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14094783 No.14094783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what books does he read?

>> No.14094797

Entry level political theory and economics, /pol/ meme books, and Twitter threads

>> No.14094804

Is he the next Hitler unironically? YT today is what radio was in the 1930s

>> No.14094810

Father Charles Coughlin had about 1 in 3 Americans listening to any given radio show of his. Go check out some of his content. Far, far, far to the right of any of the cucked shit that is allowed today. You'll get instabanned from the entire internet if you come close to talking sense like Coughlin did.

>> No.14094813

He's the most likely of the alt-right figureheads, for sure. He's the only one with actual charisma.

>> No.14094828

I despise everything he stands for but he’s funny as fuck nonetheless

>> No.14094835

is he 13 or 50yo?

>> No.14094839

The average white American is so ready to be taken by the far-right and they don't even know it

>> No.14095016

Shut up you total faggot.

>> No.14095017

What does Nick stand for?

>> No.14095026

christian values

>> No.14095042

He would probably scoff and reply with three sets of parentheses

>> No.14095044

Then why is he a white identitarian? This perverted marriage between white identitarianism and Catholicism needs a Vatican III Council to make this doctrine if this LARP is going to be taken seriously

>> No.14095062

>Then why is he a white identitarian?
Because white people are the best and they’re being genocided.
>This perverted marriage between white identitarianism and Catholicism needs a Vatican III Council to make this doctrine if this LARP is going to be taken seriously
Nobody cares what you think.

>> No.14095080

Christianity is incompatible with racism and nationalism.

>> No.14095089

Faggot, I give two shits about the authenticity. I know this century is going to be dominated by insincere authoritarian traditionalist LARPs.

It’s just easier to transition into this if you have some illusion supporting your political project. But theres literally nothing in the Bible that makes it prime to be used to really exclude non-whites regardless of their virtuosity (aka based black man memes)

>> No.14095092

The pseudo-revival of Christianity is what will doom this revamped alt right thing Fuentes is leading. White people had finally broken free of the fake jewish identities of yore but now a bunch of white zoomers are getting sucked right back into that trap.

>> No.14095105

keep telling yourself that

>> No.14095111

Do you really think so anon? Do you think Zoomers sincerely care more about Christianity than being outnumbered in their country? I’m a Zoomer and my Tradcath LARPing friends will admit that they care for the later more than the former. I see TradCath movement more as a way to adopt a vitalizing aesthetics that isn’t a cringe fest like NeoNazi banners being waved around

>> No.14095127

People like you and Nick don't even read the Bible.

I had a big laugh when watching his stream a few months ago and he was asked what was his favorite bible verse. He literally couldn't even name one off the top of his head.

>> No.14095133

He's right. Christianity has always been a jewish universalist ideology, just like communism and modern liberalism. Jews push universalist ideologies because a) universalism gives jews a seat at the table, and b) they make white or European racial identity secondary.

>> No.14095136

>I know this century is going to be dominated by insincere authoritarian traditionalist LARPs.
You know nothing, actually. Nobody does. You’re just being baselessly cynical. Not everything that happens IRL is a LARP. If you were around in Napoleon’s time you’d accuse him of LARPing as Genghis Khan. You’re correct that fascism is imminent in the West, though.
>But theres literally nothing in the Bible that makes it prime to be used to really exclude non-whites regardless of their virtuosity
I agree, I’m not a Christian and I’m concerned about the stringent Catholicism in the movement. People like Fuentes and Sellner and even Salvini will insist on a Catholic theocracy. It’s dangerous tying up your movement irrevocably with bullshit. Like when Christian parents tell their children Santa Claus is for sure real and then when they find out he’s not they question God. Similarly, it will come to a point where people say, If Catholicism is wrong (it is), maybe this whole thing is bullshit?
But you might also consider that lives are short. It’s entirely possible that someone like Fuentes just gets the nation headed down the path of fascism and the people that come after don’t carry the Catholic baggage. That’s how I see it.

>> No.14095144

Christianity is first and foremost the religion of the White race.

>> No.14095162

Everything is a LARP after the Industrial Age. All sincerity has been killed especially after the internet

>> No.14095163

It might be good in the short run, but it's ultimately a step backward. Christianity was always an alien religion, and it has been made completely irrelevant by modern advancements in understanding. If it's bringing people in, good; but it's not going to get the right people on board because intelligent whites are way beyond it.

