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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 960x960, 56781017_2068097746572872_5440489430949298176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14085823 No.14085823 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you self-published yet?

>> No.14085859
File: 44 KB, 423x389, ape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is black
>book is about gangs
Wow I am shocked

>> No.14085876

brandon is whiter than you. i hope you buy the book.

>> No.14085882
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>> No.14085886

I love these threads

>> No.14085898
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>> No.14085909

They make me terribly depressed desu

>> No.14085910
File: 26 KB, 715x796, mydiarydesu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i have

>> No.14085912


>> No.14085924
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>> No.14085925

Considering that this guy looks like an actual silverback gorilla I doubt he's whiter than me. And since I don't read books written by monkeys, no, I won't be buying its book.

>> No.14085927

Where is your book, anon?

>> No.14085930

>I doubt he's whiter than me.
well he is

>> No.14085932

that's because you're such a dumb retard you are trying to become le published author in 2011+8

>> No.14085934
File: 37 KB, 334x500, 51koRKz3zGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here.

>> No.14085943

Didn't someone here buy his book and it turned out to be okayish?

>> No.14085958

say what you want, I'm a young blonde German with history of belonging to German Youth, Stormfront discord and an aryan secret society, I have four swatikas tattooed all over by body (abdomen, right hip, left flank, and right forearm), my qt tradwife has memorized large portions of mein kampf and got her degree at a very religious university, we're planning on having 4+ children, but I believe that Brandon Jones is based as fuck.

>> No.14085960

I hope you know that Brandon Jones is a Duke of /lit/

>> No.14085973

i bought his book using my free amazon credits from choosing slow shipping.

>> No.14085974

based respectful nazi.

>> No.14085976

>finding amor
not gonna happen

>> No.14085982
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>> No.14085985

>Finding amor: a work of fiction

>> No.14086002


>> No.14086011

He has a very distinctive writing style that is easy and well-read. I read the whole thing in one sitting.

>> No.14086013

Damn, how do I avoid writing like this? It’s horrible.

>> No.14086015

Uh, jeez. Do self publishers typically not get editors?

>> No.14086017
File: 110 KB, 566x539, 15567533443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an anon re-wrote the opening in the style of DFW

>> No.14086019

what's so bad about it?

>> No.14086021

I laughed at this poor woman and now I feel terrible, oh Lord

>> No.14086023

its not good writing. apparently even /lit/ has lower standards for minorities.

>> No.14086026

he has negro IQ and is autistic and is still a better writer and more based than all of you :)

>> No.14086036

she has her [stinky] shoes on the table anon. thats just gross.

>> No.14086041
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>> No.14086043

cool. now why don't you run along and suck his dick while you're all riled up.

>> No.14086048

Because getting published by one of the established firms is the bar I have set for myself. I could self publish any time, but I could also just start writing genre fiction. The publishing world, despite their flaws, offers much to the author, and if you are a writer of things other than popular/trending topics/genre, a certain quality is demanded of you, I want to reach that quality before I publish.

A big part of it is that getting a publisher behind you makes it much easier to get access to a good editor and I do want to experience that editor/author relationship.

Oh, and I just fucking love Jews, I hear they are all over the place in the publishing world.

>> No.14086060
File: 82 KB, 250x333, isamu_arms_crossed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>in middle school
>an author comes to visit
>his name is isamu fukui
>he is dressed exactly like pic related
>he authored a book called Truancy
>actually kind of liked it, not going to lie
>open up front jacket of book
>pic of author, looks exactly like pic related
>haha that's funny
>go to write this comment
>only pic of I can find of author is pic related

>> No.14086066

5/10 DFW impersonation.

>> No.14086097
File: 379 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever Volume 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, and I self published it on /lit/.

The Last Binge Ever Volume 1:

Volume 2:

You can even download an official epub version with proper formatting if you google them.

>> No.14086100

This woman couldn't even write something that her tribal contacts would pity-print.

