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14090611 No.14090611 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you, /lit/?

>> No.14090635

>that last level
Audacious of you to assume that statement as "truth", when claiming as much is equivalent to you claiming that you possess knowledge.

>> No.14090638

Infinity plus one

>> No.14090644

That's not what mysticism means.
>philosophical taoism
Misapplication of a western term which is completely out of place in that tradition. The corresponding "essential belief" is also cringeworthy and has nothing to do with Taoism.
Terrible post.

>> No.14090655

brainwashed i guess

>> No.14090695

>I have achieved complete ego-loss
Level ∞ is level -1

>> No.14090710

so the only difference between the essential beliefs of 1 and 6 is that 1 holds that true knowledges is possible while 6 acknowledges that it’s impossible?

>> No.14091244

level 4

>> No.14091264

Oh golly gee, a chance to put myself in a box! How could I resist?
Where the fuck is deontological bayesianism?

>> No.14091426

Want to advance to level 5?

You live. You exist. You can always die naturally or kill yourself, but after you do that it is debatable whether or not you can come back to life. So, since you were given a possibility to live, why not see where your life will take you? "Just for fun." Most of our life is almost entirely dependent on pure luck anyway.

That's what helped me. And, although there seems to be no meaning in life of an individual "life" still exists. You think, therefore your thought exists, therefore you exist. And just the fact that there is something(like you) instead of nothing already make one ponder "why?". So, following the previous sentence, I think there is a "purpose" to existence and that "purpose" is whatever you define it to be.

>> No.14091717

-1 is more correct than 2.

>> No.14092787

>we can create our own meanings
I think people who say this haven't thought it through. If you come up with let's say a candidate meaning of life, you'll always know it was your own creation: its artificiality, its contrivance, will always be there for you. It'll always be that excuse you came up with so you don't have to confront the void.
People who say this, I think, really see something more like, "Society has presented me with meanings-of-life A, B, C, and D. It looks like A is no good, so I guess I'll take C out for a spin."

>> No.14092796

was waiting for the last level to be christianity
how is zen below ye old lsd user “i am god” phase
oh well

>> No.14092877

Yea, if the last one is level 7, there are at least 20 levels, maybe infinite levels

>> No.14092892

I feel like I choose to keep living because there’s no point in dying. We’ll get there regardless, so it makes sense to live life as much as you can since death is infinite and life is limited and valuable. What you do with your life is ultimately inconsequential, though ideally you enjoy it.

>> No.14092904

How to advance to 6?

>> No.14092905

cringe, each level is just disguised centricism

>> No.14092910

>life is limited and valuable
Then you have your answer.

>> No.14092917

Read Kierkegaard

>> No.14092921

Level 6. Anything higher would drive you far beyond being able to function in society. It's called noumena for a reason, we're not designed to understand it.

>> No.14092928

Existential philosophy is apolitical in this context.

>> No.14092931

6 only claims that true knowledge is impossible for us. In a way level 1 believes that as well through an all knowing god. Different sides of the same belief. 1 is just specific and therefore infinitely more likely to be incorrect.

>> No.14092932
File: 1.48 MB, 971x3800, jaden-smith1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graphic designer of this image makes 4chan comics. What do I think of this one?

>> No.14092942

I'm not reading this whole thing, but after skimming through it I do feel better about my physics degree and philosophy minor.

>> No.14093012

One methodology is to seriously consider suicide as a part of your spectrum of choices you have every minute of your life. It's not just reserved for hard times.

>> No.14093038

Following that line of thinking then choosing to live in hard times should seriously be considered. Level 6 is understanding that neither option matters, but the arbitrary choice is yours. Is the pain lost or pleasure gained within the context of your life worth the decision you make?

>> No.14093086
File: 1.02 MB, 1508x1279, sketch-1571931810359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere inbetween five and six

>> No.14093100

The first part with Jaden Smith is pretty silly, but the rest is 10/10.

>> No.14093102

Read Cantor

>> No.14093145

t. never heard of ordered sets

>> No.14093194
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>philosophical taoism
fuck off

>> No.14093331

Not sure if level 2 or level 6

>> No.14093339

Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know

>> No.14093976

lol gay