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14107404 No.14107404 [Reply] [Original]

What is the endgame of philosophy?

>> No.14107408


>> No.14107413

This is an accurate political compass chart.

>> No.14107421

Whiteheadian Panexperientialist Natrualist Vegan Anarchism

>> No.14107471

Harrisian Secular humanism

>> No.14107477

>communists execute/exile great thinkers and philosophers
>communism is the endgame

>> No.14107483

Well Socrates did say philosophy was a preparation... for death.

>Oh nonono

>> No.14107489

Knowledge for knowledge's sake is the goal of basically every non-STEM field.
Read some epistemology

>> No.14107493
File: 524 KB, 605x662, homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you listen to the joe rogan podcast
this i know

>> No.14107500

If there is a conclusion it is zero.

>> No.14107505


To answer why are we here.

>> No.14107528

To discover the trutg

>> No.14107561

>implying “communist” countries were Marxist

>> No.14107584
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>> No.14107604

its probably just a game we play to pass the time, so the only endgame is furthering the game itself. a game we can always play

>> No.14107609
File: 84 KB, 625x796, wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer endgame questions like...
Why is there something instead of nothing?
What does it mean to be good?
Do we have any real agency, or are we puppets?
Does God exist?
What does it mean to be?
What comes after death?
What is the limit to what we can perceive?
What is the limit to what we can know, if we can even know?
What is math?
What is beyond the reach of science?
Is life intrinsically meaningful, and why?
And so on.
Not one person on the website has any of these answers.

>> No.14107613
File: 72 KB, 376x379, 91f613603c53d86d648f4bfe3fe686ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete and utter self-actualization

>> No.14107628

All meme questions

>> No.14107736

>I am a contrarian yet?

>> No.14107747

All those are neophyte questions

>> No.14107771

What questions do you consider advanced?

>> No.14107824

Direct intuition of the divine that overwhelms you so brutally it provokes a psychotic breakdown and descent into schizophrenia where you lose everything and enter a seven month long period of homelessness spent hitchhiking across the country (filled by constant meaningless sex and drug use) before you reach a monastery, at which you will stay for two months and miraculously recover from your mental illness, find God, re-enter society, rebuild your life, find a good woman and fall in love, live happily for about a year, become engaged, and then abruptly kill yourself after producing the only good writing that ever came out of you.

>> No.14107839

Maybe "what is the root of my experience?" Or "How do I overcome myself and the world"

>> No.14107844

is this about someone specifically

>> No.14107850

Lol self-help questions

>> No.14107851

The most basic questions about the world are often the most difficult to approach. So go ahead and posit your 'advanced' arcanities that aren't informative enough to secure the answers that actually matter.

>> No.14107863

How could you tell?

>> No.14107864

Probably the questions he has in mind, or else questions with trivial answers.

>> No.14107880

>"How do I overcome myself and the world"

>> No.14107883

going outside

>> No.14107966

Haha ok buddy, I remember my first acid trip

>> No.14108021

well who

>> No.14108025

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

>> No.14108047

Everything except for the love, engagement, suicide, and good writing are my experiences. Those are what I have on the docket (or anxiously foresee) for now. Don't take my answer too seriously, I didn't write it too seriously.

>> No.14108063

they Omega point

>> No.14108066

Can someone post that pepe and his son pic in full?
It's really wholesome.

>> No.14108102

St. Paul's Letter to the Romans

>> No.14108114
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To exhaust your potential, and your youth, distracting you from more substantial feats and endeavours, so that you die a puer aeternus.

>> No.14108118

I like that pic :)

>> No.14108202

This but unironically.

When you contrast the Homeric Achaean hero with the Ionian natural philosopher or, Gods forbid, the Athenian philosopher-pederast, philosophy clearly shows itself as the pastime of the idle classes, far removed from their glorious and heroic past.

>> No.14108216

To contemplate the will of God.
To perceive the reason for the universe.
To realize the purpose for humanity.

