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/lit/ - Literature

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14069654 No.14069654 [Reply] [Original]

it's not like they're going anywhere

>> No.14069683
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An aspiring actor who has never touched a woman before, basically your standard 4chan friendless 25 year old khv gets offered a role as the lead in a movie that would advance his career. The movie involves a kiss at the very end and multiple romantic scenes between him and a girl. The whole plot is him having anxiety about the kiss scene and him thinking about going to prostitutes or going directly to the actress involved to ask her for help, plus some other extremes. Though he never does any of that because of his anxiety and resigns from the role a day before they start filming.

>> No.14069750

>Hope you went to your spanish classes, anons

El espacio puede ser solitario si lo miras, las estrellas solo sirven de compañia en la Tierra, aqui, no son mas que destellos que captan tu atención por no mas de algunos segundos, pues la repeticíon cesa en hastío, y el mismo cuadro visto una y otra vez, aburre, sea este el mítico retrato de Doryan Grey, como cualquier otro. Poco cayeron en esto los seres que me tienen flotando hoy aquí, pues las maquinas no te hablan a menos que tu cabeza las corrompa, personificandolas con nombre y etiqueta, aquella se puede llamar "Dulce", esa otra "Guinea", sin embargo, las estrellas todavía brillan lo suficiente.

La soledad te hace pensar, la mas temible acción del hombre, que tanto mal trajo a tantos y tanto vacío dejo en otros; la soledad de Starosta era singular, pues sin querer estar solo, había firmado contrato tras contrato diciendo a viva voz; ¡Cuanto anhelo la soledad y su mística, a la salud y a la enfermedad reiré, y no habra nadie alli cuando mi risa acabe y mi cuerpo muera! No se arrepentía, sin embargo, caía en un túmulto de existencialismo cada vez que rezaba encontrarse denuevo en la tierra, donde nadie lo esperaba, pero tanta gente había.

>> No.14070146
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>> No.14070440

During the last few months of WW2 a group of high up members of the nazi party seal themselves away in an underground bunker. The bunker has enough food and water to last them for years, and is covered under layers and layers of rubble and concrete, making it unlikely that the allies will ever find them. Then a Jewish ghost girl comes in and starts murdering them one by one. A young man is spared by the ghost due to his lack of involvement in the war, and then the rest of the story is him arguing with the ghost to try and convince her to bring his family back

>> No.14070911
File: 38 KB, 409x406, I hate this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Superhero Literature. It's been in my mind for some time. Thinking of doing a WordPress about it.

>> No.14071093

Posted it in the last one but anyways:
A research group in deep space on a ship hear a mysterious sound coming deep from within the galaxy. The people becoming so entranced by it they try and recreate the sound with the help of musicologists only for it to drive people on the ship crazy which ends with tragic consequences for the crew.

>> No.14071358
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A respected barrister on the cusp of retiring is shot dead in the middle of a trial - a chilling daylight murder that strikes at the heart of the justice system.

The barrister's restless ghost, infuriated at his life cut short just before he got to enjoy the fruits of a life of hard work, pleads with death to be allowed to remain just long enough to ensure his killer receives justice. Death agrees, and the barrister persists as a spirit and is introduced to the world of dark and monstrous creatures that live in the shadows of modern society.

As a ghost he can't interact with the physical world anymore, so he teams up with an antisocial young werewolf to try and find his killer. He uncovers an enormous conspiracy and criminal syndicate that straddles the mundane and fantastical worlds both. Committed to legalism, he works to bring it all into the light and see that justice be done. Meanwhile, he struggles with regret for a life spent working instead of living as he watches his estranged family grieve him.

It's part urban fantasy in the vein of Aaronovitch, part buddy-cop between an upper class old lawyer and a young gang member werewolf, and part treatise/critical analysis of the legal system.

It has a happy ending, and in the end the barrister is given the choice to move on or remain as a revenant/lich. He chooses to remain, and the novel turns into a wildly successful series of schlocky paperbacks for immature adults as he solves crimes and engages in institution-building.

