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14080236 No.14080236 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the pleasure of shitting in your best prose.

>> No.14080248

poo come out feel good

>> No.14080250

All this buttoning and unbuttoning

>> No.14080268

so absolutely based prevented me from killing myself

>> No.14080277
File: 2.89 MB, 480x480, Poop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh plop hmmmmmmm yes

>> No.14080292

I have to quote Tanizaki
>“Every time I am shown to an old, dimly lit, and, I would add, impeccably clean toilet in a Nara or Kyoto temple, I am impressed with the singular virtues of Japanese architecture. The parlor may have its charms, but the Japanese toilet truly is a place of spiritual repose. It always stands apart from the main building, at the end of a corridor, in a grove fragrant with leaves and moss. No words can describe that sensation as one sits in the dim light, basking in the faint glow reflected from the shoji, lost in meditation or gazing out at the garden. The novelist Natsume Soseki counted his morning trips to the toilet a great pleasure, ‘a physiological delight’ he called it. And surely there could be no better place to savor this pleasure than a Japanese toilet where, surrounded by tranquil walls and finely grained wood, one looks out upon blue skies and green leaves.”

>> No.14080300

The neo-shitter invites me to sit. I do so and shit, alas to no avail. The shitter rapidly scanned my anal-topography and failed to recognise me as its rightful proprietor, it ejects my shit back onto my face. Jokes on the shitter, for I have a scat fetish.

>> No.14080307

The cleansing of the body - once the harmony of tranquility between soul and nature in absolute solitude; now reduced to a trivial task by the coldness of the toilet seat, as you sit trapped between six walls of isolation.

>> No.14080375

elephants are fucking based

>> No.14080394

Don pooped outside. It felt good to be alone.

>> No.14080401

>taking a shit while high on mescaline
>ate like four delissio pizzas in the last 24 hours
>giant log of poop sliding out of my asshole like a train with an angry face painted on it barreling out of a spooky tunnel
>infinitely aware of every single democritean hypergonal atom of every cell in my body and every subtly wavering tile on the bathroom floor, mckenna's elves dancing and turning in every shaft of light
>feel the gritty sensation of every single subtle perturbation of my shit log interacting with every single nerve ending in the ring of my anus
>my mind instantly forms a colourless featureless space-filling kantian void image of the event, like daredevil ben affleck fighting a shitty criminal
>in my altered state become aware of the succession of my own conscious states, a layer cake of thought piling up before me
>watch as if from a distance as my mind heuristically overlays onto the 3D darklit turd model an ideological interpretation formed from a combination of a priori instinct and social mores, seamlessly integrated into a perfect synthesis through empirical experience
>witness the pure ideology of my own act of shitting
>realise i am satisfied with the expulsion of waste on a base primal level in the depths of my unconscious, already tinging it with values i did not choose but which were chosen for me by my ancestors' anal experiences
>realise that this raw instinctive valuation is gradually integrated into framework acceptable to my socially formed intellect as it rises and bobs to the surface of my demi-conscious mind, taking on new shades of meaning on its gentle journey from the deep
>witness in concatenation the projection of dozens of introjected drives, my delumeauvian guilt culture denying the freudian anal expulsive joy of hedonistic shitting, my subtle anglo-saxon retentiveness and utilitarianism forcing me to control and subdue the pleasure even as i allow myself to experience it
>the log passes but i already feel another one loading into the chamber, i am already voyaging deeper into my ass and my mind, into the inner colon
>look at the clock
>only 21 seconds have passed since last check
>never have delissio again

>> No.14080413

The turd
The turd broke out of his cage

>> No.14080891
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me you
pee poo
in loo

>> No.14080899
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>> No.14081667

Quietly he read, restraining himself, the first column and, yielding but resisting, began the second. Midway, his last resistance yielding, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading still patiently, that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Hope it's not too big bring on piles again. No, just right. So. Ah! Costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada. Life might be so. It did not move or touch him but it was something quick and neat. Print anything now. Silly season. He read on, seated calm above his own rising smell. Neat certainly. Matcham often thinks of the master-stroke by which he won the laughing witch who now. Begins and ends morally. Hand in hand. Smart. He glanced back through what he had read and, while feeling his water flow quietly, he envied kindly Mr Beaufoy who had written it and received payment of three pounds thirteen and six

>> No.14081931

Holy shit I laughed

>> No.14082034


Good. No blood this time. Good.

Every time I see the blood, I'm reminded of horror movies, which of course is germane to the season. I shat half a cup or so five years ago following NSAIDs, and again a year ago following popcorn, heavy drinking and constipation. Right after a bad relapse around January '19 I saw a mouse dart around my apartment, which frightened me since I'm not used to seeing vermin of that size; at first I thought it might a large house centipede, another frightening thought. My bed is on the floor, with a box spring.

Another time, more recently, I trapped and killed what I believe was a brown recluse, once it inched its way up my wall. Maldoror: a tarantula emerged from the corner of his room every night, to kill him again and again (Prometheus).

I've scheduled a colonoscopy since it's the done thing, but I've been putting it off. You have no idea what hell it is to schedule a colonoscopy. You have to schedule a /driver/. You have to interact with human beings. You have to disrupt your eating for a week. This is why I haven't done any of it yet.

Recently, I purchased a DVD copy of "A Certain Kind of Death". One of the central figures was a gay guy who died of unspecific rectal bleeding, alone in his apartment. The rectal bleeding was probably related to his personal gay stuff, but the comparison with my own situation was obvious.

>> No.14082267


Someone send this to Zizek.

>> No.14082280

I’m the guy that took the original SS(s), waited like 4 years then posted this to reddit

>> No.14082368

Go to have a poop
push it out
let it back in
Do it because it feels good

>> No.14082834
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Emptied of excrement, my soul almost flees, three meals worth of shit just spontaneously left me.