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/lit/ - Literature

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14081091 No.14081091 [Reply] [Original]

>want to grasp philosophy
>want to read the western canon
>want to study physics
>want to study probability
>want to study economics
>want to understand politics
>want to study game theory
>want to get into finance
>want to study history
Why is life so short bros? I know I'll never accomplish all of this.

>> No.14081106

One feeds into the others. Just set a skedual and keep a journal of your time. That's what I do, but I admit I'm lazy as fuck.

>> No.14081110


just skim wikipedia articles and watch memey 10 minute youtube videos like the rest of us.

>> No.14081120


You are absolutely my target audience. The answer is coming..

Stay thirsty.

...for knowledge. I forget for you kids this means horny or something...

>> No.14081127
File: 167 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can check a bunch of those boxes with a single book

>> No.14081192

or you can just watch Batman v Superman to get his take

>> No.14081207

Life is not short at all. Quit your job and you will see how much time you really have.

>> No.14081279

dumb frogposter

>> No.14081327

life isn't short at all. you're just a retard.

>> No.14081452
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>> No.14081455

A proper philosopher will study a little of everything. He takes the entire domain of knowledge as his object of study.

>> No.14081546

>>want to study probability
>>want to study economics
>>want to understand politics
>>want to study game theory
>>want to get into finance
No need to waste time on these. The rest, with enough time and effort, will be doable to a reasonable degree.

>> No.14081681

t. marxist

>> No.14081699

anyone got that starting with the greeks flowchart?

>> No.14081719

Marx was an economist. Fuck people on this board are dumb.

>> No.14081997

Serious economic work doesn’t come from dialectical analysis.

>> No.14082002

no he wasn’t lmao
economics is a logical field
there are no economics or logic in the writings of karl marx

>> No.14082018
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it's so fucking frustrating that the only anonymous and active space left on this internet to talk about philosophy is populated with such midwits. Capital is an economics textbook, which makes reference to economics texts that precede it, such as Smith's, JS Mill's and Ricardo's, countless reference to historical documents which delineate the history of capitalism hitherto his time, and countless reference to real-life and practical examples of economic structures in motion in his time. It is practically a scientific work, it does not contain "dialectical analysis," you midwit.

>> No.14082024
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No dude! Marx didn't know logic or economics man. Jordan Peterson said he was going to destroy our society! Don't you know he was jewish and they want to destroy white people for some reason? Hegel who? Adam Smith who?

>> No.14082107

Just study history, you'll organically learn everything else

>> No.14082623
File: 18 KB, 522x312, Opera Snapshot_2019-10-30_122545_nffaoalbilbmmfgbnbgppjihopabppdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro Tip: download video speed controller and blast through youtube lectures at 4x speed. preferably one different in each ear like a total schizo

>> No.14082635

I love how these Peterson cucks still parrot his opinion of a thinker he did a midnight high school sparknotes assignment on as his live debate prep. These motherfuckers will tell you you don’t know economics but then they’ve never even heard of fucking Ricardo lmaoooo

>> No.14082706

>It's either Marx or Peterson, bucko!

>> No.14082763

It's just the nature of 4gag

>> No.14083828

>preferably one different in each ear like a total schizo
absolutely based

>> No.14084313
File: 181 KB, 1912x1314, C22C09E4-EBA0-49BF-B5B9-447448B82644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I unironically love you

This is amazing

>> No.14084352

You don't want to study all those things or you would have started already so stop deluding yourself. What you want is to be proficient in them. What you want is the intellectual merit that comes with proficiency. You don't want to sit down and deal with the boring monotonous minutia of each discipline. You don't have the will to actually engage with the material and struggle along through the learning process. You don't want to do you simply want to be.