>> No.14095193

Christ was a Jew. The first Christians were all Jews.
Modern Christianity is by bulk Africans and Latin-American mutts. The proportion of white Christians is dwindling to almost nothing.

What exactly makes you think White people have a preeminent claim over this religion?

>> No.14095208

Same anon here, but why are you scared of a Catholic theocracy? I feel like a Spanish Golden Age is a wet dream for all /pol/tards, unless you think that’s a very bad thing

>> No.14095209

I know why you feel that way, but you’re wrong. You’re too online. Governments continue to be real. They’re not LARPing. Hitler and Stalin feel like a long time ago, they weren’t barely a century ago. That’s nothing in the eye of history. Just a blink. The next cast of major characters and the next philosophical movements are coming up now. Fuentes is probably one of them. He’s a goofy 21 year old right now so it’s easy to wave him off as a memey LARPer, but think about where AOC was when she was 21. Now think about where Nick will be when he’s old enough to be a bona fide adult politician.

>> No.14095227

Who cares if it’s a step backwards? It’s doomed to all collapse. Spengler was right. Catholicism is the best way to usher in our Caesarist age. There’s no better religion that focuses on the political like Catholicism. Yes, even more than Islam

>> No.14095231

>Christ was a Jew. The first Christians were all Jews.
Marxist Revisionism
>Modern Christianity is by bulk Africans and Latin-American mutts. The proportion of white Christians is dwindling to almost nothing.
Unimportant, all the major doctrines were and will continue to be written by Europeans.

>> No.14095233

Charles A. Murray
>The Bell Curve
>Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
Samuel T. Francis
>Revolution from the Middle
Patrick J. Buchanan
>The Death of the West
>Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Hijacked the Bush Presidency
>Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?
Russell Kirk
>The Conservative Mind
>Roots of American Order
Paul Gottfried
>Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt
>Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right
i don't all his books, i'm guessing on his political position he is a (ultra) paleoconservative

>> No.14095237

>Marxist Revisionism

>> No.14095242
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I’m only interested in what’s true. IMO Christianity isn’t. That’s all it comes down to. I wouldn’t be upset about it though, obviously. It’d be much preferable to what we have now. But the future of humanity is in eugenics and the stars, not moralizing Jewish myths.

>> No.14095244

i don't know all his books*
sorry for that, i am sittning in an uncomfortably position

>> No.14095246

>Now think about where Nick will be when he’s old enough to be a bona fide adult politician.
On twitter crying because his political opponents use all of the shit he said in the past against him, and if he even tries to pretend to have changed he'll come off as a cuck to his supporters.

>> No.14095256

But everyone is far too much online anon. Maybe someone will escape from this matrix and then rise to dominate, but I go to university where America’s “nobility” and “next elite” are all groomed and they are all too lobotomized and anestheticized by their devices. Everyone lives moment to moment, there is no existential fear for tomorrow and it’s not because we’ve managed to overcome but it’s because we’ve declined that challenge altogether. I truly do not see anything sincere around me. Boomers run governments now. Who cares what some boomers think? They’re all on their way out anyways.

>> No.14095263

You have no capacity for foresight and are too low IQ for this convo. The political landscape will obviously not be the same when he’s 30. The entire point of his crusade against conservacucks is to shift the paradigm. The endgame isn’t to end up becoming a conservacuck himself, genius.

>> No.14095268

>Who cares if it’s a step backwards?
People who care about the truth and want to go forward do.

>> No.14095269

Pretty sure he just watches youtube videos

>> No.14095272

Children's books

>> No.14095274

Bro the Czar will never let Stalin have a political career

>> No.14095276

Nick's endgame is being put in prison for hate speech under the Sanders-AOC administration.

>> No.14095294

It’s a phase. The real shit is coming down the pipeline.

>> No.14095307

It was Stalin who purged the jews from power. One always eventually rises under jewish control because jews are nomads who have never built anything on their own and in turn can't rule in a way that doesn't make their authoritarian personality completely unbearable.

>> No.14095324

What do you mean it’s a phase? Why do you think so? What will cause it to change? Why should we expect people from the Zoomer generation to suddenly gain foresight and discipline that was never cultivated in their most critical years? Quit it with the speculative bullshit anon

>> No.14095337

Maybe it's because white identitarianism isn't all as crazy as you think? Even the pope says Europe should be for the Europeans.

