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File: 28 KB, 620x413, olavodecarvalho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14078135 No.14078135 [Reply] [Original]

Does your country has a relevant philosopher who's not a charlatan, and is an actual intellectual who masterfully guides public debate? Pic related is Olavo de Carvalho, a literal philosopher king. The man is pulling all the strings of the brazilian government directly from the united states. His hands cross the ocean, and with a single tweet, he can change the course of a nation. Not only that, but he also has BTFO people like Kant, Nietzsche, Descartes, Hume, Heidegger, Derrida... The list goes on.
There's not a single living philosopher that could match his intelligence.

>> No.14078706 [DELETED] 

yeah he's great

>> No.14078771

Tenha sexo.

>> No.14078814
File: 86 KB, 640x640, peterson queer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Jordan Peterson. Man's 100% sincere. We're talking gigantic intellect and influence. Peterson was advising the Conservative party on policy but it somehow resulted in a historic loss in an easy to win election

>> No.14078831

*Faça sexo. Seu anglicismo barato demonstra apenas a sua completa subserviência ao estrangeirismo, ao globalismo. Tens uma mente completamente dominada por chavões do Chan, que foram influenciados e incutidos em sua cabecinha de vento por Soros e outros agentes da subversão globalista. Vai te foder, moleque.
Sugiro que pague uma inscrição no COF (Curso Online de Filosofia - Olavo de Carvalho), e que dê uma olhada na "lista de leitura filosófica" do Contra os Acadêmicos.

>> No.14078847


Nem você mesmo acha graça de suas piadas

>> No.14078870
File: 7 KB, 190x265, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bukowski de carvalho
oh no no no

>> No.14078878


>> No.14078892


>> No.14078906

Anona BTFodada.

>> No.14078914

>Philosopher king
>Pulling all the strings
>Can change the course of a nation

Have sex.

>> No.14078943

Man, after I knew this guy was an Astrologer (sic) I lost the last crumb of respect I could have for him. Kek

>> No.14078970

Bro, astrology is interesting. What's the problem in believing in something science doesn't back up?

>> No.14078997

R$0,63 foram depositados na sua conta.

>> No.14079002

A Petista was found. Go back to r/books. If you cannot read anyone who believed in astronomy, then you will never read Plato, Aristotle, Jung, Guenon or anyone else somewhat interesting.

>> No.14079011

Why there is so many brazilians on /lit/, and why are they all petista cirista esquerdalhas?

>> No.14079296

>Plato, Aristotle

They were born thousands of years ago. It's the same as saying that Newton believed in God when he was born in a time and region of the world where practically the entire population consisted of Christians.


He is a joke


Not exactly what we would call a scientist.

It's okay to believe in astrology, even today, and you can be a very intelligent individual and still do it. Yeats was one example. Even Jung (I am treating psychotherapy more as a kind of artistic manifestation from the part of the therapist than as a science, although there are modern techniques of psychiatric — such as Cognitive Behavioral Theory — that really work and help patients). But this is acceptable among artists, not people who are supposed to work with as much scientific rigor as possible.

Any philosopher who says he believes in the influence of stars and celestial bodies on human behavior is already showing smoke from the fire of charlatanism (much of today's philosophical research is, in fact, charlatanism - it's a kind of worse fiction or poetry). Add to Olavo's lot so many other nonsense-manifestations he made and the bonfire of quackery is already the size of a pyramid.

>Why there is so many brazilians on /lit/,

There weren't that many back in 2011/12. Can't say what changed.

>and why are they all petista cirista esquerdalhas?

Maybe because they read more than people like you? Anyone who reads seriously and is true to his own self can see after a while that Olavo is a charlatan.

>> No.14079362

Esses últimos vídeos que têm sido postados no canal do Olavo me convenceram de que ele é completamente despreparado pra semear e cultivar a elite intelectual almejada. Não discuto a abrangência do conhecimento geopolítico do filósofo (embora duvide que seu conhecimento metafísico seja tão abrangente como aquele, o que estampa a sua egolatria incontrolável), mas o nível dos seus discípulos é decadente, nível petista pra baixo. O mais triste é ver que além de todos serem nulidades intelectuais, todos, igualmente, se nulificaram espiritualmente e tornaram-se lacaios do Olavo. Isso é tão característico de seita quanto qualquer organização militante esquerdista.

