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14083030 No.14083030 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will kill the pol-tard within me?

>> No.14083039

understanding it might go a longer way than killing it

>> No.14083059

Take a very high dose of psychedelics and you will realize that politics of any kind is cringe

>> No.14083065

impossible to get in my country. cocaine is everywhere, thoug. will that work'

>> No.14083078

No. Psychedelics and stimulants have different effects. People generally take cocaine for pleasure, and other people take psychedelics to contemplate/ introspect/ ego death.

>> No.14083085

There are a lot of legal psychedelics too but it depends on your country's laws. There's something called 1P-LSD which has exactly the same effects as LSD but is legal because it is a different chemical. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of these types of drugs that are legal. There are also Haiwaiian Baby Woodrose seeds that have psychedelics in them.

>> No.14083098

Don't do salvia it's too strong and always a bad trip.

Actually do salvia it changed my life and had me experience death and rebirth in a terrifying awe inspiring way. I just had weird panic attacks and deva vu multiple times a day for a year afterward and felt like this place we are was far away.

>> No.14083109

Taking salvia sublingual/buccal is said to be much more pleasant than smoking it. Smoking it changes the chemical structure of it.

>> No.14083130
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If you chew salvia and absorb it into your sublingual or buccal mucosa it's more pleasant. Burning salvia turna salvinorin A into salvinorin B which affects your brain differently.

Ultimately research every drug you try. Smoked salvia is famous for being unpleasant.

>> No.14083142

It tastes worse than mushrooms and it was a 40 or 60x concentrate. Low level salvia effects aren't much, you just get some tracers and visuals. A heroic dose makes you leave the room.

>> No.14083151

If you want to have an OBE-like experience then do DMT. Unless you dont mind the extreme dysphoria of smoke salvia.

>> No.14083183

I don't really do anything anymore but would like to do mushrooms again somewhere magical like the Grand Canyon or Redwood forest. I've read enough Campbell and Jung to contextualize my most frightening trips in terms of myth and jungian ideas so I'm not really thinking I'll get much more out of psychedelics than I did back then for ego death and seeing some enlightenment. The more mysterious things I learn about math and physics the more I feel solid in deism and admission of ignorance as well about time being a maya and only existing in context of our conscious perception like frames in a movie as opposed to all of them stacked at once.

>> No.14083868

Read whatever humanizes women and brown people.
African literature may not be the best but it’s immensely fun and there’s a lot of it.

>> No.14083880

Have a job and actually interact with normies.

>> No.14084197

>drug yourself
>normalize mediocrity

>> No.14084202

Straw man. Only the most mouth breathing pols don’t humanize blacks and woman. It’s more how they are used against western civ

>> No.14084210

Christianity is all that did it for me. Even then it’s a daily struggle

>> No.14084220

You need to realize that humanity isn't important. Stop having an anthropocentric worldview.

>> No.14084231

that's what made me a "/pol/tard" to begin with.

>> No.14084243

Although I was never a /pol/tard, I was raised with some very racist ideas. What changed me was stepping back from taking political sides and simply trying to learn. Is there an area of history you're interested in?

A board that has a regular "nigger hate thread" doesn't dehumanise? Hmm

>> No.14084260

>>drug yourself
>underage /pol/tard thinks his uneducated opinion matters
Funny that you guys LARP as religious yet endogenous DMT is the source of all religious experience. We have naturally occurring receptors and endogenous DMT. You can trigger religious experiences with the traditional methods of fasting, sleep deprivation, meditations and so on, or you could smoke DMT. The ancients would definitely see DMT-smokers as holier than people like you who beat off all day and never fast or meditate.

>> No.14084278
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Take the Chomsky Pill. Literally BTFOs all of /pol/s delirious rambling.

>> No.14084286
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Are there any books like Captain Fantastic?

>> No.14084288

The Merchant of Venice comes to mind. Despite being 'an antisemitic work', I feel it's aged to be a wonderful tragedy about the unfairness of bigotry. Whenever I hear this monologue, a deep empathy fills my soul where Halocaust narratives and modern 'woke television' fills it with contrarian spite.


>> No.14084308

>endogens are
Citation needed.

>> No.14084324

It litteraly shows a jew having right to a lawful process in late medieval Venice.
If It was set In Istambul in the same year it would have lasted 5.0 secundos because a dhimmi's word had no legal value.
It is a Good DEFENSE against unfair accusations of Antisemitism towards european Christians.

>> No.14084329

You can’t pretend to be buddy buddy with the ancients and have such a telluric inverted view of religious experience

>> No.14084330

Shylock is still a stereotypical Jew but he's a quintessential sympathetic villain. That monologue is amazing.

