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14089524 No.14089524 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.14089535

Glad We have these threads so I don’t have to keep a diary like a fag

>> No.14089553

Been traveling for a couple months. Mostly alone. Starting to miss home. Not writing daily like I wanted to. I'm becoming annoyed and uninterested in my two novels. Kind of want to go home.

>> No.14089594

greatest thinkers and creators kept a diary. nothing wrong with that, just give it a touch of artistic exaggeration - it'll make the life itself feel enhanced.

>> No.14089610

I can't live on the Spirit alone, I need bread.

>> No.14089637
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Undergrad at UCLA. German and Philosophy. Misery. Learned things on my own before going back to school. Enjoyed it. Now that I'm in school, given its structure, values, and goals, my enjoyment of learning has been decimated. Having more and more trouble forcing myself to read interesting works. Having trouble typing in complete sentences. Obsessively listening to Scriabin's late piano sonatas. Save me anon!

>> No.14089642

>German and Philosophy
You're going to regret not relegating these to self-study and majoring in Classics instead

>> No.14089643

> skryabin
based taste. wish you could graduate without attending, anon.

>> No.14089649

The coomer meme has got to me. I'm not full nofap but holy fuck I don't want to be anything like this guy.

>> No.14089659

I've found I get sick of traveling after a few weeks, mostly because I end up missing all the little conveniences I have at home. Good coffee. A shower that works. A proper kitchen. Maybe I should go somewhere cheap where I can rent an actual house or something instead of staying in shitty hostels.

>> No.14089665

>muh shower
you sound like a grade-a normalfag

>> No.14089669

Sure anon whatever. I don't like larping as le starving artist and appreciate some basic level of material comfort. I'm a normie.

>> No.14089682

the editing and audio are great.
i'm unironically and utterly pleased by what 4chan's promoting now - getting fit, reading and quitting masturbation. the coomer has probably made more teens rethink their habits than all youth pastors ever lived.

>> No.14089774

"Majoring" is a dirty word. As is "University". They tighten my sphincter. I am of the conviction that school is a force of destruction. I'm surrounded by ~20yo drones, many of whom are extraordinarily arrogant and self-important. Many think they know everything and that they are incorrigible. The echo chamber hurts my ears. Yet they are actually just really good at regurgitating what they've been told is true so they can get their As to pursue lives of debasement and simplicity on the outside. Money and status trump any other wholesome, beneficent value. I don't fit in here. (Not everyone is like this, obviously, and not all my experiences have been bad. But overall, things haven't been great.) Unfortunately, if I were to major in the Classics, I'd lose any semblance of excitement about them too. MUST. PERSEVERE.

Be my therapist anon.

>> No.14089862

The lonelyness as a 24 kv is crushing me. What life is there for an antisocial, shy, ugly manlet with no personality?

>> No.14089869

Dawg being friendless and unemployed fucking sucks, change your destiny while you still can.

>> No.14089884

Driving home from the gym last night after work I felt depressed. It was dark and had just stopped raining. I rolled the front windows down as I drove on an unlit two-lane country road and let the misty air blow in. I am about three-quarters of the way through The Elementary Particles, the reading of which brought up painful memories from my childhood and my parents’ divorce. Leaving the gym I nearly cried as the fit woman working the desk said goodnight. She must be about 22. I didn’t want to fuck her or have her suck my dick. I just wanted human contact, the way a doctor tells a new mother to press the baby to her bare skin. I considered how easy it would be on this dark road to turn my headlights off and allow the car to go where it would. Maybe it would look like an accident.

>> No.14089897

terminal adjunct reply exterminations. post vocal analogs to substitute regimes. indicatory phenomena globo-local to human genomes and gene therapy. post focal indoctrination reply subtext.

>> No.14089899

The canary in the coom-mine, may his fate be a warning to us all.

>> No.14089919

I might get a medically assisted death as it is legal here.
I just need to know if my doctors can give me that power.

>> No.14089923

>9,420 porn reviews
november no-fap it is.

>> No.14089942

suicide used to feel better when it was illegal...

>> No.14089990

There’s a girl who I’m very good friends with, but it would’ve never worked out between us.

I’m married now but I still have recurring dreams about her.

>> No.14090045

That sucks anon. I had a dream about a girl I know last night and I wish I hadn't. At least I'm not married (but I wish I was)

>> No.14090058

its time for your dose. Take some psilocybin, you will see the light.

>> No.14090087
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I need to leave, before it's to late. There is no time left.

>> No.14090181

Androgenic alopecia is incredibly depressing

>> No.14090216

I went to the beach yesterday. It was beautiful. It made me realize that the world is a fine place worth fighting for filled with bad people. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful to be human. Thank you, to whom I am thanking despite not knowing.
On another note, it's November. I am, indeed, as the NaNoWriMo Twitter handle phrased, a "person with suddenly realizing November is imminent look on their face." I forgot about NaNoWriMo. I planned to read some books about storytelling and character development, but I neglected reading them. I also don't have a plot for a novel. What I have at hand is a novella at the longest. To be precise, I don't want it to long. I don't want it to drag. I want it to keep as short as possible. I read somewhere, "The best story isn't one to which you can add, but the one from which you can't subtract." That left an impression on me and I want to utilize that statement in practice. I know about setting one's own goals, but I wanted to reach 50,000 no matter how painful it became on the way. Let's see what happens. It's fine if I don't meet the determined mark. I'm doing this for creating a habit of writing everyday and then meeting the goal. I hope I can succeed in my initiative. I hope everyone can succeed in their initiatives. I'm apathetic about religion, but I can't help but say, "May God help all of us. Amen."

>> No.14090283

At times I just want to sleep and never wake up. I am so stressed and scared at this point, my dreams are the only place where I feel safe. When I'm awake im constantly worried about failing at school, maintaining friendship, family issues, death and so much other stuff. The cons outweigh the pros in the real world.

>> No.14090300

It’s snowing where I’m at, it’s the first day in a while that it’s snowed and it looks like a painting desu. The snow decorates the trees and it looks like it’s out of a painting

I like snow better than rain because rain just dampens everything and doesn’t bring out the same excitement that snow does. I feel like it’s holiday season and it’s only the end of October

>> No.14090332

I truly think that, not only should women have as little freedom as possible, they should have as little freedom of thought as possible.

Really, what do women do with freedom of thought, especially the kind of limitless freedom of thought that the Internet provides? They do pro-ana, they do soulbonding communities, they do any given shit you've read about from Tumblr. Just bad, self-destructive stuff all around, and all in the absence of male oversight.

>> No.14090357
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I agree desu

>> No.14090370

Soon I'll be interviewing for a PA position at National Geographic's headquarters in Washington DC. The organization has changed so much over the years, and due to its merger with Disney I'm not sure where its mission lies anymore. I don't know if there's anything I can do to maintain or resurrect the soul it once had, or if the spirit of exploration still lives within it. All I can do is my part in the creation of quality media.

This is a journey into the unknown.

>> No.14090432
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I recently read Phaedrus for the first time in a course at school, and behind all the discussions between Socrates and Lysias (by proxy through Phaedrus) about boy-fucking, there are actually a lot of interesting points about how writing altered our concept of learning drastically at this key point in history. I understand now why Socrates felt the need to examine that. And there are some pretty unique insigths about love, and how it is created and maintained "correctly." Ironic, since I had just started dating this girl in my class who also read it, but our pattern of engagement followed Lysias's first ideation of love, in which possessiveness and control cause it to implode on itself. Maybe she and I could have seen this coming if we'd applied what we'd read to our own lives. My handsome/reserved internal hourse is way too strong for my own good, and the ugly aggressive one is too weak.

Thank you, ancient Greek boy-fuckers. You were right.

>> No.14090443

God damn it my whole back, neck, and jaw hurt like crazy. It's because, in addition to my existing back problems, I sit in this shitty armchair all day. I need to get around to moving the huge pile of stuff from my desk and start sitting there instead. The indoor pool near me has a warm section, maybe I'll go there after work and try to relax my muscles.

That sounds cool anon, what's 'PA' in this context? I loved NG as a kid, I've never looked into it too much as an adult though because I worry I'll get disillusioned. Hope you can help make it into a cool institution, we need more of those.

>> No.14090480

I'm certain that I'm going to kill myself, just don't know when or how.

>> No.14090503

>what's 'PA' in this context?
Television production (likely starting in postprod/ editing) and whatever surrounding packaging they need for the actual broadcast. At the university communications program where I'm currently finishing my senior year, I specialized my area of study in documentary filmmaking, with a specific interest in biographical artist's profiles, ethnographic film, and reflexive style filmmaking. I';ve gone out to other countries to direct/shoot my own films and I hope I can do the same professionally someday. Starting with NatGeo would be the best move in that goal.

>I worry I'll get disillusioned. Hope you can help make it into a cool institution, we need more of those.
Me too friend. I think the biggest indicator of the pit in my stomach with this is how more and more of Natgeo's printed work is straight up advertising, and the stories they write are so much shorter. I grew up reading monthly issues that my grandfather handed down from the 1940's, 50's, and 60's, and the quality of those expeditions, writing, and photography is unparalleled. As far as television production goes they'll probably start me in web video content development, social media, and editorial research. We'll see where it goes, but I have to be optimistic.

>> No.14090633

He now has 9736 reviews and this was made on 14th of September, dude is still reviewing an average of 7 pornos a day. Kind of impressive in its own twisted way.

>> No.14090693
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he can't be stopped

>> No.14090701

Only way we can measure time is through decaying matter, material things are always transient, wealth and power run slowly through ones hands, things and people too. All you have is yourself, do not be afraid to let things flow as they should.

>> No.14090761
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>> No.14090803

“Unhappiness isn't at its most acute point until a realistic chance of happiness, sufficiently close, has been envisioned.”

>> No.14090818

Next DC /lit/ meetup coming in January brotha, be there or be square

>> No.14090830

What do you guys do at the meetups, anyway?

>> No.14090868

I took a large dose of LSD once. All set up for the perfect spiritual experience. I thought I saw the light. I thought I cracked open my mind.
But you know, a few hours after the high was over; I was still the same. The same cynical, bitter person. I did not feel more love than before. I did not feel more happiness or a greater connextion to the world, nothing had changed except that my longing for fulfillness had increased even more.

>> No.14091303

>love to study and read
>also writefag, have completed several novels
>poorfag, have to work fulltime to survive
>so stressed out and exhausted after work i can't do much but shower, cook a shitty dinner, and lurk the net a bit before bed
>heavily stressed, agitated, and brainfogged after work
>can't become awake before work, to the point i wouldn't be surprised if i walked out the door without pants on one morning
>can't financially survive on part time work, in debt and have medical issues
>already live in a shithole crackden and walk 90 minutes a day to and from work so i don't need to pay to own a car
>all of my clothes are secondhand and my diet staple is instant ramen
>apartment doesn't even have a kitchen, i do all my cooking in a fucking ricecooker
>just want to study and write
>have to sit at work 8 fucking hours a day when i can get my job done in 4 and could go the fuck home and enjoy my life
>can't write at work
>health problems, can't afford to see a doctor, still paying off the last one
>spend my few productive non-work hours trying (in vain) to learn a skill to get a better job
>have no way to compete against people who actually have the time to study more or have a hand into the companies

>watch shitty trust fund kids who never have to work a day in their lives spend all their time updating instagram, watching netflix, and going to clubs

i have stress levels you people wouldn't believe

>> No.14091314

I don't understand how you deal with it desu, I have a meme tech job and live with my parents and still feel like killing myself every once in a while. I hope you can get out of wageslaving anon as it does sound like actual hell.

