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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 207 KB, 680x564, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14074804 No.14074804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>live for the sole purpose of satisfying its instincts
>cannot entertain abstract ideas unless it involves graphic pornography
>can tell the name of infinitely more pornstars than authors, scientists, artists or anything more related to societal achievement
>dedicate more time of their lives to masturbation than to any other activity, maybe even sleep

I fail to comprehend how this creature could exist. A coomer is a beast that transcends virtues. They go beyond slave mentality yet do not go forward, but backwards. They revert to a animal state of cooming, eating and sleeping. While it may be judged as pathetic and uncivilized that a grown man dedicates most of his energy to toying with his girth, it's undeniable that the coomer is free from the corrupted "virtues" of the tribe.

The coomer, as he cooms, achieves true freedom.

Can anyone even put forward a philosophical argument against the coomer?

>> No.14074810


>> No.14074846
File: 70 KB, 500x667, kuruminha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you want to make jokes, but just think about it.

The coomer is a man who found a way out of slave mentality. He embraces the ideology of coom, which denies worldly acclaims in favour of shameless masturbation and selfless pleasure to the very death and distruction of his psyche. The cooms rejects social interaction for absolutely no rational reason, therefore there must be an ideology. The coomer cooms much alike the anarchist destroyed and the romantics dreamed. He is engulfed in an ideological perception of the world where any idea that does not involve a sexual stimulus is summarily rejected and uninteresting.

The coom just wants to coom, and that is it.

>> No.14074875

Cooming is the most efficient way to escape the dread of existence. Other physical activities are not nearly as efficient as constant cooming. I find that only the most demanding intellectual activities like math can achieve close result so I do that for a living and coom when I have free time.

>> No.14074894

>found a way out of slave morality
Not sure about that one my man

>> No.14074897

a coomer is a slave to his dick

>> No.14074901

I've been a coomer since I was 13. I got a full-time job at the age of 22. I've had to jerk it in office bathrooms too many times. I once jerked it in a porta potty. Yeah, yeah. Porn is more important to me than food at this point and I hate it, but I can't stop cooming.

>> No.14074903

Are you me, anon?

I love for math and cooming. I often catch myself masturbating while deriving an equation, so much that I have conditioned myself to grow a boner whenever I take a test or must do a work that requires some calculations.

>> No.14074914

There's nothing out there for me.

Might as well just coom to death.

>> No.14074958

>I fail to comprehend how this creature could exist
it doesn't

>> No.14074971

Are you fucking retarded? Little single celled prokaryotes are alive.

>> No.14074987

And the rest of the time when separated from your vice, you lead a life of disquietude, frustration and misery.

>> No.14074995

Sexual arousal and activity subdue prefrontal neurotransmission.

>> No.14075014
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1563077251687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

”Fornication and pleasure,” says St. Jerome, ”pervert the understanding, and change men into beasts.”

St. Jerome also says, that there is nothing more vile or degrading than to allow oneself to be conquered by the flesh. ”Nihil vilius quam vinci a carne.”

>> No.14075021

He clearly never watched Legal Porn's DP gangbang.

>> No.14075022

St. Jerome never got to experience tugging his willy to a good porno with a hot babe.

>> No.14075028

Cases in point. Thanks for proving him right.

>> No.14075034

>jerking off to women they want to fuck getting fucked by other men

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.14075037

>The man who indulges in impurity is like a person labouring under the dropsy. The latter is so much tormented by thirst, that the more he drinks the more thirsty he becomes. Such, too, is the nature of the accursed vice of impurity; it is never satiated. “As,” says St. Thomas of Villanova , ”the more the dropsical man abounds in moisture, the more he thirsts; so, too, is it with the waves of eternal pleasures.” I will speak Today of the vice of impurity, and will show, in the first point, the delusion of those who say that this vice is but a small evil; and, in the second, the delusion of those who say, that God takes pity on this sin, and that he does not punish it.
>The unchaste, then, say that sins contrary to purity are but a small evil. Like ”the sow wallowing in the mire” (” Sus lota in volutabro luti – 2 Pet. ii. 22), they are immersed in their own filth, so that they do not see the malice of their actions;

>> No.14075044

This wojak and these threads are unironically going to improve people's lives.