And the /pol/tard finally rears his head

>> No.14084345

As usual You're completely unable to argue with anything which isn't ad hominem. Noted and screencapped.

>> No.14084358
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>Only the most mouth breathing pols don’t humanize blacks and woman

>> No.14084359
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There's merit to that, I'm not calling the work antisemitic, just that others do. If anything, I think it's pretty empathetic to all points of view involved. Though I personally think Antonio's a bit of a scatterbrained moron
>"Oops, I lost all the money I have for the sixth time this week. Damn this bad luck! What? I'm supposed to pay you back? This is bullshit!"
He's a Shakespearean DSP.

>> No.14084360

Read some cryptofascist Marxists like Adorno or Fisher. You'll enjoy their lambasting of modern culture while at the same time you get exposed to leftist ideas.

>> No.14084361

What are you quoting? That specific arrangement of characters never appears in the post you're replying to. I can give you citations but I don't know what you're asking for.
I'm speaking in a way that the anon I was replying to would understand. He definitely isn't religious, but I presume that he LARPs as if he is.

>> No.14084402

>Boohoo science and mysticism cannot go together. Science Bad because atheist like science! What is alchemy?
For multiple centuries, maybe millenia, people have been combining rational, scientific observation with mystical thought. Atheism in science has only been a phenomena beginning in the past 1 or 2 centuries. Choosing to repress either side is stupid.

>> No.14084410

Ok, first you treat a fictional scenario in a play as enough evidence to deny all historical anti-jewish sentiments in Christendom. Also you can't spell.

>> No.14084415

The hilarious, ceaseless chain of false strawmen just shows you have no idea how to argue with ideas instead of people.

Perhaps you should administer a thirty-centimeter shaft of endogenous bone directly into your skull if you're so convinced of the rightness of using natural substances.

>> No.14084426

Yes I'm not defending it as some paragon opus of social integration, but I think It's interesting to note how even at It's most intollerant and even in a work which portaits Jews questionably, the west still less antisemitic than Islam in that not even in a humorístic and satírical take to their situation it is implied that they shouldn't have full legal rights, which is the baseline of Sharia's treatment of dhimmis.
Dont be dishonest you know full well What I mean. None but pseudoscientists defend this "endogens are the source of all religious experience" bullcrap.

>> No.14084440

Not doing anything of the sort and I can spell better than you.

>> No.14084453

>Only the most mouth breathing pols
Oh, so most of them.

>> No.14084476

>"nigger hate thread"
Love these desu

>> No.14084488

>muh strawman! muh strawman! I win! I win!
Let's pretend like most /pol/ users don't share common traits. Sure, the anon that I was originally replying to might be an exception among the thousands of homogeneous /pol/ users, but he seems to have no objections with the things that I'm claiming.
You seem to disagree with the "telluric" view of existence, which is something that you yourself have strawmanned onto me. I already told you that your strawman of me is incorrect, so I don't know what else to tell you. If you're disagreeing with my assumption of the /pol/ user then you should butt out and let him speak for himself instead of sperging out like this.

>> No.14084495
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Read Rawls.

>> No.14084498

This is a person who knows absolutely nothing about medieval Europe, medieval Islam, the history of the Jewish people, or the name of the large city in the North western corner of Anatolia

>> No.14084503

Hey Shlomo

>> No.14084506

Nice argument you got there.

>> No.14084516

When did you conduct a survey of /pol/ users?

I'm the anon you originally replied to. Amusingly, /pol/'s use of IDs would have prevented your confusion, since it's a place where identity is drawn forward, rather than the more anonymous words of /lit/.

>> No.14084551

>Not doing anything of the sort
See here >>14084324
>It litteraly shows a jew having right to a lawful process in late medieval Venice.
>It is a Good DEFENSE against unfair accusations of Antisemitism towards european Christians.

>and I can spell better than you

>> No.14084566

Cocaine is for niggers and spics

>> No.14084595
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Understand that conservative and neoliberal governments don't have your own interest in mind and are using your identity pol as bait to lead you to where they want you to go. And that global capital is rooted in fascism and misery for many the world over.

>> No.14084601

The thing is, Shylock doesn't even actually get a lawful process, it's a bizarre post

>> No.14084623

The estate by Erich Fromm

>> No.14084637

>muh idpol
Back to bunkerchan, tranny

>> No.14084642

>using your identity pol as bait to lead you to where they want you to go
this is some top class conspiracy theory

>> No.14084651


It's not hard to see at all.