>> No.14084382

OP found dead in a ditch

>> No.14084577


>> No.14084585

>don't want to do anything

>> No.14085780
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, covkeuqupbdy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.14085873

I agree just get a skedual my nigga

>> No.14086104

>>want to study physics
Don't bother, it's just crunching numbers. The wise sage scientist alone in his room with just his mind and his challkboard are utter memes
in 20 years it's all going to be statistical analysis done with some hacked together deep learning model
What you're looking for, you have better chances finding in pure math.
t. disillusioned physics student

>> No.14086128

I love this comment, I wish I were able to write comments like this one exhibited here, somewhat charmingly stripped of excessive self-consciousness, and in great jest. I have the feeling I take myself too seriously, even though, rationally, I am fully aware I am communicating on an anonymous platform.

>> No.14086641

Thank you for posting this anon, I had already been thinking about this myself, and have set this as my wallpaper as a reminder, not as a call to action (as knowledge ought to be sought after in itself, not to try to prove someone wrong), but to keep the delusion at bay. Scholar, dilettante or hedonist, whatever my life turns out to be, I will make sure it is lived authentically.

>> No.14086645

>have plenty of time to study the fundamentals of all these fields
>shitpost constantly with images of frogs instead

>> No.14086955

That’s pretty based anon. Good luck.

>> No.14086973

Go to school for math/physics with a minor in philosophy. There you go in 4 years you've finished half of that list. With another 8 years of reading an hour a night on the other subjects and you could be literate in all of them. You could easily reach your goal with discipline, it's not time it's effort.

>> No.14086977

Thank God, a curious one.
Just learn them all at your own pace dude, if you do too much too fast you'll get burnt out.

Find the one you believe is most interesting and cut it up into chunks to use as transitions between each subject.

>> No.14087000

Is this a Taleb thing like lekshur and gabish?

>> No.14087007

As a wannabe physics student this has made me question myself. I was thinking of physics and philosophy, but maybe math would be a better combination. Do you think a joint math/physics degree would be the best of both worlds, or would pure math be better?

>> No.14087010

Unironically go the quant route and read philosophy on your yacht.

>> No.14087020

i used to feel the same way about a variety of topics, but learning languages has been the only thing to consistently keep me engaged not only in the process but also in the results or lack thereof

>> No.14087031


Have no idea what the fuck to do with life but remain unable to make any decision

>> No.14087032

Physics is only useless if you let it be. It's not good in itself, you end up a "number cruncher" as our physics major friend here has said. You have to create with it for it have any value. Creation of new theories or experiments is the conventional way, but coalescence of it with other fields is probably less of a dead end. How do thermodynamics and economics meet? Is quantum mechanics really meaningful to the understanding of our consciousness? Things like this.

>> No.14087035

Had the same thoughts in HS then I read Goethe. Yea, mathematics, philosophy, and econ are cool(last two are pretty much the same in some since). But theres nothing like the aesthetic metaphysical feel that literature gives, nothing at all. I only regret not studying Philosophy more thoroughly, its pretty satisfying logically ripping your way through philosophical concepts.

Also studying econ can be as simple as reading some HS economics text book, its pretty much a meme.

>> No.14087070

Do you mean quantum computing?

>> No.14087073


>> No.14087084

I think if I have to go into industry I'd rather be a remote software developer and live in the middle of nowhere than go into finance. It just suits my personality more.

>> No.14087111

>remote software developer
From what I've heard, it's a meme. Those types of jobs are extremely rare and only awarded to the most highly sought after people with years and years of experience.

>> No.14087122

I've heard that after a couple years you can swing it. Just keep asking for fewer days in the office per a week until you're completely remote.

>> No.14087132

Following that advice, would physics/biochemistry be a good option. They a offer it as a joint degree at my school. I could also complete a minor in math during the summer as every STEM program requires those courses so plenty are offered.

>> No.14087299

i kekd

>> No.14087916

this post is a wakeup call for me and makes me wanna kms

>> No.14088011

At least half those things aren’t worth pursuing. Eliminate economics, politics, finance, game theory, and probability and you could achieve everything. I’ll summarize everything you’ll learn in those fields at the conclusion of years of study. They’re not real sciences. They don’t seek to understand so much as they do to manipulate. They’re not actually important.

