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File: 30 KB, 333x500, Being and Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14072549 No.14072549 [Reply] [Original]

Something so revolutionary and perfect in timing to yourself that it cannot be said to be anything other than essential to your own being.

>> No.14072553

Too bad us Entps can only appreciate something in such a truest sense while in the moment. After that point it fades only into an abstract appreciation.

>> No.14072558

i wouldnt be that autistic about it but reaper man was a pretty good book.

>> No.14072567
File: 256 KB, 1125x1058, 43BCDB64-24D5-4730-962A-93F0AA63C8AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the Unique and it’s Property.

>> No.14072577

Have you guys literally done nothing in your life? No call to adventure, no braving of the storm? - which can only be a storm but shall forever be the storm.

>> No.14072614

Egoid here,
based autism poster

>> No.14072646
File: 15 KB, 320x247, Sad Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was being especially 'un-autistic' in that post anon.

>> No.14072654

It’s ok anon, you’ll get better. If it makes you feel better I hate all the edgy 14 yr old egoists

>> No.14072692

i didnt need a bullshit philosopher to tell me what i wanted to do with my life. ive got no clue what your idea of "braving the storm" is, but you wont find it in a book.

>> No.14072704

Yea maybe he’s on some nietzschean shit, even then according to le edgy German man “he can’t give you the answers to your own problems”

>> No.14072716

The Sword of Honor by Evelyn Waugh. In my 20s I would have said Anna Karenina. As I get older though I identify with Guy Crouchback. He is a British ex-pat living in Italy whose wife has left him and who is experiencing a spiritual deadness. He returns to England and volunteers to fight in WWII to find meaning.

>> No.14072821

Thanks anon, that does make me feel better. It's just I'm somehow autistic but socially charismatic and confident- I feel a schism in my self, my own being feels lacking by this extra, heavy, content.

I just can't into justing anymore anon. I don't know whats wrong with me, I can't feel, I just can't feel, I can't feel anymore; I'd like to, but, well, it's 'settled'. 'Life' I guess.

,maybe I am Insane.

"Just a phrase" anon, that's all it is.
Don't be like this, philosopher espouses the core of our own very being -- it really matters not its literal effect.

Haven't read Nietzsche yet, just a phrase.

>> No.14072827

>He returns to England and volunteers to fight in WWII to find meaning
Well, does he find it?

>> No.14072835

Yes, but not because of fighting.

>> No.14072843

Pls don't tell me he finds the "le don't kill" trope. But yea in the context of that fight I would agree with it. None the less my question remains.

>> No.14072858

You’re over thinking it. Be a little “daoist” and stop thinking about your mannerisms or whatever, you have no reason to be apologetic or conscientious. Just act however comes naturally to you.

>> No.14072879

The feeling that I am only coping an unstoppable storm comes natural. I do not overthink, I do not under-think. I only think. I myself understand that I must draw away from particularity's, however identification a man cannot go without.

Quantity, quality, whatever they're the same anyhow.

>> No.14072890

Essentially what I am saying is to ignore my innate quarrelling's would be a greater problem and cope than to identify them. Believe me I've tried to just put them aside but they always come back, and until they do they only ever result in the effect of a smaller consciousness.

I'm not insecure anon, it's just a lacking of feeling.

>> No.14072908

I have a real obsession with Kant and First Critique and even though I've never read a word of it.

>> No.14072920

the point is to just not think anon, these things do not matter and by worrying about them they seem unnatural. They don’t belong in your conscious, you aren’t supposed to think and worry how you stand in a presentation etc. you’re just supposed to act natural. These problems will work themselves out for you anon, by then you’ll forget about them, just Bee yourself haha.
You tryna samefag me?

>> No.14072923

I think most feel that way in some sense to a philosopher. Just read a bit of Heidegger, he says so much so slowly and I feel I gained very little knowledge from those words. Are the earlier areas of Being and Time simply 'setting it up' for later?

>> No.14072930

Get around to it, it’s pretty good. The rest are good. They’ll help you for when you start getting into Hegel.

>> No.14072948

Why do you keep calling me that? I'm literally the Op and a Platonist.