>> No.14079401

>Não discuto a abrangência do conhecimento geopolítico do filósofo


>> No.14079511

I have no problem with this. I'm not a hardcore scientificist myself. My problem with this guy is that he claims to be "redpilled" while still believing in what in the present age is nothing more than a little girl's game. Which is quite laughable.

See, this guy here>>14079296 made my point for me. Case closed
As an aside:
I got blocked on the whatsapp by a girl one of these days. Just because I said Philosophy could be a discipline worth learning. She's was fat and I was planning to block her anyway though, so whatever.

>> No.14079700

are you even aware that astrology and astronomy were synonyms or were compound of a single discipline in ancient times?

>> No.14079786

That's why Brazil is in such great shape! I was wondering.

>> No.14079831

It's going to take time for us to revert the PT policies. We'll talk 10 years from now when Brazil is fully recovered (if they allow BOLSONARO and OLAVO to work).

>> No.14079885

Yep. It doesn't change the fact that Astrology is quite cringy nowdays.

>> No.14079897

He got btfo by Dugin. He's a kike fanboy globalist

>> No.14079904

Dugin himself said Olavo BTFOed him.

>> No.14079977

According to the Democrats, Hillary Clinton lost the election because High School students from a 2nd rate backwater from my country made fake news sites supporting Donald Trump. Technically, that means provincial high-schoolers in my country literally rule the world with memes.

Does that count?

>> No.14079991
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya that's some good neolib forecasting. Way back when the Brazilian economy was actually growing with low unemployment rates le business community was constantly butthurt with the government but now in a state of semi-stagnation there's unrestricted support for the government. The neolib "recovery" will come when they convince your government to take on massive foreign denominated USD debt and Soros shorts your shithole.

>> No.14080086


>> No.14080096
File: 87 KB, 560x800, mw98448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw an Australian Jew perfected Idealism

>> No.14080284

>The neolib "recovery" will come when they convince your government to take on massive foreign denominated USD debt and Soros shorts your shithole.
Can you tell me when and where will be this guy next short selling? Coz if this guy is gonna short I wanna be on the boat too. Lol

>> No.14080330

Oh, sorry, I didn’t know truth depended on the the time you were born. Please, do not confuse the astrology of newspapers with the kind these philosophers studied: they are completely different. When talking about Jung, I don’t think he was right in his construction of the psyche (his theories), but if you read his studies and his experimental works, he clearly shows that there some kind of relation between the cosmos (nature) and the human psyche. Is it the kind of relation you see in the newspapers? Most probably not, but again, that is not what they study. If you investigate, instead of believing the abstract construction of reality in your mind is flawless, you will find the undeniable connection.

>> No.14080365

CBT is unironically a bigger joke than psychoanalysis.

>> No.14080737

Cara é serio isso? Vc nao consegue ler o seu post e perceber que tu é um mongol?

>> No.14080812
File: 31 KB, 452x679, paulo-ghiraldelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we do.

>> No.14080866
File: 16 KB, 300x272, images-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

type "bença Chico Mendes" for 10 years of good luck

>> No.14080872
File: 889 KB, 808x605, olavo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please, do not confuse the astrology of newspapers with the kind these philosophers studied

The "astrology of newspapers" is exactly what Olavo did.

>> No.14080888
File: 123 KB, 1045x711, ghiraldellivsolavo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare Olavo's wife (right) to Ghiraldelli's wife (left). I mean, we can see the winner quite clearly.

>> No.14080905
File: 109 KB, 940x636, chico-mendes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bença Chico Mendes

>> No.14080929
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>> No.14080974


There are countless studies that prove that it’s highly effective in treating several psychological disorders. You may choose to ignore those studies, but it won’t change the fact that CBT works in several cases.

>> No.14080993

It only works in the short term.

