. Then Jesuits. It's partly to do with living under capitalism in the first world. Typically friars will share a vehicle and live communally. Priests have their own personal vehicle obviously for performing their duties of visiting the sick. Limiting your earthly possessions is good advice for anyone, and everyone is a hypocrite to some degree.

>> No.14109084

bro... bro. you're posting cringe bro.

>> No.14109132
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The Church in general does not fit into any major political party, at least in the United States. It supports some very right-wing policies, like outlawing abortion and banning gay marriage. But it also supports some very left-wing policies, like universal health care and state-funded child support. The Church can't be put into a box, especially within the framework of American politics. This is why it has such a weird relationship with the United States, because in America politics and the running of the government is essentially our state religion.

>> No.14109133 [SPOILER] 
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i know bro. i know.


>> No.14109182

I don't understand how Job is "the most Doomer book in the bible". The entire point was that he had everything taken away from him, and he began to grieve and wish he was never born. That could be interpreted as a Doomer way of thinking, but isn't the very foundation of nihilism that there is no God and therefore nothing matters? The monologue God gives at the end completely counters that;
>Where were you when I founded the earth?
>Tell me, if you have understanding.
>Who determined its size? Surely you know?
>Who stretched out the measuring line for it?
The very monologue God gives has an extremely consistent theme of purpose and its place. Everything that happens has happened so that it can fulfill a function not known to man. If anything, this would be THE bloomer mentality. Saying it would be a "doomer book" because Job suffers is like saying that The Divine Comedy is only about suffering because one has only read Inferno and part of Purgatorio.

>> No.14109204
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>What's wrong with Jesuits?
>How are they different from other religious orders?
The Jesuit order was founded during the Reformation, rather than to help the poor or some similar thing like other orders, to establish greater political control and obedience to Romish dogma in the princely courts of the Holy Roman Empire. They also established schools to train priests in the doctrines of Tridentine Catholicism throughout the world. You can see how they could have been resented for their cosmopolitan ways (shoulder-rubbing with princes, playing court politics) and goal of centralizing authority in the hands of Rome, by the common people for the former and princes and clergy for the latter. It would be fair to think of them as political commissars. More modern conspiracy-oriented thoughts about Jesuits are probably echoes of the American reaction to 19th century Catholic immigration. What they get up to today I really don't know, they probably drink blood or something.
But why?

>> No.14109227

What's the difference between Dominicans and Jesuits?
>Both founded by Spaniards, St. Dominic for the Dominicans/St. Ignatius of Loyola for the Jesuits
>Both founded to combat heresy: the Dominicans to fight the Albigensians, and the Jesuits to fight the Protestants
>Seen any Albigensians lately?
Also, what kind of losers pray through the screen? Face to face is far preferable.

>> No.14109749


This guy doesn't even know Kanye (greatest living artist btw) is a Christian now

>> No.14109758


I didn't know that. OK let me rephrase Ignatius of Loyola was based, everything after that is cringe. Or was he just as bad ?

>> No.14109766

On the surface they seem fine, but in closer look, you see it full of fags, pseudo pegans, hermetics , political players and so on. It's a cancer and one of the reasons the Catholic church is in decline, just see the new poope he was a Jesuit

>> No.14109771

>insecure amerishart protestant fears the mighty Jesuit

>> No.14109774


>> No.14109794

Of course it doesn’t fit American politics. Your system is fundamentally flawed. Only an extreme capitalist neo-liberal can fit your system.