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/lit/ - Literature

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14067352 No.14067352 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to become a modern day Renaissance man

>> No.14067454

Pick two intellectual pursuits ie music and lit and become an expert in them. Be /fit/ or play a competitive sport —a cool one. Do some sort of public service in politics if you are rich. Otherwise, become rich.

>> No.14067926
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>> No.14068296

What are the two easiest intellectual pursuits to become experts at

>> No.14068301

Imitate their lifestyles.

>>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

>> No.14068317

Picasso and Joyce were notorious coomers

>> No.14068337

Nigger, just learn how to read, write, draw and do mathematics well and you can become an expert on literally fucking anything under the range of the Liberal Arts.
It's fucking nothing if you learn the principles on why they can be experts on many things, which is something that has been lost thanks to scientism and the glorification of being a specialist (read: an autist) in something niche.

>> No.14068344

They were neither Renaissance men nor intellectual geniuses.

>> No.14068356

Learn to breakdance, become a grafitti writer, make beats, learn how to scatch and write rhymes. Also, smoke weed everyday.

>> No.14068364

big if true

>> No.14068377

Don Quixote wasn’t written in prison. Also they fuck in prisons, if you’ve ever been there.

>> No.14068390

Writing is the easiest
Perhaps painting or music afterwards

>> No.14068436

You would know.

>> No.14068483

>Joyce wasn’t a genius

>> No.14068512

138 IQ is not genius tier. Intelligence and time to write produces novel prose. No surprise there.

>> No.14068516


>> No.14068517

Joyce never took an IQ test. You’re a troll. My IQ is higher than 138 and I know that I’ll never come close to producing work like Joyce.

>> No.14068542

Joyce was not a genius and your IQ is lower than the online test you took indicates. There is nothing in his work that indicates genius; the only barometer for this label, is your relatively inferior writing skills, which is subjective and itself being an argument lends serious credence against your claim of being intelligent in the first place.

>> No.14068717

Nice word salad faggot. I’ve never taken an online IQ test just like how you’ve never read a single page of Joyce. Now bugger off

>> No.14068788
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Read widely, be curious about everything, don't look down on others for living and thinking differently, pursue your passions, don't lie to yourself, don't ever be content with how you think, question yourself (productively), love other human beings, be kind to others, be genuinely interested in other lives and other ways of living, never think categorically, write often, think honestly, be open to new ideas and experiences, travel if you can, value life

>> No.14068887

I'm starting to think that OP was referring to this instead of mastering multiple disciplines or so.
I guess I still haven't mastered reading completely.

>> No.14069645

That is literally the mark considered for 'genius'

>> No.14069718


>> No.14069732

Read books about polymaths faggot

>> No.14069796

What are some good books on polymaths, O my paragon of heterosexuality?

>> No.14069830

>Literally be a sperglord but on useful stuff

>> No.14069851
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keep going, keep going

>> No.14069861

Like what anon? Give us the reccs

>> No.14069875

To be honest i think it is impossible due to the volume of information produced in every subject during these last 300 years, but for all means try, you would do the world a favor

>> No.14069945

And it shows in the awful shit they made.

>> No.14070650

I honestly think with literature, art, and music its doable. However when you wanna add STEM topics to it that's when it becomes really difficult.
>inb4 stemfag
Yes you retards literature, philosophy, and art are easier to grasp even children can excel in them

>> No.14070693

Learn Latin

>> No.14070957
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>easier to grasp than STEM

>> No.14071314

>learn at least two languages other than your own
>play an instrument and be able to read sheet music
>paint, draw, or photograph in your spare time but only as a hobby away from your chief intellectual pursuit
>read voraciously so that you can talk to any company
>do maths for fun and not because you're a STEMzombie
>have at least one patent to your name
>keep a garden
>collect bugs or rocks
>fuck lots of exotic women
It's that simple :>)

>> No.14071582
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>> No.14071594

Literal retard. This is why people hate STEMs you edgy brainlets.