>> No.14088027

Probability is easy
Game theory is overrated
You need to specify a field of history or you won't get anywhere
You will never understand politics

>> No.14088028

You're right about politics and economics, wrong about probability and game theory.
I would even argue game theory is the most important thing to learn to understand virtually every complex field. For example if you want to understand human psychology you must understand human evolution, to understand evolution you need to understand game theory. Game theory will allow you to go from fundamental ruleset governing any series of operations and abstract that ruleset into observed behavioural patterns. For example humans need finite resources to survive and must form pair bonds to reproduce, only through game theory can you take this fundamental set of rules and conceptualise entire patterns of behaviour.

>> No.14088052

That is no problem OP. Just learn mathematics. Once you understand the math the rest is only reading and remembering. So step one learn math and step two develop a habit like reading everyday 30 pages before you go to bed. Then you can achieve your goal.

Furthermore finance/game theory/economics/probability is pretty much the same. It is also very easy to combine history/philosoph/politics. Check out branches like economic history or econophysics etc.

The areas you want to learn are highly intertwined, so it is absolutely no problem.

>> No.14088512

>I know I'll never accomplish all of this.
granted, but push on regardless. would you rather accomplish 70% or 40% of it? you have no time for despair.

>> No.14089298

It’s all a meme

>> No.14089308

How do I start learning mathematics? What’s the daily habit I need to be building? What’s the specific math equivalent of reading X pages a day, don’t clme at come and say “x problems a day bro”

>> No.14089322

>taking marx seriously

wew lad, why don't you just namepost as retard?

>> No.14089730

Depends where you're at. Before or after calc? There's not really a good equivalent x pages of math a day because it's so contingent on the material at hand and the person. At early stages it really is just doing problem after problem to create "muscle" memory - it smooths out the process for later more complex activity.

>> No.14089736

ok boomer

>> No.14089882

After Calc anon - any reccs?

>> No.14089912

Why because it would be too sad if he said was true? That you're not free and in control, and that you're exploited? That the belief that the stock holder of the company, who does no work, deserves the profit, and the the world would simply not work without him is actually just a morality of submission? That what you believe is merely the triumph of slave, as slave? Or perhaps you're an owner, and your morality is triumph of master, as master?

>> No.14090053

There's a reason why Marxism has always been more popular in philosophical circles than economic ones.

>> No.14090068

>game theory
it's bullshit

>> No.14090180

At the beginning of my studies, some tutor, theoretical physics guy, told me to actually understand all that stuff, you would need to first get a really high bar of knowledge in mathematics (5-10 years of study), and only then start concerning yourself with physics (5 years). No one does this obviously. You cannot be a polymath today, not even in one field. I advise you to drop your standards. Just pick up what interests you, and find interest in specific direction/subfield to dig into early on. Most people studying physics go work in the industry or do coding out some stuff, since any university career is either badly paid or really really hard to get.

>> No.14090194

What have you studied previously?

>> No.14090773

this is how you remind me of who I really am

>> No.14090807

Is this supposed to be an indictment? Philosophy is for free thinkers and economics is a discipline with the purpose of serving the ruling class? Marx was an economist, just with a different teleology.

>> No.14090960

First you should ask why you want to study these things. Then, you will have begun studying philosophy.

>> No.14091234

If you want to know something it will be better to get distractions out of your way, like school and work and ordinary life, but especially school. The latter is a fool's errand.

>> No.14091247

Stop this childish lamentation, choose what you like best and specialize.

>> No.14091263

Just because you don't agree with Marx doesn't make him less of an economist you retard.

>> No.14091270

>calls other people midwits
>it does not contain "dialectical analysis"
based midwit

>> No.14091280
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Use a Dolby 7.1 system to listen to 7 videos at once on 3.5 different monitors for maximum efficiency.