>> No.14075046

You self-insert as the man. Duh.

>> No.14075056

What are some /lit/ Cooker essentials? What is this lifestyle called Sexual hedonist?

>> No.14075061

It's all a ironic clown show. Everyone knows everything is bad. No one is going to do anything since everyone is so embedded. No one commits to anything on this site. The spiritual people are larpers. The atheists are contrarian. The trannies hate themselves. The elitists are incels. Everyone is trapped in an ocean of hedonic coom. The world will soon be washed away in coom. No one believes anything anymore.

>> No.14075062


>> No.14075071

Read Marquis de Sade

>> No.14075096

I'm sure that if you saw some euro hoe getting eviscerated from behind by a pack of wild men of nubian descent, you'd agree with us.

>> No.14075103

I'm sure if you experienced the peace and freedom of being away from all of that brings, you would agree with me.

>> No.14075108

You haven't really coomed until you have experienced vr porn.

>> No.14075111

Nice reading comprehension faggot

>> No.14075122

>being away from all that

exactly. based and high iq

>> No.14075125
File: 308 KB, 620x413, the 50-years old coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I have three tabs to the right of this thread with hardcore pornography which includes, besides the usual debauchery and sodomy, incest, transsexuality and people getting urinated on.

I think it is over for me. I literally look like pic related.

>> No.14075129

you are stronger than you know

>> No.14075135

I bet u thought this was really deep and funny when u typed it up

>> No.14075138

The coom is what ends that state an returns you to existential dread though, it's the fapping with 50 tabs of coomtube open leading up to the coom that's euphoric

>> No.14075142

I've literally stopped watching porn and cut back to jerking it a couple times a week because of this meme

>> No.14075169
File: 100 KB, 941x611, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still throw the emperor down the reactor chute .

>> No.14075188

It has taught me to embrace the habit

>> No.14075201

Too busy cooming.

I live on neetbux. I often masturbate while listening to audio books because I can't for the life of me read Tolstoi while all I'm thinking is Riley Reid getting destroyed.

>> No.14075224

watch lezley zen bro she's my favorite

>> No.14075230

Same. If i do load up coomtube I just browse through selections of whatever videos show up instead of looking for anything

>> No.14075242

also watch austin kincaid hnnng

>> No.14075281

>Spend 10 minutes a day fapping
>Hurr you guys are just slaves to your flesh
horny saint projecting, all it is

>> No.14075282
File: 466 KB, 633x736, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think of this every time you are tempted to go.

>> No.14075287

>10 minutes
You're not a true coomer. I spend at least an hour a day fapping, sometimes as much as a few hours. I fapped 4x in one day a week ago. I'm past my prime though. Back when I was a super cumbrain horny teen I fapped 9x in one day. I believe that's my record.

>> No.14075289

>”Totum hominem,” says St. Cyprian, ”agit in triumphum libidinis.” (Lib. de bono pudic.) By lust the evil triumphs over the entire man, over his body and over his soul; over his memory, filling it with the remembrance of unchaste delights, in order to make him take complacency in them; over his intellect, to make him desire occasions of committing sin; over the will, by making it love its impurities as his last end
He is 100% right. Lust only grows the more you feed it, and will rob you of everything from your memory, to your reasoning, to what you will in life.

>> No.14075295

>muh lasting thing meme
nothing lasts in the end so I will just keep cooming thank you very much

>> No.14075300
File: 304 KB, 724x788, how to hide an errection - try reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you guys read any erotic literature?
Because this thread feels so fucking off topic, and wojak memes fucking suck.