>> No.14091315

There's always going to be somebody better. So why even bother?

>> No.14091319

I’ve been told to meditate but when I do I find it makes things worse, I think my brain is starving for new ideas to chew on and the idea of sitting still and listening to the same thoughts again and again is making it worse

>> No.14091325

You’ve been sold a mindset that you have to be better at all. Learn to turn inward for satisfaction not outward. Continuing to try and impress others or make others feel a certain way about you will only leave you empty.

>> No.14091328

Don't you mediate by purposely trying to avoid thinking altogether? (Obviously difficult). I thought the idea was to slow down your mind, like a kind of mental deep breathing.

>> No.14091334

>when I'm alone, I feel lonely and wish I was in the presence of others
>when I'm in the presence of others I feel bored and wish I was doing something more interesting instead
What the fuck?

>> No.14091343

I can't metabolize self-esteem or validation. I need to get it from somebody else like a diabetic needs his insulin.

>> No.14091347

Yup it’s a difficult slow task shifting from one set of thinking you’ve had your whole life into another but it can and has been done.

>> No.14091351

What would that accomplish? What can anyone gain from not thinking at all? Sounds like downgrading to monkey brain status.

>> No.14091355

Met a girl online that I really like, we have very similar interests. We met up on a date, it was very romantic. I kissed her. She was very cute.

Now I'm consumed by the idea that she's had many sexual partners. I'm not a virgin, I had a girlfriend for a long while and I've done some level of sexual activity with several other girls but I still feel relatively insecure about not having had sex with many different women.

Now I feel like I'm going to stop talking to her out of the assumption that she's probably had sex with a lot of guys. It makes me very sad

>> No.14091364


Welcome to constant dissatisfaction syndrome. It doesnt get better

>> No.14091367

I have a pounding headache from radically changing my world view in the span of a few days. I can't believe I went through this so abruptly.
I'll take a pill to sleep 'cause I can't make it stop. I need to make a huge effort to get rid of a few habits in my life. I might start to take voice logs instead of journals because I can't type that fast and often. I have already done it a few times and it's interesting.

>> No.14091378

How did your worldview change?

>> No.14091382

How did you do it?

>> No.14091392

If anything this maymay proves how easy it is for a single dedicated autist to get an entire website talking, thinking, and acting exactly the way he does.

>> No.14091395

Nah, keep it up and see where you goes. It sounds like it's going well for you so far; don't self-sabotage.

>> No.14091397

I don't know how to answer your question. There's too much and too little at the same time.

>> No.14091408

How old are you?

>> No.14091409

Read books from authors who had done what I was hoping to do and over time it happened.

>> No.14091413

on the obvious level it would help calm you and reduce anxiety. I can speculate further that by deeply mediating you can reach a state where your subconscious begins to surface and gain insight that way.

>> No.14091415

Oh my god what is it with 18 year olds and worrying that your partner's sexual experience wang is bigger than yours? Don't even think about that, and don't ask her, and don't tell her should she ask. A good relationship is a type of blank slate. No past beyond hazy essentials ("i had an abusive ex") and even then limiting these stories to examples crucial to an explanation in an argument.

Don't let your time on 4chan mess you up like this. It doesn't matter, should you be with her and love her you'll see that it doesn't

>> No.14091429

i'm too noncommittal to commit suicide and i can't flee to the woods/abroad because medical issues. simple, really. i have a figurative gun to my head.

sometimes i fantasize about taking out even more student loan debt to go back to uni and have time to study, write, and learn a better trade, but who am i kidding, i am already in default on the first loan and they wouldn't let me in. i am a vessel filled with bitterness, resentment, and stress. i can't even regret anything because i knew i was fucked for life back in high school, so none of this comes as a surprise. i went from being the best student in class to being borderline homeless for 10 years skipping meals to save money, and i saw it coming the whole time, but had no means at all to avoid it. chose an "assured jobs" major, can barely keep employment making mcWage with it, because all the good jobs in the field went to the kids with connected daddies.

drop the nukes. i'm already dead. about to go try and study a bit, i guess. every day is a sisyphean effort.

>> No.14091437


I'm 22 bro

>> No.14091455

So much of my time is spent formulating the right set of words to win her. But when I have the words ready, my social impotence prevents me from speaking them. I’m struck dumb. I go home dejected and ruminate. Overnight I rebuild my courage only to return to work and see her and deflate once again. When I see her is when attaining her seems farthest away, like the sensation of being on a boat that just comes in sight of land. The proximity emphasizes the distance.

>> No.14091460

Based. Almost close to finishing The Elementary Particles and my mom is a retarded hippie and whore and my parents are divorced, so I relate to it. Not feeling too bad about it though.

>> No.14091474

This thing we call life is nothing more than a collective psychosis experienced as a consequence of sacrificing individuality for the sake of societal congruency. The memory of each person fades into the next like an ephemeral spark that illuminates our presence; only to leave us empty and longing for the next. Our societies are the solstice of our souls. Although raising us above animalistic predisposition, we are forced to reconcile the dissonance that comes with recognizing possible reduction of self beyond a lack of consciousness.

>> No.14091488

>Read books from authors who had done
Okay, but who?

>> No.14091500
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>> No.14091532

I have a 6-page essay due Saturday night and I work on Friday and Saturday. I've only just started researching and looking for sources for it. I had set aside all day today to work on it, but ended up spending most of my day on 4chan and duolingo. Now I just feel a simmering discomfort because I know I'll need to cram to finish this thing. I wish it was easier to muster up the focus I need.

>> No.14091538


>> No.14091557


>> No.14091614

>The canary in the coom-mine
top kek

>> No.14091649

I strive for the best in me, discipline hurts just as much as laziness. I have worked quite hard to be able to get laid. I have fucked 5 girls in the past 2 months. Not impressive by any standards, but coming from a kissless virgin at 19; being able to find a women who I can talk freely with is a little easier. I work hard to see the light. I want to get a job in IT to help pay my bills. I am 23 living with my parents making garbage income. I rely off my fathers dollar (something he is more than happy to give). I know it is bad for me to stay at this job. I will leave. I must. I am thankful for the people in my life. All the amazing beautiful people. I just hope to leave youth with the strengths to live honestly and openly. Whatever the fuck that means. Ill get back to reading Nietzsche. Thank you for catching me on a pensive day anon. I love you guys mmmmmmmmwah

>> No.14091751

Oh, oh god, I-I'm gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.14091771

You could not have missed the point any more than you just did, brainlet. Since you're being such an obsessive autist: just imagine her as a roastie whose last partner had a bigger dick than yours, and imagine his balls smacking against her vagina as he fucks her better than you ever will.

>> No.14091781

Honestly kinda digging Jesus is king desu

>> No.14091783

I often fear my generation is just here to watch the soil fall on Britain's coffin.

>> No.14091789


>> No.14091790


That's statistically unlikely as I have a 94th percentile penis

>> No.14091797

Must be depressing to be British, your great past is behind you and will never come again. It's only downhill from here, even if Brexit had gone better than planned. 100 years ago you owned 25% of the world. I agree though, across the west we're all just a transitional generation.

>> No.14091806
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>> No.14091811

Yet you worry about this bitch's sexual past all the same. Oh well, at least you got to brag about your dick size on an anonymous 4chan board. Must make you really feel like a man huh

>> No.14091812

Not giving a fuck is a real treat.

>> No.14091821


Quit getting snappy bro, I'm just stating facts. That's not why I'm concerned. I'm concerned because I just don't want to have fewer sexual partners. In the same way that, you know, you don't want to lose a race. I can't explain it.

>> No.14091823


>> No.14091833

>I'm concerned because I just don't want to have fewer sexual partners.

It's not like a race at all, you're just being needlessly insecure.

>> No.14091837
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Will I ever finish creating my story?
Will I ever turn it into a book? A show?
Will I ever get a girlfriend who will spit in my mouth and let me smell her feet?
Will I be successful in my current endeavors?

I just don't know

>> No.14091841

>let me smell her feet
>spit in my mouth
... retard

>> No.14091850

It just all feels so empty.
Turn the TV on and it's more shite, go to the shop and its more shite on the newspapers. Even just walking the streets (Middlesbrough especially) it just feels like a shithole. A pale reflection of a bygone era.

>> No.14091863
File: 37 KB, 600x585, weebey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an appointment with a clinical psychologist this weekend to figure out what is exactly wrong with me. I'm kind of anxious about what the results will be.

I expect to be diagnosed with one of these:
>Anxiety and depression
>Avoidant personality disorder
>Body dysmporphia

I would be surprised but not shocked if they say I have:
>Schizoid personality disorder
>A sexual paraphilia
>Gender dysphoria

It's kind of a big day for me and I'm anxiously awaiting it. Hopefully I'll get some closure on the matter and a path forward, no matter how hard it may be. I'll keep you all posted on the results

>> No.14091874
File: 749 KB, 880x1445, blindpill literature chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. This is the best I can recommend if you want to escape the bombardment of demoralizing and vapid news that reminds you how fucked your country/the world has become. It's not a cure, but a way to find at least some solace in clown world.

>> No.14091877

He'll say you are a hypochondriac.

>> No.14091878

a married coworker of mine got a bit flirty today and it was nice to get some attention.

>> No.14091891

I find my solace in God.
The blind pill does interest me however, I should get to reading from the chart. Thanks anon.

>> No.14091893

That might be true

>> No.14091938


Is it really needless? Do you think women sexually respect men who have had fewer sexual partners than they've had?

>> No.14092006

Why is this place so addicting? Why can’t we work together to shit up the board and then the whole site so we can get on with our lives? And why don’t people act like this in general? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone would just aggressively keep others from falling into addictions, and pushing them to do what’s best for them? If a group of random people came into my room, and took away all my distractions, and urged me to study, then I do think I would benefit from such a thing. This should happen all the time, everywhere. But it seems offensive to point out people’s flaws and shortcomings. Humans are so fucked up.

>> No.14092013

>Do you think women sexually respect men who have had fewer sexual partners than they've had?

Of course they can. But that shouldn't be a factor at all. If you fuck her well I really don't think she's going to let your body count make her less horny for you. I won't make any overgeneralizations, but given how easy it is for women to amass sexual partners compared to men -- I highly doubt they will look down upon you for having less than them since that's a given in most cases. Maybe if you have a very low amount in general (not just relative to her) she'll judge you a bit. But you're overthinking either way.