>> No.14084790

You are still being vague. You haven't asked me what exactly you want a citation on. I'll link what I believe is necessary, then maybe you can be more specific with another question
These are a few paragraphs from the psychiatrist Rick Strassman MD of his hypothetical physiology of DMT in the pineal gland. He has spent decades studying melatonin, the pineal gland, and then proceeded to do the first human studies on DMT. It exceeds the character count of 4chan so here's a pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/7KJhThPa
His hypothetical physiology makes perfect sense to me. If you think you can debunk a psychiatrist's hypothetical physiology of how the pineal gland works, then go ahead. DMT has already been found in the pineal glands of rats so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that the same is true for humans.
There are plenty of subjective comparisons of psychedelics to religious experiences, as well as other kinds of experiences. Subjective comparisons are the best thing we have until we can figure out a way to extract someone's cerebrospinal fluid at the exact moment they're having a sober religious experience and test the DMT levels of it. Religious experiences are uncommon and spinal taps are a risky procedure, so I don't see this happening any time soon.
South American tribes and Aboriginals have been using psychedelics as a tool to trigger religious experiences. In places where psychedelic plants aren't available we have practices such as fasting, sleep deprivation, meditation among other things which are meant to trigger religious experiences. My argument is that there is no need to differentiate between psychedelic use and other religious practices as they all have the same purpose.
This article also seems to be interesting on first glance but I have yet to read it. Most psychiatrists aren't going to make grandiose claims about psychedelics as it is a controversial topic.

>> No.14084807
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yup, literally redit tier conspiracy theory

>> No.14084836
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I'm arguing for exactly what I wrote no more no less. Turn off your telepathy cap; it doesn't work anyway.

>> No.14084848

The pastebin you linked in no way implies the same things you implied early.

>> No.14084913

Are you unable to make inferences? 5HT2A agonists causes people to have religious experiences. We have a 5HT2A agonist in our pineal gland which the hypothetical physiology is linked in the pastebin. Subjective comparisons between religious experiences and psychedelic experiences are the best we can get until we are able to check the cerebrospinal fluid of people who are actively having a religious experience. At what part are you getting lost?

>> No.14084914

Kek nice horrible misreading of my post disguised behind a word salad

>> No.14084921

I abused psychedelics for almost a decade and chased around jam bands and was le ebul nazi the whole time

>> No.14084936

Inferences aren't the same thing as demonstrating causation.
I mean, Holy shit.

>> No.14084938

I posted that one comment. I’m not the one arguing with you fyi

>> No.14084957

More than two-thirds of those who identified as atheist before the experience no longer identified as atheist afterwards. These experiences were rated as among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant lifetime experiences, with moderate to strong persisting positive changes in life satisfaction, purpose, and meaning attributed to these experiences.

>tfw drug users are more holy than masturbation addicted /pol/tards who don't follow their doctrines

>> No.14085035

its not a conspiracy theory when its been proven right

>> No.14085115

Being a poltard you probably haven't read much to begin with. Start with greeks.

>> No.14086338

Seconding this. Chomsky is the gold standard for making concrete persuasive arguments. Everyone learns something reading him

>> No.14086343

kek, but it hasn't

>> No.14086514

Not participating in politics is itself a political standpoint. You cannot escape the political whether you like it or not.

>> No.14086519

I took an eight of mushrooms and I ended up pissing my pants and trying to strangle one of my buddies. Would not recommend it.

>> No.14086523

How do you get out of political discussions when the other person is just ranting and rambling and you're bored and just fantasizing about drinking?

>> No.14086607

It generally requiers admitting you are completely wrong and they have shown you the light or murder.

>> No.14086622

So, is insincerity the only way out? It seems to me that there's a humorous irony in that anyone dedicated enough to their political ideas to trap someone with him or her at a party will inevitably fail to have the charisma to properly persuade said target.

>> No.14086630
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>lefty: ideology is just using you bro! I, however, am completely in control of my thoughts
every time, they miss the irony

>> No.14086640

Name one.

>> No.14086648

For me it was War and Peace. The book helped me internalise the idea that other people have an inner life of comparable complexity to mine, as well as a pseudo-Christian understanding of compassion and a sort of tenderness for other people. After that I just couldn't take all the /pol/ stuff seriously. It just didn't register. I couldn't get riled up about nonsense the way I used to. The book isn't really about that, so for you it might be something else.

>> No.14086661

As far as I can tell yes. After you do it enough people give up talking politics with you, word gets around you mindlessly agree with everything and people start to discuss other things with you. They want the battle, to feel superior, so take it away from them.

