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14072330 No.14072330 [Reply] [Original]

>reading book
>author uses C.E., B.C.E.
>stop reading book

>> No.14072387

Based and christpilled

>> No.14072395
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>Christian Era
>Before Christian Era

>> No.14072416
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>write letter to publisher and tell them they have lost you as a customer

>> No.14072436

It genuinely annoys me. They may as well roll out the secular calendar from the French revolution if they want to be that autistic.

>> No.14072468


>> No.14072478

I once got an F on a presentation in high school because I used AD and BC instead of that.

>> No.14072511


>> No.14072516

pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.14072526

I have no difficulty believing this at all.

>> No.14072528

Based Christcuck

>> No.14072536

What is the origin of our pinning time to the birth of a dead jew again?

>> No.14072566


>> No.14072570

lying on the internet is a sin anon

>> No.14072571
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>reading book
>author uses a Sumerian calendar

>> No.14072581

You know how in Rome people named the years based on the consuls in charge that year? And how middle eastern people calculated dates based on the king/pharaoh in charge at that time?
If Jesus is the King of the Universe, the logical conclusion is counting years starting from his Birth and the beginning of His Kingdom.

>> No.14072589

Is the answer to this mistake a return to the French Republican calendar?

>> No.14072595

>author doesn't use ab urbe condita

>> No.14072605

This. It's so silly. Why exactly does CE start when it does? Why are we in the year 2019 CE?
It's like that progressivist who isn't radical enough to call for the abolishment of the country but finds it horribly embarassing when someone flys a flag.

>> No.14072606

I had a Muslim professor that said he'd give our papers zeroes if we said Muhammed wrote the Quran instead of transmitting it.

>> No.14073049

The only thing worse is when there's a section in the introduction explaining the books male or female pronoun usage. I fucking hate modernity.

>> No.14073063


>> No.14073133

name a book that has this

>> No.14073239
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Stoicism and the Art of Happiness is one example but I've seen it a bunch of times.

>> No.14073248

i had a teacher who was anticlerical and praised the crap of french revolution and still used AD and BC and thought it cringy not to

>> No.14073257

>self-help is gay
your own fault desu

>> No.14073272

It's not just a self help thing, notes on gender are becoming more common in any sort of scholarly book.

>> No.14073333

this really is the end times

>> No.14073341

The Kali Yuga, yes.

>> No.14073367

>I've deliberately tried to vary the gender
print that book out so you can throw it in the trash

>> No.14073380


>> No.14073487

based professor.

>> No.14073679

Is this not what it means?

>> No.14073945

(Before) Current Era

>> No.14074182

It's common era, not current era.

>> No.14074860

>2773 AAUC
>not using anno ab urbe condita

>> No.14074883
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>reading book
>narrator says the events to follow took place in 18--

>> No.14074932
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lol it's been two thousand years and the kikes are still seething about Jesus

>> No.14075310

>before common error

>> No.14075336

Many books published since 2000 AD or so have this simpering bullshit in them, it's a real thing that a lot of modern 'authors' do.

>> No.14075554

They still both refer to the life of Jesus, so it's pretty pointless trying to replace B.C. and A.D.

>> No.14075569

We should also get rid of the names of months and weekdays that reference gods

>> No.14075576

I had a phil professor who told the class he would give us an F if we used BC/AD dating. I shit you not.

>> No.14075580

For sometime, I recall C.E.and B.C.E. being the "accepted" standard on wikipedia. Thankfully it appears to have changed.

>> No.14075596


>> No.14075601
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How about planets?

>> No.14075607

"Christian Era" does, but the Jewish textbook writers (and it's not that /pol/ to say this, it's simple fact) define it as "Common Era" in an effort to whitewash the whole thing as much as they can. Now, the number itself is obviously still a date since Jesus or approximately, but the name is now purged of any such reference.
That's just it. The Hebrews making this stuff up don't hate the pagans the same way they hate Christ. Name a month after Julius Caesar, or Augustus? Cool. Name the days of the week after Thor and Odin? Right on. Name the year after Jesus? That's anti-semitism!

