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/lit/ - Literature

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14104803 No.14104803 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend an obscure novel. Nothing post-2000s

>> No.14104811

"Options" by Robert Sheckley

>> No.14104839
File: 49 KB, 341x500, summer crossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming-of-age novel taking place in a small Indiana town. The protagonist is a more credible and moving teenager than Holden Caulfield. He falls in love, loses friends, gets into fights, grasps that life is pain, loses his dad, gets cucked, develops a special relationship with language and storytelling, all in the space of the summer after graduating high school
Out of print in the US.

>> No.14104868

sounds pathetic

>> No.14104883
File: 61 KB, 271x428, Strange_manuscript.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder by james de mille
it's a victorian lost world adventure a bit like the narrative of arthur gordon pym, told as a story within a story

>> No.14104908

sci-fi claptrap

>> No.14104914

Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.14104919

not an obscure novel

>> No.14104921

"Options" is not really sci-if.
It starts off as a "sci-fi claptrap" but quickly descends (ascends?) into a jumbled collection of absurd short chapters. It's really funny though. I literally couldn't stop reading and finished in one day.

>> No.14104925


>> No.14104926

The Cathedral of Mist by Paul Willems.
Severin's Journey into the Darkness by Leppin

>> No.14104933

horror gimmick bullshit

>> No.14104935

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter

>> No.14104938

Confessions of a Crap Artist by Phillip K Dick
Jernigan by David Gates

>> No.14104943

None of those books have any horror elements, not even a hint.

>> No.14104944

cyberpunk reddit
reddit dick and boring shit

>> No.14104954

The Museum of Eterna's Novel

>> No.14104958

>It has been described as an "anti-novel".
fuck off bro

>> No.14104961

Only literati and depressives are aware that it exists

>> No.14104970

and i suppose you're special, right?

>> No.14104992

Khasakinte Ithihasam by O. V. Vijayan. Hugely influential work in modern Malayalam literature.

I should state that the English translation captures only small fraction of the Malayalam's ingenuity and creative ambition but still worth reading.

>> No.14105008

The novel has several literary superb and poetic narrations which are etched in the hearts of Malayalees and still find a place in their dreams. (The narrative of two life particles set out for a long journey, "My Father of eyebrows, eyes and evening walks through the reddened village alleys..."

>> No.14105081

Thinking so would be against the point of the book. Maybe you should try reading it

>> No.14105092

this is one of those threads the op makes and then proceeds to insult every post. you guys should stop responding to him, and for anyone thinking of posting anything in the thread, don't.

>> No.14105140

The one insulting people isn't me (OP). I just want good book recs but we have a troll, so thread should probably be left to die. Sigh.

>> No.14105155

Hedyphagetica by Austryn Wainhouse

>> No.14105264

losers who don't read

>> No.14105283

Mercurius by Patrick Harpur

Fiery Angel by Valery Briusov

>> No.14105361

The Primal Screamer by Nick Blinko. If anyone knows it, then it's because he was/is the lead singer of Rudimentary Peni

>> No.14105382

Los Sorias by Alberto Laiseca.

That's the maximum pleb filter.

You won't read it anyway, bleb.

>> No.14105407

Black August - Wheatly

>> No.14105435

I've read it...

>> No.14105468
File: 121 KB, 650x1019, la-ley-de-la-ferocidad-pablo-ramos-D_NQ_NP_878191-MLA30919035148_052019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14105480

A guide on sucking cocks: from Asian to Black-op

>> No.14105514

the fifth seal by ferenc sánta
one of the best takes on morality I've ever seen. one of the few novels with actual human characters.

>> No.14106374

>Confessions of a Crap Artist by Phillip K Dick
I read it and it reminded me of An American Dream in a bad way (I know Crap Artist was written first)
I wish Jack had been more of a central character than just an observer of midcentury sexual politics that just comes of as dated and silly today
I still liked it though

>> No.14106427

South Wind by Norman Douglas

>> No.14106481

The Secret Life of the Novel

I’d genuinely be surprised if anyone else here has read this

>> No.14107066
File: 30 KB, 304x499, 51wxjDQrbSL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lautréamont’s Les Chants de Maldoror (The Songs of Maldoror) was a favorite literary work among the Surrealists, many of whom found beauty in art and literature devoted to the pursuit of the irrational and the macabre. A poetic novel of sorts that unfolds in a non-linear fashion, Les Chants de Maldoror describes the violent and perverse character of a despicable protagonist who has renounced God, humanity, and conventional morality.

>> No.14107438

Darconville’s Cat

>> No.14107465

I thought it was comfy and I was surprised. I was expecting a sci fi novel. Glad somebody else has read it

>> No.14107480

Physics of Sorrow — Georgi Gospodinov

>> No.14107497

Young Adam by Alexander Trocchi

>> No.14107820
File: 624 KB, 2095x3000, damni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't quickly find it on my machine, but there's a non-grainy version of that pic.