>> No.14086107

"There's a NIGGER behind me," she thought, "I've never been to this convention before. There could be NIGGERS anywhere." The stuffy, cheese-and-onion stained air felt putrid against her nose. "I HATE NIGGERS" she thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated the entire hall, making it pulsate even as the $9 gatorade circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of minorities in the forum of the intellect. "With a self-published novel, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.14086112
File: 130 KB, 739x739, fab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could self publish any time, but I could also just start writing genre fiction.


>> No.14086113

if you want me to read that shit, self publish on amazon. i'm not reading a book on my computer, i need physical copies.

>> No.14086114

cringe and not funny

>> No.14086121


>> No.14086134

I'm getting mixed signals here, dudes.

>> No.14086152
File: 61 KB, 540x540, 1540183538875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism ISN'T funny and thats a FACT

>> No.14086159

Is "CIA glow niggers" a racist phrase? I find it hilarious.

>> No.14086160
File: 106 KB, 634x922, 049d59dbb2b31685c452270265b511f38e1128f7_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086166

Because vanity presses have an incredibly negative reputation. Because you pay to have them published and the press does nothing to really advertise your book. Vanity press books rarely matter.

>> No.14086176

my girlfriend self-published two years ago and she's sold like 2,000 copies so far. she doesn't make any money from her project, but it at least pays for itself

>> No.14086179

Fuck you and your anti-Brandon bigotry. /lit/ is a Jonesian board

>> No.14086181

racism is sometimes funny but not directed at brandon, he is literally /ournegro/

>> No.14086188

It's a compilation of 4chan posts (LondonFrog's posts in particular). Why would you not read it on a screen.

>> No.14086198

comedy is subjective

>> No.14086199

what was it about? let me guess: a guy and a girl fall in love?

>> No.14086297

umm there were vampires as well...

>> No.14086346

The entire reason they like the guy is because he's black, guy is sitting there looking down and smiling in embarassment and /lit/ responds with "wow look how happy he is, based black guy!"
See how they'd respond to the equivalent fat white dude.

>> No.14086353

shut up pussy haha

>> No.14086377
File: 138 KB, 960x960, 56439134_2068097623239551_8478789600112803840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See how they'd respond to the equivalent fat white dude.

>> No.14086381

offbrand anglicized anime writer

>> No.14086383

It's pretty passable writing. Sets the scene probably clearer than I could do. Still a couple errors. The use of "odd" seems off for an omniscient narration. The description of eyes as being silver is not to my taste. Overall not a bad start

>> No.14086389

Literally unreadable prose.

>> No.14086399

when you stop using that word that way, i will take you more seriously as a judge of prose, okay pussyfaggot?

>> No.14086418

Literally suck my dick

>> No.14086442


>> No.14086460

>Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated the entire hall,
good god. this brought back a vivid sensation of being trapped in a shitty mall somewhere in the mid 00s

>> No.14086577

I've read better written erotica online than this by a lot.

>> No.14086581

Please make a pdf of it

>> No.14086603

Fucking lol imagine thinking genre writing were that easy. Dan Simmons would shit all over you regardless of genre and it is hypercompetitive beyond your gay little novel idea

>> No.14086659

it was a poetry collection. female sexuality, bodies, landscapes, etc.

very yonic, very much in style right now. the poems are good and punchy, and the book itself (a product) was very carefully curated to be successful.

>> No.14086680

I never said it was easy, it was an example of another way of giving up on my goal. Moron.

>> No.14086735

I laughed, keep up the good work anon

>> No.14086746

He looks like my husband
>See how they'd respond to the equivalent fat white dude.
Pretty sure he's disabled or something, no normal person becomes a self-published author

>> No.14086769
File: 51 KB, 474x643, serveimage (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here could be NIGGERS anywhere.

>> No.14086781

Brandon is based and /ourguy/

>> No.14086996


>> No.14087104

kek this is great, I've posted
>londonfrog: collected posts when?
probably 20 times in his threads now and it's actually real

>> No.14087864

I have. I will again.

>> No.14087884


I have.

Also, to help out my fellow nig/lit/s I have self published a book, and its not about niggerdom in any way.