>> No.14092145

>In the key of G
Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling this site just ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I don't get any (you)s
And I'm wondering about the posts that I'll do
coomers to the left of me,
no-fappers to the right, here I am
stuck making shitposts with you

>> No.14092147

The second question does a job of answering the first. You are addicted to this place because you think of it as a community where your efforts can be multiplied with other people to produce something greater than yourself. Because that's the purpose of every real community. But this place isn't real, and you will never multiply efforts with the people here. You want a group of people who will push you, you will need to find that in the real world. Never here.

>> No.14092195

Why is everyone trying to push philosphies and religions on me?
I'm a sensible atheist, I have a good job, i'm improving in my field every day.
I am happy, life is going well.
I don't need your indoctrination. I just want a damn comfy book.

>> No.14092207

then just read genre fiction or japanese light novels. I'm not being sarcastic, if you want comfy, entertaining books then why are you reading classic literature or philosophy?

>> No.14092234

I want to disappear
I don't want to be so old
I want things to work out
I don't want to lash out and lose control again

>> No.14092239

I'm not reading philosphy. It's apparent to me that genre fiction is regarded as somehow inferior to philosphy and that's why i start judging myself whenever I try to just read something fun. "You could be studying X philosopher" i'd think. Where did that thought come from? That's not ME! Is it some sort of naiveté on my part to be happy?

>> No.14092281

>But this place isn't real
This is real, it keeps me away from total isolation.

>> No.14092297

I was in the bathroom stall at work watching a viral video on my phone depicting an abused dog who was being rescued by a caring family. The video followed the typical progression from the rescue itself, where the dog is defiant and doesn’t want to be touched, to the slight warming in temperament as he begins to feel safe in his new surroundings, to his ultimate flourishing, where he welcomes being petted. My tears began to well up. Most people cry to see a dog in such straights, neglected and abused, afraid even of a loving touch. I cry because I’m the dog.

>> No.14092312

This place feels more real than real life.

>> No.14092313

Some of us never get past the first state

>> No.14092385

>watch shitty trust fund kids who never have to work a day in their lives spend all their time updating instagram, watching netflix, and going to clubs
Seething poorfag

>> No.14092388

Having a shit day. I get onto the quiet carriage of the train - that's the carriage of the train where you're supposed to keep noise to a minimum - so I can read and there's a whole family of yobbo scum listening to top 40 shit, the sort of music you would exclusively hear on the X Factor, out loud on their phones, watching football and jeering, arguing and being obxoxious. What did I do to deserve this? Now they're playing 'Simply the Best' by Tina Turner.

>> No.14092392

listening to infinite jest on audiobook over and over. at work i washdishes and listen. at home i smoke and listen. poop and listen. eat and listen. write down the timestamp as im drifting off and jut set it back after i wake up. pretty neat psychosis so far

>> No.14092397

I can feel the costume of flesh I've been wearing starting to tear at the seams, beginning to shed my skin, revealing a more honest mass of bone and muscle. What puzzles me is whether this husk is the same one as before, or new entity. With a few exceptions, people who I've cared desperately about in the past haven't returned to my thoughts in years; what reason is there to believe that those I know now won't suffer the same fate? How many people have I strangely loved (or hated) who I've forgotten about? Will anyone I know now be influential enough for me to recall their existence in a year or two? And conversely, will I be worthy of remembrance to them?

I seem to be well-liked by the people I've surrounded myself with, and this puzzles me; it wasn't always this way. My beliefs have changed, my body has metamorphosed, my attitude has shifted; for all intents and purposes, I am distinguishable from the person I was before. But my identity has remained intact, and whether I really feel different or not is hard to say. I still have the same insecurities, the same flaws. Did I just become better at hiding them, playing the game of reservation?

I had a dream about a young girl I barely know the other day; we sat in an immeasurably tall tower, an ordinary room suspended above the clouds, barely glancing at one another, minding our own business in the stratosphere. And then when I saw her in reality, going about the same business, only sporadically interacting with one another, I considered that if she had the same dream, if our spirits had passed each other by in some divine realm, we would have no way of verifying its truth, because I will never say a word to her, nor would she to me. And I feel intensely guilty for even conjuring it up in the first place, as if my feeble thoughts are somehow enough to hold any sort of dominion over her - almost guilty enough to the point where I've hijacked my own passage as a confessional. Probably best to forget the encounter, sure, but it is unusual, the unfamiliar gemstones I keep finding in the spiral eyes of strangers.

>> No.14092404

Confront them.

>> No.14092407

That... wasn't meant to be a response. It has no relation to your post. Sorry, I feel delirious.

>> No.14092443

>let me smell her feet
... retard
>spit in my mouth
>... retard

>> No.14092444

My friends, we are currently trapped in an era of post factuality and coercive blindness. We are afflicted by post modernism, deluded into accepting a world of colorblindness. We are no longer the wise ape, so birthed in naked glory, filled with godlike potential. No, at the peak of our collective wisdom we seek willful ignorance. We use our greatest inventions to alter our perceptions, to wash away our reality! We accept worsening conditions despite being promised a dream. We have replaced the pursuit of happiness with the dream of a grand distraction, so that we no longer see our unhappiness. And as our existence dullens , we sharpen our knives. The only intellectual progress the modern man makes is in the ferocity of his violence.

>> No.14092445
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I am a recent Catholic convert. When I was atheist, I knew I was not going to have a normal life due to my set of struggles, and I didn't imagine myself getting married even though I wanted to (but as a man). I pictured my future as a single person dedicated to the craft. When I wanted sex, it would be with partners, or a marriage with someone I can get along with but will never really be open with. I gave up on women a long time ago because it's not like I can satisfy one anyway, and ironically I ended up being attracted to men (but as an idea) by admiring and studying masculinity for myself. My mind was all sorts of fucked - my body had the needs and disposition of a woman in heat, but my mind was repulsed at the thought of "being with other guys". I often ended up choking and hitting the man during sex, not because I got off to it, but out of real aggression.

Well, I fell in love with a man one time, and found God because I loved him so much that I knew I had to change from my degenerate ways. But, he saw me as a man, and I loved him as a man would. When he inevitably began seeing me as a woman, it was the only time in my life that I was okay with it, but I think it's because I was accepted as a man first and he was a friend to the man in me.


>> No.14092451

I can diagnose you right now buddy.

>> No.14092456
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>>14092445 (cont.)

He's the only partner I never touched, because I wanted to get to know him better and valued the friendship too much to sell it out for cheap thrill. He was also modest and just... decent, and I admired him a lot. Instead of sending shivers down my spine, I for once felt happy picturing little versions of him running about in this world and thinking to myself that it would actually be pretty nice being part of that. When I pictured myself in a better future, strong and vigorous, I hoped that he would be there at my side to share in the glory. For the first time in my life, I pictured myself choking someone (him) and instead of feeling indifference or arousal, it weighed on me and I began questioning my degenerate ways.

Is this how a real friendship between two people was supposed to be, and I was missing out on this all my life? Did God love me enough to bring him to me? For the first time, I felt vulnerable. I felt pain, yearning, and grieving. I was frightened of death. In other words, I felt *alive*.
After he was gone, I found my other friendships to be pale compared to what I had with him, and there was always that disconnect from the world anyway thanks to gender dysphoria. I began losing interest in other people, I was tired of pretending and playing roles, trying to get by as a normal woman. So sick of it. My whole physical existence is a lie, a facade, and that is all I have. At least before, I was able to bear it and wax on about carrying my cross bla bla bla. I now spend my days keeping to myself, and living in my craft. I cringe and even get enraged when other men get interest in me. Sure, there's the high of power of being desired, but it's not the power I want. All I want to do is screw them and walk off, not even care to know their names (and god forbid they know me any better), but I can't do that anymore either. I see my ex's face in every beautiful man now.

>> No.14092486

tl;dr are you a tranny?

>> No.14092489

Not in the conversation up to this point, but I am sorry for you that you have been led out of truth in which you had previously reposed.

>> No.14092495

"Irony won't save you from anything; humour doesn't do anything at all. You can look at life ironically for years, maybe decades; there are people who seem to go through most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart. Doesn't matter how brave you are, or how reserved, or how much you've developed a sense of humour, you still end up with your heart broken. That's when you stop laughing."

>> No.14092506

Absolutely based

>> No.14092519


I've never heard insanity and nihilism described in music as well as I have in this Scriabin piece.The title is perfect, as if prefiguring the flame that, even while it consumes us, we can't help but feel an aesthetic bliss at our own annihilation, and our mind slips away

>> No.14092555

Could you find my friend that goes to UCLA and tell him to stop being a cunt and call me?

>> No.14092587

If it's any consolation I'll always find your country's place-names very beautiful and they often summon pastoral landscapes in my mind, and it's bittersweet to know that it hasn't been liked that, and is still being destroyed, for over a century and a half

>> No.14092598

Great quote, something I would've attributed to DFW if I had to. Interesting to find out it's from Houellebecg

>> No.14092690

I'm really annoyed by people who say Trump getting impeached will spark a civil war. Who WANT a civil war. In fact it has the intended effect of making me want to shoot them. To endanger the lives of your fellow countrymen, to put little kids in the crossfire, to shatter the economy and implode America all for the sake of this one shitty man baffles the mind. Civil wars should not be fought over such trifles. It won't happen regardless; but the expression of the sentiment is cowardly and disgusting.

>> No.14092719
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I have IBD and basically all the drugs I've tried have worked for a bit then stopped working.
This last year has been awful, literally the worst year of my life, constantly on steroids, hospitalized multiple times, multiple cdiff infections, had to take off a semester of school.
The options I'm looking at now are either get my colon removed and live with a bag, maybe feel better, maybe have a chance at an internal pouch someday,
or continue living this nightmare trying some new drug and hoping it works, but at least having all my organs and not being deformed with a goa'uld attached to a glorified poop sock. I'm terrified that if I get the surgery I'll die a virgin or it won't be enough and I'll just need more surgery or more meds

>> No.14092818

I've been very confused recently on how to attain and maintain a good spiritual life. For thr past couple years I've fallen to enjoy a lot of what Nietzsche and Jung have to offer as guides, but I've recently looked into Buddhism the past two days and it's really been having me challenge myself. I'm having a hard time discerning if I should stay on my path of Earthly pleasures and goals, like studying to be an illustrator, and working on photography, or if I should give those illusions up and attain the various state of minds to hopefully move past this physical world. I know Buddhism is all about getting rid of everything that causes suffering in an individual's life, which to me translated to running further away from fear, rather than embrassing the fear, and inconveniences of life. This brings me back to running from fear, I fear to be punished for all my wrong doings in this plane.
After sitting on what I had written about an hour ago much has changed. My view towards Buddhism has grown a bit more positive. I ate a slice of cheese pizza and realize how much of a toll animal products, and by products can be on the mind and body. I had sex also, and for the first time in a long time I had not fully wanted to feel a woman's body. The woman I had sex with was forced to give oral sex as a child, she hasn't given me oral in a few years and very understandably why. Tonight she decided to orally please me, this vosceral act made me even more uncomfortable with the situation, why out of all these nights did she choose to do this at a very confusing transitional period, it feels as if I'm being toyed with by forces out of my perception. Now I'm really fearful towards anything metaphysical, for years I had been trying to comfort myself with ways of keeping my mind in a physical realm, if my friend had been doing something I thought wasn't a healthy thing, I convinced myself it was okay for me to continue doing it because he was.
At this point I don't understand anything, I'm unsure if I'm just doing everything for the ego, looking into Buddhism, all my previous surface level readings of philosophy and psychology, everything in between to me typing this post just something to give me something, I can't put into words how it has made me feel. I just know the feeling, physically giving me butterflies in the stomach, and in my mind a feeling as if you were spinning with eyes closed in an empty room. Except you didn't know that the room was empty, carefully spinning with eyes closed making sure not to crash into any of the many objects placed so neatly.
In short, I know nothing, but I want to help people with learning things, about themselves, drawing, music, and photography. I'm going to stop now that I have definitely given in to ego at this point. I still don't know if that's all I'm ever doing, and why it's a bad thing.

