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14069714 No.14069714 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading the Breakfast at Tiffany novella
>Holy shit the Holly Golightly character is ten times more sociopathic and darker than she is in the film
> Cucks main character while explicitly stating her preference for BBC
> Raging homophobe
> Based capote pretty spot on about depiction of how women really are for a book written in the 50s

>> No.14069747

It's such a great book. The joke about the shrink/shrunken head is hilarious.

>> No.14069776

You forgot to mention the fact that she is only 19 and is courting 50 yo drug lords and other wealthy men. Hell of a character

>> No.14069793

Who wrote it

>> No.14069838

lol even only thing people are interested in about this film is just audrey hepburn

>> No.14069842

The book shits all over the film.

>> No.14070121

Even Capote couldn’t bring himself to like it

>> No.14070131

>one character
>depiction of how women really are
Why do incels do this to themselves and each other?

>> No.14070135
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>> No.14070148

>We do it to drive each other over the edge so that they commit atrocities for or amusement
^Is that what you're trying to say?

>> No.14070153

They might as well be different stories.

>> No.14070169

Imagine if Stanley Kowalski met Holly Golightly kek

>> No.14070253

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the deconstruction of the manic pixie dream girl trope. Holly’s emotional unavailability and to and fro persona makes her so magnetic in the book. She’s so hollow on the inside yet comes off as someone who is more distinguished than a bimbo. Capote captures such a chaotic energy with this character.

>> No.14070257

All the girls I have crushes on remind me of her...fukk

>> No.14070327

Capote is the real star of the story

>> No.14070360

>Why do incels do this to themselves and each other?
Could you have a weaker grasp on the english language?

>> No.14070367


bourgeois having writing about sluts for a long time, and there is not hing original on this book.

>> No.14070380

Huh. I think you've sold me OP. Thanks.

>> No.14071433

You ESL?

>> No.14071475

Ahh this novella is too good

>> No.14072357

Neither of them have a sense of serendipity as this book does

>> No.14072439

A girl I like has a shot of the film as her profile pic on Jewstagram.

>> No.14072488

Does the girl you like have similar characteristics to the protagonist of this novella? Because if she does...yikes chief

>> No.14072493

>courting 50 yo drug lords and other wealthy men
She’s a call girl — a prostitute — so what else did you expect?
It’s pointless comments like these — comments that, over and over, have nothing to do with the work being discussed — that led to today’s thread asking that you be banned. In response I see that you’re doubling down on the irrelevancy.

>> No.14072531

But that's the thing. She's NOT a call girl, or a prostitute. Prostitutes are more professional and direct in nature, establishing clear boundaries. Golightly's character walks across the thin line between being a woman who is doing this for their own pleasure and someone who is doing this as survival. There's an unbalance in this character's intentions and that's what makes her so interesting to watch. You simply don't know where she is coming from.

>> No.14072538

I hope they get banned, fucking faggot

>> No.14072546

who is that nigga

>> No.14072583

>X is the deconstruction
stopped reading

>> No.14072629
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Good point. What’s weird is that when I was reading it and all the descriptions of Holly, especially her apartment it reminded me of Hitlers speech to the workers union. When he talks about that class of people, who travel from place to place ruining the stability of their host countries, the homeless of the world etc. someone in the crowd yells ‘Jews!’, but Hitler doesn’t. Sure it’s implied but I think he knew better than to pigeonhole this phenomenon of the bougie class by attributing it to one race alone, even if the Jews represent the ideology of such a class. I think Hitler refraining from representing these people as strictly Jewish was that he had people like Holly in mind.

>> No.14072638


>> No.14072649

where does she state her preference for bbc??

>> No.14072663

But she is, anon. She’s a hooker. She gets paid for companionship/sex. That she tends to forget this/that it’s not explicitly stated in the novella doesn’t make it any less true.

>> No.14072677

OP is legitimizing their blacked account by projecting the picture of the wood carving the Japanese man took in Africa to mean that Holly liked niggers

>> No.14072680

The butthurt fly. She/he/it flutters into thread after thread, dropping pointless comments about books that she/he/it hasn’t read, and then flutters off somewhere else to do it all again. She/he/it is /lit/‘s attention-whoring distraction.

>> No.14072899

I used to not mind her but after her derailing of a great Henry James thread to talk about 'le epin communism, comrades!' she needs to be drawn and quartered.

>> No.14072907

I responded to the OP with this >>14070131 and it is very relevant. Your post, however, says nothing.
Except that the character is a callgirl. Someone disagrees already. No idea, so I leave it to you.

>> No.14072913

Apparently the conversation ran dry. If James is so epin, post another one. We’ve had millions of DFW threads. Go on.