Youre welcome

>> No.14087889

>not releasing your own anonymous works on the internet

>> No.14087891

worksmanlike prose, very hemingwayesque

>> No.14087900

cute though

>> No.14088348

What's the deal here?

Bad writers writing crap no one wants to read and they've all been rejected one hundred times?

Too nervous or anxious about submitting and think the time and effort they save in self-publishing pays for itself?

How did these people end up where they are?

>> No.14088368

CEO-san is such an awkward name

>> No.14089285

Is Raven Thrall any good?

>> No.14089306

> the brainlet that hasn’t read DFW
This is shite

>> No.14089391

Chances to get published trad style: 1:50 k
Chances to get discovered after self pubbing: 1:5 k

>> No.14089394

Good for him, I hope he does well for himself

>> No.14089412

>sold like 2,000 copies
>doesn't make any money

what did she do?

>> No.14089433

Fuckin based

>> No.14089455

still better than anything /lit/ could write

>> No.14089672

This but unironically. Including the part about Jews.

>> No.14089690

In fairness, getting past the levels of gatekeeping and arbitrariness in the publishing world is hella hard.

>> No.14089715
File: 22 KB, 481x140, Sanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting past the levels of gatekeeping and arbitrariness in the publishing world is hella hard.
And then find out that there are authors who are worse than you, but somehow manage to make it.

>> No.14089729

I love Brandon posting

>> No.14089754

I have.

>> No.14089763


>> No.14089780

That's the worst part. Even if they're good just can't read stuff by new/young/up-and-coming writers. It's too depressing.

>> No.14090049

>In fairness, getting past the levels of gatekeeping and arbitrariness in the publishing world is hella hard.

No shit? I figured publishers would just spit a pitiful few dollars at anything their editors say they could fool a few people into buying.

I was really counting on being given a McDonald's giftcard and munching on a Filet O Fish while thumbing through my published novel.

Dang. Dang.

>And then find out that there are authors who are worse than you, but somehow manage to make it.

At least this certainty awaits :'(

>> No.14090769

It is a business, does no one any good if they go bankrupt trying to meet some arbitrary ideal of artistic integrity. They offer the author a great deal in way of editing, distribution and marketing and they need to make that money back on top of the printing costs if they want to stay in business. The quick buck that is most genre fiction is what funds the slow money that is the work that will last.

>> No.14090890

The thing is, it is, but it's not. Publishers don't share sales data with each other and agencies only know how much their books sell, so nobody has a truly clear version of the money end. Publishers also make pretty much zero attempts to survey potential readers for what they might want. Finally, agents and editors make shit pay and only get into their work because they really want to. A lot of what's "in" in the publishing world is "in" because the small cadre of literati in the industry likes it, not because it actually sells. This is all especially true for stuff that's not genre fiction or YA which already sell less than those categories.

So it is a business, but it's also the most poorly run business out there.

>> No.14090972

You are assuming a fair amount and seeing conspiracy. Unless you have been fairly high up in one of the big publishing firms, there is no way you can actually know all that.

Good agents and editors make very good money but even the poorly paid ones are a decent chunk of change if you look into the cost of paying for them out of your own pocket. See what it will cost you to have a halfway decent editor go over your 500 page book just once.

>> No.14091252

all watpad type authors write about gangs

>> No.14091271

I'm not assuming anything, this is what agents have said at the conferences I've been at. Sure, veterans can make good money but it's an industry with a high burn out rate for new employees.

>> No.14091278

meh, i've read worse

>> No.14091289

The nigger's text was pretty bad, but this is actually unreadable

>> No.14091290

what event are all these pictures taken from?

>> No.14091307

I like Brandon, I would buy his book

>> No.14091311

>Starting with the weather

>> No.14091312

kek I heard someone say "if you want to make money with books, become an editor"

>> No.14091336

Better than anything I could dream to write.

>> No.14091346

She has a day job. All of the profits from one printing (each one consisting of around 500 books, though now she's gonna print another thousand copies) go into printing the next batch, transporting the books to the different cities, travelling with the books, putting together launch events and appearances and such.