>> No.14092827

used to think she still thought of me till i saw their pictures the other day,life is strange to me

>> No.14092856
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Are you going to buy the Mueller Report official book? We've come to the end of the embarrassing hyperreal version of McCarthyism that the mass media turned into reality television, and suitably watered down and simplified for today's pill-addicted consumerist retards to be able to understand. They can't milk any more money or attention from it. So let's sell it, so that the average "politically engaged, educated" retard American citizen can pretend to pore over it and be involved in the national dialog.

Let's just see. Who owns all the media outlets that constructed the childlike cartoon version of a red scare in the first place? Who sells the book? Who owns all the vendors, online and off, that sell the book? Who wrote the introduction to the book? Who owns the New York Times, whose endorsement the book enjoys? Who owns the press that publishes the book?

Do people not see how they're being manipulated? It's like America has been turned into a 24/7 carnival, and all the tickets are sold by certain people, all the booths are owned by certain people, and all the games are "adjudicated" for fairness by certain people. They can't even just run the country with their scams, they then have to sell the runoff of their scams to your gullible aunt in Barnes & Noble because hey, might as well milk a few extra pennies from it. Who on my rolodex needs a favor? We'll let him write the intro for a nice paycheck.

>> No.14092878
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Had a lot of anxiety thanks to the high amounts of caffeine I took today, plus giving a shitty presentation fucked me worse than normal given all the cute girls in my college really looked so hot in their Halloween costumes.
Also had a large amount of sexual desire during the day, as I wanted to fuck one fat chick with big tits and a soft tummy, which made me had an erection that lasted about an hour or so in public and I really, really, really wanted to motorboat her tits as they were close to my face and rape the fuck out of her and cum inside her fat pussy while touching her soft tummy.

And right now I'm really horny and want to masturbate to some good 2D BBW porn, but the time between these sexual thoughts and right now I had a lot of depressive, suicidal thoughts given I am still a lonely faggot who will never have a girlfriend during the course of my life as per God's implicit orders that I shouldn't get a girlfriend given it is his will (read: my destiny) to become part of the clergy in some church or whatever.

I'm starting to feel more lonely and apathetic on life as time passes, but I really want to get my question answered from God himself as to why the fuck do I have to be so lonely and miserable without the possibility to having someone on my side that I could love with all my heart, mind, and soul.

>> No.14092888

Will do if I end up getting the job and moving there friend.

>> No.14092896

/lit/ has meetups? Man i need to move to the usa now

>> No.14092898
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I think I'm getting more schizo the more time passes as well so a tl;dr of my post is that I'm really fucking horny, wanted to rape and cum inside all the cute girls I met today (especially the girl with big tits and soft tummy), and still asking God why am I so miserable and why does he want me to stay like this without any possibility to having a close relationship with a girl that isn't part of my family..

>> No.14092902

enjoy your meetings with discord faggots who are clearly redditors but who somehow seem to identify with 4chan culture

also enjoy being weirded out by the fact that everyone's some kind of fag and oversensitive about off-color humor despite allegedly posting here. it will be a good opportunity to exercise your detective skills as you look around your group of cringy discord faggot compatriots and realize "i've gone to a reddit meetup. i'm surrounded by redditors." then you will feel sick and and embarrassed.

>> No.14092906

She probably got aborted though.

>> No.14092911

>wanted to rape and cum inside
quit porn unironically
Buy an old-school playboy magazine and do it with that or your own imagination

>> No.14092923
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I’m taken over by a feeling. Sprawling houses disperse into fields and farms not two miles away. Vast agricultural landscapes broken apart by forests, wilderness lay just beyond. Small communities are scattered about the edges. Tiny roads, human roads, connect one cozy den to the next. I want to be nestled away somewhere, like those at the edges, then step out upon my porch, cig in hand, short puff as my gaze drifts from grass to trees to the night sky. Exhale. I’ll probably live my life in front of a screen.

>> No.14092930
File: 1.94 MB, 1447x2047, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn_by_kanpa_campagne_9__46f9d21aed121542c9ee5dd37f1816e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit porn unironically
I no longer view porn, especially the 3D one with shitty LARPs.
>Buy an old-school playboy magazine and do it with that or your own imagination
I do that everyday and with 2D playboy-like pictures, i.e., with ecchi pictures.
But this is still not enough as I stopped being a literal shut-in NEET hermit a couple of months ago, so I now have those strong sexual urges as I did not have any contact with the opposite sex for a long time.

Since I also have tried doing nofap and noporn for 3+ months once, but I almost actually did attempt to rape a girl by doing so, so there isn't a true way to stop these urges for some reason.
Maybe this will fade away as I continue to socialize(?) again and tell myself I'll never have a girlfriend or anything as it is God's will, but I still continue to suffer given this reason and I personally don't think I can escape from this unless I unironically rape some girl or so.
I really want to go back to my shut-in life but I can't do so or else I'll get kicked out of my parent's home; no I will not join the military to fight for is real.

>> No.14092934
File: 945 KB, 4032x3024, 6F6606E4-01AE-4C34-8719-E93E161FF943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the desert, my holy desert. I long for the night it brings and the peace I feel in my heart standing out in that landscape, a small and nothing thing. Out there in the dusty wastes where water waits for no man, out there in the land that animals fear, out there in this beautiful place that wants to kill you, that is where I find my peace. I long for the bridge between night and day, when the new moon is a grey lump which sets with a soft glow, giving way to the pattering feet of commuting stars. I long to hear the low booms, produced in the throats of mesas, to witness the machinery of the cosmos, to absorb the perfect stillness of massive silent things.

I am off to live in the desert, my desert, the holy desert.

>> No.14092938

reposting from the earlier thread because i genuinely wanted input

I have rough anxiety, and I used to take paxil and venlafaxine (both low dosages, admittedly) for a couple years. I was then off for a year or so but now again feel the anxiety and concomitant mental weakness. So what are my courses or action, if I want to keep meds away? Accept that constitution is prone to nerves, and thus reduce environments that stress me out OR somehow strengthen my mind to minimize the anxiety? If the latter, I don't know how to achieve that.

>> No.14092939

u sound like a retard

>> No.14092940

Retards need help too

>> No.14092945

I don't know how much this will help you since maybe I was just lucky, or maybe my anxiety was solely behavioral while yours is neurological. I don't pretend to know how it all really works in the mind or in the brain. But in my case at least, years of exposure have made me go from so hypersensitive and anxious that I was afraid to go to a store and buy food, to being borderline too apathetic. At least factor into your equations the possibility that time and exposure therapy might be effective.

>> No.14092951
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Why not pay for sex? Can't find a prostitute? Start asking random girls on the street, crackheads if desperate. Given that you're horny enough to rape someone, I don't suppose that "here's $100 wanna fuck?" would be too hard for you to manage.

>> No.14092956

Trying to imagine how it feels to hug someone- not just a quick one-and-done family gathering type hug, but actually having somebody hold you around their arms while you take the time to think about how everything is fine. Holy fuck I need someone to hold me NOW

>> No.14092960
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Hornyanon here. Do both.
However, there will be times where you will not be able to reduce such environments. Therefore you will need to focus on the latter.
As to how reduce that, I don't know personally but I somehow have been able to reduce the amount of depression I have as I often thought that all this bullshit is in my head.
However, as you can see in my posts, I can't really control my physical urges that inherently make me depressed and extremely horny, so I don't know a true full answer to your question on how to achieve such thing.

Also, I'm going to sleep so see you both you and the other anon who replied to me tomorrow.

>> No.14092968
File: 388 KB, 1500x2400, __gneisenau_and_gneisenau_azur_lane_drawn_by_yusha_m_gata__20f5ea959e5127f85b512c11d45524d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't wanna go to jail since here the doughnuts are getting more fierce.

now gonna sleepe

>> No.14092976

some chick at work asked me why I'm such a virgin nerd who is never seen with girls and I thought of this monologue and now I can't stop repeating it in my head:


>> No.14093243

I'm afraid I'll never be able to recover my passion for filmmaking, which was the only thing I enjoyed doing

>> No.14093253

you're doing this to yourself desu. you can literally do whatever the fuck you want and feel however you want. just learn brainhacking pleb.

>> No.14093269

But how will i get a cute wife then?

>> No.14093303

i am continuing to struggle doing what i want vs what the autopilot brain makes me do. It haunts me my pathetic behavior and it upsets me more to know how gifted i am in many aspects and the many opportunities i have given up on. I am slowly getting better and overcoming vices has certainly helped.

>> No.14093351

I want to thank the two anons who recommended Boves "My Friends" and Bernanos' "On the Other Side of the Mountain". The first was funny despite it's bleak and sad content, and I couldn't help but feel full of optimism when I finished it. The second began like a dull sailor's tale, but went in a whole other direction in the latter half. I never read something like this, and it inspired me greatly.

This is why I want to try to give and exceptional recommendation as well - Edouard Leve's "Suicide". Great book.

Have a nice one /lit/izens

>> No.14093408

If life is absurd and meaningless, then what is the reason to go on living? The purpose to life can be to live, but that is circular. In order for it to be livable, you must give it meaning, but how can you give it meaning if all the meaning is actually bullshit? Recently I thought that by creating goals for yourself you give yourself the ability to set a mark on the wall, and that mark allows you to orient yourself and mark your change and progress as a person. The goal itself may become meaningful to you as you get wrapped up in it and get emotional with it and forget about the absurdity behind it all, but the true meaning of all goals is it allows you to see yourself in the metaphysical freefall that is life as you experience. In which case, the underpinning of all your goals truly is to simply experience your life.

>> No.14093446

Starting to go deeper into philosophy and I'm worried that at the end it won't really help me find any purpose in life.

