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/lit/ - Literature

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14091856 No.14091856 [Reply] [Original]

Stream of consciousness thread go all posts must be stream of consciousness including replies

>> No.14091864


>> No.14091909

okay fine don't you goddman nigger fuck you wait no i'm sorry i didn't mean it i'm not like that i don't really hate black people i just i just don't want to live near them is that really so much to ask for i mean come on the smell alone is enough justification without even getting into crime statistics or anything else like just get em away from me but i don't really hate them or want to hurt theire feelings its just that the n word which is nigger is a funny word and its fun to say and type but i mean i guess deep down maybe i do really hat niggers i don't know maybe i really do think the world would be a better place ifwe just murdered them all but murder is such ghastly business i wish someone else would do it or maybe i wish i could do it personally that i could personally murer every nigger with my bare hands but then again i would have to smell them by getting up close so i'd rather just shoot them from afar or have someone else do it idk

>> No.14091910

In the night she walks away from me but I go beyond the walls, asking myself, “where shall I go?” and “what will I become?” So I keep going, not knowing where. I sometimes think of chocolate. Oh, that was so long ago. And color, not coler. And then the lady without the pinkies: journal, not iournal. What a fool. I shouldn’t have said that. Now I’m hungry, but I’m actually not. Maybe I’m hungering for something other than food. It is not good to desire something which you can’t even name or identify. Maybe Ted was right. It would be nice to fully devote myself to God, but it’s so difficult. Why can’t I be perfect? Is it my fault? What steps should I take? What steps?! Please, tell me. Everything is painful, even love. What am I saying. I wish I could go to sleep, but I have work to do. Work: is it really work? What useful is this work? It is certainly useful at causing me to suffer.

>> No.14091911

NIgger we have this thread already. Christ you mightve killed one of my very important threads for this shitpost

>> No.14091925

lmao what dumb nigger would write like this like who the fuck would read all this stuff you just sharted out onto the white surface of 4chanian emptiness

>> No.14091949

surely only a nigger or niggers would read anything posted her only a nigger would take anything posted here as fact only a niger would get pffended by the nigger nigger nigger nigger nigerr i'm not a filthy nigger thank the good god i'm not a nigger nigger nigger nigger titty

>> No.14091952

I’m thirst and mad that I keep on getting bothered about stupid retarded shit. Why the fuck do I need to see people that I don’t feel like seeing it’s stupid because we’re just gonna end up awkwardly staring at each other and it’s not like it’s gonna be fun fuck this shit lmao.

Your little faggot ass can just turn off the computer right now cuz it’s bedtime and there’s no point trick or treating because it’s Halloween you dumb motherfucker

I don’t even like Halloween it’s just a bunch of —— kids who come from their shithole neighborhoods and hooting and hollering so loud that not a single neighbor can get some sleep. I just want to curl up in bed and read some books and talk to my girl who had better be coming back tomorrow from Wisconsin because we need to reaaaally catch up on things it’s been too long now and I just want to curl up in my blankets and drift off into the unconscious where everything is random and I want to master that strange realm

I’m so tired of school and I wish that everyone in the world just kicked back and relaxed, and stopped giving so much of a fuck about meaningless bullshit why can’t everyone just calm down and not care it would be so much easier for everyone to live and everyone would be happier.

Wow this felt therapeutic

>> No.14091962

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
the beauty of copypasting, the rhythmic shape these words will form; like a Rothko (if that is how you spell it), elegant, simple, mighty

>> No.14091971

dude WEED what if we all just smoked WEED nd like lived as one people and didn't harsh on eachother's buzz man that would be so chill like i just wanna smoke WEED everyday and FUCK my girl as she hits a blunt dude WEED why can't everyone just be chill and smoke WEED i mean come n the world would be such a better place if we all just smoked mad WEED dude

>> No.14091975

starting to type a stream of consciousness is the hardest part as i cant find a good entry point into what is supposed to be a formless flow of words i also find myself backspacing with muscle memory and discarding words that are supposed to come next if im being tuly engaged in the stream of consciousness because i think of better ones in the time it takes me to type and theren then there are moments where i know the current idea im typing about is about toend and this is just meta garbahe no one wants read about what i think of how stream of consciousness works or my inability to adhere to ok well im drinking a nice, sweet australian wine its supposed to be low quality but i enjoy it i guess that makes me low quality as well but cheap wine is cheap wine i continue to have moments where i hesitate and then there are impulses to not type out a thought i have even though i had it because i want to move on to some other thing to type is that valid to indulge in this format or im supposed to type everything in the order that it occurs to me once again meta analysis of shit its boring why why when i think embarassing thoughts i want t i actually do say stop out loud i mean aloud b and its weird especially when i dont filter myself and other people around a lot of the time they think im talking to them but then i have to lie and say that i was talking to myself which i guess couldbe interpereted as truth in some sense of the word but its not directed at me its just something said there is no purpose or focus to it somethin sometimes i type something with muscle memory and im not thinking it is that an honest representation of stream of consciousness or should i backspace in those instances as you might be able to tell im backspacing less and less as i get tdeeper into this who am i kidding no one readin reasds this shit im just masturbating pissing into the ocean of piss the threads on here make me so self conscious im a creature of vice i like cvideo hgames i like anime and some poseter here said those are vapid well i guess they are but i dont want to tear them out of myself i want to keep indulfiding it is part of my identitiy fuuck i cant spell shit now im flustered wewnfnafjuanonjergra t yeah like that i obviously didnt think that but i slammed on my keyboard instead i think thats fine i dont have to accurately record my thoughts its just the output of me sitting here typing whether ot or not that is strictly acurate doesnt matter my headphones are saying autoshutdown enabled press power to cancel and im busy typing this and its super disctracting they just powered off i have little else to say but it doesnt matter wherther i have somemthing to say or not its just the process of continuing ok well i want to be a game dev well i have been having a lot of anxiety lately i cant control my hobbies i am impulsive by naturer it hel sometimes in the morning i will journal and it helps to make me feel focused again but then i fall out of the habit it is

