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/lit/ - Literature

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14095015 No.14095015 [Reply] [Original]

I wish there was something worthwhile to completely dedicate your life to.

>> No.14095063

Why do you wish to be a slave? Why is freedom so bitter to you? Why do you seek something, or someone, to dominate your life, invade your spirit?

>> No.14095079
File: 170 KB, 736x981, 53070741-E13B-4D2D-B7E1-92F19D45D87A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is.
This though. Fuck that trap

>> No.14095999

Follow your neurology man. I'll probably catch a lot of shit from people here, but just look at the things that interest you and try to find a pattern that they all have in common. Exploit that and figure out why you love that underlying feature then delve into it.

Do you have a interest in things like philosophy, art, comedy, literature, etc., because it's there's something expressive there? The pattern there is to find a way to express yourself and make money doing it.

Do you like studying philosophy and applying it to the world to solve some issues? Interested in working on cars, programming, medicine, etc.? You're a problem solver perhaps. Tinkering around until you solve an issue is a pattern.

Everyone has their "thing," just find yours. Study yourself and try to figure out what YOU want and what gets YOU excited.