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14064392 No.14064392 [Reply] [Original]

How do you work up the motivation to read a book? I’m so used to getting the cliffnotes version of philosophy spoonfeed to me on shitty 4chad posts of dubious quality that I’ve developed the attention span of a gnat

>> No.14064397

I read because I like reading

>> No.14064480

Please help guys

>> No.14064498

if you wanted to read then you'd read :s

>> No.14064499

I have depression and I procrastinate a lot

>> No.14064500

Me on the left, except I would just sit and drink. myself to sleep on the couch.

I know it's hard, you probably need to get off the nternet, maybe go out, bring a book to the shitter instead of your phone, same for when you commute if you do.

>> No.14064524

You want to shitpost on 4chan so here you are, you obviously don't want to read

>> No.14064537

and people still believe in free will

>> No.14064571

help me guys im trying to work up the motivation to read crime and punishment but i cant stop browsing 4chad

>> No.14064624

Guys please

>> No.14064632

>that pic
lmao why does nature make woman mature faster its like kids with full grown women

>> No.14064645

Go to the library for an hour with a book on a subject that interests you when you have some free time and sit your ass down and force yourself to read even if you're struggling. Best thing about the library is they have dictionaries, or just use your phone to look up words. You probably will be better than you think since 4chan is reading. Best wishes OP.

>> No.14065328

Motivation is an emotion. Stop letting emotions control you. All you need is discipline.

>> No.14065344
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Like anything you find difficult: just do it. You train your brain with what you do. You are constantly rewiring your brain to optimize it for the tasks you do regularly. So do the things you wish you could, even if you do them poorly at first. Everything worthwhile entails hardship and suffering and frustration. Or else shut the fuck up and accept life as a slug, unable to grasp his own will to power. Well, even a slug can do that. Accept being less than a slug, or read books. Your call.

>> No.14065363

yeah, remember how fucking weird it was in 8th grade

>> No.14066412
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Bump. Feels like it's always been like that for me. Can't find the motivation to do anything at this point.

>> No.14066421

That isn't you on the left then. That guy is drinking water and has his mind set on the creator, not a bunch of disgusting creatures.

>> No.14066459
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Thanks. That inspired me to think of going outside to the local library in... Aaaaah
>Die Stadtbücherei ist wegen Renovierungsarbeiten vom 28.10. bis zum 15.11.2019 geschlossen.
Just wondering if it's possible to bring my own books into the library.
Just bought a bunch of books and Amazon with are just catching dust at this point.
I am a terrible procrastinator.
But when it opens again I'll go for sure.
Thanks, Anon.

>> No.14066486

What do you have the motivation to do? The energy is going somewhere, think about it, see the patterns and then make a choice. But your whole will must be in it, you can't be dragging parts of yourself along that are wanting to be elsewhere.

>> No.14066526

Who are you to say I'm not contemplating God's great plan in my drunkenness

>> No.14066890

me on the left desu

>> No.14066901
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Self hatred/disliking your current self. No joke.
My driving force is seeing progress in my life, be that through working out, learning a new language or reading more. My self confidence is based on what I've done the last couple of weeks. If I have stuck to the goals I've set I feel good, if not I get sad.

Might be an unhealthy approach, but it works for me.

>> No.14066908

Alles wird gut Brudi. Sei ohne Sorge

>> No.14066923

Just start with short stories. Reading one a day is good enough until you can pick up a tempo.

>> No.14066929


>> No.14066944
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>> No.14066945

These are two "skills" you learned in school. Hard to unlearn that. I think the best way is to just turn off your Internet access and you'll need to find other ways to fill the day.

>> No.14066951

hmm, vielleicht ein Cafe? Normaleweise lese ich an der Universität, aber Zuhause geht es einfach nicht. Es gibt zu viele Dinge hier, PC usw.
nee, ich bin >>14066901
Norweger :)

>> No.14066968
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Basierter Norweger freun

>> No.14066992
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Brudis für immer

>> No.14067040

Angsteinflößend wie die Zeit vergeht, ohne dass man irgendetwas merkt. Praktisch ganzen Tag auf diesem Brett verbracht.

>> No.14067079

Ja, das passiert manchmal. Ich muss jetzt raus (trainieren), aber wir können weiter reden auf Discord ob du möchtest: Gobber#6620
schönen Tag noch!

>> No.14067089

Gibts in deiner Stadt keine Uni Bib in die du gehen könntest ?

>> No.14067366
File: 63 KB, 425x960, 1428954513838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werde mal nach Schule gucken.
Werde die Tage mal auf Discord kommen.
Man sieht sich

>> No.14067410

you "might" be retarded. best way to fix that is to shut off your internet access and you'll need to find other ways to fill the day