>> No.14095356

>What do you mean it’s a phase? Why do you think so? What will cause it to change?
Because that’s how humanity works. History doesn’t end here. Woke culture/general societal immaturity is a phase comparable to the hippies in the 70s. It will have lasted a couple decades (we’re about midway through) and then new things will happen, like always. Germany went from Weimer degeneracy to Hitler in a snap, just for the most obvious parallel. That’s how it goes.

>> No.14095373

Entrepreneur books. Stay poor lit.

>> No.14095375

Are you confusing the Pope with the Dalai Lama?
The Pope is all about bringing in refugees and migrants.

>> No.14095396

No I'm talking Francis. Even he has said that Europe should be for Europeans and there's absolutely nothing radical about the notion. It's these insane people on the left that have popped up in the last few decades who think certain people having an in-group preference is some evil thing. It's not racist for white people to want to live around white people and that's the core of white identitarianism. Wanting to live around other white people doesn't mean you hate other people.

>> No.14095400

Shilling 101

>> No.14095454

>Even he has said that Europe should be for Europeans

>> No.14095474

Your moms box

>> No.14095477

what about Dicky Spencer?

>> No.14095485

He's closer to a Mussolini. He's anti-Semitic in a religious way and has told Jews to convert to Christianity and is anti-Israel for religious reasons. IDK he's very unwonted in many of his views not to say that he's wrong. He's still young and needs to mature a bit in terms of composure before he becomes a "philosopher king." He'd benefit from reading Marcus Aurelius, Evola, or Nietzsche.

>> No.14095486

I saw him tell people to read Evola one time, but he rightly rejects book recommendations from his paypigs and calls people fags for thinking reading is going to solve anything.

>> No.14095490

He’s a joke. If Mosley was a Hitler LARP then Richard Spencer is somehow still in elementary school special ed in his late thirties drawing swastikas and pepes in crayon. He’s never in his life had close to the potential of Fuentes.

>> No.14095499

Politically (not ideologically) it’s the difference between David Duke and AOC. Nick has genuine political instinct and will have an actual career, Spencer goes around throwing Romans and Sieg Heiling.

>> No.14095500

He's been laying low for like a year.
Spencer is a good check on the "let's just be racist conservatives" crowd.

>> No.14095509

kek. Every great leader was well-read. Even Hitler and Mussolini were well-read. Typical burger mindset prevalent in even its aberrants.

>> No.14095511

Keep in mind he’s 21. He’s not a serious person yet and doesn’t pretend to be, he self identifies as a zoomer troll. What people like about him is his potential, not his current situation.

>> No.14095515

I cant stop farting

>> No.14095518

He was memeing. He does read widely. He’s posted his /stacks/ on social media before and references all sorts of books when he debates.

>> No.14095521
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Nazi Incel confused Kid

>> No.14095558
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>> No.14095572

dude runs (or at least used to) a Discord filled with pedophiles and other sexual predators. nickers would solicit nudes of 14-17 y/o girls, use them as blackmail to get what they want and eventually bully them off the internet, and then share them with each other. this whole tradcath shit is just an edgy joke for nick and most of his followers, who are all damaged in some way. none of them give a shit about the future, not their own, and definitely not about their country. that experience blackpilled me on the prospects of the dissident right.

>> No.14095589

Lmfao what on earth, none of that is true at all. Schizo or shekels?

>> No.14095597

based, dissident right need a ruthless leader who will exploit e-thots as mere playthings.

grow a pair, women are things.

>> No.14095604

>But the future of humanity is in eugenics and the stars, not moralizing Jewish myths.
Cringe. You can't get to the stars without those myths

>> No.14095610

Everyone knows Christianity is integral to eugenics and interstellar travel. Thanks for participating.

>> No.14095614

The Bible

>> No.14095617

He isn't. He's a nationalist that happens to be white

>> No.14095633

You can keep that Warhammer stuff in /tg/

>> No.14095666

Literally no idea what you’re talking about, nerd.

>> No.14095712


>> No.14095891

So Hitler at the Special Olympics. The future's so bright...

>> No.14095904
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>> No.14095936

this is pretty much how i feel. i can't stand this fucking prick but that alek minassian clip killed me

>> No.14095939

You from Tumblr or Reddit?

>> No.14095947
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Uh oh.

>> No.14095951

I agree with >>14095904, but did he really have to be such a faggot in his response. I fucking hate gifs and hate seeing this board infested with them almost as much as I hate /poltards, so hopefully both of you could rot in hell.