>> No.14075307

>how to hide an erection
always wear pants/shorts with pockets and then just grab your dick and hold it if you get an erection in public it works for me

>> No.14075309

The joy reading, learning and hobbies yield is cumulative and can be reflected back on with enjoyment. They elevate the mind and give a higher, purer form of happiness that lasts. The pleasure from porn ends the moment it goes away and if reflected on, at best serves to inflame you to repeat the same thing over and over again. It's the same mentality as being a drug addict. If that is your philosophy, you might as well inject heroin too.

>> No.14075321


>> No.14075327

>jerks off to gay porn anyways
I have NEVER fapped to straight up gay porn. I've fapped to futas, genderbends, and traps. But I've never fapped to gay porn.

>> No.14075333

>I've fapped to futas, genderbends, and traps.
>I've never fapped to gay porn.

>> No.14075340
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality its % coefficient of bad habits vs good habits. There were heavy smokers and alcoholics who wrote good books. Your good habits need to be more life fulfilling than your bad habits, and you will never be truly free from bad ones. As long as you have a life fulfilling thing to do, you no longer be a broken man. Just stopping fapping won't change your life.

>> No.14075341

You will fap to gay porn someday, anon. Mark my words, you will.

>> No.14075352
File: 243 KB, 500x500, chaika not shocked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trips of truth
I m-mean, it's not gay if 2 guys fuck and one of them looks feminine and dresses up as a girl, r-right?

>> No.14075359

>nicotine increases cognitive activity
vs masturbation
>decreases prefrontal tranmission and puts you in a post fap fog all day.

>> No.14075362

No anon, its gay and a sin.

>> No.14075365


>> No.14075378

smoking is intellectual and not a bad habit
masturbation is anti-intellectual and a very bad habit.

>> No.14075383

Cooming is dopamine-enforced escapism, which makes it the most potent form of escapism out there. There is no evolutionary backing for addiction to videogames or drugs, but there is to fuckin COOMING HARD because that's how we propagate. Make no mistake though, coomers still subscribe to slave mentality. They self-enforce it because it's more comfortable than abstinence.
What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.14075395

should I start smoking instead of cooming in order to stop fapping?

>> No.14075398

Why, the appeal to futa and traps are that they're feminine as hell but still have a dick. You take away the femininity and you just have a disgusting, masculine dick

>> No.14075402

Speak for yourself, I'm reading and exercising more, working harder, and doing shit like cooming, playing video games, and shitposting less every day. Unironically what motivates me is being able to control my own thoughts properly. The mental clarity that a day of reading and work and no cooming or vidya gives you is amazing. Unless you work at McDicks or something though.

>> No.14075404

Reward yourself with a bowl of pipe tobacco every week of successful abstinence. If you fail, don't. If galaxybrains like Kant and Einstein smoked the pipe.

>> No.14075407
File: 271 KB, 585x585, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone on here even managed to quit. I really wish I could, but after a week or so, the loneliness of never having an intimate relationship hits so hard. I need to be anesthetized with coom. The longest I have ever gotten was like 4 weeks. I want to be a religious person which makes it even more pathetic. I was going to do it again tonight for the third time but decided not to. I always give in since I think I won't have the strength to resist. I am a weak overly emotional INFP person.

I feel as if I am going round and round on the cycle of suffering like the Buddha described or something. I say I'm gonna quit one day with so much pride, then I relapse and break down and go into debauchery for the next week until I resolve to quit again. It has been like this for the past 5 years of my life. Please God, get me off this wild ride of coom. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.14075408
File: 8 KB, 300x169, Sekiro-NPC-Tengu-of-Ashina-001-300x169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you say or believe, I'm human.

I won't speak for others, I'll only tell you what my heart desires. Human warmth. And in the hunger for that heat I have seen terrible things. This is what I am. A human being desperate for affection who lives cycles of production. I dream and seek the warmth and love of other bodies and other souls.

There is only absence. I cope. I still love the heavens.

>> No.14075412

Good for you anon. I was projecting. It is hard to not be cynical

>> No.14075415

what if I get addicted to tobacco instead?

>> No.14075417

Replacing it with a creature entails the same slavery. A woman is the same from experience, just makes the side effects more barable. I would suggest asking a priest or monk for advice, though I don't believe in God myself either.