>the point is to just not think anon, these things do not matter and by worrying about them they seem unnatural. They don’t belong in your conscious, you aren’t supposed to think and worry how you stand in a presentation etc. you’re just supposed to act natural. These problems will work themselves out for you anon, by then you’ll forget about them, just Bee yourself haha.

Why do you think it's anything to do with presentation? It's just an innate uncaring, I can't make myself care anon. I lack a lived experience for which I cannot find. It doesn't matter if I feel good or bad (for my 'problem' is beyond that) it is really just a lack of feeling and by extension the subject progression of my own individual. Feeling as a result of subject of course.

Remember anon, a man cannot leap over his time/

I am by little means an exception, and the only spirit I see is artificiality.

>You tryna samefag me?
No I was just clearing up my own post.

>> No.14072978

I have multiple translations and thousands of pages of secondary material string on my shelf. I'm honestly afraid that I'll be exposed as a fraud the moment I touch it.

>> No.14072989

You're infinitely more a Fraud! the longer you don't touch it to avoid perceiving yourself as such.

>> No.14073012

I’m denoting myself with egoid
This is what I meant earlier with the autism, you’re too worried about your presentation when there’s no such thing as a wrong or right presentation, you just have to start acting and going about your self and your day, and see how things go. Don’t put thought into things that don’t need it of a lot of it.

>> No.14073021

asterix in switzerland by goscinny and uderzo
it's my favourite of the whole series

>> No.14073034

>Don’t put thought into things that don’t need it of a lot of it.
Firstly they do need it a lot, for they are the prime difficulty's of my current self.

>when there’s no such thing as a wrong or right presentation
Again, it's not about presentation. And Secondly this is an incredibly stupid thing to say.

>> No.14073062

My dear is being exposed as a fraud. I already know I am one.

>> No.14073078

So whats ya problem?

>> No.14073086

This is exactly why you are having problems anon. You shouldn’t be thinking of these things at all, you should just be behaving how you naturally do and if that involves thought then stop thinking “somethings wrong”. Also, don’t let Plato spook you when his philosophy is literally one of the easiest to deconstruct

>> No.14073107

Anon you are quite literally asking me to shrink my conscious thought to the gaze of experience with which an animal knows reality.

>> No.14073115

I read The Tunnel by Gass, and in some ways the book eerily reminded me of my own life, the alcoholic parents, the slow "decay" of things and people. I was also a nazi at one point which i am terribly ashamed of.
I also read the final chapter while sitting in my basement room, very intoxicated, while someone was walking around outside trying to get in. Probably the most terrifying moment in my life, like the tension and panic in the book was mirrored by reality, left a big mark on me.

>> No.14073121

I’m not, I’m asking you to stop being so self conscious, I’d suggest you read into daoism, lao tzu and zhuangzi would probably be very beneficial for you.

>> No.14073124

Decline of the West. I have since come to seriously doubt Spengler was right but when I read it it had an enormous impact on me and for maybe 4 years dominated a lot of my thought. While I don't think he was right the idea of parts of reality being the expression of symbols, of having a logic and meaning to their existence that seems effected from outside causality, this idea has never left me and continues to be practically the only escape from nihilism I can find.

>> No.14073139

Again anon, you seem to be projecting what experience of problems you have had. I don't get self conscious, I'm good looking, tall, charismatic and intelligent.

Self conscious =/= any emotional difficulty

>> No.14073143

I don't feel much anymore, I register but it doesn't seem to pierce anything but entering the facade as an extroverted structure of feeling.

>> No.14073203

It’s pretty obvious to tell what your problem is, but do read into those guys. You really are giving things too much thought that don’t merit it, trust me, no one else does this. You need to put your brain into chad mode

>> No.14073240

but youre assuming i havent lived, or that my life is somehow worse because i havent found a big philosophy book to attach my identity to. you asked me to name a book i found important to me and i did. i discovered mark twain and terry pratchett when i was first getting into writing and they've influenced my own books ever since. i know that might sound shallow to someone who's every thought is consumed by "personal" philosophy parroted from someone else and mbti results, and who in anastrophe speaks on an image board to sound clever. "it matters not"? are you posting on 4chan or writing a fucking poem?

>> No.14073245

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.