It didn't make any money for her because she reinvests all (or the vast majority) back into the project.

>> No.14091357

>Why haven't you self-published yet?
Still rejected even there.

>> No.14091361

Everything under the arts umbrella has a high burn out rate, always has. It is a field that does not really tolerate mediocrity.

Sure, even a low down editor is going to manage to make a living, but moat authors never make a living. You can make very good money as an editor, but like anything, you have to be among the best.

>> No.14091373

>It is a field that does not really tolerate mediocrity.
mediocrity is king in the arts

>> No.14091411
File: 82 KB, 571x460, me1-21-moat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but moat authors never make a living
A shame, fortifications are very interesting.

>> No.14091420

And you would know? The big publishers and galleries have a fairly amazing record on being right regarding what will stand the test of time, even if it is a failure on debut, as much is. More often than not, time proves them right. Just look at the massive list of classics that were failures on release but became masterpieces.

>> No.14091440

>tfw no specialized vassal to author my moats
my fiefdom will never be complete :((

>> No.14091495
File: 20 KB, 285x327, 1479270581831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bo staff
a bunch of jealous people in this thread
he sounds based to me

>> No.14091501

I love you guys.

>> No.14091618

I thought it was good. Painted a very clear picture.
what is everyone here's idea of good writing if not this

>> No.14091722

It's not awful but he could say just as much in half the words.

>> No.14092714

The novel is under 300 pages. So I think he made a wise choice.

>> No.14092853

I laughed

>> No.14092861

It doesn't seem that bad for-

>bo staff

okay this is epic

>> No.14093276

Thought it was pretty good myself

>> No.14093292

How is Central America?

>> No.14093735

Unironically purchased his book after reading a few pages here some months back. Hope he keeps going.

>> No.14094284

Am I more or less correct when I say that nobody reads literary magazines, or other sub-major-publisher-deal writing anymore? I've been around the industry for a few years and my experience is that the only people who read magazines, e-zines, or literally anything that isn't for sale at your local Barnes and Noble
endcap are other "indie authors" who are crawling google looking for someone to print or post their tripe so they can collect another meaningless credential. The hope being that once their "anons work has appeared in X, Y, and Z" line gets long enough they can dupe some businessman into publishing their writing properly who is expecting to turn a profit. Gone are the days of Weird Tales, Analog, or big literary magazines like the Paris Review; the only people subscribed to golden age genre magazines are again, prospective authors like vampires sucking out the lifeblood of a dying industry, or boomers. Even if you got say, Analog for example, to run your pulp sci fi 4,000 word social-media tier cultural critique, who is reading it? Who cares?

To combat the death of physical print, publishers have started desperately trying to figure out how to get a digital audience. E-zines crop up by the thousands every day, none can pay their authors well, none can afford to print anything, and 90% of their "readership" is prospective authors who are only subscribed because they want to get on the ship themselves. E-zines prioritize bite-sized "flash" fiction or other nonsense that can be devoured easily on a tablet over lunch or on the train. Shorter, smaller, gimmickier, the writing confirms to the tools of consumption and even then--who is reading these venues? Other authors hoping to push their own work. The industry, beneath big houses, looks like it's in a really troubled state.

>> No.14094290

What format should new authors be looking at for their work? Assuming it's actually good writing, should aspiring "proper" authors be individually querying specific agents and looking for old fashioned representation, or is there an avant-garde front that is TRULY a front; a platform that is more than just a circle-jerk for authors skimming short stories by other authors hoping to discern in under 5 minutes if this website or rag might publish them too, then clicking off and looking for more potential takers?

