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/lit/ - Literature

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14061262 No.14061262 [Reply] [Original]

what are some lesser known books to read for Halloween?

>> No.14061925

stop it I'm trying not to fap

>> No.14061930


>> No.14061933

Delete that pic right now before I coom

>> No.14061936

The Coiled Serpent.
Science Discovers The Physiological Value of Continence

Masturbation is the worst possible habit a man can have

>> No.14061942

Why do you say that anon?

I don't disagree but I need motivation to kick the habit

>> No.14061945

Fuck you, we're trying to be celibate. You'll gain nothing by posting lewd pictures. People will respond to you either way so dont jeopardize people's nofap.

>> No.14061993

nofap doesn't work my fren

>> No.14062002

It's a male.

>> No.14062009

I'd say beating your wife and drug abuse is worse, but I might be wrong.

>> No.14062010

What do you mean?
Abstaining from degeneracy is a simple decision, nothing has to "work" here. Deciding not to give in to (((them))) is a simple, political decision. Only meatheads care about test levels. Unfuck your brain, anon. God loves you.

>> No.14062011

Is this a girl?

>> No.14062013


>> No.14062017

Define "girl"

>> No.14062026


>> No.14062033

Does she have two X chromosomes?

>> No.14062044

He gains the greatest prize of all,
You’re welcome for yours by the way

>> No.14062051
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>> No.14062054

(you)s have zero value

>> No.14062062
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Chicken butt

>> No.14062065

now you're just being cruel

>> No.14062074
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>> No.14062084

I hope that's a boy.

>> No.14062091

what's some literature on the fetishization of feet?

>> No.14062116

>beating your wife
Doesn't affect me. Even if I had a wife, the harm to yourself (let's be honest, all that matters is subjective reality), is minuscule. In actuality, the cause of such an effect (anger, malice, hot-headedness, etc), is far worse than the actual act itself.
>drug abuse
Only affects brainlets. Also, it's been proven that sexual urges are stronger than drug urges.

>> No.14062133

Abstaining from your natural physical needs only makes them more urgent and irresistible. After 10 days of nofap you will think of nothing but sex. There is no "threshold" beyond which you will stop thinking about sex. The further you go, the harder it gets. The need to let off your semen willl become an enormous distraction, so exactly the opposite of what nofap is supposed to do.

To oppose degeneracy you simply need to be balanced. If you think masturbating every day distracts you from your goals, then jerk it off once every three days. Simple as that. And if you still think it's not enough, then try it once a week. It's up to you. But you will never resist too long, because it's unnatural and unhealthy. Masturbation is not the same as drugs or videogames (or 4chan. Those are things that you can, for real, completely remove from your life, because they're "external" to your body. But sexual need is an intrinsic part of your very being, like the need to piss or poop. You can't eradicate it.

I know I'm gonna get a dozen replies because I expressed a very uncommon opinion for the standards of this board. However it's the truth, and you're simply dumb if you don't wanna accept it.

>> No.14062140

t. shekelstein

>> No.14062171

Uh oh mods are coming we had better run

>> No.14062172

Got one, hell yeah

>> No.14062184

This faggot is literally being cucked by conspiracy theories.

>> No.14062189

This faggot is burning away his brain

>> No.14062229

Yeah, what a retard. Lol.

>> No.14062233

Literally 2/3 of your favorite writers were footfags. Do you even read?

>> No.14062240
File: 381 KB, 1591x2560, 81Vmq0KrOwL dracul dacre stoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this any good?

its a prequel to dracula written by the great grand nephew of bram stoker

>> No.14062415

gib sauce

>> No.14062448


>> No.14062458
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Read this seminal book:

>The Mysteries of Udolpho is a Gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe, published in 1794. It was one of the most popular novels of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was then and continues to be widely regarded as a key text in the development of the Gothic genre.

>> No.14062569
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>> No.14062672

huge manfeet u cant trick me

>> No.14062745

It's a guy, isn't it?

