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14089418 No.14089418 [Reply] [Original]

>Lowest iq philosophy
>Highest iq philosophy

>> No.14089419

>Logical Positivism

>> No.14089422

>your philosophy
>my philosophy

>> No.14089423


>> No.14089424
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>> No.14089428



Logical Empiricism

>> No.14089434

Lowest: Cartesianism, Accelerationism, Nrx, Kantian ethics, Platonism, Neoplatonism, Anything to do with the Abrahamic religions, traditionalism, logical positivism, Locke, Lacan
Highest: Deleuze, Marxism, Process Philosophy/the Philosophy of Organism, American Pragmatism, Kantain aesthetics

>> No.14089437

highly based

>> No.14089438


>> No.14089440


>> No.14089443


>> No.14089446
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This is the most cringe and bluepilled post I've seen this year

>> No.14089464 [DELETED] 

is this a christcuck, poo philosopher, or brainded reactionary replying to me?

>> No.14089474

is this a christcuck, paki, pajeet, or brainded reactionary replying to me?

>> No.14089475
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>another iq thread

>> No.14089491

have sex

>> No.14089496

None of them. It's a person who doesn't stick to categories like a dumb retard. But if you think that Neoplatonism, the philosophy that founded the entire Western modernity, or traditionalism, which is all about preserving tradition against the violence of capitalism and communism, are "low-tier", you're just trash. I suggest you expand your brain somehow.

>> No.14089509


>> No.14089514

>Neoplatonism or Stoicism

>> No.14089519
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>white nationalism

>> No.14089520

> marxism
> anything else

>> No.14089522


>> No.14089523

>"look everyone, this is MY opinion": the thread

>> No.14089526

I bet your vagina stinks

>> No.14089536

Keep being based don't let the plebes keep you down.

>> No.14089541

embarrassing samefag
reddit is that way, brainlet

>> No.14089545

I can ohp you for reps you fucking twink

>> No.14089603

>y-yes most christians are dumb, b-but im smart! i promise!

>> No.14089616


the answer to both is reductionist materialism

>> No.14089625
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>Unironically believing you can't measure intelligence
This is your brain on leftism kids

>> No.14089678
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>Unironically believing you can measure intelligence
This is you in pic related

>> No.14089732


>> No.14089744


>> No.14089760


How could you make a value-judgement on what he said with no way to measure intelligence?
That could have been the statement of a genius, but how would you know?

>> No.14089771


>> No.14089783


>> No.14089784

Why Lacan?

>> No.14089789

Listen, go find a list of people with extremely high IQs. It's immediately evident from their feats of intelligence that their intellect is astronomically higher than the norm. There may be people with low IQs we regard as intelligent (andy warhol, ect) but there sure aren't any intellectually inferior high IQ folks.

>> No.14089791

Oh, look, another frogposter making a shit thread full of retards talking about 'IQ'

>> No.14089794

Philosophies are not political ideologies, pick what you need from each and go live.

>> No.14089798


>> No.14089811

>lowest iq philosophy
all of them
>highest iq philosophy
ignoring philosophy

>> No.14089827

relatively based


bonus factually based


>> No.14089839

based as fuck

>> No.14089953

imagine being a science denier.

>> No.14089967

I love watching leftists squirm uncomfortably whenever IQ is brought up because they all know it proves that blacks are responsible for their own failures.

>> No.14090017

>Implying there aren't low iq specimens like yourself in every race and ethnicity.

>> No.14090050

>implying the rates are even remotely comparable
>implying the existence of a trait across groups negates the need to account for frequency

Step away from the computer and take a long think about what your stake in this is, and why you felt compelled to type the comment you did.

>> No.14090069

same rank

>> No.14090084
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>> No.14090088


>> No.14090099

Other way around

>> No.14090104

>All the pakis and christcucks triggered by thia post

>> No.14090123

>Lowest iq philosophy
Contemporary analytic philosophy
>Highest iq philosophy
>Highest iq, not restricted to philosophy

>> No.14090126

You are a pink. Rates and frequency are schemata of normativity, (((NORMALS))) LIKE YOU ARE THE INFERIOR SPECIES. It doesn't matter what your "IQ" is, normie normalizer.

>> No.14090139

Hegel is average IQ

>> No.14090145

sorry this is really dumb, that was the wrong word
I mean to say normalcy

>> No.14090147

Damn all this aggravation and squirming just because you can't admit that black people have lower IQs on average. Nowhere did I mention my own IQ, and yet here you are, arguing about it anyway. Like I said, take a break and think about why this is such a problematic issue for you. You might surprise yourself.

>> No.14090159

>black people have lower IQ
White trash like you? When did you get an IQ test? Ah, you took one on your phone? Right before they let you post?
Nah, didn't think so
Fuck all you scum

>> No.14090169

>Nowhere did I mention my own IQ, and yet here you are, arguing about it anyway.
Actually no, the only thing I said is IQ doesn't matter in general. Judging from your reading comprehension, your IQ is like nothing, but IQ means nothing.
Your assertions mean nothing to me pink, and you can't understand.

>> No.14090171

Fuck off pinkie you aren't helping.

>> No.14090173

Except Kantian aesthetics are 300 IQ

>> No.14090177

Once again, I never identified my own race, I never claimed I was better than anyone, and I never mentioned my IQ. I am not important, the statistics are what they are. You are mad as fuck for absolutely no reason, post after post you refuse to address the point and keep making it about me.

>> No.14090189

I will even agree that IQ is an imperfect metric and can be manipulated, but it is not meaningless. It is strongly correlated with success in practical domains. inb4 correlation =/= causation yes I know, thats why I said correlated.

