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File: 86 KB, 720x591, conservatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14085727 No.14085727 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain what western values are, then contrast them with Islam, please

>> No.14085807

This is fairly true. The alternative is some insane leftist though, so I'll take the gremlins every time.

>> No.14085816

I wonder how Benny feels about freedom of association

>> No.14085822
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>> No.14085838

>Books that explain what western values are
Start with the Greeks
>then contrast them with Islam
Start with the Quran

>> No.14085841

What does being hate filled have to do with any of those other things?

>> No.14085851

who are these shills?

>> No.14085856

What does conservatism have to do with individual liberty?

>> No.14085864
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Based Palestine.

>> No.14085872
File: 703 KB, 1000x562, alex jones unbalanced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thesis: liberalism is conservative
antithesis: conservatism is conservative

i'm trying to figure out the synthesis but my brain ain't working

>> No.14085878

Diana West does a pretty good job.

>> No.14085899

Freedom to exploit.
Homosexuality is fascist propaganda.

>> No.14085906

Absolutely nothing. Liberty is license, as distinct from freedom or rights. You *take* license, you have rights. Liberalism is against society, whereas freedom is the foundation of it.

You have the liberty to publish smut, an excess which is only possible in wealthy society and yet undermines it. You have the right to property, a requisite for order, society.

>> No.14085915

Isn't he confusing "conservative" with "libertarian"?

>> No.14085922
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I think shooting unarmed people in the head is a bigger human right abuse than banning homosexuality

>> No.14086025

1) the West believes in the división of spiritual and political power: since greece, then in Rome and then in the medieval age with the conflict between the Emperor and the Pope. Only with the "enlightment" and Divine right monarchy this started to change due to previous uphevals during the reformation. In the East (not only in Islam, and not everywhere in Islam either, Persia was an exception for most of It's history) There can be no difference between religious and political power, a trend which in last analisys started with Egypt; But It's just as true in China and India.
It comes from the tripartite división of indoeuropean society (Holy men, Warriors and Workers) as opposed to Divine Kingship.
2) The West believes in second causes; the East, particularly Islam, believes in occasionalism.
3) the West developed individualism (eventually each one will be Saved or not individually) the East communalism.
4) In contrast, the West is made of high trust societies the East is a low trust societies. It's the good part of individualism: You're personally responsible of what you do on a metaphysical level.
5) Sexual customs: the west originally had extended families units but moved first towards nuclear families and then towards unnatural isolation. The East mantained extended families but due to various factors made the opposite error lessening the taboo on incest rather than lessening the taboo on sexual libertinism and human-monism. Both civilizations are garbage at this, for opposite reasons. I could write a book on the demolition of extended families as social net and the State taking their place. Both civilizations can be said of having or having had Family as a value, tho, But in opposite ways.
6) Free Will vs Resignation to destiny. A consequence of other factors.
7) Probably there's more i could say now But I'm tired.

>> No.14086151

>I could write a book on the demolition of extended families as social net and the State taking their place.
Absolutely based.

Also how "family" has evolved over time. It used to be that the closeness of the tribe was the same as the closeness of the blood relatives. Essentially, the entire village was the family. This survives only as an echo in the West, the adage of "It takes a village to raise a child" is the only one that jumps out at me immediately.

There are still a few cultures that organize a larger community as a superfamily, one is interestingly an esoteric matrilineal minority in Southwest China, the Mosuo.

>> No.14086408

>Start with the Greeks
Taking women as war prizes and valuing honor and glory above all else?

>> No.14086634

here you go op

>> No.14087382

>values of islam
Beating women with sticks
>western values

>> No.14087692

>the West believes in the división of spiritual and political power
Not really. The British head of state is also head of the church. Every single US president has been Christian, all but one was Protestant. The Pope was a powerful secular ruler for centuries. The Roman Emperors from Augustus onward were also Ponifex Maximus. Basically you are full of shit

>> No.14087706
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>> No.14087725
File: 196 KB, 866x1390, man-dressed-as-ancient-roman-soldier-using-mobile-phone-the-forum-cy1cpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you believe in the division of church and state so much you have yourself declared a God, just to really emphasise how separate church and state are

>> No.14087825

>Every single US president has been Christian

oh I didn't realise seperation of church and state meant every head of state needed to be an athiest, how silly of me

>the pope
>powerful SECULAR ruler

>> No.14087831

Who said anything about atheism? America de facto has a state religion which every president or ambitious politician is duty bound to follow. This religion is referred to on all coinage, and every government announcement ends with a prayer to this religion.

>> No.14087851

it's entirely up to the people of America if they want to vote for an athiest or not, and plenty of Americans would vote for a non christian but religious person, like a Jew or Muslim, many such cases

>> No.14087860


He meant temporal. The point stands.

>> No.14087862
File: 445 KB, 558x644, 154326523645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Americans are pagan idolaters, I doubt a Christian could be elected today.