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14066333 No.14066333 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14066358

This record has me thinking about Kierkegaard's thoughts about faith and religion, so I'd recommend to start there. Kanye is living in accordance with his belief and his true thoughts are revealed in JIK. It's beautiful

>> No.14066379

And another thread about jebus. Good job.

>> No.14066461
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Read the New Testament. The gospels especially for the true message of Jesus Christ.

I'd also recommend Jacques Ellul's Christianity and Anarchism. Pretty interesting stuff. Kanye, in his interview for this album, espouses local communities organized around the church - akin to anarchism.

“In sum, I have no faith in a pure anarchist society, but I do believe in the possibility of creating a new social model. The only thing is that we now have to begin afresh. The unions, the labor halls, decentralization, the federative system - are all gone. The perverse use that has been made of them has destroyed them. The matter is all the more urgent because all our political forms are exhausted and practically nonexistent. Our parliamentary and electoral system and our political parties are just as futile as dictatorships are intolerable. Nothing is left. And this nothing is increasingly aggressive, totalitarian, and omnipresent. Our experience today is the strange one of empty political institutions in which no one has any
confidence any more, of a system of government which functions only in the interests of a political class, and at the same time of the almost infinite growth of power, authority and social control which makes any one of our democracies a more authoritarian mechanism than the Napoleonic state.” (Elull, Anarchy and Christianity, 22)

“This is the result of techniques. We cannot speak of a technocracy, for technicians are not formally in charge. Nevertheless, all the power of government derives from techniques, and behind the scenes technicians provide the inspiration and make things possible. There is no point here in discussing what everybody knows, namely, the growth of the state, of bureaucracy, of propaganda (disguised under the name of public information), of conformity, of an express policy of making us all producers and consumers, etc. To this development there is strictly no reply. No one even puts the questions. The churches have once again betrayed their mission. The parties play outdated games. It is in these circumstances that I regard anarchy as the only serious challenge, as the only means of achieving awareness, as the first active step.” (Elull, Anarchy and Christianity, 22)

Most of all... remember that Jesus and God love you

>> No.14066468


How can you not feel the holy spirit?

Philippians 2:10-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

>> No.14066605

ath*ists mad, as per usual

>> No.14066771

Don't want to this thread to die

“We might condemn this attitude, talking of depoliticization. As we shall see, this was in fact the global attitude of Jesus. But we must take note that it is not desocialization. Jesus is not advising us to leave society and go into the desert. His counsel is that we should stay in society and set up in it communities which obey other rules and other laws. This advice rests on the conviction that we cannot change the phenomenon of power. And this is prophetic in a sense when we consider what became of the church when it entered the political field and began to play politics. It was immediately corrupted by the relation to power and by the creation of its own authorities. Finally, of course, one might rightly object that setting up independent communities outside the political power was relatively easy in the days of Jesus but is no longer possible today. This is a real objection but it is hardly enough to convince us that we may engage in politics, which is always a means of conquering others and exercising power over them.” (Elull, Anarchy and Christianity, 62)

"No God, no Master" and "I believe in God the Father Almighty" - these two convictions I hold in all sincerity. No one can be the master of others in the sense of being superior. No one can impose his or her will on others. I do not know God at all as supreme Master. I reject all human hierarchy. Jean-Paul Sartre finely expressed the unique value of every human being when he said that one human being, no matter who, is of equal worth to all others. Before Sartre, Jesus made no distinction between people. Those in power were upset by his attitude and wanted his death. They said to him: "You speak without worrying "about what will be, for you do not regard the position of persons" (Matthew 22:16). Human life transcends all the laws that try to organize society. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are full of stories of clashes between Jesus and the authorities because he violated the law out of
concern for individual lives.” (Elull, Anarchy and Christianity, 97)

>> No.14067274
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>> No.14067329
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