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14105522 No.14105522 [Reply] [Original]

Post books you have jerked off to

>> No.14105530
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>> No.14105531

theres no way this is a thing. sitting in silence closing your own eyes using your own imagination is probably more satisfying than litetarlly raeding times new roman text while blowing a zinc filled sponge load into a naptkin.

the weireded thing i've ever done is drawn some lewd nude art and fapped to my own drawing

>> No.14105539
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you happy now?

>> No.14105549

After some weeks of noporn, I read a nonfiction book with excerpts from erotic western novels, and that did it

>> No.14105604

Nice try fbi, you just want someone to post lolita

>> No.14105609

>120 Days of Sodom
>Philosophy in the Bedroom
>Story of the Eye
>Burroughs - Queer (I think it was a scene near the end; I was a teen during this time, so can't remember specifics)
>Naked Lunch
There's probably more, and that's not including weird internet short stories

>> No.14105617

I masturbated to the underground man speech towards the whore

>> No.14105625

Do picture books count

>> No.14105677


>> No.14105680

Charles Bukowski - "Women"

>> No.14105694

Besides literotica, the only text I've jerked off to is an article about the process of male sexual arousal.

I read it as it described the engorging of the penis, the building up of blood pressure, the achieving of the arousal plateau followed by the fluid release in orgasm...

I found it so relatable that I couldn't resist but fap.

I don't remember the name, just that it was in Portuguese. I used to present a project at my university.

>> No.14105728

The first sex scene in 1984.

>> No.14105740
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>> No.14105747

IT, by Stephen King, where Beverly is basically raped by her abusive husband but it makes her cum three times...

That was hot.

The Fetishists by A.S. Coomer when he's pissing on Ponygirl's face and shouts 'open your eyes!"

Like, come on. That's so fucked up. Had to stop reading to jerk off then and there.

>> No.14105756

>The Fetishists by A.S. Coomer
It was real...

>> No.14105758


>> No.14105769
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Not the book itself just the cover art

>> No.14105771

Had to throw them all out, ruined

>> No.14105779
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>> No.14105831
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based perverts

>> No.14105840

It still is.

>> No.14105852

unironically 120 days of sodom

>> No.14105878

no, it's only real whenever I observe it

>> No.14105890
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>> No.14105891
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molly parkin. her books were proper dirty

>> No.14105896

this part made me cry

>> No.14106168
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>> No.14106244

my diary desu

>> No.14106255

fuckin narc

>> No.14106402

Naked Lunch

>> No.14106464
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A number of times. Appeals to a specific fetish.

>> No.14106489

Written porn is just woman porn.

>> No.14106634

only women and cucks jerk off to books.

>> No.14107061

what is some good femdom literature?

>> No.14107878


>> No.14107898

>no excerpts posted
What's the point then.

>> No.14107900
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>ruining reading by associating it with the habit that ruins everything
No thank you. Reading makes me feel like a kid again. Not going to ruin that experience by indulging in an addictive, stupid act that distracts from the reading experience.

>> No.14107924
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>> No.14107933
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Pic related
This too when I read it when I was 13/14

>> No.14108505

Reluctant Cuckold by David McManus

>> No.14108610

A David Bowie book that i couldn't remember how is called , but he was a cute twink when he was on his 20's

>> No.14109698

not cool

>> No.14109721
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>> No.14109803

It was an Ancient Greek history book I forget which one, specifically to a picture of Aphrodite's statue.

>> No.14109914

Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.14109993

When I was a teenager, I fell in love with the first cute girl that I met that could appreciate Georges Bataille. Standing at a Swedish festival, discussing Story of the Eye... Fun times!

>> No.14110470

Night by Francis pollini when that one guy was talking about "nigger pussy" and how different it was

>> No.14110583
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oral fetish was goooood

>> No.14110599
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A bit off topic but what are some good books about male on male love?

>> No.14112090

for me, it's when theon fucks the captain's daughter

>> No.14112563


>> No.14112586

i don't find his books "erotic" but also jerked off to them, i think he's really good at conveying intimacy which gets me weirdly turned on.

>> No.14112637


>> No.14112657

this but unironicall

>> No.14112668

The Bible. The parts where it talks about women lying with horses and beasts got me off as a kid

>> No.14112677

Based coomer

>> No.14112682

your mom's diary

>> No.14112689
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I unironically jerked off to "New brave world"

>> No.14114003
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Describing how she used to jill off to the pictures in her mother's book of Catholic saints being squashed between boards and shot full of arrows was kinda hot desu.

>> No.14114016

I get it, here is your (you)

>> No.14114423
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Need more books about pissing on women's faces

>> No.14114436
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>those picture books showing naked prisoners being executed in the Coliseum

>> No.14114514

OP's suicide in his local newspaper

>> No.14114539
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True crime books about how the serial killer raped, tortured and murdered his victims, starting from very young to very old. That shit always gets me off.

>> No.14115985

have sex