>> No.14108222


>> No.14108743

There is no endgame, if you think there is, you missed the point.

>> No.14108746

Objectivism and libertarianism

>> No.14108823

exactly, it's a stable endpoint

>> No.14108852


this is so true

>> No.14108945

for chrissakes i just wanna grill

>> No.14108949

There is no endgame. It's a continuous process. There are no "results" in philosophy, no data.

>> No.14108951
File: 91 KB, 645x729, Twisted brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real communism has never been tried
You've convinced me to buy a Luger.

>> No.14109015

probably this

>> No.14109200


>> No.14109231

>To exhaust your potential, and your youth, distracting you from more substantial feats and endeavours, so that you die a puer aeternus.
Any philosophers that discuss this? lol

>> No.14109489

Everything should work seamlessly. But it doesn't. So, the end to all pursuits is to find the contradiction. And then embrace it.

>> No.14109491

>What is math?
This one is actually pretty easy, though most people won't like the answer. Math is two things, which are called continuous and discrete, or geometry and algebra. These two things are irreconcilable, and the Pythagoreans supposedly killed a guy for pointing this out.
Discrete math is an abstraction over our perception of objects, or if you prefer, it's an abstraction over counting. The first abstraction over counting is keeping accounts, and the second abstraction over counting is keeping debts. Negative numbers are simply the situation where you have more debts than assets to cover them.
Continuous math is an abstraction over our perception of relations, and in the first case, spatial relations. This is when you say that one board is half as long as another. This also when you say that, if two boards of equal length meet at a right angle |_, the relationship of length to diagonal can't (in general) be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers.

And I guess, to OP, this is the point of philosophy: learning to see through people's bullshit.

>> No.14109565


>> No.14109846

My intention with that question wasn't to get examples of maths, but rather to answer whether or not maths has any reality independent of thought. Which is to ask if geometric relations or abstraction exist outside our mind either in the objects of reference or in some other logical or geometric space. This question does not assume belief in the Tractatus or in the analytic field.
Also, do you know if any texts in the most base history of mathematics, as shown in your post?

>> No.14109872

Perpetual Bildung

>> No.14109921


>> No.14109942

>a dragon dildo

>> No.14109943

Having a gf

>> No.14110029

>Math is two things, which are called continuous and discrete, or geometry and algebra. These two things are irreconcilable
The why is there a whole field called "algebraic geometry"? And there are also discrete geometries. This whole distinction "algebra vs geometry" makes no sense. At best you could have put it in terms of "arithmetic vs geometry" (since the ancient Greeks had a geometric algebra, as it is evident in the second book of Euclid's Elements).

The relationship between the discrete and the continuous is not so simple to explain away. The continuous is a convenient model to deal with length and other physical quantities because we don't know whther there is an underlying discrete structure. Is there a smallest volume of space and/or matter which is no susceptible to further division? We do not know, but there might be reason to suspect that it does exist, since a lot of stuff that was believed to be continuous has been reduced to discrete quantities in modern physics. But since we don't know what's the value of the smallest volume, assuming space to be continuous is the best solution, since from our perspective the alleged smallest volume is so small that we might as well say that space can be infinitely divided.

>> No.14110043

immortality is quite a feat

>> No.14110171
File: 90 KB, 500x574, 1569229961970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the end game of music? Or painting? Or bull fighting?

The end game is the game itself. All orbiters and their interests are subsidiary to it. The social climbers who perceive it to be a status symbol. The religious oriented who use it to find worship in something, or to find worship in the absence of something. The resentful who use it to destroy. The destitute who cling to it for lack of anything else.

Philosophy is a history of petty wills. The endgame then, is self-gratification as well. To make noise so that you know you exist. Just a sophisticated spin-off of tribal music and dance. Something to be enjoyed.

>> No.14110179

Christianity, for sure.

>> No.14111382

Philosophical pessimism and then suicide

>> No.14111398


>> No.14111523


And what is truly worth it to do in our contemporary world? what substantial endeavours or heoric deeds rest for us?