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File: 478 KB, 598x550, 1572580629939_9044566406801882.jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14093150 No.14093150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you as a reader enjoy historically accurate accounts of interracial relationships in 793 AD Norway?
I'm thinking of writing a book about Ragnar DeShawn and his adventures being born in the Suiones tribe and traveling to Norway.

>> No.14093168

Pic in op is unironically right. Most right wing talking points evaporate with a few simple questions like "Why?", "How" and "Why?".

>> No.14093170

Can the modern plebeian fetish for racemixing be psychoanalyzed? Why do they love it so much?

>> No.14093188

Want to go through that little game about race differences? Are you prepared to do the reverse for 'we're all teh same for no reason lol'

>> No.14093198

Sure budy. If you want to look at race and crime, you'll discover that gender and socioeconomics are far better predictors of criminal status.

>> No.14093211

>Ragnar DeShawn
Cranberry juice came out my nose on that one, that is a great name.

>> No.14093216
File: 75 KB, 1024x430, 1519849639831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, if the picture is right you won't have any problems in providing historical accounts of multiculturality and multiraciality on scandinavia in the viking age, right?
Sure, that must be why there's more crime in wealthy black neighborhoods than in poor white neighborhoods.

Do you want to talk about the unconfortable scientifical finding of blacks possesing a genetic makeup that makes them more prone to stabbing and shooting behaviors?

Do you want to talk about their severe lack of frontal lobe size? And about how the frontal lobe is responsible for self-control, long-term thinking and basically everything that makes us distinct from apes?

>> No.14093220

yes. Youll notice that the genetic differences between men and women are a lot bigger than those between men of different races.
>socioeconomic status
no lol.

>> No.14093223
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I wonder who could be financing that agenda with millions of dollars using media.

>> No.14093237
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>> No.14093241

there were no idea of "race" in the way we see it, social dynamics worked in a different way

>> No.14093302
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, WE WUZ SWEDES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*smacks hide shield*
*beheads christians*
*pillages village*
*sets boats and harbors on fire*

>> No.14093309

im pretty sure WHG didnt have a west african phenotype and im also pretty sure no population would have such an extreme genetic difference internally such as depicted in this picture

>> No.14093323

>no population would have such an extreme genetic difference internally such as depicted in this picture
Modern Sweden does

>> No.14093394

The very schizophrenic notion of viking scandinavia having africans or similar is the fact that in modern times it was blond and blue eyed, recessive genes that would have been lost in the supposed ancient mixing.

>> No.14093428

Most left talking points evaporate when you ask why and how as well. You should know by now that both are stupid.

>> No.14093433

Ayyy man you be reposting the thread I made on /his/

>> No.14093459

>complains about blacks
>steals threads

>> No.14093473

I love how this post gets no answers at all. Not even an attack on the source, "data was manipulated" and so forth.

The way statistics as an instrument turned against the proponents of progressive, scientific, materialistic enlightenment is truly sublime to behold.

>> No.14093481

>Do you want to talk about their severe lack of frontal lobe size?
Got a source for this? I already knew about the rest but this seems interesting.

>> No.14093489

What response can there be? Infographics saved from /pol/ are the final form of discourse

>> No.14093504

you could cite a study showing that controling for income eliminates racial disparit- oh wait lol it doesnt exist

>> No.14093518

Wait, is the criminal justice system supposed to stop discrimination once you reach a certain income level?

>> No.14093525

Im sure you have a study showing how the disparities in homicide rates are due to discrimination in the justice system.

>> No.14093634

The argument as I understand it is that due to institutional racism in the criminal justice system, black people, while committing crime at the same level as other groups, are far more likely to be arrested, more likely to be charged and more likely to be prosecuted than whites, and when prosecuted, recieve far longer sentences.
You may disagree with this thesis but producing crime stats is not an argument against it, in fact those stats support it, as they record arrests and prosecutions rather than crime in total

>> No.14093639

You're funny

>> No.14093648
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Hahah savage.

>> No.14093649

Source on the graphs?

>> No.14093661

can someone prove this article wrong though ?
the only one ITT who "attempted" to do so went into a tangent about black people in wealthy neighbourhoods

>> No.14093675
File: 67 KB, 735x500, 1568238642081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Color of Crime (2005), using federal and state statistical data.
This picture >>14093237
Also check racial cranium sizes and shapes online.
>if it comes from /pol/ then it's wrong

>> No.14093689

see >>14093394
>haha lel prove it didn't happen!
You can't prove a negative.
The burden of proof is on those claiming viking scandinavia was a blacked video.
I'd think they should teach this in kindergarten.

>> No.14093690

What's more likely?

>Despite the cultural zeitgeist shifting so far to the progressive side, there remains an institutionalized system of racially motivated police, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers, wherein hundreds of thousands of people, either knowingly or unknowingly, serve the machinations of an underground racist society. Despite the fact that the US has vast cultural differences (as a continental spending country would have) they all communally agree on the idea that the system should be screwed in a shadowy and abstract way so that when questioned about and asked to point to the exact place where its racist, it can be obfuscated and brushed under the rug, thus ensuring the continuation of this oppressive society.