>> No.14081034


I’m not the guy you are replying to, but I have cured my problems with anxiety and panic attacks with CBT. I experience those problems for 8 years, from 20 to 28. I’m now with 35 and never went into the same spiral of neurosis again. Never had a panic attack in more than 6 years.

The interesting thing too is that, if I eventually experience some anxiety attack I know how to handle it because of CBT. Before treatment I would get more nervous, start fearing more panic episodes and everything would get out of control again. Now, if I eventually feel the symptoms, I will calmly let them pass: it’s just the effect of adrenaline on the body.

And there’s also a lot of studies showing long term efficacy for CBT.

>> No.14081036

You just proved me right. How many times do you see the reading of astrological maps on the newspaper? You normally see shit like “libras a re intelligent and always help people in need” — this is bullshit. Olavo read and made astrological maps, which are quite complex. The photo you showed is an article about this — the fact it is a newspaper article, instead of a “astrology section”, reinforces my point.

>> No.14081048

You're actually defending this shit?

>> No.14081058


It’s all charlatanistic. Can’t you find any right wing philosopher to support your world view that you need to keep defending a guy who basically shouts “hack” by every pore?

And you say that left-fags are delusional. God damn, people would listen to the preachings of a toad in the bog if it confirmed part of their innermost views and needs.

>> No.14081130

>How many times do you see the reading of astrological maps on the newspaper?

On the newspaper? Maybe never, I never read physical newspapers. On women's magazines, blogs, and instagram? Everytime. You can do these things everywhere:


People who write "astrology section" on magazines and newspaper are also the people who make and read astrological maps. Just google the name of any one of them, you will see contact info for these privates sessions.

Olavo not only did that, like any other astrologist, but he also used to sell "astrology courses" in the same way he sells his never ending "philosophy courses" today. It's more profitable because he have a lot of "labia", and people think that he is "wise".

>> No.14081163

The thing is that everyone simply goes “muh science” and starts to say he believes in astrology. Even if you disagree with that, that doesn’t disprove his other ideas. The same way you cite astrology as prove for him being a charlatan, I can say that the fact he won US genius visa, participated in the First World Congress and School on Universal Logic, won a medal for his studies on muslim history by the Saudi government, won a medal a medal for his studies on Jose Ortega y Gasset by the Spanish government and much more prove that he is, in fact, not a charlatan. You simply like to show something he did more than 30 years ago as if it represented the entirety of his ideas: you are either ignorant (which would be all right) or a dishonest faggot.

In addition, instead of saying “do you really believe this?”, as to make the idea totally ridiculous, try to prove it wrong. At any rate, you should address both of my paragraphs.

>> No.14081169

Embarrassing, frankly.

>> No.14081217

Do I really need to explain that there is also a methodological difference? Do you really think these instagrams posts carry the same methodology as Jung, Schuon, Plato and Newton? Give me a fucking break. Before talking go study.

Have you ever watched one of his classes?

>> No.14081224

This nigga Olavo unironically believes in an afterlife, said it in one of his interviews. Absolute state lmao

>> No.14081228

Thanks! When someone insults me, instead of proving me wrong, I realize I might be close to the truth.

>> No.14081281
File: 742 KB, 854x477, if-it-looks-like-y-it-cant-sound-like-u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever watched one of his classes?

Yup. Most of the times he have no idea what he is talking about. One example, take a look at this debate:

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVj6efeGYKA
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mu0v21774c
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXJIfnTJXvI

At the first video, Yago Martins, a protestant theologian and pastor, take a text from Olavo and debate it, as Olavo himself asked, when he said "not even a thousand theologians could do".

At the second video, Bernardo Küster, an insufferable olavete, makes a call with Olavo to "answer" the first video. All they do is laugh like bullies from 5th grade and don't answers the questions Yago bring. FOR ALMOST 1 FUCKING HOUR.

At the last video, Yago explaind what's wrong with the response he got and how Olavo don't know shit about what he is talking about. Really.

Don't take me wrong, I'm not protestant, Yago Martins is anoying as fuck, calvinism is bullshit, but that debate is an irrefutable proof of how Olavo doesn't have any idea of what he is talking about.