>> No.14072675


>> No.14072737


>> No.14072790


>> No.14073255

I was gonna write a Alice's Adventures/ Phantom Tollbooth type of childrens novel using the major arcana as characters. Was gonna follow the protagonist on his fool's journey and be super comfy.... then I saw some dumb book about the fool and other moral tales or some shit

>> No.14073716
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There is no sound in space so your story hook is fucked make it a signal or something like that

>> No.14075357

I like the setting, but you don't seem to have a good idea where to go with it.
How about:
After first three dead nazis, the rest gears up. They find crosses and holy water and they try to fight the ghost. Reader subconsciously starts to root for the germans. They create a trap with a bloody star of David instead of a pentagram. They manage to catch the ghost with some loses and begin to perform a "jude raus" ritual. The Earth starts to tremble and for a moment they see a path to Sheol. After some flashes and weird noises the ghost disappears. However what is left is a living young girl. Not a black haired Jew, but a blonde, blue-eyed aryan. She tells the men, she fell into a sudden crack in the ground and on the surface there are 5 million angry dead Jews that are hunting the rest of living humans.
Das Ende

>> No.14075366
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Could this have been a good book?

>> No.14075424

Alt history:
Japan never bombs pearl harbor, america never gets invovled with nippon. Imperial japan gets to keep most of its empire only skirmishing in proxy wars with USSR. Communist china never rises, as japan never has to ceed control of most of the large chunks of mainland china it took over in wwII, korea never has a civil war, phillipines remain a japanese colony. vietnam gets real messy. Cold war is a triple threat of USSR, USA, and Imperial Nippon.

>> No.14075825

Not that crazy, it would require more explanation but theres plenty of instancs of recording sounds on other planets or stars. Radio signals are commonly interpreted as sounds

>> No.14075905

A vigilante who goes around hunting pedophiles and selling their bones, teeth and organs in foreign black markets.

>> No.14076041

>the leave the bunker
>the surface is just Evil Dead 3 but with jewish zombies

>> No.14076052

Its sci-fi
Far in the future, humanity as seperated into two groups, a group of elites that have transcended to an near immortal status but lack bodies, and regular people who maintain the status quo and live normal lives. At some point, the humans revolt and are subsequently culled, which leaves the immortals loving on borrowed time. They succumb to what is essentially a 'sleep' state to save energy, and send a select group od themselves in synthetic bodies to search, and eventually recreate human life.
The main character is the last of these, and he finds a clan of humans near the end. In the end he decides to exterminate the immortals, and doom himself, in order to let humanity start over again.

>> No.14076096

Yeah that's what I said, but I wouldn't write like it's a Soundwave going through space because even though it's fiction it would destroy the rest of your book if there is such a basik physical error
ID love to read your story

>> No.14076111

In the far future mankind has colonized a sizable chunk of the milky way. Suddenly one day, whole systems start falling into ruin as swathes of their population either commit suicide or fly into violent, seemingly random riot. The areas where this madness has spread to are completely quarantined with neither people nor any sort of information allowed to get out. Before the final system is locked down, it is discovered that the madness began on a planet where a think tank of the greatest scientists gathered to find definitive proof of the cause or meaning of the universe.

Centuries later, in a society that has scientifically stagnated since the quarantine, people can buy an expensive one way trip into the dead zone to try and learn the truth before they die. The story follows one such group of men as they journey deeper into the quarantine. Most off the conflict comes from the men arguing and even coming to blows over the nature of what the think tank proved (one man thinks they proved the existence of god, while another believes they proved the opposite, someone else thinks they proved that the universe is a simulation etc.) As they go along they visit various planets that were affected. Some are completely dead, others are dominated by strange nihilistic cults, while others still have survived by falling to pre-industrial tech levels and suppressing all old knowledge. The group does not find the answer on any of them.

As they land on the planet were it all originated, most of the men come to the agreement that what truth was revealed is irrelevant, and that humans are simply incapable of going on sanely once they know the true meaning of the universe. In the end, the truth is something completely innocuous. The story ends with all of the men looking at each other in silence and noticing that while they all have different emotions on their faces, the light in their eyes is gone and they stare at the world like dead men.

>> No.14076136

Short story about a guy with goat eyes who has the ability to see people's true nature and feelings, but the perception is vague and difficult to understand. His creepy eyes and uncanny ability to judge people has lead him to be isolated from a young age, so he avoids interacting too deeply with people but can't help but be fascinated by them. But in his early adulthood he meets a girl who doesn't seem to mind his strange nature so much and he accepts this because she is odd in her own ways. Long story short, she turns out to be a witch who is part of an occult human/organ trafficking ring which hunts and harvests individuals like him. She and her associates attempt to kill the protag, but he saved by a mysterious individual, although not before losing both eyes and being mortally wounded. Despite losing his eyes, his perception allows him to see things more clearly than ever before, and as he dies in the strangers arms, he finally realizes how truly blind he had always been, that although blessed with an extraordinary gift, he had squandered it selfishly.
It ties into a longer form story about the mysterious stranger, which is sort of a pseudo fantasy/occult/vampire novel.
What do you think anons?

