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14105411 No.14105411 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest argument for celibacy is that no animal has been proven to do it. All animals are driven by instinct to reproduce, whether through self-reproduction or through intercourse with a partner. You even read of bonobos that perform intercourse for pleasure. The greatest argument for celibacy is that it proves us to be more than just animals. If you engage in sexual intercourse, you are on a similar plane to a bonobo or a rat, since you are driven by the same primitive and primordial instinct that drives them. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14105462
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>> No.14105548

Why did he do it bros?

>> No.14105555
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Whatever animals do not, man must?

>> No.14105559

A lot of animals choose to not reproduce if they are sick.

Also replace celibacy with suicide and you come to the same end.

>> No.14105560

>prove me wrong
i think you're right

>> No.14105654

I stopped reading at "celibacy" but any book recs for the feel this pic gives me?

>> No.14105664

>I stopped reading at "celibacy
a simple word kills the coomer

>> No.14105670

This always makes me think of a line in Pilgrim's Progress:
>So the one took the way which is called Danger, which led him into a great wood, and the other took directly up the way to Destruction, which led him into a wide field, full of dark mountains...

>> No.14105707

Celibacy, much like periods of voluntary starvation or suicide, does occur in animals that are exposed to fundamentally life-impeding and unhealthy environments. Constraining situations lead to aberrations in many organisms, humans don't need to take the credit here.

Not literature btw.

>> No.14105720

Maybe he was just fucking done

>> No.14105772

Indulging in sexual relations is the path to death. You’re declaring to yourself,”I have reproduced, my genes will live through my offspring. I no longer need to focus all my energy on improving myself.” In many species in the animal kingdom, sex actually precedes death immediately. And the shorter their lifespans, the quicker they need to have sex. But humans’ lifespans are much longer, and so we have more time to focus our energies into our mental, physical, and spiritual ascension. When Adam and Eve are the fruit due to the serpent’s deception, they lost their immortality. When you indulge in your sexual desires, likewise the same will happen to you. Truly, the wages of sin is death. No one can escape death now as sin has corrupted our bloodline so badly that no one can truly be pure.

>> No.14105795

They lost thier immortality because they became aware of the dualties of good and evil. Which is a metaphor for the arena of space and tims. There's was an idyllic child's immortality unbecoming of maturity. What we need is to have that knowledge and yet regain our immortality.

>> No.14106363

It's only been about 100 years since the average life expectancy for humans surpassed 40 years. Humans used to follow patterns much more similar to those followed by other members of the animal kingdom, reproducing early and often in life before expiring young due to sickness, undernourishment, wars (territorial conflicts not unlike those engaged in by competing males of other species.) We didn't always have this surplus of time to devote to vain pursuits. Perhaps we were better off without it.

>> No.14106517

thats a meme. the only reason the life expectancy was so low was because of infant mortality. if you made it past like 5, you were still basically guaranteed to live a long life

>> No.14106529

NoFap is turning into a weird cult.

>> No.14106534


>> No.14106586

Yeah I mean, not being a porn addict sounds like a good idea but nofap went way beyond that.

>> No.14106594

Everything turns into a weird cult on 4chan. It is some sort of unholy curse or something.

>> No.14106598

>celibacy wasn't a thing until NoFap
How are you even on this board right now?

>> No.14106642

Celibacy =/= not touching your dick because muh magic

>> No.14106662

And where in OP's post was "not touching your dick" ever brought up? Did you just create an argument and disassemble it to get some people to reply to you?

>> No.14106673

It's usually part of the nofap/anti-coomer program.

>> No.14106716

you're right, but living together as a couple is something else that also proves us to be more than just animals (see Aristotle).
as a consequence a true man will not only avoid sexual intercourse, but he will do so while having a spouse.

>> No.14106932


>> No.14107104

so nofappers live in your head rent free, is what you're saying? is this the power of semen retention?

>> No.14107248

You should read -the coiled serpent- that is linked in the nofap thread.

>> No.14107379

I think it's a scene in the Hobbit, hiding up the tree for worgs before a rescue by eagles

>> No.14107411

Theres some decent arguments for celibacy but this...this is just plain retarded.

>> No.14107417

Okay masturbator

>> No.14107446

Then why did Shakespeare die at 52? Checkmate

>> No.14107448
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cooming is living in your head rentfree, that's why you need to be part of a """movement""" in order to abstain from it.

>> No.14107460

Penguins exist dude

>> No.14107519
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don’t listen to what any anon says.
I know everything about debate, and you just made a good point.

>> No.14108733

Interesting theory, has there been anything written about it? Maybe some kind of life philosophy for clergymen?