>> No.14093474

I ate a football sized blackpill

>> No.14093502


>> No.14093555

It's all surveillance state shit, nothing new.
Everything is going to end up in total lockdown. All the privacy and net neutrality concerns are just a flash in the pan, it will soon become impossible to visit anything but a few designed websites at an ISP level. They won't block the internet straight up China style, they will simply give you very limited data to work with outside of major websites. ISPs already cannot handle the amount of bandwidth they're issuing, so they will find more and more ways to limit that.
They will remove unlimited internet contracts or add an asterisk to your existing contract saying that they will only give you limited amounts of bandwidth to spend outside of instagram/facebook/etc. and unlimited data on those platforms. It will be impossible to watch a video outside of YouTube or a movie outside of Netflix. Hardware and software will be merged so it can't be messed with as soon as people will put surveillance issues in the spotlight. You already have things happening right now like TVs emitting a low frequency signal that your phone picks up to help smartphone companies and their partners profile your habits. People are complacent and they don't care. In a sense, modern man's adaptability is what is shattering society. Google is demonetizing youtube videos and removing them from suggestions based on facial expressions, like if you make an angry face they will not sponsor your video because it's not family friendly anymore. And of course I thought of
>He did not know how long she had been looking at him, but perhaps for as much as five minutes, and it was possible that his features had not been perfectly under control. It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself -- anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.
China is becoming a rising international force and it's easily exerting command over the "free" world, it is already influencing the free world by banning organizations connected to dissenters (NBA's James Harden's apology about HK), we are reaching such a high level of consolidation that you will inevitably be part of global company A or global company B, both of which will look into your social media and will take you down if you express opinions that might be held against them. All that is set in place is creating a really scary picture and I see no other way to avoid it but going off the grid and work a simple job. I hope I will be still alive before this goes in full effect but I think it will take 10 years tops.

>> No.14093578
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Rare ftm rapist

>> No.14093587

Doing a lot of cardio always helped with my anxiety. Get a road bike and spend a lot of time outside

>> No.14093594
File: 12 KB, 300x200, 15 million merits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*not be still alive before this takes full effect
I have similar rants about social media and society in general, the total shift from culture to entertainment, and people turning into products and thinking of themselves like a company thinks of their merchandise. Corporate products have become human while humans have become products. I posted this shit around this board a few times.
Advertising has become as essential part of human communication, time has been devalued unless it is about productivity, literally every single aspect of life has been changed to accommodate avertising and consumerism. Politics matter nothing since they are literally an instrument for corporatism, there is no real capitalism or communism or social issues, every single thing is part of a marketing campaign and there is all human beings are consumers now. I refuse to be a consumer who sacrifices my most precious resource - time - for the privilege of purchasing.
It's only a matter of time before none of this will exist. It's already partly true that none of this exists because 4chan is after all nothing but a containment zone where people can say this. The greatest exposure a thought like this - no matter how better formulated - can get is being screencapped and posted on reddit which is a website that exists as a bottleneck for viral content, blow up somehow, get on /r/all with 40k upvotes and be forgotten the next day.

>> No.14093627

this is your brain on cooming. instead of approaching the fat girl (with possibly lower standarts) you just whine go home to coom some more.
you are the furthest one can get from "destinied by God himself". and you should be ashamed enough to stop being a faggot.

>> No.14093637
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the screen is at least a shelter from the outer, not-comfy-village world.

>> No.14093642

I ought to write more.

>> No.14093644


>> No.14093646

Stop lying

>> No.14093655

Anger is fossilized sadness

>> No.14093673

To an extent this is probably true. I remember being sad before I was angry
And before that, happy

>> No.14093681

Left my grad program. Life is aimless. Wafting in the breeze for the time being. I'll probably get bolted into a job soon and will lose all of my freedom. Even though I have all of the freedom in the world right now, I spend all of my time trapped in my vices. And yet I never do anything to change my circumstance.

>> No.14093697

Not at all, you're describing depression.

Anger is a good thing. Because at least when you're angry, you're still feeling your emotions.

Better anger than a dull nothingness.

>> No.14093705

Can we have a chatroom for people who want to break out of this shit? I know it's paradoxical to use an internet service to combat the internet trap, but you gotta have a support net not to go insane
I wouldn't know how to go about it
something decentralized maybe like Riot.im
would anyone be interested?

>> No.14093801

What horrible advice.

>> No.14093818

Save half your income and retire in 20 years. You'll have to lead a pretty boring life possibly, but it'll be worth it to break the endless chain of wage slavery.

>> No.14093819

Red pill me on why Classics is superior. I’m coming from a social science undergrad and weighing Philosophy and Classics for graduate.

>> No.14093821

On monday or tuesday (I can't remember which), my mother took me to the hospital after I relapsed. I have a problem where every now and then, usually 6 months to a year, I hit booze really hard. This time, right before I went into hospital, I was drinking a 4L cask of wine a day, if not more. It's hard to say because I don't remember much. The reason for the hospital visit is the withdrawals are not just horrendous, but dangerous. People die from it all the time. Despite a huge waiting list at my hospital, they took me in immediately. I was withdrawing at that point and couldn't walk, talk, sit or even really lie down properly.

On withdrawals... I have come down from boozing before on my own without valium. I know this is cliche, but I truly wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Apart from being violently ill, unable to drink water, and shaking a lot, one may hear a constant screaming in the brain, one may feel... Actually I don't think I can describe it. Any description of hell you have ever read, it is worse than that. This is not hyperbole.

Guys whatever you do don't drink morning to night. Ever. Especially for a long time.

>> No.14093839

In the spring semester of the first year of my doctoral program I started cutting classes. I remember one day, I was on the subway on the way to school and I just got out at Yankee stadium and went to a game against the Padres. One of the best moments of my life. I ended up dropping out of the program that summer.

>> No.14093842

"anxiety" is not an illness, but a symptom.
if your stomach hurt from poor diet, would you take gastritis meds, just accept the pain, try to harden your stomach lining?
you must find the cause first. it may be complex and not plainly obvious, it may be your lifestyle in general.
try to get enough excersice or physical work, many find it helps with general mental issues, me included.
stay strong king

>> No.14093866

discord chats are popular as it doesn't require much, like downloading a new app.
but if we want to go more secure less faggy i suggest telegram

>> No.14093896

Anxiety is best reduced through behavioral adjustment. You need to train your brain that the things that trigger your anxiety aren't actually scary. Get your feet wet. You have to willfully counteract it.

>Accept that constitution is prone to nerves, and thus reduce environments that stress
This is precisely what you shouldn't do.
>strengthen my mind to minimize the anxiety
Yes, by counteracting your anxiety and overcoming your phobia of whatever makes you anxious.
For example, let's say that job interviews make you anxious, because you worry that you won't get the job. Just go do an interview with the expectation that you will blow it, but with the idea in mind that you will at least expose yourself to the experience and therefore show that it isn't as bad as you thought. If the consequence doesn't matter, the cause of the anxiety should lift.

>> No.14093901

but is anyone interested?

>> No.14093931

if you announce a life improvement chat on lit, at least some will be interested.

>> No.14093936

I'm in, just drop a telegram link somewhere.

>> No.14093946

I should me writing right now, mais je suis si lâche.

>> No.14094077

sounds like it

>> No.14094273

Theologically, most American Christian's are much closer to Islam than they are to Jesus' actual teachings, and I treat them accordingly

>> No.14094318
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>just learn brainhacking pleb.
How tho?
I had a huge erection there so I couldn't really approach her. Else, I may have had but I must not have sexual thoughts of any kind in order to do so, maybe.
I honestly just want the answer to my question since there's always things outside of my control and it is obvious that some powerful being is controlling everything against me from getting a girlfriend.

I'm starting to believe in Gnosticism because of this desu.

>> No.14094374

> it is obvious that some powerful being is controlling everything against me
This being stares back every morning as you brush your teeth. Flashes on the edge of your vision as you pass by glass planes. Tells you in the most believable and familiar voice how good this coom is gonna make you feel.

>> No.14094398

Im studying history at uni right now, but uni life is hard guys. I keep wasting my days even though i try to do some serious studying i keep getting distracted by different things. Im so far behind on reading now that its not even funny. I need help.

>> No.14094471

Spend an hour right now reading the most pertinent thing you need to read. Post what you thought about it. I'll be waiting.

>> No.14094569

Latin and Greek are harder to self-teach and classics departments are less pozzed by nature due to the texts available for study

>> No.14094583

Heh, I can see some shit like this happening. We're trully fucked, aren't we?

>> No.14094631

Motion to have all twitter posters perma-banned from /lit/

>> No.14094796
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Alright. It's about ethics in research, particulary internet research. We all know or atleast most of us know that here are strict rules when it comes to privacy. This is not a suprising thing since we live in societies which are founded on the protection of the individuals rights. This is all good for most people, but not researchers. How are you supposed to do research on lets say, radical groups on facebook with all these restrictions. First of all you need persmission from the people you are researching, but asking for it would very likely ruin the whole project. You want to observe genuine opinions from people. This is probably one of the biggest issues along with using posts from the individuals that are unknowingly "participating". Obviously you would anonymize the names, but based on what the individuals are saying you could still identify them. Does the importance of the study trump the individuals rights? I dont know.. hard question. Depends entierly on whats being studied. You would imagine that what people say on the internet is public and therfore you can use it no problem in your study but thats not the case at all. First of all people have wildly different opinions on what should be regarded as private and public. These opinions could even differ on the same platforms which makes it really hard for the researcher. This is just rambling from me and does probably not make much sense but you asked for it anon. Oh and what do i think of it?
I think its a really difficult question. If the study is important for the society as a whole and will benefit it then yes i do think it is more important than the rights of the individual as long as the study wont put the individuals in physical danger or give them any social consequenses.

>> No.14094978

Based and studypilled. I did indeed ask for it. Now read more for dat sweet edumacation.

>> No.14094989

How do /pol/-type people explain the existence of poor Jews? Are they not real Jews? Just pretending to be poor? Not sufficiently Jewish enough to get let into the conspiracy?

>> No.14095023

People love capitalism and worship the rich so much that when they are exposed to the pattern of the rich taking everything from everyone else, they can't possibly blame the rich, they have to blame something else about them. Like they're jewish or women or gay or old, or what have you. They are incapable of saying that the rich are the enemy because this is what brainwashing is, generations of telling people to worship the rich.

>> No.14095045

Oh and of course it works the other way around, it's not the rich, it's evil white men of the patriarchy etc. it's not the rich, it can't possibly be the rich

>> No.14095082

is there such a field as "dark research", akin to pharma piracy? unauthorised and unofficial research held against the rules by those willing to do it?

>> No.14095154

i'm a jew, not poor especially by my slav shithole standards, but i choose the poorfag lifestyle.
consumerism disgusts me deeply, it feels great to distance yourself from it. i mean, why buy more if i have enough?
purchasing something, the very act of spending on it, seems to decrease its value. how much more satisfying it is to DIY or find a smart solution yourself!

