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14068010 No.14068010 [Reply] [Original]

>author uses a word I'm not familiar with

>> No.14068031
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>open paradise lost
>every word requires contextual knowledge of the period and religion

wew, I just got filtered

>> No.14068050

Milton led a monastic lifestyle while he wrote that book which included no sex, no masturbation. The retaining of semen allowed greater creative expression and opened his horizon to things beyond and greater than our lowly fleshly aspirations.

>> No.14068072

milton's english is pretty experimental, i don't think anyone has read milton without feeling overwhelmed by his grammatical abuse of the language and his addition of uncommon latinate words. he basically treated english as if it was latin. his style suffers for it at times but it's also interesting. it's pure autism tho, so don't feel bad if you miss some stuff lmao

>> No.14068076

H-How many years of NoFap are required to understand his work?

>> No.14068089
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>never look up definitions and just make up my own meaning using context clues for words I don't know
Popping open a dictionary just ruins the flow of muh reading. There's no point.

>> No.14068102

Wow, Mr Miyazaki I didn't know you posted here!

>> No.14068107
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>look up every word I don't know
>quickly glance at its meaning
>encounter word again
>have to look it up again

>> No.14068114

>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

>> No.14068122

Same mang. After a while I just stopped looking them up.

>> No.14068124

this is how you learn words lmao some words take several reminders to retain

>> No.14068134

sometimes it's a problem of frequency. I'll learn a new word and then won't read/hear it for a year and it drops out of my lexicon.

>> No.14068136

>use my definition of a word somewhere
>realise its scope and sense is all off
i don't care

>> No.14068190
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>author doesn't personally cater to my lexicon

What the fuck dude

>> No.14068233

brainlet, it's not that hard to follow even if you don't catch every reference to a random river in Anatolia

>> No.14068235

This meme is so weird. What do No Fap proselytisers get out of it? Why do they feel so strongly about converting people, writing out a rant in every thread it comes up? If they had discovered the secret of success and self-control, you’d think they’d no longer be posting on 4chan and certainly not posting motivational anti-fap sermons at every opportunity. I know some people do it ironically but there is way too much effort put into it to be entirely insincere.

>> No.14068239

try it out bro

>> No.14068302

Depends what degree of understanding you want to achieve

>> No.14068308

yeah, happens to the best of us, dictionaries must be consulted daily for people who hope to have a good vocabulary imo

>> No.14068581

Because it's a serious problem if you don't want half of <25yo males having erectile dysfunction among many other things. But a copypasta and a two half-ironic topical sentences is hardly rantful proselytising.

>> No.14068595

Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a meme and only affects a small amount of men. Honestly, cumbrains deserve it, so it doesn't warrant attention. The problem of porn isn't what it does to your dick, it is how it erodes the brain, and makes you a slave to sexual distractions.

>> No.14068608

Dictionaries have limited use and certainly shouldn't be consulted by default. If you need to awkwardly use a word you learnt from a dictionary (which you will if you didn't learn it passively), then you not only don't need the word but shouldn't be using it.

>> No.14068625

Welcome to the works of Jack Vance.

>> No.14068636

i disagree. i like to write down words to look up in the dictionary later, when i see the word again, i recognize it, sometimes i remember the meaning, other times, i don't. in the end, i get the meaning down and learn how to use it naturally via contexts i've seen it in. this is normal and dictionaries have been an important literary tool since the akkadian empire lmao

>> No.14068670

Erectile dysfunction is more of a problem than that, there are young teens with it lmao. But that's what I meant by 'among many other things'. ED is just the most blatant and physical. But yeah I agree, porn is like mindless, habitual novelty web browsing amplified by a thousand. You're better off fapping to no porn than not fapping and browsing porn. I say this because a lot of retards seem to think this is fine. Noporn should be bigger than nofap, though ultimately fapping is just conditioning unwanted behaviour and mental states. It should be reduced to uncommon occasion, not routine.

>> No.14068677

Way to miss the point.Time to go back to nofap/

>> No.14068764

>this is normal and dictionaries have been an important literary tool since the akkadian empire lmao
And why should I care? IM SO LITERARY posters here continue to oust themselves as being little more than teenage girls gossiping about celebrities. You'll never 'make it' if all you do is consume a shallow subculture and base your (non)identity around that consumption. I will not lessen my mind by relying on misleading (and doctored) definitions and jotted notes to use what would already be in my mind if I cared to develop it. That does not mean it has no utility, however. Literacy is merely part of the degenerating process of handing the reins to technology, and in turn becoming incompetent and foggy. There is a need to be wary of that because it, you, is very easy to control and shape as a result. A pertinent example is making some words racist or sexist. You might see through it but Mr. dictionary-lover Jr. will crusade against the dissenters denying those definitions without a single thought of why, what and how.

>> No.14068822

tl;dr lmao are you really sperging out because i said i use a dictionary as a reading tool?

>> No.14068951

Because they feel like they have little control over their lives, whether they struggle to get women, struggle to find success and praise, or even just struggle to find happiness, they've found this thing that they believe surely will lead them to their goals. It's so simple! You just stop jerking off. They don't pay much mind beyond the simplicity. Who would actually want to work hard to fix their problems when something simple will fix them? So they take part, they placebo themselves, and when that short term fix starts to fade, they lash out and try their damnedest to prove to everyone else that what they're doing works.

>> No.14068963

have sex

>> No.14068967

You have no control over your life if you're a slave to your dick, so yeah, you're right.

>> No.14068970

And this is not coming from a coomer or whatever, I actually do it sparingly. Sometimes for shits, I take november off. Never have I ever noticed an increase in productivity or quality of thought. Plus... they never read Joyce so fuck em

>> No.14068975

Eh, I do alright for myself. Not as good as some men, but I'm content. Also, achieved a little success with my writing, plus I'm real excited about my horizon.

>> No.14068980

>Eh, I do alright for myself.
holy friggin' cope

>> No.14068991

You can see by:
that I struck a nerve with them. Whether or not you think that's valuable is up to you.

>> No.14069010


>> No.14069065

>the retaining of semen allowed greater creative expression

>> No.14069092

try it out bro

>> No.14069110

except when he jizzed on his bedsheets while sleeping

>> No.14069135
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>author spends years crafting a subtle narrative containing obscure references and sublime metaphors
>mfw I google the detailed analysis online and instantly dab on his effort

>> No.14069136


>> No.14069156

Unironically based. Fuck this faggot authors who think "muh symbolism" and "muh allegory" makes them good writers. Quit trying to be unique and obscure; just write a decent fucking story.

>> No.14069167


>> No.14069220

Tbh senpai I think most authors just use their lifetime supply of witnessed art as their arsenal. I'm sure if you wrote plenty of books there's be mountains of allusions you perhaps didn't even realize

>> No.14070277

>- I don't understand this word, what do?
>- Stop masturbating!
>- or should I get a dictionary or google it or...
> -nvm that, just don't touch peepee

>> No.14070322
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every time I hit a word or phrase I can't define, even if I have a vague idea of what it means, I put it down on a sticky note and stick it to the wall. I cycle them out as I become familiar with them. especially helpful for words/conjugations in foreign language learning. here's my two year stack

>> No.14070332

>see a word that I'm not familiar with
>use my 153 IQ and knowledge of latinate rootwords to instantly gauge the meaning from context
>realise that some people are not so linguistically talented and have to resort to using dictionaries
>feel humbled and enriched in my wisdom

>> No.14070338
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