>there are small average differences between people of different races, genders, cultures, ages, etc, and even tho were more similar than different, these small changes produce vastly different outcomes at the periphery

>> No.14093693

So the arguement is only beatable by reading people's minds?!?!?
And leftists call others intellectually dishonest

>> No.14093711

That statistic is (apparently, I don't buy it) from a book by a feminist sociologist. Why do you trust her as a source?

Furthermore, I could not even find this image in that book at all, like with literally any right wing source. Do you even have that book or are you just using this as an image macro?

>> No.14093714

We have a more updated understanding of evolution, biology, and statistical difference in humans than ancient white peoples did, so of course they didn't understand race to the degree we do.

>> No.14093727

The image is composed with the data and conclusions in the book.
>feminist sociologist
Yes, someone who wouldn't be biased against any race due to the nature of being a leftist. I'm sure you'd believe it more if the source was gasthejews.com, of wait you wouldn't and are trying to complain for the sake of it.
>Furthermore, I could not even find this image in that book at all
I'm sure you have read and parsed the entire book in 5 minutes, but as said above.

Also, are you arguing that federal crime statistics of the united states are false? Were they collected by a feminist too?

>> No.14093740

>portraying history accurately is right wing


>> No.14093749

Are you jewish?

>> No.14093750

Man, everyone was black before the 20th-century.

It's crazy.

>> No.14093755
File: 211 KB, 1409x941, 1503073712325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love historical revisionism, that HOTEP shit about egyptians being black is hilarious.

Also just re-writing chinese history but can't get called out on it because the peoples party do it worse.

>> No.14093776
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x778, IMG_20190706_212605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The article is right though. This painting was found on a viking archaeological site in sweden.

>> No.14093783

>there remains an institutionalized system of racially motivated police, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers
This has openly been the case for most of American history

>> No.14093794

Absolutely laughable.

>> No.14093800

US has famously treated it's minorities well, always

>> No.14093807

How dare he impugn the good name of the famously fair and incorruptible American justice system

>> No.14093809

Compared to everywhere else, yes.

>> No.14093812

Even if we wrongly accept that this is the case, it would lead inexorably to the conclusion that in less racist/more diverse counties with measurably fewer institutionally supported racists you would see less of the imagined abuse.

You know. Places like Baltimore. Or maybe Detroit.

>> No.14093817


Spoken like individuals who've had literally zero interaction with anyone outside of their own personal ideological bubble. Go outside. Meet people. Its shocking how little you know.

>> No.14093824

We had ours enslaved for a long time, genocided some others to the point that they're less than 1% of the population now, restricted their voting and wealth cap to the point that there had to be nation wide open disruptive resistance

>> No.14093830

Whites have no obligation to cater to the interests of minorities/non-whites, especially a dysfunctional criminal class like Africans.

>> No.14093832

That's pretty much par for the course. If anything it's weird that the slaves were ever freed, who frees their slave class seriously

>> No.14093841

The enlightened

>> No.14093846

>long time
Long is a relative term, shorter than any other institutionalized slavery in existence baring maybe forced north Korean slave labor.

>genocided some others
There are more american Indians now than at any other point in history.

>restrictive voting and wealth
Literally no other nation state in history allowed people of different races to vote before america, the idea of a republic that gives people who can't fight in war was already revolutionary.

>> No.14093869

>eurocucks fawning over niggers
/his/ in a nutshill

>> No.14093884

Euros are weirdly obsessed with black people.

>> No.14093925

Jews have put niggers at the forefront of the culture for decades and made slavery the new original sin or primary moral failure of American whites. But don't kid yourself, white people have little to no regular interaction with niggers and flee from their presence en masse. Only lower class whites are forced to deal with them, which is why they are usually more realistic about the dysfunctional nature of niggers/Africans.

>> No.14094046

why do niggers constantly whine about slavery when non of them today what it is like, i don't ever remember slavs crying about it eventhough their's was longer and much worse?

>> No.14094148

'I don't understand what institutional racism is' : the post

>> No.14094167

>far better
That depends on whether or not you want to admit what the truth is.

>> No.14094171

sure, but that includes white minorities too and you dont see irish people doing 50 % of murders

>> No.14094183

"Institutional racism" is definitionally, not empirically, the cause of all (undesired by the elite) disparities between different races. That is the only use of the term.

>> No.14094194
File: 1.34 MB, 400x267, 1571755640183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, those fine negro gentlemen are all totally innocent. It was the huwhite man who put the gun in Drayquandrius' hand after shooting the 7-11 clerk and deviously editing the footage from the security camera. Without us they would be living in peace according to sacred Wakandan tradition.

>> No.14094211
File: 94 KB, 976x549, _98493925_lola1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vikings had brown hair sometimes

>> No.14094220


>> No.14094224
File: 64 KB, 500x654, redditRISEup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downvote fallacy and appeal to moderation

>> No.14094244

They already got revenge in the form of jazz and blues. There's no reason to sympathize with their plight.

>> No.14094260