>> No.14072965

This board, at its best, is intellectual. At its worse it’s a meme spamming cancer site. If you are trying to have a clear voice and presence on this site by having a known trip code, why partake in the latter? A psychologist would say that your openness to be hated is inherently based in self hatred. I would agree, as you reflect what you are, that is, self deprecation. If I were to block you trip I’d still see the comments people make about you, which is still the aura you bring to this board. If you are not contributing to what’s good about this board please leave.

>> No.14072967


you say you’re an adult?

>> No.14072999

You’re a shit psychologist
I used your word, “incel”, once. And you react to it worse than blacks react to the N word. Why self identify with it?
And it’s still a valid question. All day everyday you generalize groups that aren’t your heterosexual white males under 25. And you dare to see yourself as intellectual. Hence “nitwit”.

>> No.14073010 [DELETED] 

"We had an irresistible guide, most of him Negro and the rest of him
Chinese, and while I don't go much for one or the other, the combination was fairly
riveting: so I let him play kneesie under the table, because frankly I didn't find him at all
banal; but then one night he took us to a blue movie, and what do you suppose?"
" I'm delighted. I want to have at least nine. I'm sure some of them will be rather dark -- José
has a touch of le nègre, I suppose you guessed that? Which is fine by me: what could
be prettier than a quite coony baby with bright green beautiful eyes?"
Why are you in denial of the preference of a fictional character? LMAO

>> No.14073015 [DELETED] 

"We had an irresistible guide, most of him Negro and the rest of him
Chinese, and while I don't go much for one or the other, the combination was fairly
riveting: so I let him play kneesie under the table, because frankly I didn't find him at all
banal; but then one night he took us to a blue movie, and what do you suppose?"
" I'm
delighted. I want to have at least nine. I'm sure some of them will be rather dark -- José
has a touch of le nègre, I suppose you guessed that? Which is fine by me: what could
be prettier than a quite coony baby with bright green beautiful eyes?"

>> No.14073026
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>Reading Breakfast at Tiffany's

Dude, you're out of high school. Stop reading that shit.

>> No.14073033

"We had an irresistible guide, most of him Negro and the rest of him
Chinese, and while I don't go much for one or the other, the combination was fairly
riveting: so I let him play kneesie under the table, because frankly I didn't find him at all
banal; but then one night he took us to a blue movie, and what do you suppose?"

"I'm delighted. I want to have at least nine. I'm sure some of them will be rather dark -- José
has a touch of le nègre, I suppose you guessed that? Which is fine by me: what could
be prettier than a quite coony baby with bright green beautiful eyes?"

>> No.14073044

I read In Cold Blood and I wanted more Capote

>> No.14073050

Are you a woman chief?

>> No.14073053 [DELETED] 


Wow You’re an idiot

>Why self identify with it?
Why self identify with it?

>All day everyday
You really are here that much, that’s depressing kek

>you generalize groups that aren’t your heterosexual white males under 25.
Guess whose hungry for some heterosexual white males penis under 25? I’ll give you a hint: it’s a fucking retard whose too stupid to contribute anything worthwhile to this board

>> No.14073057


>> No.14073067

With all seriousness, then you are most certainly a cuck of epic proportions.

>> No.14073069

Wow You’re an idiot

>Why self identify with it?
Why self identify with it?

>All day everyday
You really are here that much, that’s depressing kek

>you generalize groups that aren’t your heterosexual white males under 25.
Guess whose hungry for some heterosexual white males penis under 25? I’ll give you a hint: it’s a fucking retard whose too stupid to contribute anything worthwhile to this board

>> No.14073072

I am

>> No.14073073

You have a gift for drawing parallels mein friend

>> No.14073079

where does she state her preference for bbc??

>> No.14073081
File: 65 KB, 353x324, Asaperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In Cold Blood is good, but come on...Breakfast at Tiffany's?

>> No.14073082

-a whore for attention

>> No.14073088

Then how do you not see Holly Golightly as a representation of the primal indecisiveness and never ending wanderlust of women, a character trait that was taboo for a female in the 50's?

>> No.14073090

Are you really that stupid to think the passage means she prefers niggers?

>> No.14073101

I mean if my reading comprehension skills from 4th grade serve me right, the phrase " what
could be prettier than a quite coony baby with bright green beautiful eyes?" would leave me to believe that.

>> No.14073111

Yes, I would suggest you go beyond 4th grade reading comprehension before picking up an adult book, let alone visiting this site

>> No.14073125

why are you butthurt over the preference of a fictional character? L M A O

>> No.14073134

4th grade

>> No.14073138

"Of course I haven't anything against whores. Except this:
some of them may have an honest tongue but they all have dishonest hearts. I mean,
you can't bang the guy and cash his checks and at least not try to believe you love him. " - Holly Golightly (1948)

>> No.14073157

-Truman Capote*
4th grade

>> No.14073161

Wrong guy nigga

>> No.14073162


>> No.14073165

How about you go to /pol/ or r/atheism to discuss your oh-so altruistic and refined beliefs? Or if you must poison this well with your beliefs why not make a thread instead of derailing the efforts of the 3-5 anons on this board who still try to read?