>> No.14075423

ISFJ coomer here. It was destiny.

>> No.14075427

>Has anyone on here even managed to quit.
Honestly, as a huge supporter of /nofap/ as an idea - no. But i managed to switch to vanilla and stop edging. Maximum i ever quit was for 2 weeks, then hornyness becomes unbearable.

>> No.14075429

At least you can still be productive, think, read, and write.

>> No.14075441

You are wrong and you write like a woman.

>> No.14075447

It's extremely hard to not wallow in cynicism, especially if you haven't seen how good things can actually be. I've personally found that once you've had a real breath of fresh air you can't go back to the coom for any great length of time. Your brain just won't let you. Every time you coom you know you just pushed yourself a little bit further away from the kind of energy, focus, and mental clarity that living properly will bring you.

>> No.14075456

sex is also that bad? i have sex everyday with my gf

>> No.14075458

I am a believer in God. I guess I meant to say that I am not religious enough as I want to be. My thoughts are clouded with coom

>> No.14075460

He is right t. Former coom pro

>> No.14075468

>Your brain just won't let you
I wish it were that way for me

>> No.14075471

Just because you were so weak willed you couldn't control your wanking habits doesn't mean others can't do it with absolute ease.

>> No.14075472

I can't function at work or in public if I go more than 3-4 days without cooming. Once I hit day 4, I have a boner every other hour. My mind is constantly thinking about porn and sexualizing everything around me. Then I coom a few times over and over with big explosions and my mind finally calms down. It's a disease.

>> No.14075489

>yeah guys, quitting the coom is easy! what do you men I should do it then? t-that's for pussys haha

>> No.14075490

First, I learned to control it, which is arguably about as hard as breaking a well-formed drug habit, 100% serious. Second, some people may legitimately be able to control it with absolute ease and great for them, but there are tons of misguided coomers suffering out there and they're the ones who need help.

I'm also a bit skeptical of people who claim to be able to control it easily, but maybe that's just me projecting. I'll never know for sure.

>> No.14075499

literally the talk of an addict kek
>I can stop whenever I want!

>> No.14075501

Well, i'l tell you the truth, those two weeks that i handled - was during the time when i was hanging out with real people, talked to girls and even had a date. I just forgot completely about fapping because i was engaging in social activity and prospects of having real relationship.

Until of course i found out they are all whores, but that's another story.

>> No.14075518

Tell me anon, did the feeling of simple pleasure/happiness ever return, and if so how long did it take?
I coomed about 3 times a day from 12-18 and have only recently realized it's (at least partially) the cause of my anhedonia. Since then I've managed to quit for about a month a few times, but the omnipresence of porn and the ease of access always pulls me back.

>> No.14075526

>yeah guys, quitting the coom is easy!
If you got addicted in the first place and find yourself having to "quit" you're a fuckup.

>but there are tons of misguided coomers suffering out there and they're the ones who need help.
I don't disagree. My problem comes with those arrogant enough to say that having a wank every couple of days to old mate pornhub means you're addicted to wanking. Case in point >>14075499

>> No.14075553

>Until of course i found out they are all whores
What else did you expect?

>> No.14075558

I expected that virgins on imageboards were wrong.

>> No.14075561

>My problem comes with those arrogant enough to say that having a wank every couple of days to old mate pornhub means you're addicted to wanking.
it does, they're right

>> No.14075573

Almost everything that people here say about women is true. The messenger being a virgin is irrelevant. It's not hard to understand female nature.

>> No.14075595

Yeah, it has. I enjoy life now in a way that I literally could not when I was on the coom. You need to mentally prepare yourself for a life of never cooming again if you want to make it. At the end of every day you should expect never to have a wank again. Sure, you might do it some time, but it must be a strong exception, not just the norm that you conveniently pretend isn't a norm. Don't use it as a reward or coping mechanism, that's bullshit.
>My problem comes with those arrogant enough to say that having a wank every couple of days to old mate pornhub means you're addicted to wanking
I'd say if you feel overwhelming compulsion to blow loads to the point that it weighs on you if you don't for a few days, you probably are a bit addicted in the clinical sense - your body is craving the dopamine hit. I'm not necessarily saying you're an addict, but I know that I thought similar things when I was on the path down to being a legit coomer.