>> No.14086678

>tfw just had first ecstatic religious experience without drugs
I feel like the proverbial catholic school girl who's glad she waited for marriage

>> No.14086686

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.14086691

>You cannot escape the political whether you like it or not.
this is why you never get invited anywhere, people can't escape politics but they can escape being around you

>> No.14086731

You're missing the point. What they're saying is that your types get roped into politics by people who do not care an iota about the issues you care about. Right-wingers are for the most part thoroughly neoliberal. It's true to some extent for the Left as well, for example, the way Americans look at Obama or the whole "Woke capital" thing, but I don't think we're as bad as the right. If you look at the American right for example, you have all the plebs - the racist hicks, the evangelicals, the "white working class" types and so on - and then you have the neolibs who just want their party to keep going. The latter are clearly in charge and in terms of policy-making they do not give a single fuck about the first type of people.

>> No.14086775

Good recommendation. Les Miserable might have a similar effect.
Another thing you might do is bombard yourself with a bunch of different variety of ideological texts and works of political philosophy. When you read a lot of them on their own terms, they're persuasive but reductionist, and once you the merit in a bunch of completely incompatible ideologies , you'll keep some of the core commitments of whatever you currently believe. I was a leftypol sort of tankie for a while, but I bombarded myself with political philosophy and while I still am economically leftist, I don't buy Marxist reductionism anymore even though I see its value in cutting through a lot of bullshit. Read whatever sounds interesting but contrary to what you believe. You can read the Communist Manifesto, The Industrial Society and Its Future, The Ego and Its Own, Rousseau's Second Discourse, The Republic, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, whatever you want. Those are all well written and not too long.
You could also just read about modern history from a variety of angles. History is good for putting ideologies and beliefs in perspective, showing their relative position to power and revealing how power politics has always been the only real game in town, ideologies being mere tools. Study the French Revolution, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Deng, 90s Russia, the CIA Coup against Mossadegh, the Iranian Revolution, Egypt under Nasser, the 67 war, etc.
If you're a misogynist, read Goethe - Elective Affinities and Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. He's a gender essentialist but is a huge fan of women and the feminine, writes great female characters, glorifies respectful love. Force yourself habitually in the presence of women, preferably the best you can find: you will find reasons to be misogynist, but getting to know a woman as you would a normal friend humanizes them from the exaggerations and misunderstandings that partial contact with them does.
Same with racism: get to know a Muslim, a jew, a black guy, a hispanic, etc. well. It won't bluepill you on larger social trends that a poltard has partially correct, but it will humanize them to the point where personal animus towards any race will appear ridiculous. I suppose you could do this with good apolitical literature from other races too.

>> No.14086811

Cocaine is a hallucinogen in high doses, but you don't want to take it like that. What country?

Wrong, do salvia, it's the best hallucinogen available.

>Too strong
No such thing in a headspace sense. It's also one of the most physically benign substances out there. Not only that, but by weight salvinorin A is extremely potent, being psychoactive at a few micrograms. Even heroic doses don't exceed a couple dozen milligrams.

To put it in perspective, citric acid is more toxic by weight than salvinorin A. If you were to take the largest hit you could manage of highly potent extract, you would still take in less of the active substance than you would citric acid by eating an orange. Yes, you didn't read that wrong. Citric acid is more toxic and there is more of it (by volume and weight) in a tangerine than there is salvinorin A in a heroic dose of salvia.

>always a bad trip
Wrong. Salvia is neither good nor bad. It is different. It is not a psychedelic, nor is it a dissociative. If you go into it with a chip on your shoulder, Lady Salvia will knock your dick in the dirt. In the context of the OP, a difficult experience is exactly what he needs. But I don't believe Salvia isn't the difficult experience he needs. It's hard for me to say because I tried Salvia after I was already very experienced with a wide variety of hallucinogens. Salvia doesn't necessarily invoke the same degree of self-reflection that psychedelics do.

I found it to be very much an "Ape touches the monolith" moment. There's no better environment to conceptualize divinity than when laughing metaphysical gremlins unzip your sanity into tiny pieces.

Absolutely wrong.

>Extreme dysphoria
Salvia is not dysphoric unless you make it dysphoric.

>>normalize mediocrity
Do you even read what you type before you hit "post"?

>> No.14087556

>What they're saying is that your types get roped into politics by people who do not care an iota about the issues you care about.
Again, irony. But I see you have everything figured out already, no mysteries on the world stage for Mr. Thinker over here.
>blah blah flyover states
Your played-out caricature of the "right" is crucially missing anything that would suggest you are not from reddit.

>> No.14087674
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This, I'm mostly hesitant of seeking out these 'mind-altering' drugs simply because they are said to effect the intellect/mind/psyche rather than making you feel all emotional and sentimental like weed/alcohol would. With these last two it is easy to distinguish your sober state from your drugged state.
However: DMT, salvia, etc. are said to have a lasting effect on your perception of the world. If it would make me deluded and have logical gaps in my mind, how would I then be able to discern this if it's my discerning faculty itself being skewed?

>Inb4 just transcend, bro

>> No.14087678

Seek Jesus