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/lit/ - Literature

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1409390 No.1409390 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people say they're rereading a book

What joy do people get out of rereading books? I know a kid who said he's read The Count of Monte Cristo over a dozen times and I see no point in that. There are some passages from books I reread but I don't think I've ever actually reread an entire book. And on here too a lot of people say they're rereading stuff. If some deeper meaning went over your head in the first reading, just go on SparkNotes or something.

not even trolling just wondering. just seems pointless.

>> No.1409393

well of course it would be pointless to you, you read books as a chore

>> No.1409395

You ever rewatch a movie? or listen to an album again? Some novels have intricacies which you pick up by rereading. There's much more to books than a plot you know, reading for the prose can be enjoyable, or reading something to make you feel a certain way.

>> No.1409398

If I greatly enjoy something, I will often do it again.

This applies to books, movies, music, hobbies, food, sex, etc.

>> No.1409396

>not even trolling
>this makes people seriously assume you're not trolling.

>> No.1409399

Most of the books I've read I've read them out of interest for the book.

>> No.1409400

I can only speak for myself.

It's enjoying as much of the text as possible, right down to how the sentences are constructed and the word choice.
You can breeze through a novel and enjoy it, no doubt. But, re-reading is more about noticing and savouring the small parts that make up the whole.

>> No.1409405

Yeah but movies are usually under 2 or 3 hours. Reading a book takes days unless you stay inside all day reading (which most people don't since they have actual lives to live).

I only said that cause people automatically assume anything I say on here is trolling

>> No.1409409

Some people will invest more time on books than other things, such as TV perhaps.

You spend your time differently, and that's okay.

>> No.1409414

Now reread my post, and don't be a retard this time. Don't just pick out one point.

>> No.1409422

heyy its fagolee...but on a serious note, i don't think i've re-read anything but The Castle, for obvious reasons

>> No.1409424

There are often things I didn't pick up on the first time, or maybe just don't remember from the first time, making certain parts new (...again).
Do you clap your hands over your ears and go "LALALA" any time someone starts to tell a story you've heard before?

>> No.1409430

well i'll pretend you are not trolling.

although this
>Reading a book takes days unless you stay inside all day reading (which most people don't since they have actual lives to live).

is exactly why i think you are reading books as chore

With age your life experience give you different perspective on things also you accumulate knowledge (unless your brain is of an amoeba) some books will mean completely different things to you when you reread them and some other you will understand better. That should be pretty obvious.

>> No.1409441

When i was little i had read every kid book i could get my hands on (meaning the whole children department in the library and borrowed everything i could from friends) so that left me with the books my parents kept home, they had extensive library, but very few books for the 8yo me. And there I found 4 volumes of "1001 Nights" a luxurious hard cover edition. I was overjoyed since it was fairy tales! And then i couldn't understand why my father freaked out that his daughter was reading 1001 Night. He wasn't mad at me per se but he never came up with comprehensible explanation as to why I shouldn't read it atm. Some years later I reread the books and guess what, it was the uncut edition, meaning it was a pillow book, full of porn. Of course it being old pillow book there was no "penis" and "vagina" in there but there were plenty metaphors, in fact the book was full of them. I still laugh about the incident.

So, Op sometimes it's worth to reread books when you are older and smarter. And that is not restricted to books with porn.

>> No.1409453

Yeah but if I grow old and feel the need to refresh my memory on a book I'll probably just go on wikipedia and rethink my stance. Same story.

>> No.1409456

probs cuz ur a trolololo

>> No.1409457

No because I'm not mentally retarded and know how to use my resources.

>> No.1409464

So I heard you guys call this guy a "legend round these parts". You all have very low standards.

>> No.1409472


Why read books at all? Why not just read Wikipedia? Or even the plain English Wikipedia. Much faster.

>> No.1409475

>unless you stay inside all day reading (which most people don't since they have actual lives to live).
>not even trolling just wondering.
>not even trolling


>> No.1409476

Reread my post again, it's not about "refreshing" memory and no Wikipedia will help you with that. And speaking of "using resources" and "using wikipedia to rethink" (and i'm not going even to begin with that one); why, for crying out loud, you need somebody else to tell what the book is about? aside from note comparing, what's the point? if you like reading you naturally will want to discover things for yourself and this brings me to my first argument and also


>> No.1409485

I reread your post and it still sounded to me that you were making up BS excuses to reread things when you don't need to. Likewise, books' meanings will probably stay the same to me as well. My mother considers me intellectually above everybody in our family and neighborhood and I probably am to some degree.

>> No.1409487

what's that program or w'e that allows you to hide problem tripfags?

>> No.1409496

Hey guys do you know stagoru considers being replied to as constituting a successful troll? How about that, lol

>> No.1409499

you have to try harder

you mean the 4chan addon?


>> No.1409502

if you're too stupid to see that i'm right i almost feel sorry for you

>> No.1409511

if you're too stupid to see everyone else is right i do feel sorry for you

>> No.1409515
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I am the best.

>> No.1409522
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and what are they right about?

>> No.1409541

I've read the Halo: Fall of Reach novel like 4 or 5 times, it's intense and awesome.

Deal with it.

>> No.1409568

According to Vladimir Nabokov, supreme deity of /lit/, "Curiously enough, one cannot read a book; one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, and active and creative reader is a rereader."

>> No.1409572

nabokov was also a self absorbed pretentious twat who thought that since he made a "good and controversial" love story he was a literary god. which isnt the case since i read 70 pages of lolita and it was some of the crappiest writing i've ever read. people say gatsby is purple, but holy shit, they need to take at lolita.

>> No.1409578

they're tards son

>> No.1409584


You know nothing of Nabokov.

>> No.1409585

What a surprise, this Stag-faggot is just as much of a cancer as the rest of the trippfags infesting this board. Go figure.

>> No.1409586

God almighty are you fucking mentally handicapped.