>> No.14062919

Read https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3050060/

>> No.14062936

>thread on lit
>95% of the posts have nothing to do with books.

Why the fuck do I keep coming here?

>> No.14063166

It's the opposite brainlet. Sexual behavior is driven by habit and if you starve the habit pathways, the desire abates. The problem is brainlets like you continue to lust and expose themselves to the occasion for arousal. Of course they're going to fail. If you would have taken it seriously and removed yourself from anything that could possibly stimulate you, and in place, read and filled your mind with good things, you would have found abstinence not only feasible but it would have served to lower your sexual urges and unclouded your mind. Instead, you indulge this, pretending it is taking care of the problem. Meanwhile, the porn folder in your memory, your human brain, continues to grow larger. The number of sexual experiences you had, grows. This creates multifaceted neuronal pathways that build on one another and the neuronal networking becomes so strong that abstinence one day becomes impossible. That is where you are. You have erred, and you are beyond repair. You are stuck being a hypersexual slave to your dick for the rest of your life because you likened it to pissing or shitting, which is a stupid and fallacious comparison.

>> No.14063282

Only truths in this post.

>> No.14063354
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i don't read

>> No.14063368

Is this oc ? naughty naughty

>> No.14063482

Good post. However,

>neuronal networking becomes so strong that abstinence one day becomes impossible.

Is not true. Even meth addicts can recover from addiction given enough time--it's a personal hell to do it, but it can be done. Not matter how far gone you think you are, it's still possible to recover. Though obviously, it gets harder the longer it goes.

>> No.14063491

>Only affects brainlets
falser words have never been spoken

>> No.14063519

Neuroplasticity is a meme past your mid 20s and limited mostly to habit regions. Your contrasting point is moot if we consider that such addicts experience stronger sexual urges than drug urges, which means that masturbation/sex addiction is worse than hard drugs and requires even more power and effort to combat.

>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

Your advice, while well-meaning, is of false assurance and would give many some hope of continuing in their error as long as they have some time to repair it. Time is limited. Fix it before its too late.

>> No.14063588

do you think that lessening the habit of masturbation gradually works to get rid of it completely (once a week, then once every two weeks, once a month...) or it is better to constrain all at once?

>> No.14063664

There is a hormone rebound which makes infrequent indulgence become very difficult if you're young. I suggest 1 week periods of no more than once daily where when you feel it gone, you decide from that moment to quit for as long as possible which can be months. If you fail again, remember, you'll be out at least a week. Ignoring this rebound period makes you associate abstinence with difficulty and will hinder your efforts at success. Just do not extend the lust or frequency of it during that time. Never view hardcore pornography either. Do not go on searches.

>> No.14063673

this is a man isn't it

>> No.14063678
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evidence proves otherwise dumb coomer

solid kek. you know why?

>> No.14063746

Butterfly is a Woman

>> No.14063965


>> No.14063972

You left out a crucial part in your quote. Here's the full quote:

>Additionally, our results illustrate that the libido brain response might be restored, and that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand, in individuals with MA use disorder following long-term drug rehabilitation.

*MA use disorder = Meth addicts

So they're making an uncertain statement on a specific group of people. In their own words:

>Therefore, our results might suggest that the brains of individuals with MA use disorder are more interested in sexual visual stimulation, rather than drug-related visual cues, with long-term drug abstinence, which are supported faintly by significantly higher subjective craving scores for sex than drugs in the MA group. This speculation needs to be verified by more rigorous studies.

The majority of porn addicts trying to quit are not necessarily also recovering meth addicts.

There might also be some sampling bias considering that all of the subjects in the study were Han Chinese. If they reproduced this with a completely different set of subjects of a different ethnicity (say CEU or ASW) they could eliminate any possible confounding effect from genetics. But the only paper I found that cites this one is a crazy study where they apparently injected Meth into Meth Addicts to study their brain response--but that has little to do with the sexual response.

