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14091461 No.14091461 [Reply] [Original]

61 novels.
Over 200 short stories.
Over 350 million books sold.
72 years young.
Over 50 years of storytelling and no end in sight.

Stephen King appreciation thread.

>> No.14091470

>years young
Stopped reading there.

>> No.14091471

Quality over quantity.
Eat shit.

>> No.14091480

ok boomer

>> No.14091482


>> No.14091485

His best stuff was from when he was out-of-his-mind-high on blow but he's still comfy and based, sometimes it's fun to read a pop novel. My man is the ultimate airport-core author and I don't care what you homosexuals who think you're too good for everything think
>inb4 grade school sewer gangbang LMAO

>> No.14091510

lacks self-awareness
writes black and white morality

>> No.14091511

i should read more of his stuff but i dunno ain't really in the mood for horror stuff
I want to read something like 11/22/63 again

come to think of it i never read an of his short stories aside from the jaunt

>> No.14091512

hes not a bad writer, but he has never had anything decent to write about. fine guy but a waste of time to read

>> No.14091549

This nigga can write a book you gotta give it to him

>> No.14091564

Cocaine trash ftw, eh

>> No.14091589

he's also 6'4, manlets btfo

>> No.14091633

Insomnia was fucking terrible. He's just crying about wahmens rights for the entire book.

>> No.14091678

Cell is the worst book I ever read.

>> No.14091727

I’ve read Salem’s Lot, Cell, Carrie, Green Mile and Nightmares & Dreamscapes. Cell was shit but the rest was okay. What else by him is worth reading? Not interested in IT or The Stand because they are too long.

>> No.14091735

IT, The Stand, The Dark Tower series, Misery, Revival, Needful Things

>T-too long
Ok babby.

>> No.14091744

Pet Sematary

>> No.14091777

If i’m going to read more than 600 pages it won’t be time wasted on King


>> No.14091827

Your wasting your time on the internet. What's the difference?

>> No.14091847

You're correct, he has in fact written books.

>> No.14091882

Arguably the most overrated writer ever. Having said that, The Stand, It and a few of The Dark Tower books were good.

>> No.14091933

He says he sticks to his routine of writing at minimum 6 pages a day.

>> No.14091983

He's written some shit logs but he's also written some of my favorite pop novels. Hell The Stand should have at least got him a Pulitzer. The Green Mile is also kino and so are his short stories.

>> No.14092005

Better than most pop novelists. Good with interesting ideas and likeable characters but he can't construct tight plots or make a satisfying ending to save his life. Despite being known for word diarrhea doorstoppers his best writing tends to be in short stories and novellas.

>> No.14092043

This. So much.

>> No.14092746


>> No.14092765

Recently reread On Writing (I read it when it came out as a kid) and wew some of it did not age well, I am just imagining late 90s Stephen King blasting Eminem at 9:30 in the morning as he writes his boomer horror tales and it's quite silly. And he says some crap about how >stories are like, just discovered bro, you don't make them, they come from the aether to the artist which is not what I would imagine a bigbrained lit fic author saying but meh it's alright. Worth checking out if you want to read about how a pop author thinks.

>> No.14092769

>Stephen King appreciation thread.
stopped reading right there

>> No.14092965
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600+ books, he didn't even write
96 rolls royces he owns but never bought
Fucked 200+ women
Has read over 16,000 books
Talked about every single historical figure ever
Btfo every religious leader, intellectual and politician
Exposed retard out there
Kicked out of 21 nations because too woke for priests and politicians

i could go on and on....

>> No.14093152

61 books is impressive, as is 200+ short stories, Maupassant and Chekhov wrote 200-300 both I think, but they didn’t come close to that amount of novels (they are also much better than him probably, I haven’t read any king shorts). What was Balzac’s output? And Dumas? Haven’t read King since I was like 16 or 17 maybe, I remember the pages just flying by but at the end I was always kind of let down, he is great at building tension I think but not at the climaxes. Can’t help but wonder if he just put out the best 1/3 of his work if he’d be more respected, that’d still be 20 novels. Then he wouldn’t have all those shekels I guess. I’m sure one could still learn a lot from him, 2000 wpd or 4-6 hours of writing, that was his schedule right? Impressive, I’m lucky if I get 500 wpd. I know Twain used to do 1500 per day. Perhaps we should all try to brainwash ourselves into a sort of hypergraphia like King, and then be just a little more strict with a good editor. I try to think as if there’s always something to learn, even from middle-brow shit.

>> No.14093165
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Saramago doesn't have anything on King or Harris when it comes to storytelling that isn't a barren intellectual strip down.

>> No.14093176

The only thing of his I read was a book of short stories and I was amazed at how shitty it was.
Oh, and The Gunslinger. Same reaction.

>> No.14093189
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Sorry, but my man RL is the best horror pulp writer of the century. This nigga hasn't let up for one second. And unlike Stephen, he actually grasps the concepts of pacing and conclusion.

Stevie should've stuck to short stories; he's actually written some good ones, certainly better than his novels.

>> No.14093204
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based stinetard

>> No.14093225

Tell me u r ironic

>> No.14093229


Goosebumps is pretty ass though on the whole, Fear Street is the patrician's choice

>> No.14093250

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.14093438

RL Stine wrote like 10 books decades ago, after that it has been ghostwriters.

>> No.14093439

Daily reminder that he pushed his friend infront of a train when he was a kid and that he killed the truck driver on his brithday who almost overrun him while walking

>> No.14093443

why isn't he in jail then?

>> No.14093448


Nah, huge exaggeration. He's had some ghostwritten series but I'd guess he's written at least half of his bibliography.

>> No.14094678

his books suck. all mediocre. the people who like them have IQs in the 100-110 range.

They have no message. No meaning. it's all just mental masturbation and some feel good cliches thrown in.

>> No.14094768

I always liked his stuff when I was younger. My first real adult book was Cujo when I was in like 4th grade. I've been getting back into his stuff recently and am enjoying it. Not high quality literature by any means, but makes for nice light, guilty pleasure reading. But I think even King has described his work as the fast food of literature, which seems an apt description.

>> No.14094896

>61 novels.
>Over 200 short stories.
>Over 350 million books sold.
>72 years young.
>Over 50 years of storytelling and no end in sight.
that's like praising McDonalds because it sells 4232 million burgers a day

>> No.14094928

For some reason, I just like how he writes and puts together sentences. When he's telling a story, especially an autobiographical one, he tends to focus on things that give it maximum impact. He has this way of stating things that is blunt and funny

>> No.14094949

The Shining

>> No.14095037

"Different Seasons" is a collection of four novellas that are really good.

>> No.14095039

he looks hideous, so ugly

>> No.14095043


On Writing is one of the best books for aspiring writers. Stephen's work ethic is amazing.

>> No.14095230

>Blah blah blah don't @ me

Crazy you have time to post here with the line outside of your door and around the bock filled with people dying to be your friend

>> No.14095234

Freedom of choice

>> No.14095302

Same. I also appreciate that he will include everyday pop culture things that most of us interact with, where most authors seem afraid to do that. I mean, he has a character going to Hannaford. A lot of fiction out there feels stuffy compared.

>> No.14095311

He has a face for writing.

>> No.14095364

The Breathing Method isn't a good story strictly speaking, but the setting of the story in which the main story is nested is really comfy.