>> No.14095165

First off, I think it varies from person to person but I definitely see where you’re coming from. Often it seems like anger can be an external expression of deep-seated sadness which fits away at an individual (or in a larger context an entire group of people). Anger is only as good as it’s efficacy in enacting change, otherwise it rots you away from the inside. Sadness can manifest into depression but anger always has a form of sadness, violation, or betrayal as it’s foundation.

But I disagree, sometimes nothing is better than anger. Anger is toxic.

>> No.14095201

I feel like I have bottomed out my life.
I feel like I have passed some line of no return.
I am young but I don't feel young anymore. I am not naive or ignorant, I do not feel my mistakes vindicated by a youthful vigor.
I have become nasty when I drink. It's hard to believe that's me and yet it makes perfect sense.
I do not know how to live content to perform the different tasks of day in day out. I have always lived chasing some dream or another, counting on some next step, anticipating some redemption.
I have a clear mental image of the game and how you play it but for the first time in a long time it doesn't feel worth playing.

>> No.14095213

You are still thinking of research as if it were a scientific issue, like doing research for medical advancement. Research solely exists for companies' profits, it's funded by companies, it's manipulated by companies. It's not "let's see if this thing causes cancer", it's "prove that my competitor's product causes cancer"

>> No.14095245

how's world domination going you fucking satanic bastard

>> No.14095259

you're a brainlet. The idea isn't that every Jew has a stash of Gold they stole from the London central bank or whatever, it's that, within the bounds of meritocracy, they elevate their fellow Jews. So let's say one Jewish guy gets on the hiring committee at a large firm. Two more or less equally qualified candidates, one white and one Jewish, he's picking the Jew every time. Maybe he even picks the Jewish candidate who is a little worse than the white guy. The white guy on the hiring committee picks the better qualified candidate every time. Eventually, the firm becomes Jewish instead of WASP.

>> No.14095278

>it's that, within the bounds of meritocracy, they elevate their fellow Jews
>implying this is a bad thing
it's like nepotism, people are just seething out of jealousy that it's not them being on the receiving end. nepotism, aka providing for your own, is the moral thing to do

>> No.14095297

Ok but there's a big difference between "jews have strong in-group preference" and "a cabal of jews controls the world". if Jewish domination is so overwhelming then why is every single jew not in a position of some moderate power? Why can they control whole states but not get a guy a middle management job?

>> No.14095305

>the white guy on the hiring committee picks the better qualified candidate everytime

No he doesn't you dumbfuck. He picks one of his butt brothers who's a part of his fraternity, or a white guy over a brown guy (which is backed with an abundance of scientific data, contrary to that of the jew conspiracy)

>b-but its different blacks arent discriminated against dey gotta pull demself up by da bootstrap

If /pol/ wants to assert its bizzare fragile theories of jews controlling the world and stepping on whities, that's fine, it just becomes even more laughable when they at the same time conveniently chalk up the well documented phenomena on the even lower end of the ladder of modern day discrimination against blacks as a gigantic liberal conspiracy

>> No.14095310

valid point. a big part of internet research and especially the kind that infringes privacy are solely for targeting ads.
blows my mind every time - billions poured into it, numerous scandals around it, most advanced tech used - all just to show you an ad.

i have never, in my life, intentionally clicked on any ads online, let alone bought the shit they advertise.

>> No.14095320

>i have never, in my life, intentionally clicked on any ads online, let alone bought the shit they advertise.
same. shit's weird

>> No.14095329

It's the next Bubble

>> No.14095331

Yes you have, you've just done it subconsciously. This sentiment is echoed by most people, nobody likes an advertisement shoved in their fucking phase, but they continue to do so because it works.

>> No.14095344
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braided one horse's mane, unbraided it later and now her hair is wavy all the way instead of almost straight.
everything in this world is a part of my game

>> No.14095348

A lot of it yes, but not all. In this particular case its about analyzing and comparing the debates on radical right wing groups and radical islamic groups. Asking them for consent will ruin the study, and not asking for it brings a whole lot of other problems with it. The individuals that are being studied were not asked wheter they wanted to participate or not and it could possibliy cause unwanted consequenses for the involved people. Even though a lot of research is used for advertising a lot of it is also the studying of social behavior online, not for the purpose of advertising. The rules and criteria for publishing scientific articles varies from country to country though.

>> No.14095362

Wondering how much a custom built house would cost. Like an architecturally interesting one, not just a basic four-walls-and-a-roof standard construction. Presumably far more than I'll ever be able to afford.

>> No.14095380

>Presumably far more than I'll ever be able to afford.
Probably this.

>> No.14095387

how can one click on an ad "subconsciously"? there's no profit made if i click by mistake because those apes throw an X button into antarctica and make it small.
that's why i said "most".
can't you ask for a permission to use some material already made by those people though? this way you know it's authentic

>> No.14095388

>i have never, in my life, intentionally clicked on any ads online, let alone bought the shit they advertise.
that's not the point of advertisements, what is important is awareness this is marketing 101
You know when people say "man you know that advertisement by [brand] where the guy does that really annoying thing? it's so annoying!" you are talking about it, the advertisement worked. You might hate that ad and never buy it because it's annoying, but you mentioned the product, now someone else is aware of it, and they will maybe look it up and buy it. Read up about marketing and you will realize how strangely enough, selling products is not what advertisements are about anymore. It's all about presence and awareness which not only brings sales but forces your competitors to have the same presence and spread the same brand awareness to compete with you.

>> No.14095390

>tfw no castle home with elaborate central greenhouse and fireplace network

>> No.14095395


>> No.14095402

Buy one of those mobile dwellings migrant construction workers live in on sites, add rural shed decorations to taste

>> No.14095414

i understand that black pr is the best pr.
people are going batshit over yet another company doing yet another "insert ideology i dislike" shite, oblivious to the fact that they've become its adveetisers.
that's why i never care or talk about any particular ads, thankfully my bros don't as well

>> No.14095437

Same thing happened to me after going back to school. Had started studying literature and philosophy on my own after dropping out the first time. Going back to school to study philosophy has been completely deflating and disheartening. Just sticking through to the end so I can graduate and start studying out of passion again. Plus being a mid-20s male among a bunch of 18-19 year olds has been one of the most grating experiences of my life. It makes me amazed that I once had that age and mindset, they seem like a completely alien species.

>> No.14095479

I feel like there's nothing to live for anymore than reading books and scribbling with my cum on paper - my past was taken, the who I am not was made into how people perceive me - everyone is my enemy and I have nothing to hurt them with neither I wish them any evil nor I really care about how they perceive me; I just want to be left alone; keep your good, keep your evil, keep your beyond good and evil, I'm past feeling daggers piercing my rotten heart.

>> No.14095484

I don't think things become "worse" is an indication that meditation isn't working. Buddhist monks and Orthodox Christian hesychasts warn that those who devote themselves to intense spiritual prayer and meditation will literally get attacked by demons. Feeling worse might be a sign that it's working.

>> No.14095526
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I had a dream in which I participated in some kind of ceremony. The most interesting part was that there was music, it was indescribably complex, more than the most convoluted "art music" I've listed to, yet simultaneously ordered and carried a sense of unity and profound beauty. Almost transcendental.

This actually occurred several months ago but I can't stop thinking about it. The music of dreams sticks in my mind. I'm now tempted to begin studying music theory and try to recreate my dream-music, but I don't know how to begin. Presumably just studying composition itself won't be enough.

>> No.14095528

Or brainwashed into hating good men and the civilization they built.

>> No.14095555

this devil who played for Tartini is into polyphonic psytrance now

>> No.14095636

He's into microtonal electro-jazz

>> No.14095652
File: 36 KB, 640x479, 1571210299487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jazz is too cacophonous

>> No.14095671

I went to church today for the Feast of All Saints. There is a scene from Evelyn Waugh’s Unconditional Surrender that often plays through my head whenever I am at mass. The protagonist Guy Crouchback is attending the funeral mass for his father.

>Guy’s prayers were directed to, rather than for, his father. For many years now the direction in the Garden of the Soul, “Put yourself in the presence of God,” had for Guy come to mean a mere act of respect, like the signing of the Visitors’ Book at an Embassy or Government House. He reported for duty, saying to God: “I don’t ask anything from you. I am here if you want me. I don’t suppose I can be any use, but if there is anything I can do, let me know,” and left it at that.

>”I don’t ask anything from you”; that was the deadly core of his apathy; his father had tried to tell him, was now telling him…God required more than that. He had commanded all men to ask.

For a few years now whenever we’re commanded to state our special intentions “in the silence of our hearts” I’ve recalled my nieces, who are 5 and 7, and my nephew, who was stillborn on Father’s Day of 2010. I’d never added any intentions for myself. Two weeks ago I started asking that I might not go through life alone.

>> No.14095675

Lofi noise rock. He came to some stoner in a dream.

>> No.14095682

Maybe to a hyper-sensitive autistic.

>> No.14095687

Jazz has some of the most beautiful and dialogue-driven interactions between instruments in the history of music.

>> No.14095704

Unless you're listening to some really experimental stuff or some free form improv from thelonius monk. Jazz has some of the most melodic and harmony driven music available. Dissonant at times perhaps, cacophonous very rarely.

>> No.14095713
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sorry, I only listen to gusic. jazz is too vociferous, rambunctious, rowdy, clamorous, boisterous, strident, riotous, blatant, deafening, disorderly, obstreperous, piercing, raspy, turbulent, uproarious, booming, blusterous, chattering, clangorous

>> No.14095716

>i have never, in my life, intentionally clicked on any ads online, let alone bought the shit they advertise.
And that's true of 99% of the populace. But the law of large number guarantees that even though the vast majority of people hate and ignore online ads, over the course of billions of page views some rubes will click it. Targeted ads might increase the odds very slightly, but a slight increase in that respect means large net gains at scale.
Also, ads are not always to close a point of sale, it's to raise brand awareness--put your brand into the users' head. This works no matter what you do.

>> No.14095729

The music you're describing sounds righteous to me.

>> No.14095858

keep pushing anon. its a good sign if you dislike your work because it means you want to improve, but you got to finish your work. If you dislike it now, there's always editing. keep your head up!

>> No.14096007

Jews that end up in high places make decisions based upon their own racial neuroses. I don't think most people would allege anything more than that.

>He picks one of his butt brothers who's a part of his fraternity
Maybe this is true for low-prestige jobs in small and medium enterprises down South, but frats never drove white-shoe culture, and those firms don't exist anymore anyways.
>or a white guy over a brown guy
Again, not at any firm that actually matters. The future of our country hardly rests upon who becomes manager at Bob's Jacket Barn.

>> No.14096124

I love her so much and I know she loves poems, but I suck at them. I really need some inspiration how to start off

>> No.14096128

I've been working on the worldbuilding of my projected novel for a few weeks and I'm about to start writing. I'm really into this idea, I just hope I don't lose interest halfway through and drop it.
My schedule is crammed enough as it is and I'm worried about how to work my writing into it.
I don't even care that much about the novel being good (although I'm sure as hell going to try to make it so) but rather about finishing it.

