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14100542 No.14100542 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that go into exactly why people suicide? Or is it just untreated severe depression = suicide

>> No.14100547
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>attempts suicide four times

>> No.14100551

How? I guess maybe subconsciously he wanted the attempts to fail or something along those lines?

>> No.14100553
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I would assume most people do it because of mental illness; others do it because of deranged philosophies or inescapable problems such as drowning in debt.

>> No.14100558

Well he succeeded on the last one.

>> No.14100570

On Suicide by Emile Durkheim. It talks about the societal aspect as well

>> No.14100572

Just read up on his attempts and it looks like they were all legitimate attempts but everytime a freak of nature occurred and kept him alive. 4 lives for Dazai, huh.

>> No.14100604
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People commit suicide for many different reasons. You don't have to be clinically depressed to be thinking about an early exit.

Statistically, most people who decide to kill themselves are communists. For this reason, I suggest you avoid communists as they will drag you into a downward
spiral of despair and self-loathing.

>> No.14100614

people really underestimate how hard it is to kill a person, especially when it's yourself. not only does a dude have a pretty good chance of surviving if you attack him with a hammer, but now imagine it's yourself so you're trying to do it in a not-horrifically painful way.

this is the queer thing about the public perception of suicide attempts: everybody thinks that if you failed then subconsciously you just didn't really want to die but often what actually happened is your method and understanding of the body's mechanics was shit so you thought you would be gone but it didn't work and now you're stuck back in conscious reality.

attemptors think a rope or a simple cut will work out, but they are mistaken, so then if they look at percentages they discover that you need a firearm because otherwise you are opening yourself to a failed attempt and ridicule along the lines of "he/she's attention seeking" when really you were just dumb.

>> No.14100627

>tries to suicide by pills
>turns out he has too much tolerance for them since he absuses them to begin with
>tries to suicide by hanging
>tallboi slips down, wakes up fine
>tries to suicide by drowning
>too good of a swimmer
It's more of a question of how the fourth attempt succeeded. He drowned with a lover in a flooded creek after a strong rain. The same guy who tried to drown in the ocean and couldn't. I wonder about it sometimes, if he loaded up on stronger drugs beforehand, if the girl assisted him in keeping his head underwater long enough, etc.

Just proves that "people who attempt suicide always regret it" line is bullshit. Some people are going to be insatiably drawn to suicide, and won't stop until they get it.

>> No.14100651

Even firearms can fail. A lot of people hold it under their chin, and end up blowing their face off but still surviving. It's not pretty. You have to aim for the brain, especially the brainstem.

I'm turned off from firearms due to the state of the bodily remains. It's very messy. Gotta say the lead-up is aesthetic, though. But all death is ugly. Cut your stomach? Shit blood and half digested food all over the place. Organs spilling out, intestines all over the place. Drown? Bloated corpse. Cut yourself? Hard to succeed to begin with. And take some animal blood and leave it sitting in a bowl in your sink for a few days, and tell me how it smells. Hang yourself? A half eaten corpse slowly decomposing. Jump from a height? Splatter. That "beautiful suicide" girl who landed on the car looking almost perfect was incredible because she was a statistic unliklihood. Most women try to take pills, because the corpse looks relatively clean and it isn't violent. But this method has a low success rate.

How can you even achieve a death both clean and surefire, with minimal suffering? And preferably in a way no one tampers with your body afterwards. I'll be damned if a mortician gets at me with formadehyde and death makeup for an open casket. The bastard, I'd like to kill him for the mockery. How can you succeed? To be born is to be handed a terrible predicament on how to exit cleanly and pleasurably.

>> No.14100663
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>How can you even achieve a death both clean and surefire, with minimal suffering?

you're hoping for too much on the clean part, a corpse is always a nasty thing, don't know why you care about this. let me remind you that bowels are always voided, so even that aesthetic girl on the car shit herself.

>> No.14100666

>How can you even achieve a death both clean and surefire, with minimal suffering? And preferably in a way no one tampers with your body afterwards
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