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14069433 No.14069433 [Reply] [Original]

is tolkien right?

>> No.14069450


>> No.14069459

Yeah pretty much. The world is now small and lacking all sense of spirituality/mystery, and what we got in return is mass culture, "egalitarianism", hordes of third world migrants, and corporate domination.

>> No.14069995
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I'm convinced the world has become blander. It's safer, sure, and a higher quality of life, but sometimes it feels like even little adventures have become over sanitized.

>> No.14071021
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>Not long ago-incredible though it may seem-I heard a clerk of Oxford declare that he 'welcomed' the proximity of mass-production robot factories, and the roar of self-obstructive traffic, because it brought his university into 'contact with real life.'
>He may have meant that the way men were living and working in the twentieth century was increasing in barbarity at an alarming rate, and that the loud demonstration of this in the streets of Oxford might serve as a warning that it is not possible to preserve for long an oasis of sanity in a desert of unreason by mere fences, without actual offensive action (practical and intellectual).
>I fear he did not. In any case the expression 'real life' in this context seems to fall short of academic standards. The notion that motor-cars are more 'alive' than, say, centaurs or dragons is curious; that they are more 'real' than, say, horses is pathetically absurd. How real, how startlingly alive is a factory chimney compared with an elm tree: poor obsolete thing, insubstantial dream of an escapist!

>> No.14071939

I agree with him 100%, but at the same time, I wonder if people like him (and us) are really any more reasonable or sane than those who support the modern way of living. Aren't we just acting in our own self-interest, like everyone else? Would Tolkien still have been so critical of 'mass-production robot factories', had he been born in one of the millions of lower class families whose standard of living was significantly improved by the industrial revolution?

>> No.14071948

There is such a thing as moderation.
While I'm thankful for all the life-changing benefits we got, that doesn't mean I have to be a good little cuckboi