>> No.14076149

The idea feels a bit wacky in summary, but I feel like it would be easy to get over if there is some half decent world building

>> No.14076314

Change the end to him overcoming his anxiety and gets the female and you have yourself a Hollywood hit.

Very nice, kinda reminds me of The Nine Billion Names of God.

>> No.14076977
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I'm probably never going to bother working for DC so the odds of getting the rights to this specific character are nill, but I like the idea of an insectoid/monstrous cape story where the protagonist has to infiltrate an evil legion of villains so as to undermine it from the inside long con style.

Goes back home to his girlfriend he was dating before the transformation and thanks to her being an Entomologist she's super into it. So it will bounce between exageratorily Breaking Bad esque near-disasters on the mission front followed by increasingly saddo-masochistic sexual sequences that go on for pages.

I want to make a particular goal of mimicking some of the moves done throughout the adventures out of bed in bed, so as to drive home man's infatuation with life's purpose being a functional extension of the god Eros' power.

Further adventures will see him running afoul of entities reminiscent of the Cenobites, beings addicted to limit experiences both divine and devilish in nature. I want to unpack the very meaning of sexual debauchery in an age simultaneously flooded with and bereft of it.

It will end with the two of them settling for a more sexless life, after he finds out that his body is only capable of generating so many orgasms before organ failure sets in. As with most insects. The relationship dissolves soon after, and he finds himself going for increasingly dangerous missions afterward.

Eventually their issues are resolved as his wife becomes a bug like him in an attempt to have children but the attempt leaves her dead and his life all at once ruined, having yearned for a happiness that was never meant to be. He is left bereft, but able to experience the more wholesome joy of raising 13 dangerous offspring, functional genetic clones of this strange creature he had become all those years ago.

It'll be 2 years running and get a CGI miniseries on HBO.

>> No.14077013

why doesn't he wear sunglasses?

>> No.14077821

>The idea feels a bit wacky in summary, but I feel like it would be easy to get over if there is some half decent world building
Its funny you mention world building, because I agree, its kind of what the whole idea lives or dies by to a large degree, and its also something that I'm having a lot of difficulty with. Its meant to be surreal, like magical realism. The reader is the only one who knows just how strange this world is. Maybe the characters don't entirely understand their world, but still many of the supernatural aspects are simply normal to them to some extent. Something like that.
This whole concept comes from an amalgamation of ideas I've had over a long period, with the most recent being the whole goat eyes story, as well as a desire to write a literary vampire/fantasy novel that might interest modern readers without sacrificing its integrity. Its been slow going.
This occurred to me, and the explanation I am currently working with is threefold. Firstly, he was not born with this condition, it was something that developed at an early age, so for a number of formative years he was normal, and has been grappling with the change since.
Second, he did wear sunglasses when younger, using photosensitivity as an excuse, however, he might hide his eyes but more difficult to hide is his uncanny perception. Its also not practical to wear sunglasses constantly. He was eventually found out, persecuted, and developed a complex, leading to the character he has today.
Finally, people with such conditions are not entirely out of the ordinary in the world of the story. Maybe uncommon for various reasons, but not unheard of. So while he is an anomaly and pays for it, he is not an alien like existence.
Further, as he aged he also decided to some extent to stop hiding, especially due to his solitary lifestyle. If he's alone as much as possible, he doesn't have to hide as much.
Maybe these aren't very good explanations, but I feel that for the story's sake, he must be exposed to some degree as a mutant.
If you have any better ideas, I'd love to hear criticism or suggestions.

>> No.14077842

i have a bunch of alternative timelines, all absurd but probably original
one of them: Eurasia is now split between just two cities grown to gargantuan sizes, Rome on the West and Ulaan-Baatar on the East. roman and mongolian metropolies with a strip of barren land stretching from northernmost Siberia to the banks of Indian Ocean.
folk futurist shit

>> No.14077846

It's a dystopian novel about marketing in the modern age. The premise is Coca-Cola one day decides to completely stop advertising. No sponsorships, promotions, commercials, nothing. As a result, old coca cola merchandise becomes very valuable. People in a general sense begin to panic and start producing coca cola promotional material all on their own. The company receives a massive boost in sales because of this stunt, and saves a ton of money from cutting their marketing department. People go on to venerate coca cola products and remark nostalgically about old coke commercials, signs, and promotional events. The book ends as all other companies begin to do the same, and marketing as a concept ceases to exist because regular people are willing to fulfill the same role promoting products in a genuine way that's absolutely free for the company.