>> No.14075613

LOL That's what they all say, and they all wound up becoming hypno-fueled BBC "Queen of Spades" branded crossdressing sissies in the end. And it will happen to you!

>> No.14075622

How come you know all those words, anon?

>> No.14075629

Pot, kettle, etc. etc.

>> No.14075634
File: 245 KB, 787x1016, chie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not change your life but I sincerely want to help you.

>I am a weak overly emotional INFP person

Judging from your post, I do not think you even know what is 'yourself'. What you claim to be your greatest pleasure in life, per example, has only rendered you frustrated and miserable. You are yet to know what brings you joy in life, if there is such even a thing and if that thing is even achievable.

Stop using these personality test scores. You have much to live before you can actually answer those little questions they ask.

>I need to be anesthetized with coom

The fact you've worded this so carefully is worrying, and an indicator that you've given this enough thought to be an actual certainty about yourself.

So, be ready: most of your life will be pain and you will go through this suffering alone. Such was and still is the experience of the majority of people who have existed, you are not alone in your experiment. If masturbating is how you distract yourself from this pain that is a certainty of the life of mediocre people, oh boy, I am happy I am not your right hand. The greatest issue is that if cooming is your source of joy, and you are still this miserable; it is likely that absolutely nothing in life even makes you want to live. I won't even bother asking about close relationships with loving relatives and friends because it is clear you do not have such a thing - also not new, most mediocre people don't truly have any.

The thing is, cooming COULD be your only option, to the point life has absolutely nothing to offer you besides watching other men banging women.

>But we must make sure that is the case

I don't how unlovable (ugliness + illness + low status...) you are, but if you at least think someone could love you (not necessarily a girl), it's worth taking a shot at life. We must find that joy that is missing from your terrible existence.

Here are a few usual guides:
>insert yourself into any group (an acting studio, a sports club, a writers club or whatever) that has slightly above average people. The happiness of trying to impress people who are better than yourself at the craft at first, but then training hard, succeeding and befriending them is a little aventure of personal achievement that is a complete story with a well defined arc.
>fall in love for some random girl in your job / classs / club, etc. Then try to improve yourself to impress them. Sure, you will fail and get rejected, but you will still have been working for something instead of cooming (wearing better clothes, shaving the neckbeard, things will help you grow in life)
>many more

We need to discover something else that brings you joy, Anon. Either that, or I tell you to head back to the basement to watch some incest porn parody.

>> No.14075640

based chiebro

>> No.14075645
File: 78 KB, 721x1280, 1571416707655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I believe futa gives a special kind of power for the character. For some reason, the futa dick for me is some kind of... inhuman ability that can surpass any obstacle.

>> No.14075648

The coomer is in conflict with his father. This conflict can be useful if the coomer has faith and wishes to meet his father in heaven, or perhaps understand his place in the world and how he wishes to shape it. But the coomer will achieve nothing while remaining a coomer. Just as Christ died with his arms outstretched, so must the coomer accept his own death such that he may be reborn at one with his father and his will may be made fruitful on earth.

>> No.14075652

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.14075654

>coom at least twice a day with hour+ long coomtube sessions
>can't focus, can't be creative, loose passion for my studies and hobbies, feel like shit
>stop cooming more than once every other day, stop using porn
>not nearly as depressed, start writing again, start being happy and excited to do hobbies and work on studies
the world isn't as bad as it seems. you just think it is because your reference point for "good" has shifted so far out of whack because you're regularly bathing your mind in media designed to be as stimulating as possible to the primal, animalistic part of your psyche.

personally I'd like to stop cooming entirely but it's going to be difficult to get there

>> No.14075662

Dude just stop doing that. Get off the fucking computer and put your phone away. Idle hands and all that stuff

>> No.14075666


>> No.14075670

I just recently had an idea about free will that uses a parable of a porn addict to make its point.

