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/lit/ - Literature

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14076941 No.14076941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there an alternative /lit/ option missing?

>> No.14076952

yeah, post endless off-topic twitter screencap posts

>> No.14077038

Where's the getting addicted to opioids and browsing 4chan all day option

>> No.14077050

Could you post a more white liberal thing? Is it possible?

>> No.14077206
File: 177 KB, 1600x1200, 1571961070561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is not an option but a curse.

>> No.14077208


>> No.14077215

>kombucha on tap

could be the title of a retrospective on the 2010's. just perfect.

>> No.14077234

>read the western canon

>> No.14077241

>tfw crossposting the same content from Reddit to Twitter to 4chan so I can maximize my upvotes, retweets and (You)s

>> No.14077242

the /lit/ option is the actualize your life in the way you desire

>> No.14077247

I think it's the most solipsistic post I've ever seen.

>> No.14077262

what the fuck is kombucha
i have no idea what it is but I feel like I would hate anyone who does

>> No.14077273

Korean mushroom drink

>> No.14077279

Someone post the hamilton groupon copypasta

>> No.14077376

Why does an adult need a "nap room" at work?

>> No.14077388

Basically sweet fermented tea (using bacteria and yeast). The word itself is Japanese though, I’m pretty sure

>> No.14077419

>The word itself is Japanese though, I’m pretty sure
According to Wikipedia, the word comes from Japanese, but it was misapplied as the thing called konbucha in Japanese refers to a different kind of tea made with kelp.

>> No.14077427


>> No.14077517

It's weak alcohol that's supposedly good for digestion

>> No.14077574

Sometimes us adults get tired of adulting, anon! Hahaha

>> No.14077603

Why would an adult ever want to go home? When he can stay at work and play with his pals all day?! HAHA

>> No.14077628


>> No.14077676

He saying that the scope of the twitter post is so limited to that individual that the twitter poster cannot picture a life or experience outside of his own. It is easy to see there are not just four options in your life, two of which require you to be a homosexual.

>> No.14077683

e. start a quarterly that publishes the writing of people who regularly post on 4chan.org

>> No.14077697

sorry sir, this is 4channel.org

>> No.14077702
File: 138 KB, 394x448, F04EEAD3-8975-4431-9BF2-1F6AC586AC1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people scouring twitter instead of reading?

>> No.14077712

e) tripfag on 4chan for 3 thirsty orbiters

>> No.14077721

because you're expected to work 16 hours days

>> No.14077722

specify that on your resume and let me know what happens.

>> No.14077766

Most reddit reply I’ve ever seen. I hope you’re joking.

>> No.14077779

e) breathe poisonous fumes for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a south east-asian factory where you work 20 hours a day for a dollar a week compiling the latest iphone for westerners like brandon wardell in order to try and feed your family

>> No.14077791

you are a fucking retard

>> No.14078942

e. get a job

>> No.14079165

Based. I should listen to what my aunty tells me.

>> No.14079225

kys fag

>> No.14079235

This, but applied to your post.

>> No.14079256
File: 226 KB, 576x699, 1506718314147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw about to switch over to full-time making podcasts for a chill startup and re-enrolling in college classes

>> No.14079264

>e. write your masterpiece and finally kill yourself

>> No.14079280

this social media causes mind rot

>> No.14079335

Its more easy and efficient for the worker to sleep a few minutes or a hour between work hours. Some studies say its more effective, but i doubt it will make that huge of diference or compensate the money/work they didnt make over that hour of rest.

But some companies still add them anyways so they seem more "friendly" and "humane" to people when trying to contract them to work there. Even if its making office workers making less money in the end it helps create a good image for future workers and keep the ones working content that their company cares about them.

>> No.14079358

too many hr complaints from office sluts about how the broom closet smells of mold

>> No.14079391

Will you sit on my face if I buy you $200 worth in poker chips?

>> No.14079417
File: 30 KB, 480x473, 5R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he is talking about? A lot of people in STEM and finance/economy fields get a good job and career.

Is this just some humanities or arts cry at how worthless their studies are at landing a decent job and making money?

There is nothing that grinds my gears more than seeing graduates from oversaturated humanities or arts university degrees blaming on "late-capitalism" for having such shitty jobs. Like, do they really think that just because you live in some local commune you're gonna have a easier job? Or that people will need your shitty degree more?

>> No.14079425

Only one of the options is about your job. Finance guys definitely enroll in grad school.

>> No.14079433

you've entered: early adulthood as a white zoomer
these are your choices:

>wageslave for chump change
>enroll in college to delay^ for a few years. you never really learn much, but you can fuck a lot of fat ugly chicks and do drugs.

>> No.14079440

>Not doing 2, 1, then 3

>> No.14079449

we got an overachiever here boys

>> No.14079472

>working shitty data analyst job to pay the bills
I wanted to be a mathematician.

>> No.14079483

Yeah and neither me or any of my friends that took engineering degrees have some soul sucking job that completly drains our energy for the rest of the day.

>> No.14079487

How do you support this lifestyle?

>> No.14079492

Nothing in the OP suggests that you should. In fact, it strikes me that having the extra energy to start a cover band implies just the opposite. What point are you hoping to make?

>> No.14079536

I simply interpreted it as some whinning at how bad the prospects for mid to late 20s people are.