What's wrong with the publishing industry? A hundred years ago founding an avant-garde print magazine was the real deal and understandably so. It took some capital, some tech, some writers, and print was solid enough to have cultural weight. Print doesn't seem to have this power anymore. What's the 21st century equivalent of the great literary magazines of the past, pre-digital era? It can't be shitty flash fiction square-space websites and meaningless "prizes" awarded by spinstresses to soon-to-be spinstresses for trite poetry collections and vicarious, indulgent, postmodern short stories. It can't be posting your magnum opus to twitter with a hundred hashtags, one sentence at a time, hoping you'll somehow go viral on the gimmick alone. Is there any alternative to old-fashioned personal, author-to-agent querying? Most agents I dig up who even seem like they might take an interest in my work are slammed with slush piles eight miles deep, don't accept nicely produced physical submissions because they're too cumbersome, won't write back even to form reject you because they literally don't have the time to fend off the hordes of retarded humanities undergrads blowing up their PO boxes, and expect you to just slide an email into their intern's bottomless email account. I don't expect them to have more time for me, or be clairvoyant enough to see a good manuscript through the impenetrable haze of hopefuls, or anything. But this whole process seems like it's been visibly eroded by the Internet, and the whole industry hasn't adapted yet. That said, perhaps in some ways things haven't changed. You either sell your meme books to your meme audience on social media and self-publish, should you be fortunate enough to be an "influencer", or you settle down for the long haul and work on making a personal connection with an agent who knows you, believes in you, and is willing you bring you into their professional network. I guess that's timeless.

Should the industry adapt? Where is the avant-grade platform? What do?

>> No.14094464

Writers should be writing the first parts to new IPs. Act one, really. Push them out any way you can. If it gets traction finish, if not don't.

Start something new. New genre, new setting. This is portfolio building in the face of a market that does not have the patience it once did.

The end goal is Netflix and industry inclusion.

Work on your opus once you are sitting pretty.

>> No.14094592

This is a fine perspective if money is your goal, and you're part of the Stephen King school of thought regarding success. I'm not interested in genre fiction though, and more want to figure out how to carve a space for great writing to sit beyond the personal shelf of it's author. This is regardless of or often in spite of industry forces like marketability. It's more a question about the industry's ongoing failure to adapt in light of what another anon in this thread said about writing that stood the test of time despite the market not caring when it was published. Where are the shelves where we can collect work like that while it's waiting for the market to catch up? where are the stewards of the avant-garde today and what do they look like? I think that great authors of our generation are sitting in career-deep slush piles, and their work in a desk drawer in binder clips under a stack of form rejections due to "length" or "not right for us at this time" letters, because the publishers will go out of business if they print that manuscript and wait for the market to get there instead of printing a hundred flash fiction pieces and collecting some ad revenue to make payroll next month.

Where can that author go? Is his work doomed by the confused conclusions of an industry slow to adapt? I want to read that shit

>> No.14094600

*convulsions of an industry slow to adapt, I mean

>> No.14094940


Looks interesting desu

>> No.14095086

Writers should write with their hearts and never publish shit. Fuck consumers. 50 shades is one of the highest selling books ever made, people don't deserve literature. They deserve only bottom of the barrel trash and they need to choke on it.
Writing anything worthwhile and hoping to sell these days is like being that beta orbiter faggot who settles with the roastie who's been riding strangers' dicks until 35. Oh but I found love now, she finally loves me. Why would you publish anything for scraps and a chance at "something" in exchange for your heart and passion? Why throw your heart into the slime of a pig pen, so that people may give a chance to your Act 1 and pirate Act 2? Give you an extra dollar because your model needs to be pay-what-you-want?
Are you really going to do this for a chance at making a living like the beta above thinks he's having a chance at love?

>> No.14095128

Like gangs aren't a cool thing to read/write about anyways

>> No.14095413



>> No.14095452

lmao publishing has never been a meritocracy. it's all about who you know.

>> No.14095657


>> No.14095792

The book medium is dead.
We now have the resources to produce entire worlds and universes, fooling every sensation and suspension of belief.
You want me to be satisfied looking at ink on a sheet of paper?
Writing is and will always be valuable but literature is dead.

>> No.14096068

post her pic I think I know her

>> No.14096082

nah its based and schizoanalytic

>> No.14096109

You put some effort into your shitposting; good for you.

>> No.14096136

I don't write and I would buy those magazines. I read many like Slice, the Baffler, poetry, sci fi collections, some other shit. I wanted to see what modern writing looks like. Some of it was OK but I just didn't find the reviews or commentary that any of them offered to be good. Like you said, I thought "who gives a shit?"