>> No.14095958

literally whomst? no i will not image search. i refuse. tell me here and now who this faggot is

>> No.14095971

Be less gay.

>> No.14095985

Nascent far right politico whose name in after the next 60 years will go down in history with the same weight as Hitler or Stalin. Just a zoomer troll right now though.

>> No.14095988


>> No.14096005

He's a fucking mestizo, Hitler would gas him.

>> No.14096009


>> No.14096013

Just some loser that old failedsons project onto because he says all the things they wish they had the balls to say today and back then.

>> No.14096021

You clearly know a lot about Hitler. Imagine, in 2019, unironically buying the meme that he wanted to genocide that wasn’t blonde and blue-eyed lmao

>> No.14096061

Does Nicky hate everyone with homo feels or just those who act on them and or do butt secks? Aside from this and his Christian theocracy autism, I like him and would smooch scrotum.

>> No.14096063

Was funny seeing Sargon pissing his pants about him earlier today lmao, flat out was like “They said fascism would come to America draped in an American flag, and it’s in its way”
I was like yes please God

>> No.14096074

He’s friends with Milo and said last night that faggots are allowed in the movement as long as they don’t treat faggotry as a value. His issue with it as far as conservacuckery goes is that they’re parading out drag queens and faggots and might as well be the Left. But I think he’s largely just trying to stay optical and strategic, his seething hatred for faggots is apparent, so don’t have any delusions about that.

>> No.14096078

H-How do I help nick? I want to be his minion

>> No.14096079

he looks like he reads alot but only because he got PTSD from black kids

>> No.14096089

Honestly he seems the type to be really proud about having above average intelligence and doesn't read at all.

>> No.14096096

He's like 5 ft tall so no

>> No.14096098

I was mostly baiting, but that's actually pretty based.

>> No.14096099
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lol nothing to do yet, everyone is just watching and waiting for his balls to drop so he can fulfill his destiny
but if you’re familiar with his current conflict with Charlie Kirk then obviously you can join in the groyperdom at future conservacuck events, if one is in your area

>> No.14096105
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>what books does he read?
The Bible

>> No.14096110

Who the fuck is this zoomer and why does everyone know who he is?

>> No.14096112

>everyone is just watching and waiting for his balls to drop
lol isn't he 21?

>> No.14096120
File: 295 KB, 1084x654, 1569627165593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is incompatible with racism and nationalism.
Ever read the Bible? Christians are Gods new chosen people, God surely favors his people above others

>> No.14096121

yeah it was just a figure of speech, the point is that he’s still quite young and not a serious person yet. when he’s old enough to have an actual career is when things will start heating up

>> No.14096125

C-can I be his Robin? I-i want to have a talk show too and be his cheerleader

>> No.14096143

can't wait till this guy gets his face rearranged and he posts a youtube video about it

>> No.14096150

Fuentes is definitely the man of the hour and seems to be able to handle the pressure, but if/when he gets banned from JewTube he better have a good backup plan to stay relevant. Allsup had a much bigger channel than Fuentes, but got deleted from every platform and quickly became marginalized. Kid's a savage, but hopefully he'll mature a little and keep previous infighting he's been a part of to a minimum.

>> No.14096167
File: 81 KB, 597x581, 8618E092-D6A4-4E3C-AF08-43279CCA8702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s about to get SHOAH’D

>> No.14096199

He's really charismatic not going to lie, but not as much as the dick riders itt are claiming, I'm pretty sure most of his success is because his audience are all self inserting as him (that being a slightly more articulate and well versed in obscure /pol/tier trivia version of themselves)

If you think this alt right thing (inb4 he's not alt right) is going to do anything other than fizzle out before the end of the 2020s then you should unironically have sex and go outside.
Happy to be proven wrong, don't think I will be

>> No.14096201

>go forward
To what?

>> No.14096204

Why is it going to fizzle out? What will it be replaced with?

>> No.14096220

Lol. It's amazing he hasn't been already. Fuentes, Scott Greer, and some other popular pro-white, anti-jew commentators could probably be somewhat successful doing their own thing, but at this point losing your ability to stay on jew-run platforms is more often than not a death sentence.