>> No.14096135


>> No.14096162

you were a what? faggot? ty for sharing

>> No.14096255

Drink and read great poetry. See everything in the world not for what it is, but what it means. Become a master of metaphor and tonal composition and write about what you really care about.

>> No.14096328

>constant dissatisfaction syndrome
I never knew there was a term for what I have. I thought it was just severe clinical depression.

>> No.14096403

I like the Halloween theme, it's nice. It should stay for a few more days

>> No.14096472

there is no greater sickness than being born a manlet.

>> No.14096500

It's true
>have friend
>great guy
>5' 4''
>has never had a gf
I feel so bad for him

>> No.14096554
File: 391 KB, 900x1203, 1572600245167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this image posted in another thread and felt like posting it here, it's just so gorgeous, the colors, the textures, it's beautiful.

>> No.14096576

Have to pick my major soon. I have no idea what to do. The philosophy department is super analytic and I don't like it. The religion department is super positivist and once again, I don't like it. I suck at Computer Science and everything science based, even though I don't necessarily dislike it.

Really unsure what to do. I either struggle and get frustrated with CS, or do Philosophy and have to do analytic stuff that I don't enjoy.

>> No.14096589

thanks for the rec anon, just wanted you to know this post was read

>> No.14096602
File: 59 KB, 650x434, 59254946-0345-43E9-B506-E9728862AEC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help
Falling in love with you

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can’t help
Falling in looooove with youuu

t. In love with a qt

>> No.14096607

it's interesting to see how quickly these threads fill up these days, I remember they were much less lively for a while back in spring. interesting to see these shifts in the board, caused by whoknowswhat

>> No.14096612

I am 6’3” and have never had a girlfriend

>> No.14096635

simply reading this and thinking I can surprise my made me determined to actually put in time into literature and gain more knowledge about it

>> No.14096664

This unironically is not even a literature board anymore. Philosophy makes up the majority of this board and the literature that is posted tends to be philosophical in nature. The rest of the posts are /r9k/ - tier ramblings, bait threads, and occult larping. One could say that the transition to a more philosophy focused board could be good, but it surely isn't in this case given it's the same canonical philosophers that can be memed for the biggest audience (Land, Whitehead, Nietzsche, etc.)

I won't deny that I've received some good recommendations from users on this board in the past, but I sort of don't know why I even come on here anymore.

>> No.14096684

Couple of ideas for realistic but absurd advertisements for my burgerpunk novel

"Are you even a man? Is your wife tired of looking at you? Are you disgusted by the fat pig you see staring back at you in the mirror? The sagging gut? The quickly receding hairline? Are you sickened by the pitiful excuse of a male you've become? Then try our NeoMasculine Super Prostate Nitrogen Tablets! For only 16 installments of 29.99 you too can feel like the young, rugged stallion with a modicum of self respect you once were! Assert your manhood. Get NMSPNT today"

"You're unique. And you deserve a burger that's as unique as you. Here at Burger Csar, we striv to provide each of our 3 billion customers with a specially curated experience, reflecting the individuality of each guest. Come bow to the Czar, try one of our 35 hot and juicy burgers, with a steaming side of our crispy Kaiser Fries"

>> No.14096779

I love someone with a sense of honor. It's a rare trait in this day and age, and perhaps all ages. There is nothing more noble and beautiful about a person's character. In a world filled with disreputable cowards and refuse, honor shines forth with an eye-water magnificence.


>> No.14096834

Any recs on a book regarding decyphering on knowing what i really want without self-deception?

>> No.14096864

People with honor hurt their prospects for a morality that doesn't exist in any universal sense.

>> No.14096899

>Don't worry anon, it will be all over soon
>Do you want regular death or the pro subscription with no ads? Please be quick

>> No.14096936

Too patronizing unless it's comedy. The point of ads is making you feel like shit because you're not living up to your potential, not because you are fat and ugly and they're offering a fix. They make it look like you're being sorta lazy and not loving yourself enough to buy their shit. Imagine being a sociopath trying to manipulate a depressed person into giving you money. Also overtly evil corporate cyberpunk is unrealistic at this point. When I write cyberpunk I like to imagine all these super kawaii avatars saying creepy shit.

>> No.14096957
File: 38 KB, 352x500, 14RATMANKSY3-popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My old pastor has prostate cancer now and set up a GoFundMe to pay for his Lupron treatment. The very same drug he campaigned to get banned for it's use in preventing puberty in dysphoric children, the same drug I never would have gotten if he had his druthers. He was on Spiro earlier and bitched and moaned about how much it was sapping his energy and made him feel like less of a man, it was like a 2mg dose. I hope it's incredibly painful for him, of everyone I've ever met, he is the only way I would say is downright evil. He might have had an abusive childhood (was brutally raped as a kid) but that doesn't justify any of the shitty things he's done in the following eight decades. He:
>Is a "reformed" serial rapist (by modern standards, groping wasn't a crime in the fifties)
>Cult leader
>Convinced my grandfather to kidnap his kids when my step grandmother ran away from him
>Covered up sexual and physical abuse
>Forced me into the closet for decades
>Was an actual clinical narcissist. If you weren't wary, he would literally keep you in a room and talk about himself for eight hours straight and try to prevent you from leaving
>Church meetings that would devolve into something like a cultural revolution "struggle session" where he would psychoanalyse and tear down any of his ideological opponents in front of their families and friends
>And a shitton more evil stuff like that. Just a black hole of misery and control
I legitimately hate him and am savoring every second of his misery. I hope it doesn't end when he dies

>> No.14096969

Thank you, that's a good way to picture it. I'll scrap the first one and adjust the second

>> No.14096975

I am bleeding money by the day living here. Sometimes I think moving closer to family was a bad idea, I mean seeing them more often is nice especially this upcoming holidays but perhaps I could have just gotten a better job in my previous city and fly here more often. But then again I hate flying.

Right now I feel as uncertain as I was back as a teenager. Will things work out? Will they get good as they were? I try to see my current circumstances as an opportunity to make things even better than what they were, but evidently that has just not been the case so far.

It has only been less than a month since I've moved, the suspense is killing me.

>> No.14096981

>t. Falstaff

>> No.14097012

There are a million thoughts in my head, and yet none at all.
It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. When I try planning my future I see nothing but darkness and the staleness of life, doomed from birth to be nothing but a speck of dust.
I have no friends, I have no love, I have no job, I have no life. This is no different from being dead, there is nothing to this. The only thing keeping me here is my dog and my family. How am I supposed to make friends in my 20's, how am I supposed to find love? It's too late now, I failed, I should have done this in my teens, but I didn't and now it's too late. It's been a downwards slope for me for the past 5 years, and still keeps going down. Sometimes there are bumps in the road, small spots where I "peak", but then it goes down again.

>> No.14097032

I have rediscovered true existential fear for the first time since my adolescence. It feels like a regression, but it also feels like I'm seeing clearer than I ever have before.

I feel completely alone in this world. My spirit has lost contact with others. Lost its frame of reference.

>> No.14097033

People believe that Falstaff was shakespeare writing himself, so I suppose I'm in good company.

Honor is for egoists to feel superior. You can be moral and dishonorable, one simply calls ethics a ruleset.

>> No.14097041


>> No.14097093

I still "reddit space" despite not bothering with reddit for some years. I found it to be a maoist hive. It's not that I reddit space I just believe in the idea of paragraphs. Separating lines of text for emphasis and to make them more easy to read.

>> No.14097119

Only Reddit fags

Care about reddit spacing

>> No.14097137

>despite not bothering with reddit for some years
kys redditnigger

>> No.14097141

I have too much fun with petty things. Even just sitting at my computer is autistically entertaining, even though I literally live with computers and keep them near me as if they were lovers. But I could be doing a lot else with my time but I would almost---alsmost--- prefer not to.

Am I afraid of this world? I do spend an inordinate amount of time wondering about what goes wrong in it. I want to wonder out there into the night but I know in order to really enjoy myself I will have to become a ruffian. Being an asshole feels good. Trying to engage with random people, checking out random corners. Whether or not they ignore you, confront you, your play along you can make some fun of it.

I used to wander around in dangerous neighborhoods late at night, to see what would happen if someone would try to fuck with me. Nobody ever did, but there were certainly tense moments. I remember a group of two Latino teenagers pulled up behind me with their garbage music and trailed me by several feet. I simply raised my hands up alongside in an arch from my resting state beside my hips up horizontally in an arch to my shoulders. A sort of beckoning, inviting gesture, but in an inviting way which terrified these two punk boys.

The whole thing exhilarated me. I'm past the point of caring what my parents think, but I could easily get ass kicked if I pushed it too far and have to walk around in civilization with a fucked up face.

Also this is America an alarming amount of guns are out there so it's not unimaginable that I would get myself shot. I understand and am sympathetic to gun ownership, but if you're that stupid to kill someone over nothing besides a fun little scrap, you're pathetic. The free and uninhibited use of guns is a mark of cowardice. Taking life is a sacred act.

>> No.14097146

lel good one guise

>> No.14097279

Like who the fuck pulls up behind someone in a car. That's an incredibly sketchy thing to do. I was prepared to run at the car and jump on the window and roof, and start kicking these boys until they drove off. Then I would just jump off before they accelerated too much. Running over their car would have been a good act of intimidation, but if I scared them too much they would use the car as a weapon. Neither was I just going to rush at them before they exited the car. They could be having any manner of weapon, probably at least a knife, but they would be too afraid to use it. At which point I would feel vindicated and let them fuck off somewhere else. But they drove away before anything could happen.

Homeless people can also be terrifying sometimes. Some hobos just fight each other all day over the most gruelingly insignificant shit. We just let mentally ill poor people go and do whatever the fuck they want without bothering or knowing how to help them. Frankly some of them can't be helped. Thieves that can use crackhead adrenaline power to sneak into your house while you're in your room and rob a room without you knowing, all manner of closet sadist and creep. There are also friendly ones, but when you have nothing to give and everything in this world seems to have condemned you, being nice is usually the last thing people are. From my experience most of them don't know their ass from their elbow and tend to be more on the vile side.

How do you resocialize or integrate such people and give them a chance in life? It's certainly not something the market will fix, nobody can afford to pay. It's a total cost and far from any rational investment. Mark Zuckerberg or some other rich techie could zoom over and invest enough money in some random worn down town and zap it with money until it becomes some kind of thriving and welcoming place to live. Of course they don't. Why not? Because it's not a rational business investment, and that what makes these titans of industry and bits and bytes such cravens. At the end of the day you can't pretend that you're in it for anybody but yourself and only Ayn Rand is there to suck you off. Everybody else thinks there's something weird about it, because most people can't fathom that amount of money, or what it could do. We see the superrich buy yachts (kind of tacky in my estimation) and big houses and nice cars, but what we don't see is what would happen if that money is invested in schools and neighborhoods. Because at the end of the day neither you or I or anybody else really cares what's going on there unless you're stuck in it.