>> No.14075674

Talking about it, boredom is the greatest ally of masturbation.

>> No.14075675

If you lack the will to quit yourself and you have health insurance you should find an inpatient rehab clinic that deals with addiction. You can be saved but only if you really want to be saved.

>> No.14075682
File: 237 KB, 500x370, tumblr_inline_myu0laPlsv1qlrx1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded

>> No.14075689

To all Cigarettefags, what about Cancer?

>> No.14075704

Cigs are not as bad as they say and I guess it's mostly the synthetic butts that cause problems. I'd like to go back to a time where more people smoked and it's not seen as a degenerate addiction

>> No.14075721

you're addicted to wanking

>> No.14075726

what about homegrown pipe tobacco?

>> No.14075729


get a life and have sex before you try to be an authority on literally anything

>> No.14075737

just give in brother and keep on cooming

>> No.14075741

tell me anon, are you a virgin?

>> No.14075744

I roll cigarettes without filters and they feel better on my head for some reason, but I think it's harsher on the lungs. Running at a reasonable speed is like knives in my chest lately

>> No.14075751

I am a coomer

>> No.14075860

do not coom too deep into the abyss or the abyss may coom back into you
- a coomer of old

>> No.14075934
File: 138 KB, 640x640, 1513045997211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers are retards who cant meditate, usually ADHD/ADD fags.

>> No.14075982

Catholic anons, how do I confess to fapping to loli and trap hentai? Do I straight up have to say cp and homo porn, that makes it sound a lot worse than it is, since it's only been drawings.

>> No.14075986

You wont be able to process your own tobacco

>> No.14076190

please don't post my husband you fucking coomer

>> No.14076460

You're addicted to wanking and copulation.

>> No.14076464

good post

>> No.14076476

Imagine having strong opinions on the masturbation habits of others

>> No.14076511

Imagine not.

>> No.14076604

Behold. Der coomer.

>> No.14076610

There is a demon in you son

>> No.14076629

Based and redpilled
and traps
Based but bluepilled

>> No.14076636

All abominations.

>> No.14076782
File: 55 KB, 400x533, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1546016811087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it a fucking job you hate doing and spend 30 minutes on cooming on a regular workday. Try to fap to stuff that visually disgusts you since online porn addiction exploits visual cues. So don't go for fetish porn since most if it won't visually disgust you. On the contrary, some taboo will make you interested and you will be looking for cues of this or that taboo in real life if you have one. So fap to stuff that visually disgusts you and make fapping a chore. Look for disgusting stuff and focus on the discussing part. Like the broad shoulders of a nigress, the butterface, the roastflaps, the hank hill ass, the fake teeth of a granny, the sloppy dick of a tranny gettng railed in missionary. The hardest part the beginning will be finding and focusing on gross parts. Try to cut down on positive visual cues as much as possible. Take for example the nigress. It's easy for your coomerbrain to neglect her manly build since she got big boobs or thicc as. So next time find one with flat chest and her male features will become more prominent. Soon you will get full of it. What you can do after you have coomed is doing some activity you want to get into like reading, knitting, chess whatever. I'd do something that is easy to do and digest for you and not another chore. Soon you have deprogrammed yourself and will only find urge to coom when confronted with jezebels on /lit/ however, you have already settled your next fap session to some monstrosity who still found dick. If you are deprogrammed you need to figure how you to sexually reprogram yourself. If you don't seek human companionship go for male pov gf handjob/blowjob or lesbian stuff. Try to cut out male penetration since it's strong visual stuff.

>> No.14076802

I have never imagined the severe cases of coomers. God be with you lads. The first thing you can try is fap to no porn for a week then gradually work to no fap no porn. Also fix your diet and try to lift. This is all actionable advice. For the internal you gotta search in you and find your inner game.