>> No.14096224

If you give me tips on how to send evidence to the FBI or whatever is the Canadian equivalent while remaining anonymous, then you’ll find out for yourself. I saved a lot of chat logs before Nick purged his Discord server in the wake of “rape-gate”. I don’t have any nudes (thankfully), but I do have proof of people knowingly soliciting and trading nudes of underaged girls. I’ve been sitting on it for more than a year because I don’t know what to do with it, and I’m afraid of being associated with those sociopaths.

>> No.14096234

What will the next youtube trend?
I don't know man, if you'd told me that new atheism would evolve into this ten years ago I'd have found it hard to believe

>> No.14096236

>Happy to be proven wrong, don't think I will be
Yeah I’m sure you feel that way about everything.
Your entire post is unnecessarily aggressive (projection?) and randomly cynical. Nobody is successful until they are, but acting like Nick has no chance like it never happens to anyone or something is making the easy mistake of thinking a cynical take is an incisive one.

>> No.14096242

>If you think this alt right thing (inb4 he's not alt right) is going to do anything other than fizzle out before the end of the 2020s
White racial consciousness and awareness of the jewish problem isn't going anywhere. They vehicles and tactics for expressing the ideas contained therein merely change as they undergo subversion, MSM, and deep state attacks.

>> No.14096244

Yeah you’ve got fucking nothing, because nothing even slightly like that ever happened. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14096249

Is that a dachshund? Anyone got the full pic

>> No.14096253

I don't believe that, I believe he wouldn't let a fucking Mestizo with 0 German blood into his reich though.

>> No.14096270

It's already started to fizzle out. The American Far Right had their shot and blew it, starting with the absolute sideshow that was Charlottesville. They have been slowly diminishing as a political and cultural force ever since. A fetus /pol/tard in daddy's suit posting cheap looking videos on Youtube is the only Alt Right figure with any degree of prominence ad momentum. Even those that the media termed "Alt Lite" (those IDW embaressments) are rapidly becoming non-entities.

There's that cliche that was repeated ad nauseum by the left when Trump was elected about this resurgence of the right wing being "the last gasp of a dying dinosaur" or whatever and they were right. We are in the death throes. Sorry faggots, the zoomers ain't redpilled, they're just hyper millennials and they are not coming to save us.

Basically: It's over. For a while at least.

>> No.14096271

Evola and occassionally Jacobite and Jordan Peterson articles.

>> No.14096273

Nice fake news bro, discord deleted his server for hate speech

>> No.14096284


>> No.14096296

Imagine valuing women

>> No.14096302

>I type many words that mean I know lot
Fuentes is 21 years of age retard, would you like him to run for President? What do you want? As someone else said in this thread, where was AOC at 21? A nobody in college. Fuentes has an audience of 60k and is setting the stage for the future.
Also, Fuentes isn’t associated with Spencer and the Alt Right. He specifically beefed with them over the reasons why they have no chance. You typed so much on this subject but didn’t even know that.

>> No.14096307

I can’t post images because my WiFi IP is banned (lol college), and the same goes for my wireless IP. I uploaded some pictures back last year on /pol/, I’ve got hundreds more in a zip file, including evidence that there were pedophiles on the server, and that it was an open secret.
This happened over the course of early 2018. His server was still up at the time. The primary offenders, if I call correctly, were two Discord users by the name of Dirt Kevin and Bob.

>> No.14096310

Just man up and report them.

>> No.14096316

Imagine creating a space for pedophiles to prey on underaged girls, and then turning around and calling yourself a traditional Catholic. Not good optics my guy.

>> No.14096322

Not being aggressive at all, if anyone is projecting here it's you as you actually are being rather unnecessarily hostile. I'm not being cynical by pointing out that a fringe movement that exists ultimately to entertain edgy teens and evolved out of the new atheism movement and figures like TJ Kirk will fizzle out or evolve into something entirely different just like that one did

>> No.14096326

I have a lot to lose if I don’t do it right.

>> No.14096340

I’m reporting your post to Canadian FBI and you’re going to be in trouble for willingly and knowingly holding evidence against pedophiles. Spill the beans cuck before the leaf patrol comes knocking

>> No.14096341

oh shut up and do it already.