>> No.14081575

How about someone who believes vaccines cause autism ? is there anyone i'm missing besides him (not a great loss) ?

>> No.14081949

Emil cioran

>> No.14082458
File: 9 KB, 235x186, d0ec8cf7dbd9ce1ea74af222da3b0e3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. As far as 'philosophy' is concerned, Australia's biggest export is Singer. I can't even begin to describe how much I loathe Singer and utilitarianism. I feel like basically all of undergrad philosophy in Australian universities is just trolley problems and utilitarian ethics a.k.a. hardly philosophy. I had a tutor once who dismissed Kant's ethics as being silly and outdated in a single lesson, yet for the rest of the cursed year I have to be force fed utilitarian nonsense. I fucking hate the British and I fucking hate analytic so-called 'philosophy'.

>> No.14083314
File: 96 KB, 500x544, laughing-pepe-pepe-52439298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claims communism doesn't work
Believes in Astrology

>> No.14083365

>Olavo de Carvalho

Fode não, goyim.

>> No.14083426


Some middling psychology professor felt like LARPing as a contemporary political consultant and it backfired? Imagine my astonishment.

>> No.14083465

Vô mandar o Olavo de Carvalho pro programa do Leão Lobo. Pra ele ler minha sorte lá.

>> No.14083469

>singer is a terrible philosopher
>somehow this is our fault
Fuck Australians, you've inherited your inability to take responsibility.

>> No.14083481

In my country everyone is either a retarded socialist or a retarded christcuck, or both.

>> No.14083611
File: 20 KB, 217x320, 1559571379322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in a philosophically barren country

>> No.14083698

You Bongs have Bentham and Mill though. You are certainly to blame.

>> No.14083718
File: 54 KB, 452x678, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is garbage and a shame to Brazil and right-wing philosophy. He's just another crypto-kike. It's amazing how someone could have read Guenon, Schuon, Chesterton and Evola and even so get to build such a stupidy philosophy. It will be a pain to clean right-wing philosophy after this retarded larper ruin and divide with Bolsonaro all the conservative part of society. He'll have to deal with the rise of the left and it's threat to destroy our country even more. The only hope I have is that after all the suffering our society could be able to move farther to the rightest of the right-wings political movements, beyond neocons, beyond conservatives, beyond fascism, beyond ultramontainism, and even beyond traditionalism.

>> No.14083745

Made a point in The Crisis of the Modern World about contemporary astrology being a joke.

>> No.14083810

He thinks he btfo Newton and Einstein and said that geocentrism and flat-Earth theory are both real valid hipothesys. Kys, onions-wing.

>> No.14085219

where does he mention evola or having read him?
and i agree with you; it is as if he had missed the most essential part of trad writers, that is, metaphysics. that's why his aimed intelectual elite will be nothing but idiotic idolaters.

>> No.14085309

He mentions "hermetic tradition", from Evola, somewhere.

>> No.14086220

there's no problem believing in something science doesn't talk about, something that's accepted but not by every svientist, or anything that goes against social science. the problem is when you believe in something as verifiably false as astrology, it's kind of like being a flat earther.

>> No.14086321
File: 77 KB, 728x549, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my country has the most relevant and influential philosopher (linguists count) in the world.

>> No.14086328

>It's amazing how someone could have read Guenon, Schuon, Chesterton and Evola and even so get to build such a stupidy philosophy
Kek. Far from amazing, it's expected.

>> No.14086392


This is one of the few people who lends philosophy a dignified name in today’s world

>> No.14086416

>when someone gives me proof that I'm wrong, they're proving my point
>when someone insults me, they're proving my point
>when someone shits or breathes or thinks or exists, they're proving my point

>> No.14086508

There’s probably something to astronomy. I haven’t studied it well enough to know, but scorpios are definitely a “type” and you need it to unlock a lot of religious symbolism (and thus culture, and thus society)
Superiority based on not learning something different is a midwit trait

>> No.14086768

That's basically what Olavo teaches at his "philosophy courses".

>> No.14086791


>> No.14086828

>Carvalho: "Astrology is not science"

>> No.14086906

Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.14088294

Julius Evola