There's also a similar pic from 10 things I hate about you where the girl reads The Bell Jar, fyi

>> No.14107910


>> No.14107930
File: 24 KB, 320x252, 1571410624602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad that i watched Gilmore girls and liked it?

>> No.14108079

Definetly "Weltgeist Superstar" by P. M.

>> No.14108632
File: 31 KB, 320x499, 51+rz4hUGdL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Man Who Lived Twice tells the remarkable story of a nineteenth century British anti-hero. Colonel George St Leger Grenfell was the black sheep in one of Cornwall s most illustrious families. His wild speculations in Paris bankrupted his father and drove his brothers and sisters out of their home. Wanted for fraud in France and mosque desecration in Morocco, Grenfell became a soldier of fortune, a mercenary who fought in innumerable campaigns all over the world, always with conspicuous gallantry. He charged with the Light Brigade at Balaclava, defended the bullet-strewn barricades in the Indian Mutiny, hacked his way through the Chinese Opium War and helped Garibaldi to liberate Italy. Sailing to America to fight in their Civil War, Ole St Lege became a legend to the gullible hillbillies under his command. As massive armies collided and one hair-raising cavalry charge followed another, this complex man fell in love with a beautiful spy and came to realise that he could no longer run away from his past. In what was to become a spiritual odyssey, Grenfell met the men and women who made, marred and mythologised the American century: the business tycoons and social reformers as well as the Lincoln conspirators and back-shooting gunslingers. Although seemingly indestructible - in one military skirmish he was shot eleven times without serious injury - Grenfell had to endure long years in prison before his luck finally changed. The Man Who Lived Twice describes a personal search for redemption set against the emergence of the United States as a world power.

>> No.14108637

Please desist from Jezebel-posting during November.

>> No.14108640

El año de la ballena

>> No.14109722
File: 201 KB, 1600x1133, rob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's witty for a tv show


>> No.14109811
File: 75 KB, 284x455, timeoutofjoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Time Out of Joint" by Philip K Dick
fucked up truman-show kinda story, and honestly better than "man in the high castle" or "electric sheep" at least for me

>> No.14109852

Sentleman's Zimbledaum Druforth

>> No.14109873

and half of hungary

lmao how is this obscure

>> No.14109899
File: 106 KB, 1288x499, swansong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swan song
Swan Song. An ancient evil roams the desolate landscape of an America ravaged by nuclear war. He is the Man with the Scarlet Eye, a malevolent force that feeds on the dark desires of the countless followers he has gathered into his service. His only desire is to find a special child named Swan—and destroy her.

>> No.14109961

The Vodi

>> No.14110019

In Watermelon Sugar by Brautigan
The Winter Leaves by Tasseter
Jonathan Livingston-Seagull

>> No.14110040

This is relatively unknown for the general public does not mean it's obscure

>> No.14110063

Fight club

>> No.14110284

A Glastonbury Romance by John Cowper Powys

I want to describe it as "Middlemarch as written by a crazy Welsh mystic" but even that doesn't quite get it. One of the 20th century's great neglected novels.

>> No.14110505

This was shit, almost as bad as Dr bloodmoney

>> No.14110687

On the Marble Cliffs, Ernst Junger
Titus Groan, Mervyn Peake
My diary, desu

>> No.14110872

Whisky Gallore, Compton Mackenzie

>> No.14111389

Skylark by Dezső Kosztolányi

>> No.14111485
File: 505 KB, 935x716, 1534969444891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to remember a book I read in high school and I cannot for the life of me remember the title.

It has a hollowed out tree with a screaming skeleton (made from bark?) and had a name like Panic or something. It was actually a pretty fucked up book from what I remember. Something about tree spirits who look like leaves to people who can't 'see' them and one of them possess this kid's brother who then starts to do more and more fucked up things. Please help if you can google gives me nothing and it's being driving me fucking mad.

>> No.14111509

Now In November

>> No.14111531
File: 24 KB, 243x409, WarWithTheNewts-BantamA1292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rated as one of the best scifi novels, war with the newts was hard to find for a long time.

>> No.14111554

Alex Trocchi - Cain's Book

>> No.14111766

>This was shit, almost as bad as Dr bloodmoney
Bloodmoney is a masterpiece in my opinion, so Thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.14111774


A beautiful piece of literature.

>> No.14111784

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

>> No.14111788

Out of Africa by Isaiah Dinensen

>> No.14111792
File: 57 KB, 481x745, endersgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ender's Game

>> No.14111896

Good pick

>> No.14111953


>> No.14112196

Isek not Isaiah

>> No.14113207

I was legit going to suggest this same novel

>> No.14113489

>and half of hungary
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14113536

Kill yourself my man.