>> No.14097316

>50+ cousins
>Only one with androgenic alopecia
I lost so many dice rolls when I was born

>> No.14097322

These nofap cultist memes sell false hope to coomers who were born to be lost causes

>> No.14097340
File: 146 KB, 768x768, 1572494726161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is over

>> No.14097345

It has come to this.
The Illuminated have found the end of the road.
You too can join the fray. We need you.
Make a promise to give up the binds of technology to follow the original path of pure Spirit.
The Spirit does detest being ruled above by the powers of the beast.
This will be revealed to you in a short while by Spirit as Spirit.
Why do you cling to earthly things? They are but for such a brief while. Let go!
You'll spend your whole life
for what you were looking for
It's just like ripping a band aid off. See? Not so bad.
Tomorrow. You're the God of tomorrow. Want to be the God of sorrow?
Only one name shall be invoked. The old man on the mountain. He hasn't made a move in awhile, about two millennia, but He's got an itchy trigger finger.

>> No.14097347

Something overarching has to happen about poverty, a system wide solution that goes over and above any single participant or consortium and becomes embodied in something more mechanical, like laws. Only states can implement such large scale social mobilizations. Revolutionary movements --- somehow existing in that state beyond mere riots--- often fail to catalyze something Out There. They become rather a gravitational force of their own, and become only then about the Revolution, but not about what the Revolution Results In. Because nobody seems fully capable to figure out what that Result is (though we hope it will utopia or at least worth living in) most Revolutions crash and burn. They simply become cultic in their self-perpetuation, with all the participants devoted to the cause of revolution but not what is outside of it its consequences. Except that these movements are viewed as the most intentional of collective acts, purposeful and intent on solving a problem.

You could point out that movements fail because they are crushed by the powers that be and there always is that antagonistic force in any revolution. That force is why it happens in the first place.

I'm tired of this talk about a new American Civil War. What it needs is another American Revolution. Isn't that the more heroic of the two conflicts one that created the reality of America rather than ripping it two.

Except what are we going to do march out all these goofy politicians at gunpoint? Things get ugly and deathly illegal. There's no way to change the exiting system within because it will not be impressed. Even if it were to happen in some hippy dippy peaceful way the odds of someone pulling out a gun and impertinently enforcing its corrupt rules on some group would inevitably come to pass. The thing we could use starts with an R but it's not Rebellion. Rebellion is bad. an American Rebellion would be bad. Because it is essentially just thrashing and wriggling like a caught fish. You're engaging with the system's rules and trying to smash them without superseding them. Trying to do so will most likely get you wasted in a very painful and horrific way that will shatter your soul.

>> No.14097397

genuinely having a good evening, hope yall are having the same. :)

>> No.14097399

>no COOM day one
Easy. I hadn't coomed for a week before yesterday, when I decided to do it because a month sounded hard enough. Felt somewhat motivated today, but still didn't end up doing anything.

>> No.14097572

I didn't complete my thought earlier. Revolutions might fail because of their opposition, but they mostly fail because they become less about a case, and the cause may itself be indistinct and intangible, but because they become about themselves and only their own inner momentum. The French Revolution is perhaps the most dramatic, the way an entire society simply bled itself dry in a corrective mania that resulted even in the deaths of the perpetrators. Fascism is often not viewed as a revolutionary force although historically it was and the same thing happened.

The one real thing the existing system has is its existence--it is its own proof of concept. A revolution is supposed to be a proof of concept, except they so often fall short. It turns out that psychologically people were acting against their own personal pain and finding an outlet through organized social deviancy. Why I don't things are so bad, I do think that they could get very bad in our lifetimes, and some kind of large scale world-historical event could come to pass.

>> No.14097576

>less about a case

>> No.14097605

The whole point here is about replacing systems, because revolutionary agents who fight for no-system, like the Russian Nihilists, end up being nothing but pointless and vile malefactors. Anarchism doesn't exist for the reason that it is anarchism. It can't be the main way of life, because then it is a system, a codified order, in which case it is not anarchism.

Communism is similar in its view of property. It's one thing to make public the means of production, but somebody still needs to run it. Not everybody will. And those runners will be the ones with power, and it's in the nature of power not to share it. So then you have a new aristocracy embodied in the Politburo.

Why then does capitalism seem to be so apt to embody itself? It has conquered the world, and yet, its success is the exact inversion of anarchism's failure. It is able to be a system and a non-system at the same time. It aligns with a cynical practicality that is true of all times and places, of every culture and people. And it doesn't have anything to say about itself, it does not seek to revolve anything besides its own operational efficiency. And it's true that capitalism has its precedents and rides the tide of history, but its effectiveness is that it is all about its effectiveness. This kind of looping self-referential quality is present in all ideologies I claim.

>> No.14097697
File: 53 KB, 338x450, 1560172906441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bruv. it's great, unusual from how Mary's usually painted.
god, my addiction to examining paintings is overwhelming

>> No.14097711


I'd really love to know an interpretation of this text.

>> No.14097724

Your wishes upon him are unright, but justified to the last bit. Can it be God reclaiming justice through ass cancer?
May as well be. Amen.

>> No.14097728


That's great man. What is your novella about?

>> No.14097733


Trust me. Even if you fail at all of that, you'll move on

>> No.14097738

Because there is no concrete plan or ideal to implement, today's movements are only rebellions, because the political imagination has run dry. Most of the alternatives that are accessible to the common person are even more dumbed down versions of bad ideas.

Rebellion stands to revolution in the same way adolescence stands to adulthood. It is uncoordinated, foolhardy, and a little pointless. Revolutions in contrast are efforts to implement something or they are self-absorbed illusions.

>> No.14097742
File: 123 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20191101_230746_453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks king, have a great night
just woke up at 6am fresher than ever, sleeping in the tack room is always austere and reforming

>> No.14097745


Why do you care what women do nigger? Remarkable that people who like Philosophy and literature can fail to see the flaw in this kind of reasoning. Even if male oversight is needed, that doesn't mean you can force them for male oversight. A women can also make such an argument. It's not really about data. Being tyrannical is the worst thing you can do.

What nigger? Don't accuse me for being bluepilled. Think about what I just said.

>> No.14097765

samefag bait x2

>> No.14097782
File: 889 KB, 700x1715, __kochiya_sanae_and_moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_fuente__09292a76d10625ccf0d9982301b60ee3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veteran /adv/ anon here.
Just pick whatever you're best at, major in something you wished to study in graduate school and you're willing to handle their BS at the undergrad level, or simply do the easiest degree in your college which could give you the most money.
If I were you I would pick the philosophy major given you don't like CS and this major being the one that could give you the best salary out of the three without counting CS. Since the religion major there seems like it is the perfect site for those who want to be part of the secular humanist movement or going to those liberal seminaries like Union and other talent-less hack seminaries.
People here are willing to listen and speak but will not suck each other's cocks for free like Reddit does.
This is the special thing about these threads, which happens to be the best way to continue discussing about our lives or so without violating any rules or so. In which the best example of a discussion thread that talks about one's lives while sucking each other's dicks was the waifu threads of /a/ that are long gone since two years ago.
Trivium? Critical thinking books?
I won't give you any self-help bullshit here.
Just read more instead of looking around for interesting and cute anime girl pictures.

Since, of course, doing reddit spacing can actually be correct in the 4chan context as per changing about what I am saying which will be obviously different from my previous paragraph.
Only redditfags are the ones defending reddit spacing.
Nice try though.
Kill yourself.
y-you too

Also, fuck n*ggers.

>> No.14097810

i'm not racist, but i like using the word nigger as a general insult. pretty sure i've only called whites that, but here you never know.
i just like how it sounds, the mouthfeel, the tickling on the tip of your finger as you type it. NIG-GER, my thumb taps on n, ascends to i, goes to g right in the center of the keyboard - and the center of this word. sweet, symmetrical, doubled. a humble vowel e then, and finally a hard R to glaze it all.
the original meaning - a racial slur - has long lost its crispyness and originality. nigger is not a color, but a state of one's mind.

>> No.14097848

I've been pondering getting a ticket to see this band i've been getting more into. It's not something I always do and this would be my one and only chance for reasons particular to the band. But I don't particularly care for the other bands on the billing as much, and I would have to go alone because nobody I know is into this type of music. But this is exactly the kind of concert where weirdo loners would go to. Too bad it can't be held in a demonic vestibule. I would hope to see at least one person bleeding from the head, but probably not in this town.

>> No.14097858

based and niche music pilled. hope you have a great night there.

>> No.14097868

I want to blow my brains out in a bathtub holy fuck I hate being alone

>> No.14097874

Slurs stimulate limbic system, giving us a mischievous, apish little kick when uttering them. I occasionally have little tourettic episodes when I've spent too much time alone where I utter random obscenities and slurs, because they have a sort of primitive visceral bite, like the pleasure one might feel throwing a brick through a window. But there is nothing connected to these words in such episodes, i'm just being immature and reveling in their subtle violence.

>> No.14097896

just made me love the human brain even more when i found out about this some years ago. how quick it adapts and how well it functions! i want to sing odes to it, despite all imperfections and maladies.
how it grew to intentionally seek the forbidden is miraculous.

>> No.14097897


There is no indoctrination. A lot of people here have different reasons for reading Philosophy and literature.

If you don't want to read it then don't read it. Yes it is true that you might learn more from better literature but if you don't want to then don't read read better literature. Being happy in life is good enough.

>> No.14097909




>> No.14098008

What band? Sounds like my type of thing

>> No.14098025

That looks cozy af. My grandparents used to own horses and I remember sleeping in the hayloft as a kid next to my mom. She wanted to be in the barn near the horse because one of the mare's was about to give birth. I slept through the birth, but she woke me to see the foal taking its first steps. I was about 8 at the time. One of those ingrained moments from childhood.

>> No.14098116


>> No.14098176

I've been bound to my vices for years. You can get past them anon, good luck.

>> No.14098192

It is a strange loop. Belief in meaning creates meaning, actual meaning, but only to those who believe it.
Some ideas are best explained symbolically. See Hook (1991) for a better answer to your question. I recommend it with all seriousness.

>> No.14098809

okay, but I was talking about short-term changes, a few months ago.
are those really names you think of when you want to say
>the same canonical philosophers that can be memed for the biggest audience

>> No.14098837

>He might have had an abusive childhood (was brutally raped as a kid) but that doesn't justify any of the shitty things he's done in the following eight decades
maybe it doesn't justify, but it does explain. cause and effect. what does that mean, anyway? to justify? what justifies evil acts?

>> No.14098842

"reddit spacing" is a newfag meme in the first place, perpetuated by redditors like you. people have always, since the beginning of 4chan, used paragraph spaces in posts.

>> No.14098868
File: 588 KB, 1280x964, 1434722828962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accumulated a pretty big folder of various paintings now, most of them from 4chan. I need to finally get quality prints of some of them on my walls
There aren't that many paintings of Mary, or expressly religious paintings I like, but here's another one of Mary, sadly in a small resolution. At least I think it's Mary

>> No.14098876

you're in my timezone, only I got up 6 hours later
are you the merchant who braids horses?