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14099163 No.14099163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't atheists kill people? Without God there is no reason not to.

>> No.14099167

Fear of mortal punishment, dipshit. Read JJR and Hobbes

>> No.14099170

>there is no reason not to.
Unfortunately, forensics in Western countries are pretty advanced these days, the chances of getting away scott free are minimal.

>> No.14099173
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Should we lock up atheists? The death of religion is going to be disastrous because the mind abhors a vacuum. We need to find a way to save religion.

>> No.14099175

Why don't atheists kill themselves? If you're living in pure terror and anxiety every night, why not just put a stop to it?

>> No.14099179
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I would think they choose not to kill other people because they were lucky enough to live in a society that is based on Christian morals. Without Christianity to further reinforce these morals in the future, even the Atheists who are quite content with the current state of events will be repulsed by the barbarity and debauchery we will sink ourselves too.

>> No.14099188

This is harder to refute.

>> No.14099189

Because non-christians kill each other all the time for literally no reason.

>> No.14099206

so many digustingly simple-minded christianfags in this thread
Religion isn't the only source of morality.
What's nobler: not to kill people out of fear of going to hell or not to kill people because of one's free choice and moral code?

>> No.14099218
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Killing people could only harm me. My conscience makes me apologize whenever I lie to someone about trivial things, I wouldn't be able to bear the guilt of murdering someone for no reason at all. Even if I stood to gain and felt no guilt, I'd probably get caught.
Working on it

>> No.14099224

Alright, you have a point there. I'll further expand on it then. I'll further broaden the point to societies based on Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or any society that has some form of Theocratic "taint" to it.
All right if you want to deconstruct it that way. Punishment of doing something wrong > Doing something wrong = Deterrence. This usually works out, until someone deems the Punishment to be worth less than the wrong act. People being raised in a society who have rules like this have this ingrained in them not to do acts that will have a punishment that is considered worse than doing the act.

>> No.14099225

Ez-pz bro hold my bourbon. Terror and anxiety are not exclusive to the atheists, One can say with certainty that the idea of hell and sin has caused many a man to suffer an unbearable sense of guilt which independently of being warranted or not, has climaxed in suicidal ideation or suicide itself.

>> No.14099227

Because there is some joy in life and nothing after it. If anything knowing there is an afterlife is a reason to off yourself.

>> No.14099230
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>Anime pic

>> No.14099233

What is worse? The uncertainty of death, or the parameters of certainty we know about in life? I know I won't fall up into the sky if I wake up, but what of death? Nobody knows what's beyond the veil.

>> No.14099235
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What would we gain by killing random people?

What advantages lie therein? It is just a misuse of resources to kill randoms. The only ones who deserve to be murdered efficiently and on mass scale are humans of lower stock. It will be a gift to extinguish them and alleviate them of their suffering on this physical plane. Individuals who subscribe to and worship myths and entities, with no proof thereof are to be categorised with the lower humans.

They plague our beautiful planet with their inferior genetics.

>> No.14099236

where did you get that he was suicidal?

>> No.14099239

Sweden is largely secular/atheist, the only people there who resort to killing are immigrants from areas with strong religious morals. Czechs are mostly atheists and also experience little to no violent crimes.

>> No.14099240

Not really, because the Bible explicitly says you can’t kill yourself just to get into Heaven

>> No.14099251
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And what was Sweden/Czech republic before they became largely Atheist?

>> No.14099255
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Europeans kill themselves, not eachother.

>> No.14099265

Larping as offshoots of a Jewish religion. Your argument has a big hole. Explain the Middle East. They also believe in angry sky gods and seas being separated using magic sticks

>> No.14099267

Do you have an axiom that we can both agree on to be undeniably true that isn't based on sophistry? If not, you're just like any theocratic person. Good luck enforcing your beliefs of murdering genetic low hanging fruit when you have the wall of theocratic morality in your way.

>> No.14099275

All I'm saying is that you're living off the cadaver that the Theocracy has left off when you went Atheist. Now that there's nobody to reinforce those values, it's going to go to shit when people think they have no boundaries to hold them back.

>> No.14099280
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How's that christian moral fundament working out in Columbia, Brazil or Uganda?

>> No.14099282
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>Supports Eugenics
>Is one of the first culled.
Liek Harry pottery.

>> No.14099294

>he thinks ethics are based upon fear rather than an all pervading divine law
And by what criteria do you hold what to be good and not, and by what criteria do you hold killing to be wrong?

>> No.14099296
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So you don't actually believe in the magical elements of religion but advocate for its usage as a virtual cage to contain and control thought

Imagine my surprise

>> No.14099308

t. low stock human

>> No.14099310
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Hey, i'm not saying fundies are perfect. Hard to put people in their place when they become part of an organization that goes beyond the law of the land, such as multinational cartels. When you have people who can call off the government's military due to the possibility of civil war because one of your sons got taken (Mexico Oct 19th, El Chapo's son nearly got taken by the government), Then you probably should look at having only one major player in the country (the government) rather than two instilling punishment on its citizens.

>> No.14099317

It is often said that the people closest to the pits of hell are those who are most religious. Are you believing in religion just so you can avoid being prodded by devils for all eternity? Are you simply being "good" just so you can get good boy points from society at large and from the big man upstairs? Or are you being good just for goodness sake? It's all a big mind game.

>> No.14099341
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Cool but this has nothing to do with your initial argument.

>> No.14099352

Without god, or in particular divine punishment in the afterlife there is no absolute morality. Here I'm in agreement with the religious.
But the fact that there wouldn't be absolute morality without god is in no way an argument for the existence. Either god exists and so does absolute morality, or he doesn't and it doesn't.
I don't kill people because I would probably get caught, and because there's nobody who I really want to kill. I abhor the thought of ending the life of another person, as do most people. And that's a vital part of the atheist argument about morality. Morality is in large part inherent. And the morality found in the bible came from people, not the other way around.

>> No.14099366

Why don't you kys and ask Him yourself.

>> No.14099377

Are you implying that those backwaters were better off before European imperialist countries made them to what they are today? And that before they got instilled with Christian values by catholic missionaries, that their moral structures would be perfectly well-to-do? Sure, people are killing each other left and right over there, but they would be doing so more before they were given a moral backbone.

>> No.14099410
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>Why don't atheists kill people

Not having God takes away their restraint. Atheists are the most violent whenever they end up in charge of something.

>> No.14099455


>> No.14099460

because i have ambition in life that i want to achieve