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14066940 No.14066940 [Reply] [Original]

How can I become a poète maudit?

>> No.14067088

Just become and that's it
Why do you assking?

>> No.14067096

>A poète maudit (French pronunciation: [pɔɛt modi], accursed poet) is a poet living a life outside or against society. Abuse of drugs and alcohol, insanity, crime, violence, and in general any societal sin, often resulting in an early death are typical elements of the biography of a poète maudit.
I mean if this doesn't give you even a vague idea of how to achieve that idk what to tell you

>> No.14067186

You post on 4chan for 12 hours a day and your sister publishes your compiled posts as the “Tendies Opus Magnum”. This would be more extreme and interesting than imitating Baudelaire or Rimbaud or whatever. Drugs are cool now, isolation is the new marginalisation

>> No.14067279

Not worth it. This drinking life, the gutters, noisy bars, ragged comrades, ragged lines that only 3 or 4 people on the face of the earth say they like ... not worth it.

My advice?

Work during the day in a reputable profession that gives you money to live well. If you live in the US you can even work writing film and TV scripts and exercise your verbal talent (working in groups, collaborating with others, this isn't going to be your main artwork after all).

If you want a poet maudit bacchanalian part of life, you can get much higher quality women with a higher career. Even if it's just money: earn well and pay well for luxury prostitutes with Greek goddess bodies (and without having to worry about their feelings and problems: just pay the tax and have fun)

So, at night, sit down and work diligently on your poetry, not worrying about publication or fame, but doing everything better than all other poets did. Read the poets you most admire and try to beat them at your own game. That's the Emily Dickinson style, and she create far better art than any of the poet maudit bums.

If you live near New York or London you can even write poetic dramas and maybe try to stage them. Even that can pay off if you get famous (see Martin McDonagh, Jez Butterworth, Tom Stoppard)

>> No.14067289

Jesús what a bore

>> No.14067367

This is what rupi Kaur would do. The essence of the cursed poet is that he faces the society, he doesn't try to live along well with it.

>> No.14067416

>The essence of the cursed poet is that he faces the society,

And society doesn't give a damn about them, just as they dont give a damn about homeless people. They are invisible.

>> No.14067421

But they are immortal

>> No.14067489

>Just become.

It's hard when you lack desire.

Most of that seems pretty easy except for the poetry part.

So not having your job be your work? I guess a nice side-benefit is that your job would just be practice.

Maybe just pretend to fit in during the week and then do the whole rejection-of-society thing on the weekends until it pans out?

That's not an awful idea. Just cherry-pick the good stuff to publish.

>> No.14067508

>But they are immortal

only to 3 or 4 readers and professors, and that mostly a few years after they are gone. In 100 years even less people will care. We are not talking here of Beethovens, Mozarts, Michelangelos, Shakespeares, Tolstoys.

We are talking about a much more marginal, lazy, obscure, improvised and mendicant type of art. These are drunken scribbles made by people who don't want to waste time on years of study and technique. It's the equivalent of abstract paintings that only "experts" find valuable.

There is nothing honorable, revealing, revolting, sanctified, or divine in alcoholics and drug addicts. These are people who inspire more pity and disgust than fear or reverence. The fact that they do scribble a few Twitter posts in notebooks doesn't make them much different from any beggars in big cities.

>> No.14068861
File: 191 KB, 900x604, -the-parnassus-raphael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are immortal in the parnassus

>> No.14068879

It's about following desire

>> No.14068882

So basically a pos, and not an actual poet
>Actual good advice.
Ignore this guy, op. you want to smell like piss and vomit, or your poetic voice will not be authentic.

>> No.14068918

Step 1: Be damned
Step 2: Write poetry

Step 1 is probably well on its way. Keep writing poetry and you'll be damned for good.

>> No.14068927
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