>> No.14096357

>Not being aggressive at all, if anyone is projecting here it's you as you actually are being rather unnecessarily hostile.
Lmao you literally said that the only people who like Fuentes are retarded incels who wish they could be him. “Not being aggressive at all”. And then when I tell you that you’re projecting because you’re being unnecessarily hostile, you say I must be projecting since I’m being unnecessarily hostile. Clearly a high IQ individual I am dealing with.
>I'm not being cynical by pointing out that a fringe movement that exists ultimately to entertain edgy teens
Not “ultimately”... *currently*. Develop foresight.
>and evolved out of the new atheism movement and figures like TJ Kirk will fizzle out
... Yeah the TradCath movement owes so much to youtube atheists, checks out. You are so out of your depth that the only way you can engage here is to reference a random and unrelated youtuber. How did you end up on /lit/? Read books.
>will fizzle out
As everyone knows, every political movement is simply a meme and will undoubtedly fizzle out. That’s how it always goes, there are never any political developments or revolutions ever.

>> No.14096359

People have been using gifs on this website since its inception.

>> No.14096365

Not in the faggy way you did it

>> No.14096367

My Awakening by Dr. David Duke

>> No.14096371

>>14096359 is my only post in this thread. Besides this one.

>> No.14096375

This is about much more than politics, amigo. It's about white people becoming conscious of their identity and the nature of the jews flooding every white nation with shitskins.

>> No.14096395

Literally never happened total retard (or lowlife troll).

>> No.14096398

I can't be bothered to respond to every single stupid point here, I'm not interested in getting into an internet debate that'll last hours even with a high IQ individual such as yourself
>Yeah the TradCath movement owes so much to youtube atheists
Yes, it actually does. A direct evolution, it's the same demographic and the ideas are just fashion

I think I should take a screenshot of your post, it's going to age so well

>> No.14096425

>I type many words that mean I know lot
Imagine being so illiterate that three short paragraphs counts as "many words"
>Fuentes is 21 years of age retard, would you like him to run for President?
He will never run for President or any form of elected office or do anything of value outside his little echo chamber because he spends most of his time online being an edgelord playing to fellow edgelords because nobody else takes him seriously nor will they ever.
>Fuentes has an audience of 60k and is setting the stage for the future.
Pure delusion. Give it two more years and he'll be washed up like literally every other e-celeb.
>Also, Fuentes isn’t associated with Spencer and the Alt Right
So he wasn't at the Unite the Right rally then? He doesn't just regurgitate /pol/ talking points and memes? Get a fucking clue faggot. He's an online anti-conservative white nationalist. That, as a bare minimum, makes him alt right by all sensible definitions of the term.

>> No.14096427

>I can't be bothered to respond to every single stupid point here
>Yes, it actually does. A direct evolution, it's the same demographic and the ideas are just fashion
TradCath fascists owe it all to libertarian atheists. A direct evolution! Wow if you say so!
>I think I should take a screenshot of your post, it's going to age so well
Yeah just like you’re “happy to proven wrong but don’t think you will be.” The easiest way to cope with being a know nothing retard is to act wise about the distant future on a forum where no one can hold you accountable. But yeah you’ll definitely keep a cap of my posts handy for the next couple decades just in case you’re right about Fuentes. How will I ever go a day without sweating? Try being right one time in the present moment before your LARP as Nostradamus stupid bitch.

>> No.14096428

You really don't have to quote people like that. It's a mess.

>> No.14096434

Are you jewish?

>> No.14096443

Yeah and most white people don't notice or give a shit and by the time that they realize what's happened it'll be too late.
Also, you'll never build a strong social movement out of "waah ze joos."

>> No.14096447

It looks fine, get a grip.

>> No.14096451

>TradCath fascists owe it all to libertarian atheists. A direct evolution! Wow if you say so!
Not him but you've pretty much outed yourself as an ignorant newfag here. This is pretty well documented.

>> No.14096454

Yes, so what?

>> No.14096457

No. What now?

>> No.14096459

No it's not fine. You're on a literature forum, act like you can write. There's a reason you would never turn in a paper like that at school.

>> No.14096462

Are you jewish? Sounds like you are. I have seen awareness of white racial consciousness and awareness of the jewish problem increase exponentially in the last five years, and five years is nothing on the time scale we're looking at. Your fate is ordained, rabbi.

>> No.14096468

So, that explains your fear over what you know deep down is inevitable: your tribe being forced out to seek a new host.