>> No.14090190

>I never identified my own race
And yet you are so obvious
Cry more losers
Or, you know, get fucked up the ass by a bigger loser and post more frogs and cuck thread about how niggers have bigger dicks than you
How fucking pathetic are you
And you are supposed to read on this particular board

>> No.14090195

>Judging from your reading comprehension, your IQ is like nothing, but IQ means nothing

>I think IQ is correlated with reading comprehension but also it's nothing
You sure showed him

>> No.14090234
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>> No.14090275
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Well, this thread is worthless now.

>> No.14090460
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You are the neurological equivalent of a fat positivista who thinks you can't measure body mass in an accurate way because exercise or whatever

>> No.14090502

>lowest iq
Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Hinduism, Perrenialism
>Highest iq
Optimistic Nihilism

>> No.14090629

>lowest iq
>Highest iq
apathic internalism

>> No.14090669

>I love watching leftists squirm uncomfortably whenever IQ is brought up because they all know it proves that blacks are responsible for their own failures.
>not realizing that if blacks have a lower IQ on average then that makes them less responsible for their own failures
Low IQ desu

>> No.14090677

they should go to to institutions dedicated for people with disabilities
not roam around freely

>> No.14090681


>> No.14090687
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holy based

>> No.14090983

Maybe a better way to say it is that their genes are responsible.

>> No.14090994

Good post

>> No.14091000

Based another IQ thread poster

>> No.14091006

>I love watching leftists squirm uncomfortably whenever IQ is brought up because they all know it proves that blacks are responsible for their own failures.
You just just contradicted yourself, you fucking retard.

>> No.14091011

Fpbp how does he do it bruhs?

>> No.14091017
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communism imagine trading military ships for Pepsi

>> No.14091028

I was gonna say this but the exact opposite. High IQ does not necessarily indicate intelligence, (I have met some high IQ people who are literally delusional and this functionally morons because they struggle to grasp basic truths) but no low IQ person can ever be smart. It’s like if you have a high IQ any number of things could still happen that will kneecap you, like being brainwashed or traumatised to the point of having reality break. But being LOW IQ is like being a midget trying to play basketball.

>> No.14091048
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More like:

>> No.14091057

Other way around, if anything.

>> No.14091061

Where is the contradiction? I don't believe that IQ or reading comprehension means anything to the goodness of a person, I don't have plebby fascistic aesthetics like you do, and I don't think that being good at society makes you a good person.. because our societies schema is greed, it's absolutely not lovely. Most importantly IQ stats do not and cannot justify racism. It certainly doesn't justify you being cancer. you "trolls", and IQ posters in general are immature, you are morons and genuinely horrible people. All you do is kill vibes, and ruin the atmosphere for respectable people, you are degenerate assholes.

>> No.14091069

funny how our society revolves around measuring different peoples intelligences and making decisions based on that

>> No.14091085


>> No.14091092


>> No.14091116

>means anything to the goodness of a person
You're the one assigning moral value to intelligence not the other way round
>I don't have plebby fascistic aesthetics like you do, and I don't think that being good at society makes you a good person.. because our societies schema is greed, it's absolutely not lovely. Most importantly IQ stats do not and cannot justify racism. It certainly doesn't justify you being cancer. you "trolls", and IQ posters in general are immature, you are morons and genuinely horrible people. All you do is kill vibes, and ruin the atmosphere for respectable people, you are degenerate assholes.
So as expected your aversion to trying to quantify intelligence is purely ideological

>> No.14091126

>You're the one assigning moral value to intelligence not the other way round
>So as expected your aversion to trying to quantify intelligence is purely ideological
Not an argument; shut the fuck up

>> No.14091135

Then there was literally no reason to have said what you did because no one disagreed seems like you're just paranoid
>Not an argument; shut the fuck up
Yes what you just stated wasn't an argument congratulations on understanding the implication of my statement

>> No.14091138

>Lowest iq philosophy
>Highest iq philosophy

>> No.14091143

Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Whitehead

>> No.14091155

sir trolling is not allowed on this board

>> No.14091184

fuck off cunt

>> No.14091694

>what is following the path of the saints and doctors of the Church.

>> No.14091713

>anything that isn't Spinoza

>> No.14091844

What would you call someone who would be a scientific racist but isn’t because they don’t accord value to science? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14091869

double stupid

>> No.14091900

Pretty dumb

>> No.14091904


>> No.14091927

No, Protestantism is an incoherent amalgam of historical anachronisms attributed to the Bible and then projected on the church fathers whenever possible, otherwise all context within the church is simply ignored.

>> No.14091931

>Process Philosophy
>Retroactively Debunking

>> No.14091935

Do you make these shit threads to make this post have a bunch of losers upvote you with "based"?

>> No.14091943


>> No.14091951


>> No.14091968

Based without Organs

>> No.14091999

>logical positivism, Locke
You were doing so well

>> No.14092089


>> No.14093164

based, simply based

>> No.14093200
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Single handedly ending a thread, based.

>> No.14093573


>> No.14093581


>> No.14093591

Economics influences iq and iq influences economy. It’s a vicious cycle.

>> No.14093599

He's just like Abraham, but evil.

>> No.14093605

It's another phenomena we can measure, to an extent.

>> No.14093609


>> No.14093615

It's all true
Refute it without resorting to some emotional "muh traditions are reactionary" nonsense
Top kek you child

>> No.14093621

deleuze and marx are both just accelerationists

>> No.14093886

Spook alert

>> No.14093959


>> No.14093984


>> No.14093995

>Lowest iq philosophy
>Highest iq philosophy

>> No.14094003

>not nietzsche

>> No.14094370

Actually Marx is a libertarian

>> No.14094564

The end is inevitable but i can see why you call it spook.

>> No.14094682

more like
>lowest IQ philosophy
Using Marxism to stop exploitation of the working class
>highest IQ philosphy
Using Marxism so you can gain power and exploit the working class