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14071328 No.14071328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that discuss clownworld TradNationalism?

>> No.14071356

Difficult to spin 'some people on the Internet think acting contrarian makes them interesting and intelligent' into a full length book

>> No.14071376
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>Wanting social cohesion = Being an incel.

>> No.14071397

Bit rich coming from such an antisocial lot

>> No.14071402

I'm only antisocial because everyone around me in society is a degenerate.

>> No.14071412

You sound weak or think you have a weak immune system. You either need to find a way to peacefully disengage and be a hermit somewhere or learn to enjoy the ride. Loneliness will cripple you.

>> No.14071418


>> No.14071438

>Wanting social cohesian

>> No.14071484

Smoke a joint and stfu

>> No.14071524

>the way to ensure social harmony is to oppress everyone who is different from me, that's got a great track record

>> No.14071527

Scruton soul of the world

>> No.14071680

lmao get laid cuck

>> No.14071701
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Guenon and Evola suck. all tradnats are fucking brainlets who are nostalgic for an era they would've been typhoid peasants had they been born in that time

>> No.14071709

typhoid would be preferable to being exposed to the disease of liberalism

>> No.14071773
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feel free to check out any time then

>> No.14071794

It does.

>> No.14071880

Alternatively we can make our own society and survive the collapse, then round up the likes of you that remain in camps. I see no downside.

>> No.14071923

>le social harmony face

>> No.14071938


>> No.14071953

/pol/ in a nutshell

>> No.14071961

>external conflict is the same as internal conflict

>> No.14071965

>political slide thread
>expecting books

>> No.14071976

>browsing nu-/lit/ in 2019
>expecting literary discussion
HAAA!!!! Newfag, get the fuck out.

>> No.14071980


>> No.14071983
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>He thinks people become traditionalists and nationalists to get women
Imagine being so mentally colonized by women to where you cant fathom or relate to men doing things for any other reason than to appease them.

>> No.14072092

i like cocks tho

>> No.14072096

this but ironically

>> No.14072173

you're shitposting on 4chan at 1pm, you probably don't have a job, beat off to porn and do drugs

>> No.14072191

Imagine being a right-wing trip-fag lmao get a life cuck

>> No.14072193

Dilate, tranny

>> No.14072207

White societies were homogeneous until very recently. To desire a return to that, and the expulsion of the jew undermining it, is normal and healthy. Never let anyone make you think otherwise.

>> No.14072213

I hate trannies and think every one of them should be forcibly put in hospitals, try a different ad hominem next time

>> No.14072224

You're not one of us no matter how hard you LARP, you tranny shill.

>> No.14072225

>Americans think the entire world has the same time zone

>> No.14072227
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Being a tripfag is my job. I pay myself to do it.

>> No.14072231


>> No.14072232


>> No.14072620

>implying the person on the right exists

>> No.14072635
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Books are for faggots

>> No.14072671

Guy in picture actually writes self help books now you should check them out and help yourself out of lurking boards you are not intellectually capable of contributing to

>> No.14072713

I was being sarcastic
Anyways what a chad

>> No.14072749

Guy in the picture might as well been dead from overdose on testosterone and that wouldn't change anon's narrative.

>> No.14072773
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>white women
lmao, reminder that the amount of single women 40 or older is more than 5x the amount of single men in the same age bracket, enjoy that career or mulatto mud baby or whatever other affectation you decide makes you 'interesting' while you can, it all comes back to you while the world moves on

>> No.14072799

>crumb of pussy

Are we stealing normie memes again?

>> No.14072831

4chan is a normie website full of normie memes. There are no "secret 4chan memes" anymore.

>> No.14072856

>dying horribly is better than the modern world
Then kill yourself

>> No.14072865

This. No one in their right mind would intermingle with those absorbed in sin and degeneracy.

>> No.14072870


>> No.14072876

>Traditionalist means hundreds of years ago, not literally just a few decades back

Yikes, imagine being this stupid.

>> No.14072884


>> No.14072888

I don't think that's his argument anon. Can you read it again and start over? Perhaps this time we can comprehend it. I'll help--learning's fun!

>> No.14072891

Evola and Guenon weren't nationalists and thought nationalism missed the point when it came to tradition. Read a fucking book, nigger!

>> No.14072895


Enjoy your used women and escapism lmao.

>> No.14072950

You are part of the problem

>> No.14072955


>> No.14072972

Don Quixote is essential 'the modern world is confusing and upsetting, so I will live in a fantasy based on an imagined past' core

>> No.14072976

Most trads are retarded luddites though. Electrotechnofascism is far superior.

>> No.14072982

>Not Anarcho-technofeudalism

>> No.14072988
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>> No.14072994

Can we help you, nonwhite interloper?

>> No.14073011


>> No.14073018

this, but without anarchotechno part

>> No.14073024

I'm antisocial because I get depressed around people. Meeting others is fine twice a year, when I can look at them like bird feeders look at birds.

>> No.14073051

i actually have social skills, but world around me is normal and secular and im very religious so i dont even try to form any deeper relationships because thered be no point

>> No.14073064

major cringe & yikes from me desu senpai

>> No.14073093

I do have social skills. I use them when I get into trouble.

>> No.14073099


>> No.14073112

im not an autist tho so it can get quite lonely, but oh well, such is life

>> No.14073185

Yeah being around friends or people too long will make me depressed and I see my IRL friends about once or twice a year while I talk to them online sometimes, if you are happier alone dont worry.

>> No.14073210 [DELETED] 

edgelord fantasy

>> No.14073256

>being a fascist for pussy
>being a fascist to purge degenerates and bring forth national rebirth

>> No.14073281

If you build it they will come.

>> No.14073305

Honestly you still would be if it wasn't

>> No.14073330

Only in edgelord fantasies of some zoomer

>> No.14073337


>> No.14073340

>omg his philosophical beliefs must be catered to attract the opposite sex
>why else would one have them

Some females are absolutely pathetic

>> No.14073370

>implying anyone is into this shit for any reason other than the hope they might get a qt submissive trad gf

>> No.14073386

The world doesn’t revolve around your menstrual cycles twat

>> No.14073402

Your docile wife will come anon. We just need to stop the Jewish brainwashing and all women will go back to being dutiful homemakers who don't sleep with other men and give you cause to feel inadequate

>> No.14073407

>he can't even be a degenerate

>> No.14073411

Ah, the socialist reveals himself.

>> No.14073427

No I actually want a whore wife and for my children to be raised by people who are descended from slaves :D

>> No.14073431

you are an autist and shes making fun of you for it

>> No.14073437


>> No.14073441
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Whats with the "everything resolves around pussy" for men? Is the highest virtue for these people getting their pp hard?

>> No.14073455

No please don’t X(

>> No.14073476

It’s female logic applied to men
the possibility that there is something more to life than what others think of you, that there is a life worth pursuing inherently good in itself is beyond their capacity to grasp. That’s why dress up like cup cakes, at the hopes of finding these men. What they find is a bunch of degenerates like themselves. The matriarchal society needs to be destroyed as well as these bonobos

>> No.14073542

300 replies, here we go! Based nu-/lit/!

>> No.14073578