>> No.14096469

>Imagine being so illiterate that three short paragraphs counts as "many words"
Ha ha it not many word for I say it not ha ha what, few word many for you? ha ha
>He will never run for President or any form of elected office or do anything of value outside his little echo chamber because he spends most of his time online being an edgelord playing to fellow edgelords because nobody else takes him seriously nor will they ever.
>Pure delusion. Give it two more years and he'll be washed up like literally every other e-celeb.
Being needlessly bitter and baselessly cynical and vomitously vitriolic is the mark of a hugely successful person secure in themselves, not to mention the substantive contribution of a true intellectual. You’re nothing more than the stereotypical no good nay sayer, that’s your role in this life. Enjoy it!
>>Also, Fuentes isn’t associated with Spencer and the Alt Right
>So he wasn't at the Unite the Right rally then? He doesn't just regurgitate /pol/ talking points and memes? Get a fucking clue faggot. He's an online anti-conservative white nationalist. That, as a bare minimum, makes him alt right by all sensible definitions of the term.
Again, if you (obviously) don’t know, why are you still going on about it as if you do? I do know why, actually. Because you’re so intellectually insecure that you have to act like you know everything.
He beefed with the alt right and publicly split with them. There is a clear difference between them that everyone recognizes and comprehends who is aware of the situation. Their views are not identical, either.

>> No.14096476

Wow if you say so as (definitely) someone else it must be two times as true!

>> No.14096501

still believes in the left right dialectic hello sub 90 iq department

>> No.14096503

>There is a clear difference between them that everyone recognizes and comprehends who is aware of the situation
Eh, not really. Same ideas, same goals, just slightly different strategy, which is partly a result of subversion by the duo with the worst optics: weev and Anglin. Btw not him and spoke positively about Fuentes itt earlier.

>> No.14096507

If you can give me the name of a free VPN that can post on 4chan, then I can post evidence within 15 mins.

>> No.14096534

>No it's not fine.
It is. Very handy when you want to focus on multiple specific things in a post.
>You're on a literature forum
I'm on the literature board of an iranian kite flying website, a place where greentext is part of the culture.
>act like you can write.
I can write perfectly well, almost certainly better than you can.
>There's a reason you would never turn in a paper like that at school.
Imagine taking 4channel this seriously. Embarrassing beyond words.

>> No.14096535

No. Fuentes is theocratic nationalist who wants to preserve a white majority. Spencer and the Alt Right are atheists who want a total ethnostate, ideally a superblock of interconnected white states (inspired by the EU), and have no particular fondness for America or “nationalism”. And the “slightly different strategy” isn’t slight and it isn’t trivial. Spencer and his ilk unironically go around sieg heiling and totally LARPing. Nick is optical, realistic and has actual political potential. They’re similar but very definitely different.

>> No.14096539

>Ha ha it not many word for I say it not ha ha what, few word many for you? ha ha
Well yeah, anyone who thinks that's a lot of words clearly struggles with reading.
>Being needlessly bitter and baselessly cynical and vomitously vitriolic
Yeah this doesn't sum up Nick and his followers at all.
>There is a clear difference between them that everyone recognizes and comprehends who is aware of the situation. Their views are not identical, either.
Describe the differences. I'm sure they are substantial.

>> No.14096546

Lurk the archives more.

>> No.14096549

>Nick is optical
He literally makes le funny wooden door jokes every other episode.
So what if he's not actually a holocaust denier, normies will be just as repulsed by that as Spencer saying hail victory once

>> No.14096557

>Describe the differences. I'm sure they are substantial.
No, you’re sure you’re eternally right even as you ask for information because you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I briefly touched on it here. >>14096535
Yeah, they are substantial, retard. Thank me. Now you know.

>> No.14096567

That's an exaggeration. Fuentes doesn't expound upon what he ultimately wants as an ideal political structure and Spencer, along with everyone else, only does so as a thought experiment. Everyone accepts that any such thing is beyond our lifetimes; "goal" was referring to the steps that need to be taken vis a vis raising white consciousness and JQ awareness. There was a time before Fuentes, too, and some of the 20 year old zoomers who came around in 2016 should try to understand that before directing hostility toward people who operating in a different environment.

>> No.14096574

Optics =/= cucking for maximum normie appeal.
All optics means is being presentable (not shlubby) and realistic (not sieg heiling). He’s still a quasi-fascist radical, the only way he’ll have mass appeal is if he succeeds in shifting the paradigm.

>> No.14096598

Dunno, still both look like insecure white boys moaning about the scary darkies to me.

