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/lit/ - Literature

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14103130 No.14103130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you well read /lit/?

>> No.14103137

Good thing slavs aren't white

>> No.14103140
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But of curse
The levant peoples and the Asians are relevant, unlike women

>> No.14103141

Good thing Irish aren't white

>> No.14103145

Only persons of Bavarian ancestry are human.

>> No.14103147

I only read black authors and listen to black composers, like Alexandre Dumas and Beethoven, respectively

>> No.14103153

Why is it always white people saying shit like this?

>> No.14103155

What are some good nigger authors then?

>> No.14103161

she's actually a fat ass black semi nigger

>> No.14103164

I've read an Italian author once

>> No.14103169

both murakamis coming in clutch as heck right now. thanks lads

>> No.14103207

You're not well read if you enjoy or value the "works" of female "authorsc

>> No.14103223

I read a lot of Americans

>> No.14103232

She's probably jewish

>> No.14103250

I'm reading Aristotle right now, a great BLACK man whose wisdom was preserved by the ARABS while wh*te europ*ans were incapable of appreciating him in their anti-scientific christian dark ages

FUCK white people and FUCK blompf

>> No.14103266

Good point desu, Irish, Italians, Russians, Greeks, Americans, none of them are white

>> No.14103270
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I'm actually currently reading a work from the blackest man in the history of existence, fancy that

>> No.14103280

Are you blind? She's black you fucking idiot.

>> No.14103283


>> No.14103302

>look up what she has written
>it's all "muh life as a black woman under wipypo"

Reminder that 21st century non-white americans are incapable of writing literature that isn't progressive or postcolonialist.

>> No.14103305

someone tweet the "OOOO MASA" meme to her

>> No.14103307

I will say you are not well read if you don't read white authors at all.

>> No.14103321

Source: My diary desu

>> No.14103339

wtf I like being poorly read now

>> No.14103355

Why is it always English majors who have a neurotic fixation on race?

>> No.14103373

it's strictly a careerist thing. can you blame them?

>> No.14103374

Good thing Taleb is an Arab.

>> No.14103378

Instead of focusing on what books people are reading, why don't niggers focus on the rampant crime problem their communities are facing?

>> No.14103382

come on man, not in /lit/

>> No.14103394

English departments only focus on critical theory and race bullshit. In fact, every humanities department is like this now.

>> No.14103418


>> No.14103469

...if all you read *ARE* white authors, Miss Jerkins.

>> No.14103490

I read quite a lot of Japanese literature. If you're implying I should read books by modern women or blacks, I'd ask you to point to a few with any substance beyond ham-fistedly complaining about how hard it is to be a woman/black and I'd be happy to check them out.

>> No.14103497

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.14103501

I wonder what her take on Taleb would be.

>> No.14103507

Well, that's technically true. For me, you are not well read if you haven't read Jorge Luis Borges (which even though is white would be catalogued as "hispanic").

>> No.14103520

The obvious answer is that a lot of these woke POC college females feel basically powerless to change black culture, especially because most of them found success by more or less explicitly emulating white people. It's much easier to complain about how people are reading too little by black authors than actually addressing the things which limit the average quality of life of blacks in America in a direct way (note: direct means something that can be tangibly quantified and addressed rather than shouting about 'systemic racism' as if they have a solid grasp of what they are really talking about).

This is relevant to /lit/ because politics (especially leftist political thought) has effectively completely taken over the literature departments at most universities to the point where it is very rare to find an English professor that isn't primarily a political advocate. The few that exist are basically constantly living in fear of the majority that do use their job in explicitly political ways and more or less just let those with louder voices shout over them. There is no non-political literature analysis in 2019 unfortunately (or ever really to be honest).

>> No.14103522

I read white men and the Bible so yes

>> No.14103539

Isn't she worried about offending white wamen authors?

>> No.14103542

Yeah, I like Mishima

>> No.14103550

Richard Wright, Frederick Douglas, and Malcolm X

>> No.14103555
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Outside of tertullian and Augustine, this is the only African I'll be reading

>> No.14103568

Well I've read Pushkin, Dumas, Joyce. So I'm good.

>> No.14103578

>he do be wypipo

>> No.14103760

It does not even matter whether he is or not. What matters is the clashing perspectives. IDpol is a maelstrom about to reach fever pitch.

>> No.14104146

Taleb thinks most of this idpol stuff comes from "nordicists", so he's about as clueless as the rest of the idiots.

>> No.14104152

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, you mean?
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.14104153

the french aren't white so yeah I'm well read

>> No.14104272

yeah, but
is right in that americans just write derivative shit about being non white
the one's that do (in an effective manner) aren't posting on social media about it because they're actually trying to change things
Thion'go, Achebe, Tutuola
Notice how none of them are Americans

>> No.14104316

Speak for yourself you dumb Anglo fuck. My literature professors could cite the Illiad ad verbatim and never brought id pol into class, neither did the students.

>> No.14104965
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I don't remember when /lit/ had so much race-baiting posts. Are we being invaded?

>> No.14104976

Who are some non-white authors? I read eastern philosophy all the time.

>> No.14104985

like 1/5 of my library are jap authors, so yes

>> No.14104986

I read plenty of Asian and Hispanic authors.
Let's be honest here tho, that's not what she's talking about here.

>> No.14105333

True. That's why I only read niggers.

>> No.14105386

Good thing anglos aren't white.

>> No.14105486

Yes, I've read Plato and Seneca, which don't qualify as "white" for Americans

>> No.14105534

Nothing will ever make me read anything written by a non-white person or a femoid. As far as I'm concerned, these are not real humans but animals fashioned as one

>> No.14105545 [SPOILER] 
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Why yes. I also read Japanese authors. Glad this means I count as well read.

>> No.14105551

I know Dumas’s ‘blackness’ is a meme because he was a quadroon but where does this joke about Beethoven come from?

>> No.14105653

Damn homie I guess your anecdote means everything said is explicitly untrue haha lol!

>> No.14105666

Well, I also read jewish authors, mulatto authors, women authors...

>> No.14105668

Ellison counts. Hallelujah

>> No.14105676

I think Nation of Islam claims he was black

>> No.14105696

J.A. Rogers claimed that he, Mozart, and Haydn were all black. Beethoven was the only one that struck with afrocrentricsts for some reason.

>> No.14105711


>> No.14105725

Extremely based. Nice collection, anon.