I'm not even anti-semitic, I'm a pro-Israel boomer and Zionist for eschatological reasons, but if you don't see this stuff you're blind.

>> No.14075632

>retaining christian calendar but renaming to common era
don't they realize this just further naturalizes the use of christ as the fulcrum point around which all history turns? it's completely fucking retarded. BC/AD leaves the issue open and frank instead of just pretending it isn't based on that. plus Anno Domini is much fucking cooler to say than Common Era. Tyson/Harris/Dawkins fags need to leave

>> No.14075660

>I'm not even anti-semitic
Noble, bro. But jews are still anti-you.

>> No.14075664

They could at least use Era Vulgaris

>> No.14075678

Same thing as 2000 years ago. They thought killing Jesus would end the whole thing, it didn't. They'll keep attacking Christianity, but thankfully "you can never kick Christianity downstairs, only upstairs."
I'm well aware. But it's the Westernized liberal Jew I'm afraid of, Bibi and his friends at least are at arm's length and can't do much more than get us into dumb middle eastern conflicts (which is very bad, but the spiritual decay of the west at home is worse).
Even using Latin would legitimize Christ. Accepting Latin in this context is accepting Rome, and accepting Rome as having anything to tell us about the calendar would come too close to accepting her in her later years as an authority on religion.

>> No.14076099

I really don't understand why leftist academicians insist on using BCE/CE dating when they still use the same numerical calendar for sake of convenience. They are all inauthentic radicals who stop short of living true to their ideals because they know it's impractical.

>> No.14076127

As much as authors may try, they aren't going to succeed. Fighting 2000 years of tradition, both religious AND secular? Not going to happen. This is just a temporary fad, and it'll go away eventually. And as >>14075632 says, they aren't going to the effort to actually make a meaningful change so it's just going to reinforce the Jesus death date thing even more.

>> No.14076158

If there is before Christ and after death what happened to the years when he was alive?

>> No.14076174

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.14076232

Japanese people still do that

>> No.14076252

First you guys got me loving Jews, now you got me giving on on the nostalgia of my youth and switching to B.C./B.C.E. Keep up the good work, you will make a liberal out of me yet, possibly even a progressive.

>> No.14076330

I'm a Jew and when I was a kid I thought BC meant "Before Counting" lol.

>> No.14076355
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Honestly the idea of a non-christian system of measuring time ain't that bad, but C.E/B.C.E is plainly retarted as it defeats it's own purpose. Despite the rebranding, it's still Jesus's birth that defines the calendar. If they trully wanted a new, non-christian calendar they could measure time beginning from the construction of the first temple or the production of the first writing.

>> No.14076378

Imagine being this retarded lmao
(((Abrahamism))) is stupid and so are you

>> No.14076379

I've had multiple teachers force us to use C.E./B.C.E. in grade school. I remember being told more than once: "that's how you'll have to write it in college". Didn't go to college.

>> No.14076393

Tbh it's only Angloid post 1990 literature that might have this problem. Which means there is zero books worth your time that feature it.
I've seen some anglos editors change prior authors to fit this though.
Why do Anglo suck so much Jewish dick?

>> No.14076406

>former trump support here... Nuclear codes
Seems legit.

>> No.14076719

Is this what watching Fox news does to you?

>> No.14076751

Well he's right even if you're not a Muslim. Muhammad was supposedly illiterate and had the Quran written by his companions while he would recite it.

>> No.14077104

I think BCE and CE replacing BC and AD is the perfect example of the utter pettiness of Jews and also their complete control over society. It's really redpilling when you see how far they're willing to go to change something so small and trivial. And people think it's conspiratorial and crazy to think that these same people would also want to and work towards the destruction of the Christian/European culture and its people.

>> No.14077775
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The latest Oxford Annotated Bible NRSV has it before Proverbs, Exodus, and maybe some others I'm forgetting