>> No.14096617

Nothing was exaggerated. Everything I said is literally and objectively the case. You said some things that were true but I don’t know why you’re trying to frame it like they disagree with me.

>> No.14096619

Damn I bet you even have sex

>> No.14096634

I did a few hours ago, why?

>> No.14096638

I don’t understand how people take Fuentes seriously. Okay, he’s funny, and he has above-average intelligence, but he threw away his future by going to Charlottesville and dropping out of Boston University. Now he spends his time asking for Romans in the chat while collecting neetbux from his edgelord fans. He doesn’t have good optics. He hardly has a plan worth thinking about. He doesn’t have a coherent ideology that isn’t regurgitated /pol/ mythos—the manlet hardly reads. And after spending so much time doing this shit, he won’t be able to shrug it off the fashy podcast as a dark phase. It’s over for Nick. He has no political future. Once he’s deplatformed, he’s finished as a force, and to be honest, I don’t get what his appeal was in the first place. You listen to him long enough, maybe a week tops, and you realize that he’s maybe around the caliber of Richard Spencer, which is a low standard to begin.

>> No.14096646

He’s 21.

>> No.14096658

He's much more likeable than Spencer, so you have that friendship simulator effect for his fans, otherwise I generally agree with you though.

>> No.14096673

>>And after spending so much time doing this shit, he won’t be able to shrug it off the fashy podcast as a dark phase. It’s over for Nick. He has no political future. Once he’s deplatformed, he’s finished as a force
See >>14095263

>> No.14096674


>> No.14096680

Like who disagrees with you? There were a few sieg heils here and there, and the people who were going to those early rallies were often lower class whites, but most of the differences are/were either generational, based on the specific 2014-2016 time frame, or a product of bad actors creating division (meaning weev and Anglin, who started all that shit). But the distinctions are minimal here.

>> No.14096681

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Maybe some more superchats will trigger the volkisch revival.

>> No.14096682

Because there's literally no-one else and he represents the fantasy of the far right that the zoomers are all based and will rise up and save America from our long nosed overlords. Being articulate and somewhat charismatic helps too.

>> No.14096691

>one day my favourite e-celeb will be a big deal!
Keep dreaming. He isn't shifting any paradigm, he's preaching to the choir.

>> No.14096695

>our long nosed overlords
Hooked nosed.

>> No.14096703

So he’s 21, dumbass. Everyone else in politics was a complete nonentity in some college at his age. He’s already got a following and gets more notorious and mainstream every month. Stop treating him like he’s a serious politician at the peak of his career.
Also, for the record, his sole concern isn’t even a career. He genuinely wants to save the country. You’re acting like he’s making some sort of political miscalculation that he’ll regret when he wants to play GOP ball in the future. No. He will always be at the head of this identiterian energy, for better or worse. We’ll see how it goes, you don’t know, you’re just being an asshole.

>> No.14096711

Oh right I forgot, how silly of me.

>> No.14096715

These are all delusions. Zoomers are even worse than millennials. He’s not *that* articulate. He can defeat brainlets like CoachRedPill, but he struggles against prepared opponents, or even clever hucksters like Destiny. If you can’t outwit Destiny, then you’re not going to be an effective spokesperson for the movement.

Instead of latching onto the most desperate of figures, we should wait until somebody worthwhile comes along, or better yet, set our own standards and rise to the occasion.

>> No.14096719

Well, it's long from your perspective looking down on it, right, kike?

>> No.14096720

There are bitchass naysayers like you in the story of every successful person. Keep jeering on the sideline, don’t forget your lines. You do serve your role. Couldn’t be me though, thankfully.

>> No.14096727

>Everyone else in politics was a complete nonentity in some college at his age.
That's exactly his point retard. They kept their head down and worked while he is embarrassing himself for all the world to see.
>more notorious and mainstream every month.
He'll probably get banned off of twitter fairly soon and then will cuck himself to avoid getting banned off of Youtube and then you'll all abandon him for the next edgelord that pops out of his mother's basement. Fuentes has already peaked

>> No.14096731

>but he struggles against prepared opponents, or even clever hucksters like Destiny. If you can’t outwit Destiny, then you’re not going to be an effective spokesperson for the movement.
Oh my God lmfao do you actually believe this
>Instead of latching onto the most desperate of figures, we should wait until somebody worthwhile comes along, or better yet, set our own standards and rise to the occasion.
Yeah please do give it a shot narcissistic retard, see how it goes.