>> No.14091407
File: 32 KB, 645x773, D5340032-7AA0-4D25-9C3F-E12CA33AC0E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this all applies to me

>> No.14091424

If you "finish" studying then you failed to grasp what it means to understand. Eternal recurrence, eternal child, one must imagine sisyphus happy, journey not the destination. You have a lifetime of work to enjoy, its a good thing :)

>> No.14091671

I tell myself this every day, but then I think that I don't really like ANYTHING in that way, so what the fuck is there to do? literally get a mcjob I hate and accept that passions are not for me I guess.

>> No.14092093

There's gotta be something anon? It's not always marketable or profitable so you have to force yourself to learn skills you don't want to but there must be something you're passionate about.

>> No.14092568

Reeeee it’s two volumes, the abridged version is for actual brainlets

>> No.14092597


>Western Canon
Worth the effort

Boring but not twaddle

Same as physics


Interesting and not twaddle

>Game theory
For bigbrainniggas and patrician as fuck


The most based one dude!

>> No.14092626
File: 86 KB, 800x450, lucioano[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your post

>> No.14092630

I'll seethe you in your mother's tit milk bitch!

>> No.14092681
File: 149 KB, 297x294, 1572541206486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep a journal of your time
does this work? I've never kept a journal. What are some of the reasons to do it?

>> No.14092684
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1568141955797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're pain anon. I've always dreamt of being a polymath. In addition to what you want to study I wanted to study music and some form of visual art in college(which I did). Now I'm a directionless NEET with a useless degree. This world was not meant for dreamers and thinkers like us. Our time has passed and civilization is dying because of it.

>> No.14092751

I feel you anon

>> No.14093155
File: 57 KB, 597x596, 1569017841202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess you should also add real analysis to that list if you're any serious about that buddy, and it sure is a bumpy ride.

>> No.14093158

Economics generally don´t teach marxist viewpoints and just feed em with the same neo-liberal shlock

>> No.14094007

Can relate OP. I am an internet-induced ADHD lazy retard who has wasted the majority of his life playing video games, bingeing TV shows and movies, and developing a heavy addiction to porn. My brain is pretty much fried at this point but I am trying my hardest to get things back on track.

>> No.14094043

No. It’s neither employable nor /lit/.

>> No.14094072

You’ll recognize exactly how you’re spending your time and manage it better.

>> No.14094108

a single book called Decline of the West then, my companion in misery

>> No.14094110

First off, minors are worthless so forget about that unless it’s a field you are just really interested in and just so happen to take enough to courses to get the minor. Same thing for double majors. Generally, you’re going to have to pick one whether it’s for work or graduate school and you can always just switch if you change your mind. As for your major, don’t go middle ground. Either disregard employability and pursue a Art/Humanities/Liberal Arts interest or go for maximum employability with Engineering. Everything else is pretty worthless.

>> No.14094122

I’m the guy you responded to and I unironically focused a portion of my studies on Game Theory. It’s completely impractical and utterly worthless. Nothing you said is of any benefit to either yourself or society at large.

>> No.14094123

Well whining on an image board aint gonna help. Get reading and go to school if you truly want to grasp them

>> No.14094133


>> No.14094189

Define benefit? Knowing something is beneficial, game theory is a good framework for understanding the emergent properties of complex systems.

>> No.14094310

I'd go with a math/philosophy double major and self study physics on the side, but I'm more interested on qm/qft and philosophy of physics. If you won't go into academia a math degree is much more useful than a physics degree, just don't be retarded enough to not read about cs/programming/applied math on your spare time.

>> No.14094998

I'm in STEM. You need to learn probability theory and need to be solid on your math basics to learn game theory and physics. You'll need those skills to learn economics and finance as well. My recommendation is to start with calculus, linear algebra, basic college level probability and statistics, and then study physics, or finance or whatever you want. Within a year you'll be competent. If you think you'll never accomplish this, you won't, but it's not because life is short it's because you just didn't really want to.

>> No.14095027
File: 345 KB, 636x720, 1497146014707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally understand the dilettante tendencies, bro. Just remember that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and what you choose to do with that is on you.

Sometimes I wish I just had a plug in the back of my head where I could download knowledge repositories directly into my brain, like Neo in The Matrix learning kung fu.