>> No.14091978

V woolf is good i would kiss her on the forehead. I mistyped "her on" as heron which reminds me that the last thing I read from her was "Monday or Tuesday"

>> No.14091982

I want to suffocate the whore before she finds out about my failure as a man

>> No.14091987

Seethe harder incel

>> No.14091988
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Why yes, I give out free kisses to /lit/ chicks. How could you tell? And yes this includes you Butterfly please message me on dicord, I love you so much.

>> No.14091990

what is your failure as a man anon did you fail to have penis or testicles and so on and so forth yes

>> No.14092019


>> No.14092020

I want a girlfriend I want a girlfriend so fuckin bad I pine for female embrace I want to wake up not alone I want to not feel alone I want to be in a woman I want to hold a woman Im afraid Ill die a virgin never touched a woman never even been kissed i think about so many girls i see at uni and asking them out seems impossible i want to but the words die in my throat i feel like shes perfect her hair i want to pull my fingers through it and rub my dick on her face and kiss her i feel like i cant talk to women or people unless i create an event that requires me to speak with them whats worse than needing a woman is i have nobody to talk to irl about this i really don't have any friends to tell them i think i might die if i dont hug and kiss a girl this year

>> No.14092035

my ass is so hairy feels furry and nice feels like a big ol ball of fur i wonder if it's gross to fondle my ass and then touch my keyboard i wonder i wonder

>> No.14092046

the duality of man. also i've been growing out my hair and i will say that when i wash it in the shower all the loose hairs that fall out slide down my back and into my asscrack where they get caught on my asshairs and collect to form a little thing of hair sitting in my asscrack and i have to dig the head hair out of the ass hair and sometimes i forget so i'll just reach into my ass sometimes and pull out a big hairball haha like is this the shit girls have to deal with too or is it just guys because we have hairy asscracks or do girls have hairy asscracks too i don't really know but i imagine they wouldn't but i'm glad i have a hairy ass because it keeps my asscheeks separate from eachother

>> No.14092052

is this do you just say what you think? man do I mention that Im playing runescape right now i guess i have to let me think like i have that thinl downloaded now im gonna start thinking more interesting things now I wonder where " I Heart Ny" I type much faster than I think so this is hard unless I just look at the keys and don't think. just think about how the t is right next to the y, . this makes it very easy to say ty but it still requires two fingers,
I'm not thinking much at all right now. I feel inclined to type things that get strong emotional reactions out of me, like thinking about that girl from (at this point i'm already thinking ahead)

So guys. I used to type nonsensically like this to myself all the time, not knowing it was a known thing. At first I thought it was some kind of spiritual thing, thogh now I see

I feel you. I feel like I feel where you are coming from a lot here. Right now I'm thinking about what I'm talking about very minimally.
I want to be a game dev too believe it or not. I just downloaded the newest version of Unity not to long ago and am just figuring it out I was writing an essay earlier today about what I want to be and I actually wrote down "innovater" though idk if that's accurate. I'm stuck in 12th grade homeschooling 2 years of English backlog, which is an ironic thing for me to be behind on on this board ("on on" was definately not the right thing but backspacing feels wrong) I still feel like I'm causing others pain by having such a thin mental filter though, so next post I will find a different strategy possibly that's a little more consise, like the lack of thinking from above^^^

>> No.14092071

this was really comfy i felt like i was sitting in the room with you why'd you get homeschooled was it autism or are you catholic and your parents are based?

>> No.14092074
File: 68 KB, 960x540, 1441685339865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14092119

Upseting themselves, wonder thunder billy blunder. Can't magic that's bullshit I want magic. Fire hurts. That sucks. Fuck me. Don't do that. Hit or miss but I guess they never miss huh? I don't get it. Get this hothead out of here. Send him away. Away today. Hoo-ray. Raygun blueprints cia niggers. Terry Davis the programmer. Kant. Hegel. Hume. Schoben-von-boobenhaur. NO. AHHH. Nigger night ball in ghetto the swat team gets em. Aids invented 1969. Prank calls to everybody all the time. That's the only sort of phone call there is.

