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14062522 No.14062522 [Reply] [Original]

>born to white american family
>raised catholic, attended private school
>learned greeks, romans, and bible as youngun
>began study of latin and greek in high school
>accepted to minorly prestigious liberal arts college, major in philosophy
>become atheist, try drugs, get laid
>about to graduate next year
>working shit job
>no plans for future
>possibly alcoholic and addicted to smoking cigs and weed
>trying nofap and going on a one year dry streak
Where did I go wrong? What do I do next? What philosopher should I read next?

>> No.14062529

keep going anon
We have a great plan for you <3

>> No.14062536
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Come home Christian man

>> No.14062540

>become atheist, try drugs, get laid
Yeah that totally happened. I bet you injected hashish and almost had an overdose

>> No.14062550

I do jenkem mostly

>> No.14062564


>> No.14062585

>What philosopher should I read next?
Blaise Pascal

>> No.14062603

>I do jenkem mostly

>> No.14062632
File: 47 KB, 303x566, Sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did I go wrong?
Right here:
>accepted to minorly prestigious liberal arts college, major in philosophy
>become atheist, try drugs, get laid
Enjoy your debt, lack of practical skills and nihilism.

>> No.14062641

Augustine you nigger

>> No.14062651

What book?
I am free from nihilism now that I am free of the church. Enlightenment is progress.

>> No.14062652

>attended private school
that's where
fuck off

>> No.14062657
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>> No.14062659

Read Confessions. Kinda scared me. Mom keeps bugging you to quit your cool gnostic cult and rejoin catholicism so you become a volcel neoplatonic ripoff. Hope that never happens to me...

>> No.14062664

>where did I go wrong

at least you see it
2.Bring God unto the Bathroom
4.stop taking yourself so seriously
5.get sober
6.go to the gym

Repeat this and She will come

>> No.14062679

Ya. It was pretty awful desu. I didn't get along well.
5 & 6 sound good

>> No.14062989

The next logical step is trying out gay sex. Have fun!

>> No.14063012

Read Stirner and create a union of egoists.

>> No.14063015

>actively having faith against miracles

>> No.14063018

4 seems most relevant to your case anon

>> No.14063031

unironically Sartre

>> No.14063057

I have a complicated theodicy of miracles actually but christians are full of shit.
1,2, & 3 sound crazy -- especially in order

Tho I do 1 my own way
And for 2 I seek a permanent partner as I am growing older

Irregardless, yes, 4, o watuh gu siam!

>> No.14063068

Being and Nothingness good? I hear he got metood and no one likes him anymore. And supported some other problematic stuff.

>> No.14063155

Read Marx and become a communist revolutionary, you'll live an exciting life.

>> No.14064154

private school students do, on average, better than public school students. So I don't think that's where OP went wrong.

You try law school? it's a bit of a crapshoot but a fair amount of my friends who went into philosophy went into law and make a decent living (you need a good GPA and LSAT scores to have a chance at getting more out of it than you put in though). Also being on drugs and alcohol is bad from a health perspective so it's good you get off them. Another job possibility is to become an accountant or something, it's not a very hard career as long as your IQ is above room temperature.