TL;DR - You're right and there is no solution

>> No.14096146


>not anon anonivich

>> No.14096616

I laughed uncontrollably, laughed harder than was warranted for how poorly you wrote the joke. It is the whole progression of the joke through various formats that makes it so funny. That last line gets me.

>> No.14096639


I just like it because of the little story someone wrote about him, can someone repost that. They imagined him as a louisiana black with a thick creole accent sputtering unintelligible nonsense in that southern black way. Something along the lines of "deimd de desa on gon de DIAMOND AGE" like the black equivalent of Boomhauer.

>> No.14097109

Not sure if this is pasta, but it's the most damning thing ever written about writing in current year. I've always wanted to write something amazing for a short story collection, or even something decent that people remember even if the execution wasn't the best - but how many come out these days?

>> No.14097421

What is the difference between tattoo and self publishing?

>> No.14097436

The tattoo will be around for at least your lifetime.

>> No.14097482
File: 11 KB, 177x285, images (84).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't want to force my book to the world

>> No.14097549

back to rebbit

>> No.14097577

I might give ’em a read

>> No.14098294

>Hi! I'm retarded.

>> No.14098303
File: 71 KB, 425x620, 1560026429219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14098325

What do you think of story-apps like wattpad and radish?

>> No.14098834

He's puppy-dog cute. I hope he's successful

>> No.14098862

something deeply sad about that image that I just can't place

>> No.14098948

>protagonist is white kid
>'superior' sam

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

>> No.14098952

You are seeing someone going after their dreams and living life to the fullest, not caring about what others think The deep sadness you refer to is your own realization that you will never have that, that you will always live in fear of the opinions of others and never throw yourself into your dreams. Brandon will help you, he is in your corner, you can do it.

>> No.14099019

Here is what I will say, I skimmed through all of that, and it wasn't good, it was like you were trying to do Megan Boyles panda express book or something but written by a less interesting person than even her. I would not reread this, and I barely looked at it this time round.

THAT SAID, I still give you a curved grade of a 6/10. You are 6/10 compared to all the rest of the losers here who never write anything more than a few pages, and never completed anything in their life. You may not have written anything good here, but you actually wrote something, and you completed it, and put it out there, which is better than 99% of the fucks on this board. In time you will learn to be a better writer if you keep up this work ethic.

>> No.14099065

>launch events
she has casual sex with her orbiters during those work tours

>> No.14099851

Who is Brandon Jones, and why is he so pure?

>> No.14100617


>> No.14100624

Bitch don't talk shit about Brandon he's a good lad

>> No.14100646

fuck off

>> No.14100682

so she writed about the same stuff that all the other women write about? very cool!

>> No.14101603

Why is he so happy.

>> No.14101677
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He published a book

>> No.14102128


>> No.14103213

>bo staff
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.14103918

Thinking of buying his book to show my support.

>> No.14104518

>tfw ESL
>nobody would read about the topics I like in my home country
There is no point in writing for others, I just write to escape being alone.

>> No.14104581

What country and what topics?
I've just recently finished writing a book that's thematically very far off from what the usual discourse in my country is about, but people believe I'm on easy way to get published because of my style.

>> No.14104587

What's ESL? What topics?
There's hardly any topic you cannot introduce readers to and make them care for it (unless it has nothing to do with human existence like flowers talking together).

>> No.14104650

Fantasy Alltagsgeschichte, microhistory, like Il formaggio e i vermi or or Arme, Bettler und Vaganten, but set in low-fantasy village from the PoV of local witch. Epic fantasy is what is popular, nobody seems interested in daily life.

English as second language, which means there aren't many potential readers and their taste might be different than global mainstream (can't imagine anyone writing about coloured protagonist or anime here).

>> No.14104757

are you the pot or the kettle in this scenario?

>> No.14105115

more like he's a weeb

>> No.14105136

holy shit /lit/ exposed

>> No.14105147

unable to confess...