>> No.14092221

I know for a fact that I'm a fucking idiot, so how is it that when I walk into a classroom with the pretext of discussing last night's readings that my classmates end up sounding like fucking retards? I'm convinced that out of the 300 odd undergraduates in my uni's social science college, only about 20 of them actually know how to form coherent thoughts regarding a text. Should I have taken the meme degree? At least the English and literature majors can fucking read. You'd think the department would offer some courses on quantitative research, but no. I have to take classes outside of the program in order to know how to actually practice the 'science' I'm supposedly studying. I'm sinking in a ship full of retards.

>> No.14093602

show bobs and vegene

>> No.14093606

I'm in love with Jenny, I hope she's thinking about me

>> No.14093721

How the hell does this even make any sense enlish is not even my native language so i perpass a strange process of unnatural thinking which by the way is just me avoiding my desires attendances and real matters which is funny because i wanna pee

>> No.14093773

ive got to pee a lot too, you see i drink a lot of water. i like water, it makes my skin nice. haha that sounds gay, i dont like radiohead.

>> No.14094276

what yes leyboard i know lol too many times is this 5 in my head for why can it be if everything is meant to be no its not thats dumb j thats dumb oh well what a night what a strange thing to be doing doing light fan fart

>> No.14094288

Over the weekend the vultures got into the Presidential Palace by pecking through the screens on the balcony windows, and the flapping of their wings stirred up the stagnant time inside, and at dawn on Monday the city awoke out of its lethargy of centuries with the warm, soft breeze of a great man dead and rotting grandeur. Only then did we dare go in without attacking the crumbling walls of reinforced stone, as the more resolute had wished, and without using oxbows to knock the main door off its hinges, as others had proposed, because all that was needed was for someone to give a push and the great armored doors that had resisted the Lombards of William Dampier during the building’s heroic days gave way. It was like entering the atmosphere of another age, because the air was thinner in the rubble pits of the vast lair of power, and the silence was more ancient, and things were hard to see in the decrepit light. All across the first courtyard, where the paving stones had given way to the underground thrust of weeds, we saw the disorder of the quarters of the guard who had fled, the weapons abandoned in their racks, the big, long rough-planked tables with plates containing the leftovers of the Sunday lunch that had been interrupted by panic, in the shadows we saw the annex where Government House had been, colored fungi and pale irises among the unpled briefs whose normal course had been slower than the pace of the driest of lives, in the center of the courtyard we saw the baptismal font where more than five generations had been christened with martial sacraments, in the rear we saw the ancient viceregal stable, which had been transformed into a coach house, and among the camellias and butterflies we saw the berlin from stirring days, the wagon from the time of the plague, the coach from the year of the comet, the hearse from Progress in Order, the sleepwalking limousine of the first century of peace, all in good shape under the dusty cobwebs and all painted with the colors of the flag. In the next courtyard, behind an iron grille, were the lunar-dust-covered rosebushes under which the lepers had slept during the great days of the house, and they had proliferated to such a degree in their abandonment that there was scarcely an odorless chink in that atmosphere of roses which mingled with the stench that came to us from the rear of the garden and the stink of the henhouse and the smell of dung and fermented urine from the cows and soldiers of the colonial basilica that had been converted into a milking barn.

>> No.14094296

Alright whatever I'll do a stream of consciousness thread what the hell, although I am running out of things to say and this post is coming out way less amusing than I hoped my post would be when i clicked on this thread. I guess there is some value in it still so I'll post it in case anyone wants to read it, due to my superior writing skills and prose. Despite being an esl gained by learning Latin and starting with the Greeks

>> No.14094760

Who the fuck is butterfly? To be honest I'm a tourist to this board from others and you people always talk about how smert /lit/ is but I'm seriously not fucking impressed. All I see is the same shitposting as on /pol/ or wherever else on this website except you use bigger words (sometimes incorrectly) to express yourselves. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

That's not to say there's no good content on this board though. There's good content on pretty much every board except /trash/ and /hm/, it's just that /lit/ wants to set itself apart and I really don't see it as having any grounds for it.

>> No.14094830

le nigger le reddit le xd uh oh me ol chap what a cheeky daft cunt braaap ppopo bird nigger song rabbit hentai mister memes iam the trash perosn ia m the way of will and you are a fucking troglodite you absolute swine

>> No.14094866

>he also communicates and frames his thoughts solely through puerile nonsense picked up from a Tuvan musketry bulletin
Fucking based!

>> No.14094876

yo man
yo man
yo man
yo man
yo man
I'll let you in on a little secret: You can be anything and be anything you want to be, but you can not change yourself. You cannot become someone who looks like yourself, someone who acts like yourself, someone who behaves like yourself, and someone who feels like yourself. We all know how difficult it is to be yourself.
I think it's important for us to understand that and not be scared by it. We need to make a decision as individuals, not as an an entity. If you want to be who you are, then, it's up to you. But if you want someone else's image of who you want to be, then you get some help. That's it. The rest is up to you. If you don't ask them, then it's up to the other person to answer the question.
In the middle of all that chaos, and in the beginning of all that pain, there is a place that is just for you. You know? But it's not right