Finally, and most importantly, the paper says nothing about whether the subjects (either control or test) were sexually abstinent during the study. They could all be porn addicts for all we know, or at the very least regular indulgers of the sexual response. In which case the only thing you'd be showing is that the response of a porn addict to porn is significantly higher than a long term MA abstinent's response to pictures of meth. A fair comparison would be between a long term sexual abstinent and a long term MA abstinent. Or between an MA addict and a porn addict. Even if we take the comparison as just, the study shows that completely different brain regions are simulated by MA and porn respectively. For porn it's the occipital lobe, which has to do with image processing.

Also the assertion that "Neuroplasticity is a meme past your mid 20s" is dubious at best. See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3480013/ which demonstrates a case where

>adaptive neuroplasticity [was] achieved with a behavioral intervention that induced positive affect in people with CHD

*CHD = Coronary heart disease

In particular the paper has to do with recidivism wrt to physical activity (which they hypothesize is due to maladaptive neuroplasticity). They show that the maladaptive neuronal circuitry is completely reversible even into old age. You *can* teach an old dog new tricks. It's a little harder, but far from impossible.

The argument for quitting porn should come from positive, practical grounds not dubious fearmongering.

>> No.14064049

>reverse image search
>no results
Sauce please

>> No.14064065
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Free at Smashwords.

>> No.14064086

Based calm and methodical analysis poster

>> No.14065329

What a fucking retard. You've been cucked by /pol/ and 4chan in general. Another impotent miserable white boi, another failure who invents delusional theories to console himself. Hang yourself kid.

>> No.14065349

If he's slave to his dick, youre slave to 4chan. Whats worse, imbecile?

>> No.14065411

>dude prolactin has no effect on the brain haha
open a biology book

>> No.14065423

>if you don’t believe that you must touch your dick, you should kill yourself
Don’t you realize that when you pitch shit and piss at someone for making thoughtful argument, you end up looking like a histrionic fag? What an emotional fairy you are.

>> No.14065430

Yeah sure bro thanks for replying

>> No.14065438
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>> No.14065463

I am a bystander who noticed you had an unwarranted, childish reaction. This isn’t “n64 vs PlayStation” you fag, why did you throw such a big sissyfit? Because someone said masturbation is unhealthy? Literally laughing at you.

>> No.14065479

I'm an histrionic lollipop-fag

>> No.14065504
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Post more boi feet i must coom

>> No.14065610

Thank you both. Your posts were really insightful.

>> No.14065693

>"I confess that I'm addicted to pornography": the post.

>> No.14065718

>I am my brain
Back to your containment board, retard, >>>/sci/

>> No.14065795

His board is >>>/pol/ . Only pitiful white losers can fall for the nofap meme.

>> No.14065824

For the last time it's a girl

>> No.14065858

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

>> No.14065868

Yes it's a girl

>> No.14065875

It's not lesser well known, but Somerhing Wicked This Way Comes is essential October reading.

>> No.14065917
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>> No.14066488
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>> No.14066528
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>> No.14066532

This is why I hate addicts. You're all clearly "addicted" because you're all clearly retarded. There's no such thing as "addictions" — there's energy, and you have a lot of it. The "solution" is to reallocate that energy towards different "addictions." You don't "solve" anything by hiding the stimulus, but by finding a new one. The reason for your masturbation addiction is because you have no goals in your life.

>> No.14066721

it's not, he's too low-fat for a girl.

>> No.14066730
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I want to lick her feet and shoot hot coom into her hole

>> No.14066753
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chicken thigh

>> No.14066794


>> No.14067095
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>> No.14067385
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>> No.14068716


Those better be femboy feet otherwise you're big gay

>> No.14068771

excellent post

>> No.14068837

You just made it 10 times hotter

>> No.14069571


>> No.14069602


>> No.14070485
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this shouldn't be so funny