>> No.14073181 [DELETED] 

Literally nobody in this thread said that, why the fuck are you screaming.
Also, Capote based this character off of his alot of his female celebrity friends at the time. You don't really get to know that side of a women unless you're a
1.) Gay nigga
2.) Friendzoned beta male

>> No.14073191

Truman Capote wrote Breakfast at Tiffany’s

>> No.14073194

Literally nobody in this thread said that, why the fuck are you screaming.
Also, Capote based this character off alot of his female celebrity friends at the time. You don't really get to know that side of a women unless you're a
1.) Gay nigga
2.) Friendzoned beta male

>> No.14073199

wrong poster

>> No.14073201

Cope harder

>> No.14073204

Have sex

>> No.14073209

My bad

>> No.14073214

that’s all you got lmao

>> No.14073219

I see I struck a nerve for some reason. I didn't write the book, channel you're frustration towards 1958 Capote.

>> No.14073229

*your. Autocorrect does not speak for me

>> No.14073233

All I got is sex. Can you say the same brother?

>> No.14073237

Yes my brain nerve is screeching at your reading comprehension

>> No.14073244

Fortunately I have a lot more so I can’t join you in the bareness of your pathetic life

>> No.14073247


>> No.14073275

I'm very happy that you lead a fulfilling life of meaningful pursuits and accomplishment that transcend the transient nature of materialistic pleasure. But also have sex

>> No.14073280

The OP literally contains this information

>> No.14073296

I am very happy to lead a fulfilling life of meaningful pursuits and accomplishments that transcend the transient nature of materialistic pleasure that include daily mind blowing tantric orgasms with your sisters

>> No.14073553


ebic cringe

>> No.14074303

>No idea
Yet here you are again, posting in a thread about a book you haven’t read. It’s quite the habit of yours. One wonders if you read anything at all, given your heavy shitposting schedule. One also wonders why you're so eager to demonstrate your ignorance. Why so desirous to insult others, and be insulted in turn? >>14072965 is right; you’re mentally ill. Can you please do everyone — including yourself — a favor and take your masochistic attention whoring elsewhere?

>> No.14074513


>> No.14074864

She also hates kids, always calls them brats.
Is a shameless gold digger.

>> No.14074871

>Based capote
Capote was a flaming faggot

>> No.14074908

She's not a call girl, she's a gold digger looking to marry a rich old man so she can live an easy life of luxury.

>> No.14074967

According to Capote in a 1968 interview:
>Holly Golightly was not precisely a callgirl. She had no job, but accompanied expense-account men to the best restaurants and night clubs, with the understanding that her escort was obligated to give her some sort of gift, perhaps jewelry or a check ... if she felt like it, she might take her escort home for the night.
She’s a lot closer to being a pro than she is to being a mere gold-digger. Stop romanticizing her.

>> No.14076323


gay insert character. tennessee williams and terence rattigan did this a lot too.

literally not a girl.

>> No.14076367

The npc lifestyle is truly ridiculous

>> No.14076421

Funny how this describes a more believable female lifestyles today than it did when the book first came out.

>> No.14076430


>> No.14076440

She is a good digger. Professionals have a very generous nature in comparison.

>> No.14076452

This isnt lusting bbc, its crass talk of racemixing.
>a quite coony baby with bright green beautiful eyes
Most liberals would call her a racist.

>> No.14077183

>She is a good digger
Once again, she’s not. You have to judge these things by the standards of the time. By 1958 standards her conduct quite clearly bordered on prostitution as she earned her living (paid her rent, clothed and fed herself, etc.) from questionable relationships with men. Gold diggers on the other hand were primarily concerned with marrying well — think Marilyn Monroe in How To Marry A Millionaire or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, both from 1953.

>> No.14078256

She was a bohemian opportunist

>> No.14078257


>> No.14079059

I’d feel nothing but absolute shame if I had a daughter who was like that

>> No.14079357

Sorry that your filmfu is a whore, anon.

>> No.14079989


>> No.14080512

Apologies. But she’s still a whore.

>> No.14080527

Her comment isn't pointless though, you stupid monist bastard. One character doesn't represent a whole fucking sex or gender.

>> No.14080715 [DELETED] 

White knighting for a boomer tranny? Let us know how that works out for you, faggot.

>> No.14080837

Your comment reminds me of the actual movie - the comical, and uber-stereotypical jap as a shitty landlord, even though everyone knows that all the shitty landlords in nyc are jews.

>> No.14080906
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she looks like kim petras

>> No.14080995

Not really. Audrey Hepburn was attractive; Kim Petras isn’t.

>> No.14081018
File: 197 KB, 1920x1056, Lily Collins as Snow White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Lily Collins

>> No.14081249

>Based capote pretty spot on about depiction of how women really are for a book written in the 50s
everybody has known how they are since forever